
Your Mother Was A Hamster!



6 Years
12-01-2017, 04:58 PM

Asgeira left the north with a jovial spring in her step. She had struck a bargain with Ylva to leave exploring it's northernmost regions during a warmer season, reasoning that a frozen marsupial was not nearly as fun to be around as a warm, living one. Aggie could not argue with that logic, and so they had struck out south and east instead. Following the coastline, Aggie had stumbled upon many wonderful places that she wanted to explore thoroughly, but something had kept pulling her on and on. It was an odd trait of hers, as if something other than her own will led her from place to place. Finally the young fae stopped amongst a field of scattered stone. After a bit of time wandering amongst them. Aggie realized that rare stones every now and then had strange symbols etched into their surface, as if carved by a claw or beak of some sort. Aggie could not fathom what sort of creature was able to leave such things behind, but the stones were clearly old so perhaps these creatures were absent now. She hoped so, anyways. 

What Asgeira did find was a plethora of pika. The first spring up from a crevice between two stones so suddenly is seemed to simply blink into existence. Aggie bolted upright, surprised. The motion must have startled the creature as it quickly ducked back into it's hidey hole. At once fascinated, Aggie lept to her feet and dashed over to where it had disappeared to but found no sign of the pesky rodent. Frustrated, Asgeira turned back to where Ylva sat, meaning to ask if her friend had seen it as well. To her horror, another pika popped up a stone behind where she had just been sitting. The dusky woman darted for it but again found it disappeared by the time she got to where the creature was last thing. Aggie sat down with a huff, glaring at the stones. Stupid hamsters... she grumbled to herself.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-01-2017, 05:20 PM

Slowly the fog was beginning to lift and for a moment Naudir lamented at its parting. There'd been something comforting about the misty cloak that enveloped her like a blanket on a cool winter afternoon though it was much milder than the north. Naudir had dreamt of the old lands of Yfir and so she found herself in the Rock Garden once more from when Yfir had dwelt in these lands. Time seemed to warp in her mind and she could not truly recall if she had in fact ever lived in this land or had only heard of it and dreamed of it in her mind. Had she momentarily lived another's life while she'd been sleeping?

Naudir rose to her feet and stretched, moving back to gaze upon an intricately carved stone adorned with creatures she could not identify. Upon the rock Branwen and Balthazaar were curled tightly together, resting. They slept a lot recently it seemed and she knew they were growing well into old age. How much longer would they be with her? Always, she supposed. Once their flesh was reclaimed by the earth their spirits would accompany her until her parting or perhaps they would go to join Inga. She couldn't say.

The fog had passed by the time Naudir roused herself to her feet and moved in search of water. Along the way movement caught her attention as she noticed a yearling scrambling after some pika. She watched with mild amusement. "Do you require any assistance, young one?" Balthazaar and Branwen descended to perch upon her shoulders, the white raven on her right shoulder, the black on her left, their usual perches.




6 Years
12-01-2017, 06:14 PM

Ylva noticed the strange wolf long before Asgeira did, watching the pale-and-speckled woman approach across the rocky plain. It wasn't until she got relatively close that the red panda cleared her throat and caught her friend's attention. Aggie perked upright, assuming Ylva had spotted another one of the blasted creatures, and found herself unpleasantly surprised. Great, another wolf would just scare off twice as many! Aggie sat down with a huff, but her foul mood made way for curiosity as she noticed the birds who apparently kept this other fae company. "Do you require any assistance, young one?" Aggie felt her skin heat beneath her pelt. Alright, so the woman had definitely witnessed her mad scramble amongst the stones. Great.

"They're just so quick!" Aggie began, hastily explaining herself. "There one moment, and gone the next. If you have the power to freeze them in place then please, be my guest!" She huffed again, and waggled a paw aimlessly towards her fruitless hunting grounds. As eager as she was to learn skills from another wolf, she was not terribly keen at being shown up. Of course this other woman was clearly a lot older than her and probably was a far superior hunter. That didn't keep Aggie from hoping she would fail as well, even just a tiny failure would do. Anything to repair her battered ego. "I'm Aggie, by the way, and this is Ylva. Mind my asking your names in return?"

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-03-2017, 09:28 AM

Naudir remained quiet as the yearling spoke and vented her frustration at hunting them. Naudir smiled softly. "That power would be quite a gift indeed but I'm afraid I don't have it." Both her hears flicked back and her ravens took to the sky. No, she could not stop time or freeze other creatures in place but she did have friends in high places and that certainly helped. She left her companions to scout for a moment as the girl introduced herself as Aggie and the strange, raccoon-like companion that was with her as Ylva.

"My name is Naudir Finnvi. My companions are Balthazaar and Branwen. Branwen is the white raven." She glanced to Ylva. "Pardon my asking but I am not familiar with your species, what manner of creature are you?"

The time for pleasantries soon came to an end as Balthazaar called out. Branwen descended to land on the snow between Naudir and Aggie. "They are quite numerous and scattered but there seems to be a pair sunning themselves on that large rock over there, 20 feet to the east."

Naudir nodded. "I think such prey would almost be easier for you two to take but perhaps we can work out a strategy? Come at them low, horizontally and make them scatter into the field. Aggie and I will do our best to nab them before they scrambled back to their dens." She wished she had something more concrete but there was just no telling how the pika were going to run.




6 Years
12-03-2017, 11:45 AM

The woman introduced herself as Naudir, and her companions as Balthazar and Branwen. All seemed like perfectly pleasant company, and Aggie soon forgot her embarrassment at being discovered in the midst of something foolish. In fact, Ylva seemed to like the stranger quite a lot, but she had always been a sucker for manners. Aggie watched her friend practically preen at the cordial diplomacy offered to her. Seeing as many wolves either ignored her, teased her, or at worst tried to eat her, Aggie supposed this was a vast improvement from the norm. "I am a Red Panda." Ylva held out her forelimbs for inspection, wiggling five dextrous digits on each hand before nodded back towards Aggie. "I do my best to keep this one out of trouble, and help her with the finer points of her work as a healer as well."

Introductions done, Aggie watched with something kin to fascination as the two birds took off into the air without a word from Naudir. They ranged high into the air and began scouting the rocks below. In a humdrum tone Aggie said, "Hmm. I wish I had a flying friend. How useful they would be!" Her words were just loud enough to elicit an angry harrumph from Ylva. Aggie snickered. The birds reported a pair of pika sunning themselves to the east, and Aggie craned her neck in an attempt to find them. Naudir directed the birds to flush them into a more open space where it would be more difficult for them to make it to cover. Aggie nodded and moved into a better position that would keep her out of sight of the damned rodents until it was too late. She kept an eye in the sky and waited for the birds to strike.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-16-2017, 06:59 PM

A red panda, hm? The species was entirely foreign to her but she filed the information away for later use. She did not know what sort of climate the creature typically inhabited but she'd never seen the likes of Ylva in the north. Her ears perked at the mention of healing. Would one of them be able to give her sister lessons? She debated working out a deal but until Ásvor settled in one spot it would be difficult to arrange a meeting. Again she filed away the information. "Healing is a useful skill. My sister is attempting to learn on her own with mixed success. I fancy she'd be interested in a lesson if a trade could be made though she is a wanderer. It is hard to say where she will be at any given time."

Naudir chuckled at Ageira's comments about flying companions. "They are quite useful when they want to behave. But when Balthazaar is feeling spiteful he's much more difficult to shut up. He'll fly above you screeching obscenities and he'll be to high up to grab."

The moment came to get ready for action. Naudir slunk low and stalked to a better position, leaving good space between her and Aggie so they could cover more ground. Then both her companions dived on the sleeping pika. The creatures squealed and took off into the grass, separating and skittering. One started to dive for a crevice in a nearby rock formation when Balthazaar swooped down sending it skittering toward where Naudir was waiting. She sprang toward her prey, moving nimbly, zigging and zagging. Balthazaar and Branwen dove to help her until at last she caught the creature's back in her jaws. It flailed and struggled but with a violent shake of her head she stunned the pika long enough to get a grasp on its throat.
