
Prussian Blue


12-19-2017, 03:29 PM

It was the smell of old blood that drew the predator in; he was simply curious. He still felt like a tourist to these lands, but something about this particular area told him that wolves had been fighting here for years. This was some sort of battleground, and if it attracted the likes of warriors.. he was immediately interested. Who was the strongest up here in the North? He yearned to discover them for himself, though if his ambition led him in the direction he hoped - it would one day be him.

He was so far unmarred, though small nicks left hidden scars scattered beneath his heavy pelt. None were grand enough to be visible through his magnificent coat, every muscle left heavily armored in his youth- thick jacket intact. His bloodline was often noted for their glorious scars, he wondered.. would today be the day he finally earned his own? Or would history repeat itself, and leave no one brave enough to challenge him? Both his mother and his father bore their own gruesome stories- proudly on their skin like badges of honor. Honor was everything to them and their scars told their enemies that they would fight to the end for it.

Behemoth stood amidst stained soil, precious memories of his family and his suppressed dreams of making them proud in the foreground of his mind. He was radiating with confidence as the thick fur among his shoulders prickled, a sudden rush of adrenaline causing his hackles to meet the wind like a king's protective mantle. Suddenly, the serene image of his grace standing there relaxed on the silent battlefield was interrupted when he through his massive, dire sized skull back and released from the depths of his baritones: a beckoning, war drum of a howl.




10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-20-2017, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2017, 07:36 AM by Ásvor.)

Though Ásvor had little official training in fighting, she'd always craved learning more. Being mostly on her own, though, gave her few opportunities to practice sparring. Now that she was considering joining her sister's pack, if there was a spot for her, she'd started considering trying to get some training under her belt first. Or at least - a bit of practice. With that in mind, she headed a bit south of the lands she'd been staying in, heading to the flat expanse of field that seemed to attract wolves for spars like flies to honey.

Her gait was guarded as she wandered across the strange terrain, bristling slightly with a sort of nervous excitement that she found difficult to reign in. Though she wasn't a trained fighter, she knew she was spirited enough to put up a good fight regardless. Her anxiety only heightened when she heard a stranger's call ringing across the plains, a call to arms. Curious, her posture grew a touch more confident as she crossed the lands and headed toward him.

Even from a distance she could tall he was much larger than she was - though his brute strength wouldn't scare her off completely. He was more than a full head taller than her, though what he had in force she was sure she could counter in agility. Her gaze was unblinking as she approached, slowly at first, her body tense as she assessed him. "Looking for a fight, are we?" She inquired, the corners of her lips pulling up into a faint shadow of a smirk as her brows raised to emphasize her question.


12-23-2017, 08:16 AM

When she first appeared in his sight, he was in near disbelief. In all honesty, he hadn't expected to be so lucky on his first calling- the fact that he had actually got a response was surprising enough. The fact that she was just a small little thing but still willing to respond to the challenge of a Mountain King spoke volumes for her character, though he believed that to be only half of what mattered out on the battlefield. He remembered his sisters.. remembered how that, despite their size, they were capable of being the last sight of this world for even the strongest men. Her agility could be like kryptonite to a titan of his towering height out here today, and he was eager to find out what she was made of.

If she was going to be the one to take him down, he wanted to get a really good look at her. As she approached, his own limbs carried him forward to help close the distance to a comfortable five feet- almost as short as a full wolf's body length. Although pride constantly swelled in his muscles and made holding his head and tail high seem like the natural state of his skeleton, he was forced to remember that it was all part of putting on a show. For the moment, he would surrender that radiating sense of nobility about himself to allow himself to answer to calling from within that could get a little bit wild.

Begin Defenses.

The reluctance to do so alone was enough to summon the rise of the beast's hackles, their prickling presence becoming quite obvious in that just slightly tinted and dusty chestnut mantle that stood just behind his shoulders and seemed to grow in just as thickly as his absolute mane for a neck. A neck which was lowering to align with the titan's shoulders, as well as the rest of his spine as his tail followed suit behind him. Simultaneously, his limbs were taking a position on the four corners of his unusually square body to evenly distribute his heavy weight.

"You could say I am.... cu'rious about one, yes. And you..? You will sate my... curiosity?" He wasn't entirely sure if he was using the right word there, in all honesty.. it was spoken quickly and with slight uncertainty, but the grin that followed his works held the image of his impervious sense of confidence no matter what language his opponent spoke.

That grin slowly morphed, splitting as his throat released a menacingly dark chuckle; his chin tucked in as his ears at first flipped forward to point directly to the red face of the woman in front of him and then tucked themselves to the side of his skull while the meat of his visage twisted into a protective snarl. Those flawlessly blue eyes were forced to narrow beneath the wrinkle of his ugly display, and those massive and nearly prehistoric looking set of fangs were ultimately revealed and left agape for the ready.

Every muscle in the beast was nearly self-aware as they worked together to establish the best balance of weight, keeping his core muscles tensed and far more dense than the limberness focused in his limbs to allow for more fluid movements- his knees just slightly bent and ready to offer resistance if needed should she be the one to attack first.


Although he was desperate for her to make the first move simply because he wanted to see how she'd choose to initiate it, his adrenaline had already begun to skyrocket entirely too high for him to deny himself the opportunity. His toes spread out to firmly grip the earth beneath him as he thought and anticipated how he would approach her. The cold of winter left the ground partially frozen, but perfect for using as a tool in building his moment as he suddenly launched his entire frame forward, pushing and pulling hard with those wide paws to barrel himself forward.

His shoulders slowly rotated during his run, focusing their mass forward and his weight more into the beast's right shoulder as he prepared it like the head of a battering ram to go directly into the woman's skull. He expected her to dodge this move, as even with him focused entirely on his speed.. it was a short distance to try and accomplish as much momentum as he'd like to ensure she could not escape his trajectory. However, he remained determined to catch her facing him so that he could ram his shoulder into the matched height of her skull, in particular, the left side of the base of her jaw in hopes that he might bruise it badly enough or even dislodge it for a seriously early end to their little spar.

Dominicus vs. Asvor for Spar
Round: 1 | ?

Height: 45"

Build: Heavy

Notes; Nyx, you have my consent/compliance to choose a different beginning distance for them. I sort of just threw a number out there for the feet between them but if you were thinking a different number feel free to mention a different one and I'll go with that, too. :3



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-27-2017, 08:13 AM

Ásvor was unskilled in real fighting and she hoped to find an opponent who was untrained as she was. She was grateful to see that this male seemed unscarred at first glance, his pelt unmarred, as far as she could tell. This heightened her confidence a bit - she’d have little chance succeeding in a spar against a skilled warrior, she wasn’t so foolish to imagine she would, so she was grateful she wouldn’t have to run from this opportunity.

Her gaze followed his movements carefully, watching as he paused a wolf’s length from her and begin to bristle defensively and prepare to fight before he even spoke. Ásvor followed in suit, partially mirroring him though also acting on instinct - she knew the neck was the easiest and most deadly target in any fight, so she lowered her head and let the scruff of her neck bunch around her throat. Likewise she would center her weight to all four paws, limbs bending slightly at the joint and claws distending to grip the soil for traction.

Her nose wrinkled, eyes narrowing to protect them from any sudden attacks or flying debrid -- but a small smile tugged at her lips, that oddly distance expression of hers that seemed all too common lately. She noted his voice was strange, tinged with an accent she’d never heard before. ”I am curious indeed,” Ásvor answered easily. ”And I’ll be happy to sate your curiosity... so long as you sate mine, big guy.”  She raised an eyebrow as she regarded him, watching as his smile grew to something far more sinister, and her own expression would darker, lips peeling back to reveal stained incisors as a low growl rumbled in her throat as adrenaline begin to course through her veins.

For a moment she wasn’t sure whether he would strike first or if he was preparing to let her initiate - but after a split second of waiting, he seemed to be out of patience as he lunged forward. Her eyes were trained on him, and as soon as she saw a ripple of movement beneath his coat she tensed, tail lashing out behind her to further aid in balance. He was a big wolf, easily stronger than her and she knew his strength alone could easily outmatch hers. Letting him simply barrel into her, she knew, would be a quick end to the fight - instead of trying to hold her ground and endure the pain, instead she moved and aimed to duck even lower as he charged forward. Realistically she knew she wasn’t so small that she could climb beneath him, but she hoped at least that his shoulder wouldn’t slam into the base of her skull straight-on.

Instead, she felt the firm blow of his body against the back of her neck as she aimed to duck her head down toward his chest, a snarl billowing from her throat. She knew this position left the back of her neck more vulnerable, but at least it gave her a chance to keep fighting. With that, Asvor attempted to tilt her head to the left, nearly parallel with the earth as her jaws unhinged and she aimed to dig her teeth into the upper right forelimb of Dominicus in a fierce bite, putting all her weight into the attack, hoping it would give her a bit of wiggle room as he tried to release her grasp.

Asvor vs. Dominicus for Spar
Round 1 of 3

Height: 32”
Build: Medium

Note: Sin agreed to be flexible on the time for this first reply for me, so she gets the same courtesy if needed <3

Head Judges


01-24-2018, 05:48 PM

And the winner is...

ASVOR! Due to Dominicus not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Asvor's favor. Dominicus must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.