
You're a mean one..



2 Years
12-26-2017, 01:07 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2017, 03:40 PM by Horus.)
This place fit his mood quite nicely today. There he sat on the outside of the thick forest. One could barely see more then 5 feet inside before the fog clouded the entire thing. His mind raced with the thought of treasure.. Silver and gold to be precise. Someone once told him of this place and how he would find treasures hidden deep within. The ground before him though was knotted and tangled with tree roots and vines as they sprouted out of the ground like twisted daisies. 

Horus loved the look of this place, almost as much as he liked the little desert oasis he found when roaming the giant litter box. His eyes glowed as he took the first few steps into the misty place. Everything around him dimmed of color and taste, like he was folded into a world of bland desires. Desires.. Yes that's why he was going to hide out in the forest to begin with.. His body seemed to yearn for blood the god in him wanting to spill and devour a creature of equal match for him. His eyes widened with the last time he tried to tame the wild torrents inside him. It was messy and definitely distasteful. That's what happens though when you find a whore willing to just spread for ya.

Taking a few more steps the gaunt looking brute pushed his way through the vines and under brush toward what could have been the center of the forest. He hoped it was, nothing would quell his passion better then some nice shiny jewels. Plus if he were to come across Ra again what gifts would he bring? He had to find something to give his brother that's for sure.. It was almost a tradition by now. His head twisted to the left as he thought he heard something creeping up on him but as his yellow eyes scanned the forest floor he could seen nothing.. Nor smell nothing.
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me. 



7 Years
12-26-2017, 11:30 PM

Haunt Me

The babe could not move without a plant touching her skin. Everything she loved about this new land just this morning is elevating her heart rate and killing her logical thinking capacity. The sheer denseness of the foliage had made her feel cozied, like in all this space she could still be snug. The thousands of noises had crashed over the demones as refreshing as any waterfall, overriding her senses and setting her brain to the same chemical soup it was in when she was held captive. In that cocktail of endorphins she had wandered too far, now the closeness, the sameness, the noises are like robbers at the door, banging for entrance and the phone line is dead. Her wide-open optics moved with pointless speed, she wanted to see blue sky and space all around - not these virescent arms that grope and lofty limbs that blot out even a patch of blue. The cold air, burning her lungs, she would run but she does not know which direction to take... Reptilian bodice froze in place, sensory over-drive as her bodice shut down in slow motion due to the panic attack.

Art by Vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-27-2017, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2017, 03:19 AM by Paradise.)

She would first search the south for any traces of her family, but she knew they probably did all go their separate ways. She supposed she couldn't be too sad about it anymore considering she had gone her own way some time ago, but she wanted to at least know how they were doing. Today, her ventures led her to a forest she had been to before in her youth, and it seemed that it remained unchanged. The musty scent of the forest surrounded her, and as she trekked deeper she kept her wits about her. She wasn't afraid. She was never afraid. She was a fiery spirit, she had no fear. If anything, others should fear her! Her temper was unmatched thus far, and the last man who had tried to pull a fast one over her had learned that the hard way.

The petite woman moved fearlessly through the dense foliage, the sunlight above barely broke through the trees but when it did, her pelt practically illuminated like the embers and sparks of a roaring fire. She was an Elementas, after all. Her father had told them the stories of their family, of Voltage and Glacier. Of the rest of the family that held their own special traits...she didn't know what her special traits were asides from being fierce when she needed to be, but then again, who wouldn't be afraid of a woman in a bad mood? No, she was still trying to figure that out.

It was then she heard something nearby, and unknowingly she would come upon another she-wolf? Or...someone, who seemed to be in some sort of trouble. She wasn't sure if she should keep moving or help, but a small prick in her mind told her she should at least check to see if the other was alright. Sighing, she carefully moved closer, "Hey, are you okay? Do you need some help or something?" Her ears flicked, plush tail slowly moving against her hocks. Maybe this wolf was always like this and was completely fine.

"Talk" "You" Think
If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
12-27-2017, 12:32 PM
Loping through the copse, Leobold took no heed of noise he made. The forest was thick enough, dense enough, that he wouldn't see another until he was swiftly upon them, and rather than outright tumbling into some unknown creature, he'd much rather they come for him or avoid him, if they were so inclined. He'd found that being callous with his mannerisms in a crowd was the easiest way to make it part for him, and as he braced himself to leap again -- over the foliage and whatever hidden critters dwelled beneath, the sound of words filtered into his ears.

He adjusted accordingly after his next graceful leap, not being at all subtle about his approach. Some things called for some amount of ambiguity; he wasn't certain this would be one of those things. One could argue that the unknown always called for suspicion, if only to provide some measure of safety. Leobold, however, always approached with the utmost confidence -- never allowing doubt to creep into his mind that the situation would crumble. Those who kept conjecture so close were not welcome into his life; he didn't need that kind of negativity during his journeying. It left a sour taste in his maw.

Coming upon the two women, Leobold stopped a healthy distance away. He was well-traveled enough that he knew what ghosts looked like; particularly when they chose the eyes as their home. Their names, he didn't know, but one she-wolf was a sunset given life and the other was the myriad of tan and black hues. He said nothing and merely observed for a moment before stepping forward and executing a dramatic bow, tail wagging in subtle lashes behind him. "Mademoiselle," he began in French, standing again to his full height, "Avez-vous besoin de service?"

1. "Miss. Be you in need of service?"



2 Years
12-27-2017, 01:51 PM
Horus felt almost intimidated by the fog now. He could hear paw steps around him but nothing could be seen. Who was this mysterious stalker? He stood still for a long moment trying to assess his situation. Was it after him or just unaware of his presence in the fog? Slowly a shade of orange past through a thin area of the fog and Horus caught a glimpse of the beauty. A fierce looking predator was roaming around these woods, one with a pelt of fire and what looked to be a mood that matched.

His paws were slow and his pelt almost made him vanish in the mist itself. His intent was to follow the wolf in whatever her endeavors were. Maybe she would lead him to her treasure stash where they could maybe have a heart to heart about who it should belong to. It wasn't a far trek when the fire demon stopped and turned, her ears lifting and showing Horus too where those awkward sounds were originating. He sighed with impatience as she turned and headed into a thick cloud of fog. With a bit of odd foot work and his destination in mind Horus didn't follow her as much as took a side route to get there in a different direction.

His frame was shaggy and damp from the prolonged stroll in the dew filled air but his appearance against the fog was frighteningly handsome all the same. His curiosity set upon him like the plagues of old Egypt, but when he reached the scene he was less then disappointed. It was his niece. The strong headed lass he'd met on the sandy shore not too long ago. She looked like a wreck with her head twisting in every direction and her body on its last nerve. Horus smiled to himself in.. Well not a nice kind of way. He could even imagine the smell of her fear even though the fog clouded his nostrils. He was about to step forth when another wolf seemed to have noticed the stray duchess unable to take care of herself.

Horus wondered if he should step in and make a fool of his niece or.. To step back and wait to see if she truly did need his help.
Horus may come off as  a flirt but beware he means what he says and can get feisty.
Any and all of Horus' family is welcome in his threads. Even extended family.

You don't gain a single thing from misery. 
Take it from me. 



7 Years
12-27-2017, 11:02 PM

Haunt Me

The air was laden with moisture. Every available niche was crammed with flora and fauna. In here were herbs and plants that could cure, also those that could kill with indecent efficiency. In this place you could forget the colour of the sky, once under the canopy there was only shades of green, brown and white, mixed into an obscure painting. The sweat on her skin sat there and ran down like condensation on a window pane. It was cold but humid. Everything was to big for pomegranate orbs, the vines, the branches, the insects, the predators. There was no path the babe could find and the light was failing. It was never quiet. The noises that were fascinating earlier now felt threatening. The vines had taken on the appearance of snakes and every shadow was a crouching jaguar. Her mind races to attach a creature to each noise and always leaps to the most deadly thing it could be first. Panic wrapped its claw around her heart and mind like a leopard, squeezing, penetrating every fiber of her being as adrenaline pumped like gasoline to a fire. The voices she heard did nothing but increase the fear pouring through her veins however her expression betrayed no such thing. Remorseless. Stone cold. Parted, voluptous lips left place for nothing but air as her vocal chords refused to produce any sound. Refused? No. Unable. She was unable to vocalise her thoughts due to fear.

Art by Vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together