
When hell freezes over


12-01-2017, 07:22 AM

She had thought that it would be a cold day in hell before she tried to join another pack, but... here she was with her paws on the edge of a pack’s border. Her discussion with Dragon had lingered with her enough that When winter creeped in and she begun to think about what she should do his green-eyed face popped into her mind. It still took her a while to make her way down south and across the land bridge and even longer to convince herself to actually bring herself to where she was now standing.

Her life had been riddled with bad luck and her luck with packs had been no different. However, a hard thing for her to accept was that she was getting older and now she was five years old, a loner, and had no family. The last part really hurt her the most. Family had been such a huge part of her life growing up and she had always expected to have a family of her own, but it never seemed to be in the cards for her. Being in a pack wouldn’t change all of that, but maybe it was a start. She finally lifted her head and howled for Dragon or whoever else might be in charge here. Either way she was staying if they would have her.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-01-2017, 03:59 PM

He'd been sitting with Arke, his younger brother had been applying some medicine to his face to try and better heal the scars and soothe the irritation that had been bothering his eyes lately. He had decided to take a nap while the herbs did their work, but when he heard a howl at his borders, his ears perked. Blindly glancing in his brothers direction, Arke removed the herbs that were mashed on his face so he could tend to his business. Thanking his brother, the earthen male took off with companions in tow, heading off in the direction of the call. He wondered for a moment who it was, but as he got closer, he could smell her. Liviana! He remembered crossing paths with her some time ago, and had wondered if he'd ever see her again. She was an interesting individual to say the least. How had she been doing?

Tail wagging, a lop sided grin crept onto his face as he stopped at the borders, eyes shining as brightly as they could given the injuries he had sustained. Scars were strewn across his face in a diagonal fashion from his right brow to just under his left eye. It was unknown to him at this moment, but eventually...the damage from his cousin's attack would force his vision to fade. Still, he was proud of his battle scars regardless. "Hey Liviana! Long time no see, how've you been?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.


12-01-2017, 06:24 PM

Dragon was prompt in answering her to both her pleasure and dismay. Part of her hoped he’d take his time and give her a chance to change her mind, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. All the same, she was happy to see him again. She remembered the one companion the last time they met, but now he had a pair of them following along. Maybe she’d have to ask him for the story behind them eventually. For now she could focus a bit more on “business”. After all, if she was going to live here they’d have plenty of time for stories and catching up. Assuming he agreed to let her join.

"As well as ever,” she replied with a smile, her tail giving a gentle flick behind her. Her eyes roamed over the scars that were forming across his face with a mix of curiosity and respect. "It looks like you’ve gotten into some excitement since I’ve seen you last,” she commented, a slight grin tugging at her lips. Now that she was focused on him she could catch the lingering scent of herbs on his fur. Good, at least it was being taken care of. She knew quite a few of the warriors she grew up with didn’t agree with getting their wounds treated, but she had never agreed with them. "I have to say, a few scars suit you,” she added with a chuckle. She mostly meant the comment as a teasing joke, but there was certainly some truth to it.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-01-2017, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2017, 07:19 PM by Dragon.)

His smiled tugged a little wider, as well as ever eh? Well that was good at least. For a moment he was worried she might have been hurt or ill, perhaps that being a reason she showed up, but to his relief, that was not the case. "That's good," He noticed her looking him over, her gaze shifting to the newly acquired scars on his face and he suddenly felt embarrassed. Dare he tell her he lost his last fight? While he was proud of his scars and the effort he put into fighting, his pride told him no. At least...not now, anyway. "Ah yes, we went on a raid against another pack. We did well, though some of us came away with some pretty serious injuries...though I imagine my fighters gave the Celestians a run for their money, too." It seemed that way, anyway. It had been too fast paced and hectic for him to really know what was going on around him, but he knew Greed had come away with barely a scratch and quite proud of himself. He made a mental note to seek out the newly appointed warrior and have a talk with him.

His ears laid back in embarrassment again. He looked good with scars? He was a bit flustered (which seemed to be happening often lately), but he kept himself as composed as he possibly could keep himself right now. "A testament of my hard work, I think. Though the way I got them was a bit brutal, I guess I don't regret them." At least, not yet. Recovering, he peered at her with curiosity again. "So, what brings you here? Surely it's not just to say hi and chat, is it?"


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.


12-01-2017, 10:57 PM

Her ears perked with interest when he spoke of their raid on another pack. She hadn’t been in a real fight in so long and the idea of being in a raid had her itching for it. Sure, she lost more family and friends than she could count in raids and battles, but the adrenaline rush that went along with it made it worth it in her mind. "I wish I could have been there,” she mentioned honestly. Perhaps she would get to see the next one... if there was another one. She obviously had no say in that kind of thing and surely not everyone was as hungry for them as she was, but if there ever came a time for another raid she would surely be there.

The way his ears flicked back at her comment made her grin wider, this time from amusement. She wasn’t used to anyone being embarrassed or flustered by anything like that so even his ears flattening at her comment was funny and even a little adorable. She appreciated when he got back down to business since she wasn’t sure if she would herself. She wasn’t normally one to get easily distracted... but he was pretty handsome and it had been a long, long time... She gave her head a little shake and refaced on him with a slight smile. "No, not quite. Actually, I thought I might give this whole being in a pack thing another try... if you’ll have me.”

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-01-2017, 11:15 PM

"I wish I could have been there," He wasn't surprised very much when she said that, though somewhere inside he felt a flicker of doubt. He wasn't sure when they'd go again, mostly it all depended on how they were doing in particular seasons. On top of that, although he was proud of how some of his fighters had fared, some had come away with serious injuries. His brother included, and he knew they needed to train more. Train harder. And be better prepared. "Maybe you'll get a chance, the pack needs to train some more before we do, but I imagine there will be more chances. What's life without a little risk?" Whether it was a smart thing to say, or a dumb thing to say, he didn't care. Life was boring without taking a risk here and there.

His eyes slowly widened in surprise and his smile slowly got a little bigger when she mentioned giving his pack a try. He didn't know what it was, but Talis had an influx of wolves both coming and going lately. Maybe it was the spirits drawing strong souls to him and the pack, or maybe it was just straight luck. Whatever the case was, he was...happy, that Liviana had shown up. And he made it known as his tail wagged even more. "Well, if that's the case, then yes. I would love to have you!" He beamed, then suddenly realized how his words might have him, anyway. "Er, in the pack...that is. So I uh, assume you'd like some more information before making a final decision? Course, you're not bonded to stay and can leave whenever you want if the pack doesn't suit you."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.


12-04-2017, 10:17 AM

Training was certainly something she could get behind. She could appreciate that he recognized that they needed to prepare before the next raid. That at least showed some wisdom if nothing else. She knew far too many fighters that got cocky and threw their lives away because they grew complacent in their training. ”What’s life without a little risk?” She grinned at that and simply nodded in agreement. She was fairly level headed when it came to most things in life, but she had never been one to back down from a challenge just to avoid the risk. If anything she went out looking for it.

She was honestly a bit surprised that he was so happy at the news that she wished to join his pack. Of course this was a different situation than the last few packs she had tried to be a part of since they already knew each other, but she had never felt so welcomed at any of the other packs. It felt like Dragon actually saw a value in having her here. She couldn’t help but chuckle and grin a little when he clarified by what he meant by “having her”. For someone like him that was an alpha that seemed so powerful physically he still seemed so innocent about certain things. It was funny and adorable in a way and surprisingly even made him a little more attractive in her eyes. "Yes, I would appreciate you giving me some more information. I’ve pretty much made up my mind, but it never hurts to know the whole story,” she replied with a slight smile.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-11-2017, 02:17 AM

He nodded, grinning as she inquired for more information regarding the pack. He sat, although it wouldn't take too long to explain to her, he wanted to be in a comfortable position to do so...just in case he ran his mouth and spoke too much, which was often the case for him. "Alright, well...the pack has mostly kept to itself since our move here. Haven't had much contact with the packs in Boreas, but perhaps that'll change. Haven't decided yet. With the packs potential reputation of raiding others, who knows if other packs would even want to be allies. Although I would think future raids would also be Or sport. Though considering the last one, it got out of hand pretty fast." He frowned a bit as he recalled Talis' first raid. A lot had been put on the table, but his warriors had fought fiercely, and had fought well.

"I like to think Talis is a more...warrior based pack. But there are ranks for all interests. Fighting, hunting, healing, scouts, bounty hunters even. As more wolves figure out what they want, then there's always room for more, like crafting and trading. But as of now, there are no such ranks because, well...nobody has expressed interest in that yet. We strive to be the best we can be, and if you work hard, keep up your duties, attend training and show initiative, then you'll more than likely rise up in the ranks. I like to see a lot of action, and I like to think I'm not too hard to please." He looked at Kimahri, pondering what else to say next. There was a lot Talis had to offer, and alot he was willing to work on with his members. Despite his pride and his hard headedness, he was always willing to help out where he could and contribute just as much as he expected his pack members to contribute.

He looked at her, wondering what she thought from what he told her so far. "Talis also has a structure based on respect. Respect those in the same tiered ranks and above, and respect those below you. Even prisoners and the like, but I guess if someone is that far down then they obviously did something to lose all that respect, right? So in a nutshell, work hard, show initiative, and work together for the betterment of the pack, even if there's someone who gets on your nerves. So with that being said, is there a certain field of interest that you'd like to pursue?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.