
Is that a harem?!

Daemon I


3 Years
12-25-2017, 02:18 PM
The Boys:

Played by Asena
The violent wildcard. He's perverse and willing to do anything to achieve his goals. He seeks more submissive girls than anything, as dominant girls might find themselves maimed or even potentially killed. He doesn't like too many and he will likely only favor a single female(or super submissive boy) over the others. He's dangerous but not as much as his more thoughtful brother. Loyalties will not just be given freely. I'm only looking for four to five girls(one guy) at max.
His girls:
  • Name of favored here
  • Name here

Harkin Elderson
Played by Fenben
The boy's first recruit. He's their left hand and likely to become the teir two for them,
should he stick close to them for long enough. He is a gay boy and due to this won't be looking for any girls really(sorry ladies). Hes charming and flirts a lot. He does as told by the boys when they decide something but acts on his own for his own ends. Fen might not want him to end up with anyone but you could still throw your dudes and ladies at him as the boys would of told him to find gorgeous specimens for them.
His Dudes?:
  • Favored dude here?
  • dude here?

Played by Lolaf

The calmer brother. He's far crueler than his brother and the smarter of the two. He likes spunk in his girls but won't be about to let any girl think herself superior. He does not offer loyalty freely and is not afraid to take what he wants. He is the more dangerous of the two brothers but it is due to he thinks more. He like to make his victims life a living hell. He is looking for women only(I think). Probably four to five and will favor one(maybe two) over the others. Will likely head their pack when they get it.
His Girls:
  • Favored girl here
  • Name here

Lolaf and Fen feel free to edit this anyway you want.

Their pack:
They will be making a darker pack. Females will have ranks as fertile(females that have birthed a litter within the pack) or infertile(females that have yet to birth in the pack). Fertile will have more privileges than infertile but both are slave ranks basically. Girls would have no say in whether they birth or not, as that is expected of them, and some may not even get a choice in who father's their children. Boys would be given ranks as warriors and hunters. They would also be taught the views of the pack when they are born into the pack. The females that are favored by the tier one and two members might earn the privileges of gaining ranks higher than slaves. Be prepared to have your girls forced into bearing litters if joining this pack.

Please post below if your interested in a thread and state who your interested in threading with. Clicking on their names will take you to their profiles.