
Little Hell



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-14-2017, 01:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2017, 08:14 PM by Yale.)

His eyes opened slowly, blinking against the glaring light of the sun. What in Ley’s name was the sun doing shining so brightly in the winter? He attempted to rise and immediately found his body crashing back onto the ground. His blurred vision settled just enough for him to see the deep red of a healing would stretching along the underside of his wrist and felt his heart sink into the frozen pit of his stomach.

He had been hobbled.  

The dull ache in his head and body returned, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut. What had happened? He remembered the child’s mother and…And the ripper of Bromos All at once the memories of his battle returned to him and panic began to sink in. He attempted to rise again, this tine keeping his lamed leg close to his chest and tried to run, only to find that his legs had been snared in thick vines.

No, this was wrong. This was all wrong. He looked around, panicked, and called desperately for Gant and Roza, wherever he was he knew in his heart that Dragoste would still be in the weeping woods, and that the pair would come for him. “I was their beta.” He thought wildly, his thoughts spinning out of control as he tried to make sense of the mad world he had woken up in.

Talk    thought You



5 Years
Extra large
12-14-2017, 09:13 PM

Wandering through the lands this new empire had laid claim to, the shadowy fae moved like a restless spirit. She'd asserted what she desired as her rank in the meeting, and though she'd not realized it at the time it was the first time she'd officially decided what she wanted. It was strange to have some clear cut purpose, a real tangible goal in life. The woman sighed wearily, tired of thinking and wishing to relax. How did one relax again? It'd been a while.

Her focus on internal thoughts and matters was quickly shattered when she heard a commotion nearby. Brows furrowing slightly, Razi gave into curiosity and decided to seek out the source - it was a rather welcomed distraction after all. One she would not dismiss. After some searching Razi laid eyes on a pale coated man who seemed to be in distress. Who could blame him? He was all tied up and in quite the predicament. Gliding closer she crooned, "Now now, you're gunna get a lot of attention making a fuss like that, love."

Coming to stand a few bodylengths away from the prone creature, Razi tutted softly to herself as she eyed him carefully. "I thought the idea was to have them join willingly..." she whispered to herself, gold eyes expressing some degree of irritation. Soeaking to him once more she asked, "Are you hurt?" Even if she was going to abandon her path as a healer, she might be able to help him if he was hurt. If she felt like it. You never could tell with Razi.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-15-2017, 09:31 PM
Kind words were the last thing he expected to hear, his head moving swiftly to find the source of the melodious voice. “Who are you?” He asked his jaw hanging open, his eyes wide and desperate. “Where I am I?” panic began to seep into his voice, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He attempted to rise only to wince painfully and draw his ruined paw close to his chest. He fell back to the ground, his whole body heaving with every breath he took. “Please, where is Ganta?” He asked, his eyes pleading for the woman who appeared so kind to assure him that all was well, that Dragoste had simply relocated after the attack. Perhaps she was even new to their ranks.

Talk thought You



5 Years
Extra large
12-16-2017, 06:28 PM

The ebony and gold woman stood poised, answers to his questions hanging on the tip of her tongue unspoken, when she noticed his obvious pain; an unspoken answer to her own question. Moving in closer to examine the man, Razi ignored his words and eyed his paw. Scanning over the man, she couldn't entirely decide the extent of the damage but decided there was probably at least a bit more than met the eye. Clearly her decision to abandon healing would have to begin tomorrow instead of today. Pity, hopefully she'd be of enough use to actually keep the guy from kicking the bucket. Clicking her tongue and standing over him without a single thought about how it might make someone uncomfortable, the dark woman hummed to herself as she examined him. "I see you are hurt. Though, I wonder..." catching the scent of one of the siblings of hers who'd arrived later - Andras - on his fur, the woman considered whether or not she'd get an earful for fixing the man's broken toy. "Not that I give a shit, but I also like my hide where it is..." she muttered under her breath, brows knitting further and further together.

Noting his obvious panic as well as the fact that undue stress wasn't good for the ailing, Razi lightly touched her muzzle to his neck. "Relax, breathe." Standing back a half pace she returned her focus to what he'd said and canted her head a bit to the right as she answered. "I'm Razi Abraxas," she began, warm gold eyes meeting his cool grey, "You've been caught by my kin in the takeover of your pack." That seemed a fair, impartial summary, right? No posturing, trying pathetically to assert the superiority of her family. Ah, that got old sometimes. If you were better, really better, why the need to always say it? Anyhow, mind back where it ought to be, she tried to decide how to relay the news this man'd been... unable to receive before.

When did she become so... Gentle and easy going? To be fair, Razi supposed she'd always been milder in her ways than most of her kin but- Oh hell, she could do what she wanted as long as it didn't get her into trouble, right? "He foolishly lost a battle with with my older brother, Amon. When given the choice between giving in and joining us, or fighting and giving his life, he chose the latter and it cost him dearly." There was a pause as she let it sink in, watching his reaction with a detached sort of emotionless expression. For the most part she was of the mindset that she was simply relaying facts and making a slight attempt to appease a potential patient, only a small part of her feeling a sort of sympathy. That was part that always woke up when she was playing the role of healer. "He died, swiftly, without leaving a mark on his opponent. Afterwards we were to give the same offer to the other pack members. Join, or fight for your life and likely die." Maybe it wasn't supposed to be worded quite like that but hey, Razi didn't see anyone else here to say it better so word choice was all up to her. Looking the man other again, Razi added, "It seems you weren't given many options at all. Would you like me to tend to any wounds so you don't have to suffer the treatment of my kin and infection?" Not like she had anything better to be doing just yet anyways.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]

Santa Claws


12-17-2017, 10:45 AM
A sabretoothed cat pulling a sleigh appears before you. "Happy holidays!" he purrs as he throws gifts to everyone. Then he leaps away again, but he calls over his shoulder before he disappears from sight, "May your season be merry and your future prosperous!"

All characters in this thread have been awarded 1 Small Accessory.

Link to this thread in the Gemstone store if and when you wish to claim it.

Please note: This post does NOT have to be acknowledged IC!



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-18-2017, 08:40 PM

Yale felt his world shatter around him in an instant. Dragoste was gone and Ganta… “No.” He choked, feeling his eyes begin to burn with hot tears. “No it…It can’t be…” His head lowered, his body heaving wildly as he fought and lost the battle to keep himself from breaking out into tears. His jaws clenched, the woman and her lovely touch far away as his body glided weightlessly into despair.

Never in his life had Yale been faced with the possibility of losing his pack; His family had stood beside the liege lord of Bromos for generations and the order of the templars had been upheld for centuries- or so he had been told- To find now that the pack he had promised to fight for was now gone and that  the man he had pledged his life for was now dead- and without leaving a mark on this Amon- this warlord- the harbinger of destruction. Ganta had died- not a warrior’s death, but a fool’s.

The woman’s gentle voice just barely reached him; “Would you like me to tend to any wounds so you don't have to suffer the treatment of my kin and infection?" and for a moment he looked stunned. “Am I not a captive? Why be so kind to me?” He asked, his voice hoarse and cracked. “If you can and you will then do.”He said, and laid his head down slowly on the mossy bedding, he had calmed considerably but the pain in his heart was still evident on his face and the slow raspy breaths he took.

Speech, Quote



5 Years
Extra large
12-19-2017, 12:26 AM

There was a feeling of sympathy for the man who'd lost much very quickly, but not empathy. While she could picture how it might feel to have everything taken away, she couldn't allow herself to become too weak lest she be caught looking too pitying of this man. Lack of familiarity with an uncomfortable amount of her relatives left her reasonably paranoid. She wouldn't be caught dead seeming too nice, for fear of ending up really and truly dead. "Tsk, all is never lost," she whispered softly, almost unable to be heard, "So don't look weak in difficult times. It's unbecoming, and unhelpful." She likely sounded like a disappointed parent coaching about bad attitudes. Well, that and a bit harsh, but she wasn't one to be entirely gentle all of the time. If he kept this up she might leave him to Andras. A little resolve would be more respectable to the severe woman.

Meeting his shocked gaze with an even and unmoved expression, Razi snorted dismissively. "You certainly aren't mine. Amon said to give the Dragoste wolves the offer and let them go so they may warn the other packs that they will face the same choice and fate if they don't accept. I have no reason to want you. Captives need care and drain energy and resources anyways..." shaking her head, it was apparent she was annoyed by the whole situation, lip curling ever so slightly in her frustration, "And I've not been that kind yet, haven't done anything yet you know. Besides, I am - was - a healer." She shrugged and finished with a flat, "You seem to need tending and I haven't a better way to spend my time at the moment." At his next words she had half a mind to express her distaste for his choice of words by purposefully acting as though she might not do anything after all, but decided she didn't give enough of a shit about what some foolish injured man said and trotted off to fetch some supplies with a dismissive flick of her tail.


After a short trip to the den she was making for herself, Razi came back carrying a small rolled up hide which contained an array of the herbs she'd begrudgingly been carrying back from one of the several temporary dens she had other places. She had a small pile of hides like this with basic(and a few special and useful) herbs rolled up inside. It was the most efficient way she could think of to carry what remained of her herb stash without having any bags to carry them with. Eyeing the bound man as she unrolled the hide to expose the simple collection of herbs, Razi hummed softly to herself as she frowned and eyed what she had to work with. Still staring at them, she called, "Tell me where all you're hurt so I don't have to go searching myself." Her words direct, and tone firm with an undertone of carefully concealed gentleness. Eventually she grabbed the dandelion root and began chewing so she could begin with applying that and then decide what else might be needed.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]