
[gabe, uriel] Where we break hearts and step closer



5 Years
Dire wolf
11-29-2017, 02:43 AM

He'd moved this morning, out of Lirika's den, on a hunt. This was a hunt none of his children could come on. Bee was guarding his siblings, having been told to do so and left with a deer leg as reward. Forfax was sleeping soundly with him by her side. He didn't wish to worry Lirika so he had been vague with his reasoning for leaving so early. He was on a mission to make this world safer for his five new children. While he also wanted to deal with a mess he knew he had made by allowing his siblings to know of him. It was his problem to deal with not his children's. Micah slept with forfax and he left it that way.

His nose was to the ground as he moved. He had to skirt around where he had lived due to some pack invading his space. He wasn't too happy about that but he couldn't do much but try to figure out a new location. His family was starting to become specialists up here in the north. His coat was thicker than it had ever been and no longer held the scent of Gabriel. He didn't want it to anymore. He'd been hurt almost beyond repair. Gabe had betrayed him, allowed Michael to know about one of his children's locations, allowed him to be slaughtered in his sleep. Did they even know that fighting had never been in that child's heart? That he was too sweet and forgiving to even blame them for what happened? He couldn't be sure. He did know that Micah and Forfax clung to his pelt as did all his other children.

He could smell his siblings on the wind. Michael. Gabriel. Uriel. Raphael. Those that Abba had corrupted and drove to hunt him, to keep him from happiness. It needed to end. One sibling at a time. His face was scared and so was his heart. He stepped to the edge of the north, as far as he dared go away from those that needed him. He didn't dare sit. His head moved back and his lungs expelled a sad melody, a broken and dark sound. It called for his siblings, for Gabe and Uriel. He had no quarrel with Raphael but he knew better than to call him. Raphael would kill him, no questions asked. Though Sam was well aware that Abba did no intend for him to die that way. Michael was not welcome. He wanted to offer Gabe a chance at redemption, and Uriel a chance to join him and be safe from his ire. War had been declared upon him and his but he did not want to drag all of them down with him just yet. He stood there with his hackles ruffled and muscles tense. He was on edge. This was the side of the family that hated him for just being himself so now he had to be careful.

Walk "Talk" Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
12-01-2017, 09:31 PM


Someone summoned him. From a fair distance away, the mournful song of a familiar wolf caught his attention. He wasn't at full strength yet, his healing face made it hard to consume lengthy meals. Thus, he was a little leaner than usual. Did he really want to risk a trip to the north? He was safe down here, where he was lingering in the safety of familiar lands. He was not suited to the north, not really. Winter winds made impossible to navigate safely. Not to mention, it might be an ambush. For all he knew, Samael was at the mercy of Michael.

He paced through the soft grasses for a few minutes. Debating, always debating. Thinking hard, overthinking at least twice. Ruining everything. He was going to mess this up. There was going to be another fight. Would he be the cause? The instigator? Worse, a participant? He would not abandon his morals for his father's war, because he was nothing without his steadfast worldviews. Lord, grant me clarity.

It hit him suddenly. Perhaps he could set it all right, here and now. Meeting with his Fallen brother. Talk him out of whatever vendetta he sought to cinch by this meeting. With a long sigh, he lifted his head from his contemplation. Set out towards the echoing howl of his young brother.

Arduous trekking was not what he was built for. His paws were sore before he was even halfway there. He was meant to be a messenger, a guardian, in a closed group. An envoy at most, between groups. Crossing continents in mere hours? Impossible. He had to stop to drink constantly, have a seat. It took an eternity. He sensed the drop in temperature, not just from his closeness to the northern climate- but from the change of day to night. He cursed his body for failing him. He recognized this place, as soon as he got there. The scent of the herbs he had collected on his first encounter with Spider, they were here. Was the strange wall of stone nearby?

"Lucifer?" He called out cautiously, brows drawn together with vague worry. "Why have you summoned me here?" Rough vocals questioned, taking steps towards the wall. The currents of the light wind alluded to its presence, and he instinctively sought it out. Having his back to it would offer some form of protection and cover.


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.


12-03-2017, 10:27 PM
The female had been sorting through the herbs she'd managed to collect the season prior. Her main focus had been tending to her studies and lying low, at least for now. She longed for the company of her family but she knew the dangers that could bring. Shri had noticed the soluem look the she wolf had taken on. Inside, each day, Uriel fought a battle against herself. She wanted to do what was right but it was hard to decide where right was.

Hearing her brother's howl had Uriel's heartbeat quicken. She frowned, calling for Shri before instinctively grabbing some of her herbs. Then she set off as though a fire burned under her tail, hoping to reach her brother first.

But she did not... Gabe was there and... "Gabriel!" His name fell from her lips, the herbs hitting the ground. The femme moved to his side whimpering and fussing over the damaged flesh. "Brother... Who did this?" Tears were already forming in her eyes. To see any of her siblings hurt...

She looked to Samael... Smelling children upon his coat. Her eyes widened, but amongst the rush of emotions she couldn't help but smile through her tears. "You have more babies!" She whispered, sounding happy. She shifted on her paws, looking between Gabe and Sam. Gabriel's wound looked like it had been treated, though by whom she didn't know. So thus her gaze fell back to San, ears lowering when she picked up how serious he looked.

"Brother..." Her words were quiet. She didn't like that look. It made her stomach churn.



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-03-2017, 11:28 PM
He sat for a good while. An uncertainty grew after just a little while. Perhaps Gabriel would not come and Michael had found Uriel and forced her to be obedient. He'd kill his brother if he harmed one hair on his gentle sister's head. Then on the horizon, gold gleaned in the light of a rising sun. Gabriel had decided him worth heeding. This would mean Gabriel could either explain why he had done it or at least tell him he was sorry. The grief of his sons death had pulled at him. Started to mold him back into what he had once been when Abba had cast him aside. The look on his face and the grief in his eyes made it clear. He'd kill if he had to now to save his children from their own family. They were a secret up here in the north, a mere rumor that no one believed.

When Gabe got close enough Though, Sam saw evidence of Michael's brutality. His heart clenched and a step was taken before he reminded himself, Gabe was one of the reasons Bels was dead.

He didn't answer Gabe's question just yet, for on the wind another smell came to him. Uriel was coming. From the sound she was moving like Sam was on her heels, his defenses went back up. He assumed the worst, Michael might be after her. He was ready to defend his baby sister. Though when she closed the distance before she stopped and he saw nothing beyond them he let himself relax for a moment.

Gabe still needed to answer his question first before niceties. "My son is dead Gabriel, and only one man knew how to find us before his murder. Michael may have done the act of slaughtering a boy who would never raise a paw in even his own defense, but a hidden message awaited me. One I believe came from none other than the man I love wholly, my own brother who I thought would narry raise a paw against me.... tell me it isn't true.... tell me my heartbreak is false Gabby. Tell me that wound was made with no intent to force you to tell him how to find them." his heart was breaking. On One paw he wanted to clean his brothers wounds and comfort him. But on the other, he couild be looking at the reason Bels was dead.

He turned to uriel to answer her as well. He nodded that he did indeed bring news of having more children. "There are five new Morningstars. Three young girls, Darya, Dominika, and Divo. And two more boys, Micah and Forfax. Each bear my marks but it is Micah who bears the mark of the harold as well. His coat is every bit as golden as Gariel's." of course to him, all ten bore such a mark. They were all angels who had never been given the chance.

He didn't bother answering her second whisper. He didn't need to. She was smart enough to realize he was not going to lay a paw on Gabriel, that he couldn't. His heart had been captured by the man.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
12-04-2017, 12:06 AM


Ah, his brother was here. The scent of him, riddled with the stink of rage, hit him like a wall. Pressing his shoulder against the wall, he allowed that to be his source of comfort. Pounding paws in the snow, and there was Uriel. Her more delicate aroma lingered in his nostrils, accompanied by the earthy smell of herbs. No sooner had he recognized her presence than she was there, pressed tight against his flank like she was child again. "Gabriel!" His name tumbled from her maw filled with concern. A few soft whines escaped her, and he knew he should have seen it coming. "Brother... Who did this?" She asked with a quiet and soft voice, as though the truth wasn't obvious.

"I'm sure you know." He rumbled, lids falling shut over his eyes. Muzzle tipped towards the ground, posture suddenly awkward. It felt wrong, to be here again. With Samael. He knew that he risked another mauling, or possibly worse, for being in his presence. Whiskers twitched, and he pulled himself together. This was for the sake of the whole family, getting information and thereby putting together a plan. He needed to know what was going on, so he could situate himself where he needed to be, to keep everyone safe.

"You have more babies!" Uriel cried, too close not to spook him. He flinched from the loud sound, auds pressing towards his skull. He focused his attention on Samael now, brows drawing together with focus. Oh. There it was, the scent of newborns. Familiar to him from Samael's litter, and the few times that Father's followers had coupled. "Congratulations, Lucifer. May the little one's be blessed.." He trailed off. Surely he would not want his children blessed by the Lord. He left it like that. Perhaps Samael had new gods now, to bless his children.

He ignored the warning tone of his sister's voice, as his Fallen brother spoke finally. Hearing his voice was so strange now, there was the lingering taste of copper in his mouth when he heard it. To listen to the words of a demon was to sin, and he knew the price very well now. Nevertheless, he forced himself to pay attention. "My son is dead Gabriel," It came back to him, struck in the face with it so suddenly. The source of his attack. The stench of blood on the wind. Samael's faint scent, the overpowering smell of Michael's musk. Wet fur sliding across his nose. It had been one of Samael's children, and the herald had forgotten him entirely. It knocked the breath out of him.

"and only one man knew how to find us before his murder. Michael may have done the act of slaughtering a boy who would never raise a paw in even his own defense, but a hidden message awaited me. One I believe came from none other than the man I love wholly, my own brother who I thought would narry raise a paw against me.... tell me it isn't true.... tell me my heartbreak is false Gabby. Tell me that wound was made with no intent to force you to tell him how to find them."

His lungs faltered as he drew in a breath, it caught in his throat. He forced it out, tried again. Another breath. He felt like the world was crushing him, its weight too much to bear upon his shoulders. "In truth, brother, your son had been slaughtered without my knowledge. That is my burden to bear, that I could not stop Michael from stepping from the Lord's light to kill him." His blank stare was directed in the direction of Samael's voice, expression shockingly empty of emotion. He had cried enough, and he didn't want Samael's pity now. He sought only the justice that his brother wanted, and if that meant he would need to lose more of his flesh as penance, he would. "I found your child's scent with blood on the breeze, and Michael's alongside it. When I found him, your son was already dead. Our brother carved my sin into my flesh so that I may never forget the dire crime of conversing with a demon again. I was not privy to his plan to slay your child, nor did I play a role." He announced, solemn of tone. He would not grovel or beg, it was not in him.

"Regardless, I will understand if you seek to do the same, as penance for your lost child." Gaze would be downcast, eyes shutting against the attack he suspected might come. There was evident anger in his brother's voice. Rightfully so, for losing a child. That Gabriel could forget the tragedy only spoke to his own sinful path.

The blow did not fall. Yet. "There are five new Morningstars. Three young girls, Darya, Dominika, and Divo. And two more boys, Micah and Forfax. Each bear my marks but it is Micah who bears the mark of the herald as well. His coat is every bit as golden as Gabriel's."

His blood ran cold. Had Samael discovered the secret to creation, as Father had? There could be no other way for a child to bear resemblance to himself. Gabriel had borne no sons, as that was not physically possible. Did he have a doppelganger lurking on this planet? Luring in his Fallen brother with promises of what Gabriel could not give? The Lord had created himself and his brothers all at once, without sisters to speak of. Where had Samael found a woman who looked like him? Or perhaps this was all a ruse, meant to do... something. Gabriel wasn't sure what his brother aimed to achieve with this statement, but it had to be something.


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.


12-14-2017, 03:56 PM
Uriel listened to each brother in turn, feeling her stomach twisting within her. Michael had killed one of Samael’s sons and, not only that, but had injured Gabriel as well. Her heart sunk in her chest, the broken family she had feeling even more broken. She felt another emotion, however, and one that she had only felt one other time in her life. Anger. She felt angry… and hot tears stung her eyes as she struggled to figure out what she wanted to say. On one hand she was glad that Samael had more little ones, that his love had blessed more women… there was a touch of sadness too of course… but the anger was to Michael. She knew in her heart, somehow, that Gabe wouldn’t risk telling the truth of where Sam’s family was.

“I believe Gabriel’s words. I do not think he’d tell where your family lived… even now.” Her voice was shaking, as was her body. “But… to… to think…” She squeezed her eyes closed. To kill another wolf… To have her one of her brother’s kill their nephew… She slid towards the ground, overcome with emotion. “This is not right.” She finally said, her anger mingling with her sadness and empathy for the lost child.

“The children did nothing but be born. To damn them… to... !” She looked from Gabriel to Samael, feeling her body tense. She was about to make a decision… a decision that would affect how the rest of the family saw her. “This can’t be what our Lord wanted… It’s wrong… We’re supposed to be light, not darkness… so if that’s light… then well, damn me too!” Uriel squeezed her eyes closed.

“S-Samael didn’t do anything… that child didn’t do anything… yet…” She let out a loud whimper, pinning her ears back to her skull. It was the first time she’d addressed her fallen brother by his true name. If their father had them walking in the ‘light’ she’d rather be walking in ‘darkness’.



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-14-2017, 10:42 PM

Sacrifice everything for what you love

He waited and listened to Gabriel. The truth in his words shown, he knew the truth now. Gabriel was an innocent bystander in the war between him and Michael. Gabe blessed them and Sam couldn't help but chuckle at that. They were, by their mother's gods and by his "satanic" touch. Uriel was speaking and he slid up to her, sitting with her, comforting her. He did not care if it was wrong to them or not, he would not allow her to be distressed because of him.

She was distressed none the less. No none of this was right. He had to admit though, it had taken darkness to show him the light. He eyed Gabe as he offered to take michael's punishment and Sam shook his head. "No Gabriel. You will take no more punishment, nor will I allow for another to lay harm to you again. Uriel, my dear sister, you are much too right... but I do not know if Abba even lives still. I've not scented him for almost two years and his scent fades from both of you." He lifted his voice, giving his new gospel to them. A gospel that could affect them both today. Today he gave them an option, an option that would mean they could walk their own paths if they so chose.

"I may have been thrown out into the darkness, but our father did not know that in doing so i would find my own light, and my own strength. This light has been there for our whole lives but because he taught us so, we looked away. But I am ready to share what I have found to those that will hear it." He waited then. It was an unsaid opportunity to walk away from him and his offer of their freedom. He looked between them and once he decided that neither were leaving he continued.

"This world does not heed the call of Abba. He is no more a god then he is a thief. I have found a woman, named Dafodil, her pelt a golden and white reminder of Gabriel's own. Her mother spoke fondly to her often of three oldest children, and of her savior, Abba Jahovah. I believe her to be your sister, Gabe. She bore Micah and Forfax after a one night stand, then left, i believe out of fear her three brothers would find her. She fears their light. For that light consumed her mother and father and they gave away her siblings..... four more children. I believe them to be our litter Uriel. But i did not ask beyond this for she fears this because of a dark horror she was met with when she found her parents once more. They had been slaughtered." He let it sink in before he continued.

"Without his influence i have found that i may do as i will. There are no demons or guardians in my world. Only wolves with good qualities or bad. I love who i want, man or woman, brother or sister. I speak to my friends and family regardless of who they are, and i don't fear any. I offer you both to stay with me, find your freedom, discover who you were meant to be before his grasp found you. Its not falling, this life is rising to stand for what you want. If you wish to live with my help, I shall be rising as an Alpha soon. Your places are among me and mine. Gabe as my second, and Uriel as my head healer. But this is not something i will force upon you, you must make this decision on your own. Michael is not welcome for his crimes against our family is too great. He will never accept any ways but his own into his heart. Should Raphael wish it he may come and try my ways as well. You don't need to abandon everything you know either, I never did, but i found new ways to think as well."

He stopped finally as he gave them his offer. He leaned down and gave Uriel a kiss between her ears before he lifted himself and moved towards Gabriel. Gabe already had learned how Sam felt but he cared not if Gabe thought it was wrong right now. That sermon felt good to give. He aimed to affectionately bump his head against gabe's chest before he lifted his head and gently gave a cleansing lick to gabe's wounded cheek. It was their call now and he would wait a lifetime if he had to to know their answers.

Walk, "Samael", Think


As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
12-15-2017, 12:15 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2017, 12:19 AM by Gabriel I.)


ooc. 1659 words can we just.. take a moment to appreciate that.

Uriel's distress was an acrid tang in his nostrils, forcing his heartbeat to quicken. Attention would divert to her, the warmth of her smaller form making her body known to him. Auds pinned tight to his skull, muzzle extending in hopes of comforting her with his presence. Uriel, good and sweet Uriel, didn't deserve this burden. Samael, in that sense, had done evil, cursing her with the weight of indecision. “I believe Gabriel’s words. I do not think he’d tell where your family lived… even now.” She said, wavering vocals another fissure in his rapidly beating heart. A soft whine would be dragged from his throat at her overwhelming emotion, begging to be welcomed in, to be allowed to soothe her. “But… to… to think…” The herald waited for her to finish, patient as always. Her body moved, the snow crunched beneath her form as it lowered slowly to the ground. “This is not right.” She finally said.

"No, it is not." He echoed firmly. It was in his mind, his belief, that the act of slaughtering the condemned child had not been the Lord's decree to Michael. “The children did nothing but be born. To damn them… to... !” The choked lyrics of his baby sister were disturbing to his ears, which wanted nothing but to hear the melodies of her laughter always. “This can’t be what our Lord wanted… It’s wrong… We’re supposed to be light, not darkness… so if that’s light… then well, damn me too!”

Wait- wait. It was going too fast now. Uriel was daring to utter the words, that she might want to Fall. No, she couldn't want that. To leave the Lord's light? “S-Samael didn’t do anything… that child didn’t do anything… yet…” A broken, frightened whimper. Sinking to the ground, the herald sought to have himself pressed tight to her right flank, to which he was adjacent. Samael was already there, sitting beside her and tending to her as readily as Gabriel did. He dared not think of her sin, utterance of Samael's true name. She was falling readily, from the light and the good. He couldn't let go of his values, the world would come crumbling down alongside them. "I know, Uriel. I know." He murmured, hushing her with his presence. Elegant crown, marred by horrific scars, stretched to lay across her shoulders if she would permit it.

Nostrils would flare to inhale the scent of his Fallen brother. Yes, the delicate aroma of children and sweet milk covered him wholly. "No Gabriel. You will take no more punishment, nor will I allow for another to lay harm to you again. Uriel, my dear sister, you are much too right... but I do not know if Abba even lives still. I've not scented him for almost two years and his scent fades from both of you." His voice was strong and without falter, lending his own power where Uriel was lacking in her own at the moment. The blasphemy tumbled so readily from Samael's jaws, unthinkable to the herald. He would not believe that the Lord had left them, he was a God among them, immortal by all means. The Lord's true name continued to stab itself into his brain, a blade jammed in through his ears.

"I may have been thrown out into the darkness, but our father did not know that in doing so I would find my own light, and my own strength. This light has been there for our whole lives but because he taught us so, we looked away. But I am ready to share what I have found to those that will hear it." Samael was preaching, just like the good old days. But this was a new gospel. Perhaps one that Gabriel did not want to hear. Was he ready to let go? No. He couldn't. Raphael, Barachiel, Jegudiel, Selaphiel, even Michael, they could not be relinquished. Not for Samael, not even for him. He loved them too dearly to step from the Lord's light and into darkness.

He squeezed his eyes shut, seeking to shut out the offending dialogue. How could Samael wantonly, readily even, speak against the Lord? Perhaps he was not who Gabriel had come to believe him to be. "This world does not heed the call of Abba." No, stop, please. "He is no more a god then he is a thief. I have found a woman, named Dafodil, her pelt a golden and white reminder of Gabriel's own. Her mother spoke fondly to her often of three oldest children, and of her savior, Abba Jahovah. I believe her to be your sister, Gabe." Please, Samael, stop. I can't hear this. Were those tears tracking down his cheeks? "She bore Micah and Forfax after a one night stand, then left, I believe out of fear her three brothers would find her. She fears their light." She fears their light. That would haunt him for many nights to come. He knew that already. None of this could be true. Their Father, he loved them so. He couldn't do this, not to him. Not to him.

"For that light consumed her mother and father and they gave away her siblings..... four more children. I believe them to be our litter Uriel. But I did not ask beyond this for she fears this because of a dark horror she was met with when she found her parents once more. They had been slaughtered." Gritting his teeth against the steady onslaught, Gabriel turned his head away. No. This couldn't be. It must be the lies of the Fallen, masquerading as false truths. The Lord would not commit such a sin. To cleanse the innocent? A damnable act. The holy light of their Father was too bright for such a tarnishing crime. A tiny echo, faint and almost nonexistent. "My love, they are beautiful." A woman's voice, unfamiliar but accompanied by blessed warmth and safety.

No more. He couldn't stand it any longer. He had come to hear Samael out, to understand what his side of the story was. Gabriel didn't want to hear it anymore. "Please, brother, no more." He breathed, features crumpled by the strength of his emotion. They were definitely tears that warmed his cheeks, and streaked now down the sides of his muzzle as he tipped it towards the snow laden ground. His voice was too weak. Samael continued.

"Without his influence i have found that I may do as I will." The herald rose, paced a few yards ahead. This sinful monologue lacerated his insides with each word spoken. "There are no demons or guardians in my world. Only wolves with good qualities or bad. I love who I want, man or woman, brother or sister." Yet again, Samael reminded him of what Gabriel sought only to forget. To love one's brother? Gabriel did love them, but he wasn't sure it was possible for him to reciprocate Samael's desire. It had yet to occur to him, so why should now be any different. Auds pressed tighter and tighter yet to his skull, seeking to remove his brother's words from his ears. He didn't want to hear anymore. It hurt him. "I speak to my friends and family regardless of who they are, and I don't fear any. I offer you both to stay with me, find your freedom, discover who you were meant to be before his grasp found you. Its not falling, this life is rising to stand for what you want. If you wish to live with my help, I shall be rising as an Alpha soon. Your places are among me and mine. Gabe as my second, and Uriel as my head healer. But this is not something I will force upon you, you must make this decision on your own. Michael is not welcome for his crimes against our family is too great. He will never accept any ways but his own into his heart. Should Raphael wish it he may come and try my ways as well. You don't need to abandon everything you know either, I never did, but I found new ways to think as well."

The speech pried apart fine hairs, needled its way in nonetheless. He stood still, muscles taut, sightless gaze downcast upon the brilliant snow. Samael spoke no longer, most likely waiting for the cursed words to take root in their minds. There had to be a spell, a curse, laden in them. It was beginning to sound.. appealing. Wrinkling his face, he held back a soft sob. This was neither the time, nor the place. He was the strong one, for his family. The time for tears and emotion had passed.

Crunch. There he was. Crunch. Coming ever closer. Crunch. Fear coursed through his veins like ice. What could he do? Rooted to the spot, weakened by the lies that still swam in his skull. Crunch. A solid, gentle pressure against his chest. Below the lowest of his scars, in the centre of his breast. Samael's musk invaded his senses. The soft touch of his breath against the fine fur of his face. He was right there, no doubt looking him in the face. The gentle, tender caress of his tongue against his tortured flesh. That was it. He was done, just like that.

Fresh tears fell from his ducts, both tattered and not. Lips peeled back from his teeth, features scrunching up in a broken and fearful sob. "Why?" He dared utter, vocals hoarse and pathetic. That's what he was. Pathetic. Far from worth the Lord's love anymore. "Why, brother? Why be kind to the likes of me? Look at what I did to you!" He cried, desperation pulling his voice into a taut thread that broke easily. "I do not deserve your mercy, brother, let alone your kindness." It was the truth, and he was hopeless to figure out why Samael continued to follow him so readily.


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.



6 Years
Dire wolf
12-18-2017, 08:02 PM

OOC; big round of applause for Den!!

 “URIEL, GABRIEL STOP!” He roared, charging toward the two and the monster before them.  “Listen not to what he says for he seeks only to tempt you from His light!” Raphael proclaimed, his muzzle twisted in a snarl.  “He coaxes you with pity and delicious lies but I have learned the truth of the child’s death!” Raphael roared, glaring down at Lucifer hatefully.  “Lucifer; he who crawl on his belly with the serpents, placed a madness upon Michael! He possessed his soul and mind and with it turned him from the glorious light to committing damnation!“ He declared proudly.  “He is the weaver of lies and sacrificed his very own child to sway you from the will of Our Father!”

He kept his eyes on Lucifer as he spoke, his vibrant eyes blazing like the core of an open fire, perhaps even the core of the very sun.   “Ask yourself now why would Michael betray the will of Our Lord by killing an innocent, and see before you what the child’s death has swayed you to do already. You were presented with a contract even! He very nearly wished that you sign your souls to him and join in his covenant as demons!” Raphael’s tail flashed behind him like an angry serpent, his ears pinned to his skull and his body braced for the demon to lunge for him now that his secrets were bared to be seen. 

Speaking  Thinking You


01-08-2018, 09:04 PM
Uriel was trying her best to steady her breathing, listening to Samael and Gabriel as each spoke. There was both comfort and more pain in those words… words that hurt and twisted in her mind. Was this the real truth? Was this the path she was meant to take? The angelic women kept her eyes closed, focusing on her breathing as the two continued to speak… at least… until she heard another voice she knew. It was a voice that commanded her and Gabe to stop, to ignore Sam… and that voice brought a new wave of pain. Those words… those words… they were the true lies.

All at once Uriel rose, her eyes still full of tears as she turned a glaring gaze on her brother. “No. You stop.” Uriel growled for the first in her entire life, ears pinning back against her skull as she shifted herself in the path before Samael and Gabriel. She was shaking… a sign betraying her fear of what she was doing. She was standing up to her brother, standing up for what she believed the truth.

“Samael is no demon.” The words and anger twisted her face, her green eyes narrowing. “The reason Michael betrays the will of the Lord… Is because He himself must be no saint.” She was scared, her heart racing with what was coming out of her own mouth. She shook her head wildly, gaze away from Raphael. “...My brother would not sacrifice his own child. Michael is the liar.” Uriel shook even more now.

“...and Father… he’s…” She look up at Raph, the tears streaming down her face. “I think… I think our Father wanted to create purity… but he failed to see his own darkness… darkness that is in all of us. In every creature.” The realization made Uriel feel sick. She didn’t want to face this truth.  “...there are no demons and angels, Raph…” Uriel took a step towards him.

“...we are no different… than others… we all live, breathe, and die…” Uriel took a shaky breath. “I… I see it now… everything we’ve known… That was the real lie…” Her words were barely above a whisper now. Her eyes squeezed closed.

That... that was the real wrong all along.