
Soiled Blood - Egyptian Lineage



7 Years
12-19-2017, 12:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 09:15 AM by Nephthys.)


Meet the ITHURIEL clan. Patriarchal community where males have the ultimate say, however women are as valued for their reproductive system, strenght and intelligence. For now the only members on Ardent from the Ithuriel regal are  Ra , Nephthys , Sekhmet , Setekh , Amunet and Horus I wish for all of them to be adopted or for people to create their own, I wish for the Ithuriel clan to strive and prospere.

Patriarch: Ra ,

The Ithuriel's are a malevolent breed of sensual beasts; violent aristocrats of the dying egyptian lineage. They believe they are gods ripped from their celestial chaise, and demand salvation for their family's rite to succession. Their worship is the obsession of immortality in devouring the flesh of their own kind; cannibals. They will be granted no satisfaction in feeding upon the weak or undeserving, and it is an absolute disgrace to do so. Cross them and they will shamelessly take all that you desire and design for you your own private hell. They are death dealers, cruel negotiators, mercenaries of a ravenous kind. A deal made with a Ithuriel is kept or rued, they will come for their rightful reward or rip it from your cold grasp. They are hellhounds. They hunt together. They kill together. Despite their cruel, bloodthirsty demeanors they are sensual and romantic murderers, valorous aristocrats that still value the art of chivalry and loyalty as they are thick as a close knit band of vagrants or thieves that provide an undying admiration for one another, even when disputes arise. They may seemingly loathe each other, threaten one another, exhaust their patience to a warring rivalry, but never betray or abandon that of their own blood. Their love may even border a perverse sense of intimacy that outlines their fierce possession for one another as incest is part of normalcy within their home.


Tall and statuesque (usually 36"). Physically they are often mesomorphs (medium build) or ectomorphs (light build). Endomorphs (heavy build) are very uncommon and more often than not frowned upon. They are traditionally long and lean with narrow features, but commonly toned with muscle for the sake of war. Their movements are languid, creeping, reptilian, they are swift and cunning, yet possess an air of vigor and regality ever so present, feral and eerie. Their pelts are often dark. Greys, "Browns", blacks, and dark sable. Though pale colors sometimes occur, and albinism is revelled due to incest. Eye colors are brown, golden, lilac, and sometimes orange. Gold is the dominant eye colour of the kin.


Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were an integral part of ancient Egyptian society. It centered on the Egyptians' interaction with many deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces of nature. Rituals such as prayers and offerings were efforts to provide for the gods and gain their favor. I will make sure to present a list of rituals below.


Fogmoon Festival (Autumn): The Fogmoon Festival is a celebration of the lives you have lived. It is a gathering to honor those who have left an impression on you and who you wish to see again. It is a time for peace and telling of stories. It is believed that during the month of the Fogmoon, all spirits are freer to mingle, that part of you can leave to be reunited with the spirits of friends and family who have passed. It is common practice to erect alters with objects reminiscent of or favored by the spirit one wishes to invoke. Sleep is the conduit for this spiritual encounter, and so, these alters should be set near where one sleeps.

Phaethon Geminids (Meteor Shower Event) (Winter): Is considered the first day of winter, this change in seasons is beckoned in by an annual meteor shower, (known as the geminids in RL). A time for preparing for the coming hardships, this event focuses on bringing the family together and increasing morale and the overall sense of fun and unity.

Rite Of Healing: This Rite may be performed for oneself or others, to help restore the natural youthful health of the body, mind and soul after injury, illness or trauma. (Take note this is not magical, it is an incantation healers/shamans say before they start patching you up with herbs)
Flowers in Chania

Invocation of the Godself: We all "sense" the presence of Amen, the Hidden One (one of their egyptian Gods) living within us.. and all spiritual Paths attempt to connect us consciously with "him" (or "her" or "it!.") This invocation informs Amen that you "know" of him and wish for him to guide you. Used however often one wishes for guidance or luck in life.
Flowers in Chania

Rite Of Blessing: This Rite may be spoken over another person (addressing it to them by name, upon starting) to remind their soul of who they are and encourage self-integration.
Flowers in Chania


Rumored descendents of an ancient gods. Their belief is that strength and skill wills the success of the world, and all that which they deserve will be taken in blood or left in ashes. Feeding upon the strong will grant them strength. Feeding on the weak will bring disease. The full moon is believed to excel vitality, therefore most breeding, hunting and spars are valued during waxing phases, especially a day/night of the full moon. Waning moon phases are regarded with ill fate and conflicts often avoided during that time. They are indifferent to other religion than their own, but worship the force of nature therefore rituals may arise.


  • All names of the characters that you bring must be of egyptian or latin roots.
  • Please keep in mind their are a close family unit like presented in the description and I do not wish by all means for someone to disrespect the religion or their Pharaoh/Patriarch
  • I reserve the right to take the adoptables (the designs below) back and place them up for re-adoption if they fall as inactive.


A n u b i s, is a four years old male and brother to Ra, Amunet and Horus. He is the first born from his litter. You can make his personality, history and role in the clan how you want however name cannot be changed unfortunately.

S o b e k, a six years old male. He is Ra's and his siblings grandfather, Nephthys , Sekhmet and Setekh great-grandfather. The one that made their life a living hell and tortured them, not literally or who knows, all their lives. He is the one that got almost all of them Exiled from their home, Egypt, and stripped them down of their status. He killed all the others or did he?


Design #1 Flowers in Chania
Design #2 Flowers in Chania
Design #3 Flowers in Chania
Design #4 Flowers in Chania

NOTE: If you are going for either Anubis or Sobek then please take a little of your time to read Ra's, Horu's and Amunet's history. It could give you an idea of what happened in the past.

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Contact Info:</b> (skype, kik, discord)

<b>Design:</b> (one is Bastet, two is Setekh, three is Amunet)
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Character Appearance:</b>
<b>Character Personality:</b>
<b>Character History:</b> ( what happens after  the trio went their separated ways? )
<b>Plots/Ideas?:</b> (anything really, the relations between them maybe or anything you have in mind for them and their family, if not it is alright to leave it blank)
<b>RP Sample:</b> (two paragtaphs at least)

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
Extra large
12-19-2017, 01:29 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2017, 10:38 PM by Torin.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
Contact Info: Discord: Lolaf#8721

Design: Three
Character Name: Amunet
Character Appearance: Amunet is a beast of pure sensuality and rage, her 36 inches are all long limbs and elegant angles. She glides upon the earth with cat like movements. Lithe, serpentine form is draped in thick luxurious furs. Her pelt is godly to gaze upon, her pale coloration marks her as an anomaly among her kin and she revels in it. She is a light sandy color; nearly unmarred but by a lighter cream that rings along her shoulders blades and fades up to the base of her skull. Set within elegant skull are a pair of dark chocolate orbs; the outer rims of her eyes are a lighter umber.

Character Personality: Amunet is a goddess among mortals and she knows it, she is a proud queen and never will anyone forget it. The goddess wields her regality like a weapon; she has no patience for others who forget their place and they will be summarily punished. She is a flirt of unparalleled enthusiasm and yet she has no intention of spreading her genes among the lesser beings; no her genes are too godly and precious for mere mortals.

Her tongue is sharp and her rage insatiable. She suffers no fools and woe betide anyone who enrages her. She is a warrior queen who believes herself to be unbeatable by any but her own brother and will not hesitate to destroy those that offend her.

She is selfish to her core, she works first in her own self interest, the family is next in line and nothing else even crosses her mind. Love is not something she claims to know, her feelings for her family is only respect and obligation. Despite herself she has a soft side for her brother Ra, maybe even loves him, in a way stronger than that of simple siblings.

Character History: The queen was born to three godly parents, two sisters and a brother, and she greedily accepted their stories of her divinity and eagerly lapped up their teachings of manners and proper etiquette. Of her siblings she grew close only to her own twin brother Ra, the other children she treated as siblings with all the respect that afforded them but she loved only Ra.

A tragedy of mythic proportions tore her rightful throne from her paws as their father died and their grandfather banished them. Amunet never forgot her heritage though and vowed to remain beside her brother and aid him in anyway to aid him in anyway he needed to once more ascend once more to their godly throne, believing herself to be his rightful queen.

Plots/Ideas?: I'm thinking Amunet carries a sort of grudge against Nephthys and her siblings for being born, she is angered by the thought of her brother bearing bastard children. I'd like her to meet the trio, learn who they are. See how she responds. If/When Ra shows up she'll stick to him like glue. Beyond that mostly just have her flirt and fight her way through Boreas.

Ardat Lili


1 Year
12-19-2017, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2017, 11:56 PM by Ardat Lili.)
OOC Name: spec
Contact Info: Here, Skype (rachael.dunch)

Design: two
Character Name: Setekh (by only close family members, Seth)
Character Appearance: Unbridled rage, smolders, but not on the surface. Like a volcano, volatile and unexpected, his dark pet is a sign, a warning to all who approach: danger lies beneath. Charcoal is rubbed from head to toe, and from the beginning, it is as the gods made it. Darkness, foreboding, deadly; attractive, mysterious, dignified. Depending on who views the hunter, it's easy to see two separate sides, especially when two halo-like creamy-white marks light up the darkness, perhaps giving hope to those in search of the light. The first halo encircles his shoulders, to mid back. The second is a little more than half-way down his tail. Setekh is lithe, his frame is on the small end of what could be classified as medium sized, but his weight is a bit of a quandary, for he is muscular, but thin. Most would consider him a vulture, eying his prey with those blazing yellow eyes. All the better to devour you with, should you be worth my time.
Character Personality: Charming poisoner. As many would call it, this man is charismatic and suave, but below it all he's a serpent ready to strike. Silver tongued, as any prince, the male is very beautiful and fluid with his speech. He is rather intelligent, his mindset superior - in his own thought process - than those around him. Seth is one of vile tendencies, perhaps even manipulative, but mostly... he's into mutilation. Tearing into another, ripping into the flesh, brings him joy. Unfortunately, Setekh knows that there is a limit to his abilities, for his strength is not one of brute power. He is more apt to poisons of sorts, perhaps even vocal manipulations to bend ones' will to his needs, wants, and desires. Seth will aspire to learn of horticulture, but not in the sense of healing - although to become an apprentice he'll definitely learn, because why not know how to bring one back from the brink of death just to make them feel it all over again? Poison is something everyone feels, and no one can escape eating something they assume is okay for them. He had to learn the hard way. Of course, with this method, things have a tendency to... not go his way. That's where wrath appears.

Temper, temper, temper! One with such a high status, would fall so low. When surrounded by the impurities of those around him, it's no surprise that Seth would be wrought with an emotion like anger and fall to it's evil whim. Alas, he's nearly crippled by his insatiable temper. Like a naughty child, only one that is capable of great feats, he has fits of pure rage. Cursing, spitting, stomping, snarling - the whole nine yards. It's in these moments that his volatility is at it's peak. His temper will, and can access different stages. In the lower forms, it's mere retorts, lashing out vocally, perhaps tearing at the earth and things. He'll likely avoid confrontation unless it's obvious he can win, but even then... Why fuck up a masterpiece? Anger can do things to a man, and in this case, anger can cause one to lose their mind. In this sense... it releases Setekh's mind. On average, he is rather level headed, and can think clearly, but when in anger, rationality shuts down. Unlike relying on his natural strengths, Seth will act on impulse. Most likely, when he falls into these moments, he is prone to lash out to those around him, any near, and likely be harmed in the process.

Dirty, in more ways than one... if you catch my drift. He is a very sexual being, but in this case, it's not just about his tendencies to desire such intimacy. When given an opportunity to fight or do something, Seth is not above getting things dirtily. Kicking up dust, using objects, perhaps even maneuvering so others take the hits. He's quite selfish in that fashion. Especially when severely angered, the male will do anything to tip the scales in his favor. Everyone is expendable, minus himself.

Superior, in all standards... Unless I need something from you. He is above others, and who wouldn't think so? Would anyone but a god among men be able to live and survive through the turmoil he had surpassed? His pride would lead him to believe that he's above everything. Seth is one to use others as his pawns. He's a manipulator, but not one that fights to make others his, he's more of a snake hiding in wait, ready to strike. Despite his family nature, to be a part of the unit, he does occasionally have needs for others. In this sense Setekh is a mastermind. To find others to do his bidding for him is just the icing on the top of the cake. His greed is no match.

Lust for days, and days, and days. You may be my type. Due to his nature, lust is no stranger to the brute. He's open to almost everything. Lust is not one to judge. Secretly, Seth had an Oedipus complex, adoring his whore mother. His lust for her ran so deep, to do the unthinkable to her body caused him a painful pleasure, one that he'd never forget. In all other aspects, he's pretty fluid to the concept of wooing and being wooed by all of those around him. No need to play favorites, all can enjoy my divinity. Of course, all of this is not without the evil sister envy. In most, if not all cases, his desires will lead him down a road of lust for one or two particular individuals. Of course he'll enter and explore all facets of the emotion, but the other "L" word can sneak up and bite one in the ass. His envy would be for any that show attention to his property. Even if he doesn't choose an official mate, whats his is his, and he'll definitely throw a tantrum for it.
Character History: Let's just say that the split was... necessary. In a sense, after eating his mother from the outside in, Seth was not in the right mindset. Her rotting flesh caused him a sickness, one of which he couldn't come over. Of course he knew that she would be a key to his survival, but... being that young and physically needing her to aid in his survival and growth? A deep pit opened within the boy, and the blackness would spill out. From the moment he ate into his mothers' flesh, his desire to feed was on more than just the flesh, but his body was rejecting hers as his supplement. Being young, he was able to reject her poison but it wasn't without harming himself in general. Without the aid of another, the boy practically starved by eating anything nearby to ease the pain in his stomach from her dead body. A passer too him under his wing, but he didn't help the boy much. He was a rigid dark fool, and wasn't really interested in the pup, he just ended up dragging him along to give himself a "good name" for any others nearby. Once Seth was old enough, and stronger, he made a way out for himself, and was able to pick up faint traces of forgotten memories. He would follow them, out of curiosity, but also out of another emotion... desire.
Plots/Ideas?: Seth is a very dangerous person, but I also believe that he'd be angry with his siblings for leaving him, and causing him to be ill. He'll also strangely respect them, and begrudgingly hold them high in his sights because they caused his godliness come to light. In the end, I feel I'd have to play him more to get a feel of how he'd regard his siblings, but I know he'd have a certain lust and hate for his father. I mean why release him into the world if you'd just leave him to rot?



7 Years
12-19-2017, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2017, 11:04 PM by Nephthys. Edit Reason: Accepted Lolaf's app )
EDIT: Lolaf, she is all yours. I adore her! You can go ahead and make her.

Spec, he sounds ravashing so far. I am looking forward for you to finish it~
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Iscariot I


6 Years
12-19-2017, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2017, 01:37 AM by Iscariot I.)
OOC Name: Bird
Contact Info: (

Design: one (though she looks like this <3)
Character Name: Sekhmet Ba'as Ithuriel (formerly Bastet!)

Character Appearance: Keeping this simple here, as I am on mobile, but she is clothed in the finest silks of black and gold. Dark, raven's wing black covers her in shadows while a sandy blonde patch rests upon her head in an oddly-shaped, lopsided, lazy crown of sorts that covers the right side of her head. Her eyes are a bright and familiar gold that gleam in stark contrast to her dark pelt. She stands at 36 inches tall and weighs a feathery 145 pounds. This woman is the epitome of feminity and grace, bearing a regal heading and a long sloped back that leads to strong shoulders and rounded muscular hips. Long legs carry this sensuous delight with a grace that would seem most preternatural, for she hardly seems to touch the ground at all. She has a delicate and very pretty facial structure that would make any creature want to offer their eyes to her.

Character Personality: Mortals would do well to commit her name to memory, she is a beauty capable of the darkest, cruelest acts of brutality and destruction. This woman only seeks to destroy the opposition, eradicate those who would stand in her way, and just in general throw wrenches into the gears of almost any wolf who isn't family. This woman aches for a fight and will win at any cost, never playing by just one set of rules. She is rude, bossy and crass, her mouth often foul, and tone snide with her ego. She believes herself to be beauty incarnate and above all else, she is completely and madly in love with her family. Her family is more than just her heart, it is her entire being, and she has absolutely no issue showing any of them inappropriate amounts of affection either.

Character History: Sek went her own way after her mother's death, her rage pointed at any and everything that crossed her path. Even though she was only a young pup, she was quickly known to be a terror to the nearby packs and loners. She became what was necessary to survive and eventually a group of rogues took her in. Sek is a wolf with little patience for being bossed around, being the first-born cub, the woman can be quite bossy herself. Once she was capable of fighting her way out of the gang, Sekhmet quickly earned her moniker and killed the wolves she ran with, destroying the rag-tag band and leaving only blood and gore behind her when she left. It was then she grew a taste for wolf flesh, the goddess in her demanding she finds only wolves who could challenge her physically or mentally. This woman is a witch, a succubus, and a downright deadly goddess.

Plots/Ideas?: Sek is...well...she is a wolf who really, really loves her family. So, being reunited would be awesome! She also might have a crush on her siblings that's interesting XDD
'Riot is not a nice wolf. There is alot of swearing, violence, gore, drug use and other things in his posts that others may find offensive. Please use caution when threading with this character, and remember, Bird loves you! 

Help me keep track of my threads! Just click Here and add your thread, be sure to pm me and let me know!!



7 Years
12-19-2017, 11:36 PM
Sekhmet sounds amazing Bird~ All you need now is the history, plots/ideas and a reference so I can see her.
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
12-19-2017, 11:56 PM
OOC Name: Croatoan
Contact Info: Auket#4106

Design: One
Character Name: Bastet
Character Appearance: 36'' -- Light build
Bastet is cloaked in obsidian and grays, much like her mother. At first, she looks fragile, like she may break at any touch. But a closer look proves her true strength, with muscles visible in her shoulders and legs. She's not some little thing that can't protect herself. A lighter gray, almost silver, rests on the top of her head and goes down her spine, small strands of fur falling away from the main stripe to rest on her shoulders and stomach. It fades at the base of her tail, hints of it lighting the fur. The tip of her tail is a brownish-blonde, a sudden change with the darkness of her fur. The only thing that may hint at any sort of weakness for Bastet are her eyes. Once vibrant and sharp, her struggles have left her with clouded gray eyes, unfocused and unseeing. The fur around her eyes is thin, just now growing back and covering the scars that inflicted such a wound.
Character Personality:
Character History: ( what happens after the trio went their separated ways? )



7 Years
12-20-2017, 12:10 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2017, 12:11 AM by Nephthys.)
For Lolaf's Amunet and his/her use only! Congratulations!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac molestie lectus. Morbi eu risus augue. Phasellus hendrerit ut leo a eleifend. Fusce vel pretium justo. Donec aliquam vitae quam in dictum. Maecenas mattis venenatis ipsum, ac interdum nibh viverra id. Morbi tortor libero, malesuada quis orci non, vestibulum ultricies dolor. Sed blandit nisl erat, et accumsan nibh consequat et. Sed ultrices eros nec urna cursus, sed dignissim neque iaculis. Maecenas vel erat vel odio pharetra commodo. Proin mauris augue, dictum sed orci et, pharetra condimentum turpis. Fusce gravida, ipsum ac ullamcorper sollicitudin, lorem enim varius mi, sed ultricies erat sem at nisi. Nulla urna tortor, malesuada vitae fringilla quis, lacinia non massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet mauris et sodales viverra. Nam sed nunc blandit, semper enim eu, ornare dolor. Curabitur tempor sodales felis, ut luctus massa condimentum vitae. Donec semper nulla in ornare pretium. In eu tortor elit. Cras velit lectus, consectetur at commodo et, lobortis et nibh. Praesent vitae vestibulum urna. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse dictum dignissim ipsum, ultrices suscipit magna. Nulla ac malesuada urna, ultricies dictum sem.

speech, character talks

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<br> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac molestie lectus. Morbi eu risus augue. Phasellus hendrerit ut leo a eleifend. Fusce vel pretium justo. Donec aliquam vitae quam in dictum. Maecenas mattis venenatis ipsum, ac interdum nibh viverra id. Morbi tortor libero, malesuada quis orci non, vestibulum ultricies dolor. Sed blandit nisl erat, et accumsan nibh consequat et. Sed ultrices eros nec urna cursus, sed dignissim neque iaculis. Maecenas vel erat vel odio pharetra commodo. Proin mauris augue, dictum sed orci et, pharetra condimentum turpis. Fusce gravida, ipsum ac ullamcorper sollicitudin, lorem enim varius mi, sed ultricies erat sem at nisi. Nulla urna tortor, malesuada vitae fringilla quis, lacinia non massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet mauris et sodales viverra. Nam sed nunc blandit, semper enim eu, ornare dolor. Curabitur tempor sodales felis, ut luctus massa condimentum vitae. Donec semper nulla in ornare pretium. In eu tortor elit. Cras velit lectus, consectetur at commodo et, lobortis et nibh. Praesent vitae vestibulum urna. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse dictum dignissim ipsum, ultrices suscipit magna. Nulla ac malesuada urna, ultricies dictum sem.

<span style="font-family:Beaked Tyrant Personal Use; font-size:20px; line-height:10px; letter-spacing:0px; text-transform:lowercase; font-weight:normal; color:#FFFFFF;">speech, character talks</span>

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
12-20-2017, 01:24 AM
Congratulations Bird for your new character! You are more than encouraged to go and create her. I hope you will keep her active because there will be lots of drama in this family!

I am so sorry Croatan, you are more than welcome to try for other designs that had appeard.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
12-20-2017, 01:42 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2017, 01:46 AM by Nephthys.)
For Bird's Sekhment and for their own only! Congratulations!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac molestie lectus. Morbi eu risus augue. Phasellus hendrerit ut leo a eleifend. Fusce vel pretium justo. Donec aliquam vitae quam in dictum. Maecenas mattis venenatis ipsum, ac interdum nibh viverra id. Morbi tortor libero, malesuada quis orci non, vestibulum ultricies dolor. Sed blandit nisl erat, et accumsan nibh consequat et. Sed ultrices eros nec urna cursus, sed dignissim neque iaculis. Maecenas vel erat vel odio pharetra commodo. Proin mauris augue, dictum sed orci et, pharetra condimentum turpis. Fusce gravida, ipsum ac ullamcorper sollicitudin, lorem enim varius mi, sed ultricies erat sem at nisi. Nulla urna tortor, malesuada vitae fringilla quis, lacinia non massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet mauris et sodales viverra. Nam sed nunc blandit, semper enim eu, ornare dolor. Curabitur tempor sodales felis, ut luctus massa condimentum vitae. Donec semper nulla in ornare pretium. In eu tortor elit. Cras velit lectus, consectetur at commodo et, lobortis et nibh. Praesent vitae vestibulum urna. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse dictum dignissim ipsum, ultrices suscipit magna. Nulla ac malesuada urna, ultricies dictum sem.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac molestie lectus. Morbi eu risus augue. Phasellus hendrerit ut leo a eleifend. Fusce vel pretium justo. Donec aliquam vitae quam in dictum. Maecenas mattis venenatis ipsum, ac interdum nibh viverra id. Morbi tortor libero, malesuada quis orci non, vestibulum ultricies dolor. Sed blandit nisl erat, et accumsan nibh consequat et. Sed ultrices eros nec urna cursus, sed dignissim neque iaculis. Maecenas vel erat vel odio pharetra commodo. Proin mauris augue, dictum sed orci et, pharetra condimentum turpis. Fusce gravida, ipsum ac ullamcorper sollicitudin, lorem enim varius mi, sed ultricies erat sem at nisi. Nulla urna tortor, malesuada vitae fringilla quis, lacinia non massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet mauris et sodales viverra. Nam sed nunc blandit, semper enim eu, ornare dolor. Curabitur tempor sodales felis, ut luctus massa condimentum vitae. Donec semper nulla in ornare pretium. In eu tortor elit. Cras velit lectus, consectetur at commodo et, lobortis et nibh. Praesent vitae vestibulum urna. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse dictum dignissim ipsum, ultrices suscipit magna. Nulla ac malesuada urna, ultricies dictum sem.

<span style="Font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: #ebbf3b; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px; font-variant: normal; text-transform: uppercase;"><I>speech</I></span>

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
12-21-2017, 11:40 PM
Bloody hell, Specs. You surprised me, I awe and I adore how you made and imagined Seth. I can see so many plots in my head with Thys and him and my God he is all yours. You are more than welcome to create an account for him and also please take a look at the Ithuriel Plots and leaves some of your own ideas there.

Congratulations, Specs! And please do not forget to leave your skype or discord as method of contact~♡
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-25-2017, 02:37 AM
OOC Name: Sam
Contact Info: Discord Ginga #9863

Design: Four 
Character Name: Horus

Character Appearance: The first thing you would notice about Horus is the bright pink nose that sets off his face. It leads right up to the bright yellow eyes that sit somewhat sunken into his skull. The goofiest thing about Horus is the big floppy ears at sit just on top of his skull, making him look like a giant puppy. His face is the only part of him that is pure white, almost like a mask that blends right into his fur. The fur around his neck is a bit more scruffy then his siblings bit that's because his appearance means less to him. Horus stands at about 36" and has the long legs of his ancestors. His torso and hips were shaped a little funky but not quite out of place.. You could say he looked like an Egyptian with a bigger chest and smaller hips. 

Character Personality: Horus has never been the "best" at anything physical his entire life. Instead of striving to achieve in those areas, he turned to more intellectual and fulfilling desires. He tends to make jokes and push the limits of any and all wolves. He even has a few scars to prove it to you. Most of the time he is a happy, friendly kind of guy but their are times when he just snaps. Unlike wolves of his family he cant just control his anger and aggression through physical means so he tends to take out those feelings through attraction of another or unfavorable intellectual games. Horus has a massive problem with his pride and ego since he was always jealous of his brothers.They always succeeded in whatever they did. He has never bothered to try and please anyone but himself and can be a bit selfish when it comes to being apart of a group.

Character History: After the fall of what would have been his home and empire the raggedy young brute turned and fled for his new found freedom. He would never have tried to explain it to his brother but being around him was somewhat caging in a way. Slowly he moved off away from his home and found wonderful places to see and great sources of information. He wasn't a great hunter so his meals were meager at best but that didn't dull the excitement of being on his own. It wasn't until he ran into some rogues and loners that he realized that he couldn't protect himself from any of them. That's when his rage was born. A rage that he couldn't handle like normal wolves. He couldn't just go kill a large animal or spar with another wolf. His blood seemed to be calling for him to maim something to take the strength of another.. So instead of killing his tastes seemed to bound more toward women. He would charm them with his wit and take them. He wouldn't know if he'd born any sons but he never went after a woman in heat. It was his way from protecting what little pride he had for his families' sake. Slowly he began to miss his family and his freedom seemed less and less pleasing everyday. It was then that he returned to search for his lost siblings and has been since. 

Plots/Ideas?: I would love for Horus to meet everyone and see how much he is not alone in his desires. Since they have recently started for him.. It would be a good thing to see that hes not the only one that blood calls to. He may even try to spar with family.. Who knows. 
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-25-2017, 02:45 AM

Congratulations, Sam. He is all yours. You are more than welcome to create his account.

We have a plotter for the Ithuriel kind in which you are free to post your ideas and plots for the family:

Welcome to the family!♡
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
12-28-2017, 12:28 AM
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
12-29-2017, 02:53 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2017, 03:04 AM by Nephthys.)
For Spec's Setekh and for their use only~

He walks.
"He talks."
He thinks.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



7 Years
01-07-2018, 09:18 PM

Everyone who adopts an Ithuriel or creates one will get a free table
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
Extra large
01-14-2018, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2018, 01:39 AM by Ra'.)
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise


01-18-2018, 06:03 AM
OOC Name: Dog_Jaws
Contact Info: My email is It's linked to my cell phone, and I check it hourly.

Design: Three
Character Name: Sobek Ithuriel
Character Appearance: Like the traditional Ithuriel wolf Sobek is a combination of Dark grey, black and a muddy brown. The entirety of the male started off as the dark grey coloring that is seen on almost 80% of his body, this is accompanied by black markings that decorate the aged male. In his younger years his face would have been adorned with a black lower jaw, along with black ears and two circles around his eyes that attached to his bottom jaw mark with a pair of thin stripes. In terms of eye color they are a vibrant gold hue, and can almost always be seen in the dark. On all four of his legs starting at his ankle are brown socks, they don't truly fade into the grey coloring making him appear rather flashy. He stands at the height of 36 inches even, but is a mesomorph in terms of build.
Character Personality: Sobek has never been one for being at the bottom of the food chain, he has always forced himself to measure up to the requirements of hold the 'top spot.' He knew that the only way to maintain this spot is to be willing to undermine anyone that steps in your way, he developed the traditional flight or fight mentality early on although he leans more towards fight. Sobek is known as what one would call Chaotic Evil, he relies on his greed, hatred, and lust to lead his choices. He's hot-headed, opinionated, and will do whatever he must to get what he wants. In his eyes there's nothing wrong with using whatever means is needed to obtain what he wants; everyone already is well aware that he's not above murder. According to Sobek leadership is based on raw power, and sometimes you have to bully the ones under you to keep things going smooth. He has a tendency to see himself as almighty, enjoying vicious acts of corrupting the innocent. This male has a tendency to be vicious, bloodthristy, and downright evil. If you catch him on a bad day, you had best stay out of his way.
Character History: When he assumed the role of power within the ancient homelands of the bloodline, Sobek casted out his remaining family; Despite this his rule didn't last longer than a year or so. He had become madded with desire for expanding the kingdom, and he had decided that he would take out anyone that opposed him. In the attempts to take out the last group of his oppressors, a few of the wolves beneath him found out that he was plotting murder once again; This time, it was Sobek that was casted out of the kingdom. When he left the grand kingdom, his crown stayed behind as well. He proceeded to set out on a pointless trek to what he though would be nowhere in particular, but after coming into contact with a few females here and there for one night stands he heard of a place called Boreas. He had heard of part of it being a desert, Sobek soon had the plans to establish himself as king in some part of this continent. Now finally in the lands of Boreas he has decided otherwise, instead of jumping to create a kingdom he is going to take his time. He has every intention of tricking a starting group of at least 7 into believing in the ways of the Egyptians that he was raised on. He may have lost his original crown, but Sobek Ithuriel has every intention of creating another for himself.
Plots/Ideas?: I had considered putting down something like 'oh he wants redemption.' but I've decided that it just doesn't fit how I see him. Sobek is going to essentially start to track down his grandkids, great grandkids too, and finish what he started. His goal is to eliminate them all, or die trying.
RP Sample: Sands blew mercilessly in the West region of Ardent, battering anything in their path, threatening to drown anyone who took in a breath during the blowing winds. Shimmering crystals of the mineral danced off the dunes that were laid ahead of the dark canine, menacing golden eyes adorned with a constant scowl made up the face of the older canine; Sobek had come to finish what his daughter had started years ago. Although the sands beneath him were at least 90 degrees his feet did not burn, he was the previous Egyptian King. Yes, he had taken it by force, but what else was he supposed to do? That little brat wasn't going to give it up, besides it wouldn't have known the first thing about running a kingdom.

Shallow breaths were emitted from the masked devil's face, his teeth visible from his parted jaws; His tongue had rolled out in a cool, relaxed pant. Muddy brown feet had carried him miles, he had heard that his family was in these lands. He had a plan in mind, of course, when did he not? Sobek's eyes shifted around the dunes as his pace increased, the male was known for being a trickster. As he had casted out his grandchildren as pups themselves, they wouldn't know of his trickery; They were perfect targets. His plan was simple; Lie, ask for forgiveness, obtain it, then kill them all. Scoffing to himself, Sobek felt his hide along his neck rustle at his words "I should have killed them before they were even born, then I wouldn't be where I'm at." Spotting pawprints ahead of him, the male stepped into a shallow trot his muscles working tirelessly. A soft ripple was visible along his shoulder blades, although this band of muscle blended into his sides.

This scent didn't belong to an Ithuriel wolf, so it wasn't any of his concern. Whomever it was had better steer clear, Sobek was on the war path; It had been so long since he had tasted that sweet, sweet metallic blood. Luckily, his grandchildren had lots of it between them. Exhaling he stopped for a minute trying to decide which direction he wanted to head out in, he decided to head West. "I guess this is why they say don't play with your food.."



7 Years
01-18-2018, 06:49 AM

Sobek is all yours. You are more than welcome to go and create his profile and have him accepted.

I will let you know that we have made a plotter for the Ithuriel kin in which you are more than welcome to join with your own ideas and plots. All updates regarding the family will be posted there.
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
01-18-2018, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 12:13 PM by Setekh I.)
OOC Name: spec
Contact Info: skype: rachael.dunch or (I think?)

Design: realistic reference, cartoon-y/color reference
Character Name: Anubis Ithuriel
Character Appearance: Anubis is the black sheep of the family. Plain and simple. This statement encompasses the brute in all aspects of his life, not just his coloration and size. For starters, Anubis was born a rather large pup, definitely not lithe and frail-looking like his siblings. As being the first of his litter, the eldest, he was expected to be the patriarch of their family, his genes passed down from pharos themselves. Of course, once he began growing, it was no surprise that he was not in fact one of them. He stood at an alarming forty-inches high, and on his best days weighed in at about one-hundred eighty-five pounds. Rippling muscles and sheer height wrought him as being an outcast, a mistake an abomination. Anubis is also shockingly ivory, his base pelt being the purest of whites. On top of that, the lightest of tans encase his front legs above the paws, taint his back paws, and crease his tail until the tip. On his back, a saddle of deep brown resides. It reaches from below his neck fur, stretching to his shoulders, down toward his legs, and running down to his hips. The color seems to be confined to simply his back, his stomach still encased in alabaster, and his tail still tanned. There is also mark of a stone-gray color piercing the tip of his tail. Blistering red eyes stare out at any and all, watching, learning, devouring. The deepest of reds are softened by the palest of pinks. This brutes' nose is oddly a pastel shade of pink. It's obvious this boy was different, this boy was unique, and when he grew, his size was something to be feared. Perhaps this was the reasons for some of his... deformities.

Years before he reached his maximum potential, a fight ensued between brothers, and a few blows knocked Anubis into his place. Both ears, once beautiful, are tattered and torn. Ripped from the tip almost to half-way through the ear, gone. After this assault, Ra, his younger brother, took on the ownership of this dear fool. Countless scars riddle the brute, being merely a pawn for his brother, Anubis was nothing more than a battering ram, a mercenary, a battle-born blood-thirsty killer. I mean what deity would want to get their own paws dirty? Outspoken, or how he used to be Anubis had to learn harshly that his tongue wagging was not something that was valued. It was seen to his brother to rip the vile snake almost completely out of his mouth. His opinions were no longer of value, and his title of anything more than a tool was stripped from him. Due to this, Anubis speaks rarely, if at all. His once gorgeous deep baritones little more than a gurgled and gruesome attempt at speech. Usually, it's left to his companion to fill in the gaps that he himself cannot express. Anubis is generally accompanied by his eldest friend, a Northern goshawk named Rasputin. Rasputin is rarely away from Anubis, but also rarely gets involved in Anubis' life beside speaking when he needs to. It's a strange relationship they share, and Rasputin is consistently a bother to the older male.
Character Personality: War-dog. Anubis is riddled with scars all over his body, all from fighting. Under his brothers' thumb, the boy became a mercenary of sorts. Born, and beaten into battle, his lust for blood is an inevitable plight. Granted, the male does take great pleasure in fighting, his own desires are fueled by the blood, gore, and damnation of those around him. Alike so many of his kin, he is one to view the world as his oyster, and he is the rightful heir to that throne. A claim to those below that he can unravel and ravage as he seems to view fit. Beaten into this life by a manipulative and vile serpent, and his brother, it is no surprise that this is all the male knows.

Gentle. Despite being a criminal, a killer, a vile scum below the earth... Somewhere deep below lies a caring soul. Once, he stood up to those who put others' down, once he spoke of being equals with the 'servants' below the Egyptian clan, but he was silenced from doing so ever again. Despite this, when he is alone, off on his own travels, the brute is nothing more than an old soul searching for the softness of those around him. He is also a hopeless romantic, but too shy to do anything.

Shy. Killing someone would take a vast amount of strength, but interacting with females who may be interested in the brute is something on another level. Anubis is not a looker, so not many have approached him for more than protection, but anyone to show the male some kindness is to be met with a silent sheepish killer. Vicious by nature, nurtured by those who wanted nothing more than destruction it is no surprise that kindness is hard to reciprocate, and love... love is a foreign hope. He's not above wanting a commitment, but it's beyond his grasp.

Quiet. After his mutilation, it is no surprise that Anubis is rather stoic. He's rare to speak, and if he does, it is to the point, usually a garbled "yes" and a definite "no", but it is not impossible for him to do so. Anubis was granted the ability speak, but at a grave price. His attractiveness in responses repulsed even Anubis, so silence was a stance taken to eliminate any ill thoughts about the brute. In their home pack, it was believed that Anubis was a bit "special" but very few knew what really happened to him. Beside Ra, Anubis wasn't even sure his parents or sister knew of their own bloods' vicious nature. Above all else, Anubis is quiet. He is an exceptional listener, and a great watcher, but rather a poor sport for deep intellectual conversation.
Character History: What more is to be said about this mystery of a brute? There is no surprise that he is against the ways of the family, but what more could he do? After being mutilated, and sworn to a sort of secrecy that was essentially able to cost him his life, he aided Ra into power. His duties simple; war, kill, protect the family, stay hidden. Perhaps most wouldn't even let him call himself by the Ithuriel name, but Anubis knows what he is, an abomination that wanted to bring down the pharaoh. It's a surprise he's even alive for his heinous acts. Of course, during their separation, Anubis has been able to experience more of the world, and determine that Ra's dream is not quite all there can be. Perhaps this is a turning point, coming to a new land where the world can change for the stoic beast of bloodshed. Can a tiger change its stripes?
Plots/Ideas?: He's the black sheep, he's gonna wreck stuff, fall in love, and burn the empire down. Or perhaps he'll die trying.
RP Sample: "I don't see why you're still trying to find a paradise." The words were of little importance as the wolf continued his journey. His eyes were heavy, his paws were sore. He'd traveled quite a distance, and the chance he'd wash up on a shore like this was as good as any. With a heavy sigh, the male stretched out, his fur gaining sand and stone as he beached himself. Sides heaving from the effort, those rubies he called eyes glanced toward the wriggling mass he was going go call "lunch". It was one hell of a catch, that's for certain. He watched the fish for a few moments, marveling at the will it had to flop about still, hoping to edge its way back to the waters he pulled it from. Rasputin hopped from the stone he'd claimed, and pecked greedily at the fish's eye. Anubis watched as the fish coiled and flapped, smacking the bird in the face with its' still wet tail. Screeching, Rasputin took flight, and was now leery to re-approach the thing. "You'll be like that fish you know," His words a cautionary tale to one who had already experienced so much, and been ostracized before.

Without a response, Anubis heaved his massive soaked body back up on all fours, and he padded toward the fish, his eyes glowing maliciously. One chomp and life would end for this fish. With a sneer, the brute spoke, his tone garbled, but still enough for the bird to tilt its head at, and remain silent, "No." Not this time. He mused silently, leaning his head down around the fish's head, his jaws closing around it, severing the last shot it had at life. This time I'm not near any of them, I'm free. Free to be myself. He stepped on the fish, now all one-hundred seventy-ish pounds of his weight and claws gripping into the body as he tore the head off savagely. Scales, bones, and blood flew as his mouth jerked away from the still-jerking fish. The end results to its' life being snuffed out. He turned to Rasputin then, his eyes searching the deep gold-brown of the birds before spitting out the head. Your reward, friend. Anubis bowed his head to the bird, and watched as he hopped toward the gift.

With a strained chuckle, the bird spoke, before driving his beak into the eye, "You're just as stupid as when I found you, you know that right." It wasn't a question, it was merely a statement, and Anubis grinned, not bothering to lick off the blood that dripped from his jaws. His stomach churned, and he padded over to his catch. With a moment of hesitation, a stray breeze carrying a forgotten memory, Anubis froze, and let out a soft growl. I'll find you, brother. He shrugged and dug in, spraying blood, water, scales, and bones all over the sand. It was no time or need to be clean, for the beach of sorts was not clean to begin with. It was littered with others' feasts, and scavengers pecked greedily at their trash. You're either eaten, or the one eating - there was no in between.