
Stargazing [BIRTH]



4 Years
Extra large
12-10-2017, 05:44 PM

Artemis had carried her pregnancy as gracefully as the woman could, given the circumstances. Winter in the north was not an easy landscape to navigate for wolves even in their prime. It also rankled her that she had joined this pack with the intention of doing something with herself, not sitting cooped in her den undergoing the woes pregnancy saw fit to wreak upon her body. She had grown heavier and heavier until she was fit to burst, but it seems at last that her time had come.

Artemis was awoken late in the night, or perhaps in the very earliest hours of the morning. The sun was hidden below the horizon and the night still held sway, so she couldn't be sure. The moon overhead was full however, and gave off blazing amounts of light couples with the perpetual blanket of snow covering the slopes beyond her den's entrance. She could see clearly for miles around. At first she suspected it was the light which had woken her, bright enough to keep her from restful sleep. A twinge in her gut shattered that illusion as quickly as it had formed.

Her time had come. Artemis waited for another contraction to be certain, gasping through the pain of it until it faded away to let out a low, weak howl. She did not necessarily want to be alone during this process should something go wrong, but neither was she overly familiar with some of her packmates. If there was a healer near enough to her den that was able to hear her and felt compelled to assist she would be grateful for it. If not, oh well. She would survive. Artemis lay back on her side and tried her best to relax until the next wave of cramping pressure overtook her.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



4 Years
12-14-2017, 10:29 AM

Tyranis had responded to the call immediately, is own den being so close to the cerulean woman’s and then called for his mate to join him. Their own pups would be coming soon, and he knew all too well that his lover wanted to be a healer. The experience would be good for them both.

More than anything else however, Tyranis wanted to be sure the roving male Artemis had been impregnated by was nowhere to be found. He wondered how the blue woman’s pups would fair without a father, and was struck briefly by the memory of himself and Bass playing in the Serpent Plains. “That was before…Before it all went to shit.” He told himself and then stopped to sneeze, his lip raising with aggravation.

He sat calmly at the mouth of her den, his tail curling neatly around his paws as he waited for his soon-to-be wife to join them. He wondered briefly if Bass had been there when he was born; he was the leader after all, it only made sense that he would be. His heart clenched at the thought of Bass standing guard over them when they were most vulnerable. Even  after all this time, in spite of how much he had grown to hate the golden eyed king, thinking of him made his heart ache.  

Speech Thought You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



4 Years
12-15-2017, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2017, 08:31 PM by Naudir.)
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Naudir was awake, her glassy blue eyes staring out at the horizon as visions of galaxies swam in her mind.  She blinked a few times, willing the images the dream had left her to fade. Balthazaar was sleeping in her den while Branwen leaned against her right foreleg, trying to be a comfort. A weak, low howl caught her attention.  She recognized it as the call of Artemis and realized that the poor woman must being giving birth. Childbirth was a miraculous process but it was not something Naudir ever cared to go through.

She got to her paws as Branwen took to the air and they quickly arrived at the scene though Naudir wasn't quite sure why she rushed.  She was not a healer and what little she knew was for battle wounds, not childbirth. She hoped instead that she could be a comforting presence and a guard if need be.

As she approached the den she noted that Tyranis was already there and she dipped her head in greeting.  "Good evening Tyranis.  I hope you are well."  She turned her attention to the den and called down. "We are here Artemis.  One of the healers should be arriving soon but if there is something you need be sure to let us know."

Branwen flew down to land on Naudir's right shoulder. "I offer my services as well.  Should anyone need me to fly off and gather anything."  Naudir nodded though she was sure the healers would come with whatever herbs they needed, however it was always good to have a back up.



9 Years
12-17-2017, 08:10 PM

She was deep into her slumber, deep into her dreams of when all of her children were young and together with her. It was pleasant dreams ones that she had loved to have. She was curled deep in her den, curled up alone and trying to keep herself warm. Her fur had grown out getting more thick to keep her tiny body warm. She was disturbed from her slumber as the weak howl sounded from the other's den. She had been on edge knowing the blue women was due soon and had a bundle of herbs ready. Thought the older women took longer then she used too to get up and going.

Once she did finally get up she traced to wall in her den until she found the bundle of herbs she had prepared. Lightly grasping them in her mouth she traced the wall until she crawled from her den, shivering at the bitter air from the north. She moved forward heading towards where the call had come from. She wasn't far away so it shouldn't take her long at all.

Her sons scent was carried to her in the cold air and she smiled lightly behind her lips full of herbs. Then the scent of another pack member was carried to her. She was glad others were already there to help her. She wasn't aware of other in the pack who were into healing like she was so she assumed that she was the only one. She came to the mouth of the den were Ty and Naudir's scent was the strongest and dipped her head to the both of them before slipping inside with her herbs.

She moved in beside the blue women and set down her bundle, untying it and spreading it out with her nose. Using her sensitive nose she picked out the vary small portion of Motherwart and placed it towards Artemis.

"Go ahead and ingest some of that it should help stimulate contractions and what's left of your pregnancy" she said calmly. "Just relax and breathe, have you thought of names for your children yet."

She was attempting to keep the women's mind off of her contractions and her pain.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times