
Into the Inferno



4 Years
12-02-2017, 03:49 PM

Tyranis was careful to stand a good distance from the pack borders; the scent of war was heavy on the land and he had no interest in fighting if he didn’t need to. If there had been a war and the pack remained standing it spoke to the strength of the pack itself. Tyranis, although still young, could appreciate that, but kept his guard up all the same.

He cried for the alpha and waited, unsure of what he would encounter. He would either leave with a newly formed alliance or a dangerous enemy. Whatever the case; Tyranis wanted to know where his enemies and his friends laid in the tenuous web of pack relations.

speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



12 Years
Extra large
12-18-2017, 06:08 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He was finally pronounced healed enough to go into full work again. While much of his stir-crazy nature had died with the birth of his son and daughter, Regulus was still quite happy to escape to patrol from time to time and stretch his legs. He’d by now gotten quite used to the lack of use in the one hind leg, at least for any solid support, and moved easily enough. His focus would, soon enough, be on training Aurielle to be the next Archangel. She was already picking up speech at a fast rate.

He’d taken up building the walls higher around the borders, as well, and widening the bases to better take that height’s weight. He had to take smaller loads now, but he still put in his fair share of stones. And it was on one of these dual purposed patrols that he heard the unfamiliar voice call out for a leader from the northern edge of the territory.

He dropped the edge of the elk hide and broke into a lope that disguised the bad leg for the most part, giving a short howl to acknowledge that he’d heard and was on his way. It was also a message to be alert, aimed at the pack. For now, strangers were to be kept at arm’s length until they could prove themselves worthy of trust.

He slowed as he reached the low gap in the wall, studying the other and subtly testing the air for his scent. A pack wolf, and an alpha. A young one, at that. That didn’t change his stance as he came to a halt on the other side of the wall, the topmost stones reaching mid chest on himself. The yearling was a few inches shorter than himself, upon closer inspection, and certainly not someone he knew. A pack visitation circuit, then, to see what was out there, and who was a threat or a friend.

“I am Regulus Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial. What brings you to our borders?” That easy, polite tone matched the interest on his features as he continued to study the other male. His stance was relaxed, not to be confused with lazy or unaware; it was that of a seasoned warrior and leader of an established pack.

His pack had proven that if a threat came, they would be swift to respond, and despite his loss in the raid, he was still confident in his ability to fight should this young alpha bring the need for it. He didn’t think there would be a fight, however. Not if the boy was intelligent.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]