
Will you fall for me?



7 Years
12-27-2017, 12:13 AM


The Cliff path was narrow and uncivilized. The winter blanket settled in every which way, leaving minimal room for the path itself. The road snaked around ancient, withering trees that fell prey to the hideous season. There was a beauty to it though - raw and barren - even with the grainy wind, yet amid the cold blizzard that was just getting started no joy was felt. She had anticipated the coldness and the sting of driven snow on her visage, but not the ferocity of the wind and how the light blinded her. It was like walking into a fresh page as the fibres are still being laid down, threatening to make her part of the scenery instead of a person in her own right. All she could do was to bow her crown until her chin touched her chest and keep walking. Though her feet were beginning to freeze and her footsteps were small, she moved forward, stubborn and reckless behaviour could mean her doom. Stepping up onto the sand strewn rock, the wind whipped, howling, pushing her  reptilian body toward the edge and the cliff floor seemingly ten thousand feet below. The water lay upon the cliff floor, passing over minerals and stones - a deep, meandering river fed by a myriad of tributaries.

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-27-2017, 01:22 AM
How did she get herself stuck in this mess? Oh right.. Running away again. Now she was on these twisting and turning cliff sides. Not only was it slippery up here but the wind was so rough it pushed Rylee around like a rag-doll.Her fur was a mangled mess that sometimes even covered her face once in a while. Just to make sure she didn't get pushed off the edge she made a safe trail in the thick clouds of snow that clung to the side of the even higher points. Every part of her body was shaking with cold and her paws were starting to turn numb in the snow bank paths. Though up ahead she swore she saw paw prints. Hopefully they were old but they at least had to lead to a safe and not so cold spot right?

Slowly she followed them, one paw at a time. This was her moto for a while as parts of her body wanted to start shutting down. When she finally reached the area where the tracks stopped she looked around but saw nothing. No cave.. No place to huddle up and hope for survival. Rylee didn't even have the strength to move another muscle at this point. She was so small compared to all the other wolves she'd come in contact with.. Slowly with a huff of defeat he plopped herself in the snow. Sitting somewhat beside or behind this rock to keep the wind off of her as best as she could.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-27-2017, 01:36 AM


As the white flakes whirl around her in an angry vortex she was as alone as she would be in the bleakness of space and cold, so cold. She reach out with her limb stretched to guide her way but it was swallowed before it has gone even a few inches. To save her eyes from the blinding white of winter fury she must narrow them until they are almost shut, making her vision blurry and all the while the wind rages without end, only reducing its ferocity long enough to gather the strength for another attack. All her heart can do was beat warm blood around her veins in a hope that the storm will end, all her mind could do was plan the most logical path to warmth, safety and to something more tangible than light and snow but that seemed to be of no use as moments after there was a sound mightier than thunder, a cracking, a warning of the violence to come. The demoness looks up towards the highest point, eyes wide as the catastrophe unfolds before her. Almost in slow-motion the snow begins to move, but white-on-white is hard to detect and her reptilian bodice, that was already half-frozen, made the wrong choice in the spur of the moment. Everything about her was as frozen as the snow below. Before she could even make a conscious choice to move the snow pack is accelerating faster than an intercity train. Mile-long limbs carried her away as fast she they could, numb and shaking, she was functioning on instinct, she was not going to die like this! Moments turned into seconds and pomegranate optics detected a shadow in the distance that seemed to be of a lupine. "Avalanche!"
she spatted, a scream from hell, as loud as the surroundings allowed her.

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-27-2017, 01:51 AM
Her tired frame finally laid down in the snow, a soft whine leaving her lips only to be sucked back in. To her horror and surprise the mountain began to move and shake like the quakes she knew of the lower valleys. This however was different. A sound shot down the cliffs that was deafening to her, like the sound of thunder but more earthen in tones. She cried out in pain as she stood and shook her limbs awake. Rylee was so afraid that she barely noticed the other wolf running along the cliff side. She pounced out of the snow bank, not caring about the wind anymore. Sadly she barely missed the other wolf entirely and slide in line behind her running for her life down the cliff path.

She realised with little hope that unless they found some kind of giant rock or cave to shield them, She and this mystery wolf would die here.. Today. With that thought in mind a burst of energy spread through her frozen limbs and she kept up with the taller.. much taller.. Now was not the time to get fearful! She chastised herself and dodged the dips of ice that littered the pathway. It was then that she spotted the dark hole in the snow. "THERE!" Rylee cried in glee and dove for what looked to be a cave. His tired little legs darting over the snow bank that almost hid it from view.

As she pasted threw the entrance her body skidded along the floor and banged into the back of the cave. It was definitely a small den of sorts but whatever lived here.. Assuming a large bird of some kind since feathers were frozen into the floor below, must have moved on. Her mind whizzed back to the entrance as the snow just then covered the opening leaving no escape for.. however long it took?
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-27-2017, 02:14 AM


In the cartoons she would roll comically to a stop in a giant snowball before shaking it off and springing to her feet, but this was no animation for children, this was a life threatening situation that made her brain numb, her blood to run cold within her veins and her heart, she was not sure if it was beating to fast or it simply stopped functioning. White powder explodes into the air, surrounding them, it was beautiful, powerful. The roar echoes between the mountain peaks, the vibrations returned to the air by thousands of tonnes of naked rock. Unclear was the path as long limbs carried her away, tons of snow behind her and she had to relly on her instincts now more than ever. Pomegranate optics barely noticed the other lupine that started running behind her but her auditory system certainly noticed the voice that echoed through the blizzard and snow. She found an escape route but could she trust this strange lupine? Damnit! Now it was not the time for this. She came to an abrupt halt for mere seconds before limbs pushed themselves into the ground in order to leap towards a sudden left, towards the route the lupine took off. Seconds, minutes passed before the both of them hit a wall made of rock. Soon the snow gathers pace right behind them, flowing more like the spring rapids, eager to conform to the will of gravity as it hit the entrance of the small cave, blocking it in its way. White powder surrounded them as she remained down, her reptilian bodice numb from the hideous cold and exhausted from the effort and adrenaline that rushed through her.  "Deodamnatus!"
(Damnit!) weak sonates came from fragid vocal chords, guttural and trembling voice emitted, echoing through the small den that became their prison. "Faex.."
(Shit..) vocalising under her breath, they were doomed, the only entrance of the cave was blocked by tones of snow and as if that was not enough, she was imprisoned with the foolishly submissive woman she met before.

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-27-2017, 02:28 AM
It was there in the dim light of the cave that all her senses caught up to her. A soft ringing in her ears let her know that they still worked, a tickled of wet from her nose told her that her nose wasn't broken. Also the scent of the rare but oddly beautiful wolf next to her was a bit extreme. After noticing those things Rylee began to thoroughly inspect herself. Her lifted her paws and wiggled them until they prickled with cold, and shook out her pelt to get the icy snow off. The worst feeling in the world to her was icy water under her pelt. Yuck.

Slowly she turned her head to the wolf next to her.. She'd seen this wolf before... OH OH NO... She noticed the markings on the pelt and the eyes told her exactly who this one. Suddenly she flew to the other side of the cave which wasn't all that far away but still it was the best she could do. "You... You..." was all she could get out before starting to tremble and shake like a leaf in the fall.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-27-2017, 02:44 AM


The wind howled outside the den, piling up snow in drifts, blinding the night with ice-white dust. They will be here for a while. The succubus, rose, mile long-limbs stretched underneth her; shaking them back and forth as her tail rose weakly, curling upon her spine. "Quod in inferno non spectatis?" (What the hell do you look at?) she roared, or so she thought, in reality her vocals came out the back of her throat in a trembled whisper, raw, dark, almost as if they were still frozen within her organism. Her pomegranate  eyes suddenly snapped to motion just yonder, the submissive woman must have recognised her. Is she afraid? This situation does not seem as bad anymore. Perhaps this game will entertain her until her body will recover enough to get her out of here. Desire caused her to tremble slight. Oh, how delicious it will be. "Et quomodo tu dicis esse..." (How do you say that..) her potent purr drifted through the silence. "What were you doing out there all alone, weak bird? " A siren luring her prey into the waters. Wishing of nothing more than to ravish her, but she held steady. Patience would pay off. If she could wait that long.

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-27-2017, 02:56 AM
With a heart that was beating a mile a minute, Rylee looked between her way out and the woman in front of her.. Wait a minute.. Woman right? The weird canine's voice was feminine if not tired and as roughed up as she was. Slowly her fear started to subside but the words that came out made no sense to her. "Uh.." She raised her head a bit and twisted it in a confused expression. "I don't.." She tried but waited for a moment. The wolf seemed to change her expression in that moment and anew kind of feeling took over her. What was this?

The feeling curled in the bottom of her belly like a warm snake. Its scales twisting around her inners and causing her heart to pitter patter for a different reason. Not now.. She whined softly to herself. Her ears perked slightly when words she could understand came weakly across the cave. How was she supposed to answer that? Running from another disturbance? Keeping my hide in tact? Being a good for nothing scaredy cat? Instead her head lowered and she looked at the ground like the worm she was. "No reason.." She mumbled almost under her breathe. She felt so ashamed by the question but still.. the truth was the truth.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-27-2017, 03:10 AM


Light, day, sun, even the moon holds no sway or meaning in a place where time stands still until they exit. A gaping hole in the mountain was their only escape and it became their prison. Pomegranate optics roamed around her surroundings, the den was littered with tiny sparkling crystals not unlike the stars of the night sky, yet it was so mysterious... What sort of animal lived here? A bird? Must be of impressive size by the look of these feathers displayed upon the pavement. Inside the miniature cave, darkness was eternity, there were only two small holes that rodents must have dug, two small holes that allow a tiny percentage of light to pass in order to illuminate the den and force the crystals to sparkle their colors and beauty in a rainbow upon the walls. Firey orbs switched their attention towards the woman once again after she drunk into the details of their cell. "Little bird, your wings are already broken. " she purred, closing the distance between them; not only to intimidate her but to also keep herself warm in a strategic move to touch each other and exchange heat. "There is no escape, not for now." she continued, edgy whispers were emitted into the other woman ear. The succubus standing tall, statuesque, a Goddess upon a pedestal, waiting to be worshipped.

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-27-2017, 02:20 PM
Rylee watched every movement the lithe wolf made her eyes not drifting even a little. What was she going to do in this ice prison, would she fight? Cower and let things go too far? Again she felt that anger deep within her heart bubble and boil as she just sat there staring. The anger in her was mixing with the fear and the weird desires in her gut causing a big cocktail of almost boiling over the pot madness. She could feel the fur on her shoulders and neck fluff up making her look even less intimidating then before. This time though even the fur on her legs felt like they stood on end, like this situation was worse than the last. She didn't look threatening but her voice seemed to slither with ill intent.

She hated feeling so helpless even against other females. Her thoughts got all twisted with all her emotions but she kept telling herself to just stay away if she could do that then nothing would happen. She would take on the cold rather then snuggle up to that.. That... She was coming closer!! Rylee pushed her back even farther into the snow that blocked their way out. The strange wolf still came and out of reflex Rylee lifted her head and exposed her neck to the wolf, her legs lifting to her chest and tail curling up along her belly. Her voice echoed the threat that she knew was true. There was no escape from whatever this wolf had in mind.

This in mind.. The small, weak, broken, and wounded black wolf lifted her lips and emitted a soft but strong growl into the ear of the other female.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-27-2017, 11:16 PM


Like taking candies from a child. Like playing a hilarious game of cat and mouse, she got the woman exactly where she wanted. A few steps closer, past the other woman personal space. Chest, touching; tendrils mixing together until you could not know who's was who's. Sensuality, extreme sexuality, the succubus voluptous, black lips were painted with a smirk of a devil gone wrong. Parted, pretty maw, got closer towards the charcoal woman ear. How delicious her fear was. Plush, coral tongue, rolling from pitch black lips, grazing every so softly at the others ear, gently, savouring the aroma on the tip of her tongue, registering the taste and folding it neatly into her memory. Explosive, swallowing her perfume, her sweat coated in fear was like cocaine to her brain. Her own personal addiction and right before her was her supplier. A purr rumbled from within the demoness ribcage, audible, guttural. She was pleased with what she found. "I am going to swallow you whole."

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-29-2017, 02:23 PM
Fear.. Tension.. Lust? What was happening to her. Why was this wolf intent on eating her? Did she really think she was a little bird? A soft whimper left Rylee's muzzle but it was mixed with a growl so it sounded like a gargled mess. In a cautious way she tried to push her paw in between their mingled pelts and push. His hope was to at least to make room for her entire leg and then some.. Maybe she would slide away some? A curl of heat rolled in her belly but she tried to ignore it. Her tail curling up and over her belly like a shield from the crazy she-wolf.

"I... I am not a bird.. And you can not eat me." She whispered and flicked her ebony tips back. Rylee didn't even know if that was what she wanted or if she meant something way more sinister.. Hope was hope though and if it was just a mistake well that she could handle maybe? Her body pushed back into the snow just a touch bit more making her completely stuck in it but at this moment Rylee didn't care.. She just wanted more space between them at whatever cost.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-29-2017, 11:42 PM


What was it with this woman? Was she trying to put up a show of bravery? And if she did why, it was all pointles in the end. Resisting the succubae was impossible. She was of a seraphic beauty, out of this world. Ravening fangs, graze the woman paw as she tried to defy her, thirst in venomous allure; lips parted, voluptous, black, her tongue was wet with vampiric need, she heard the stories of her kind, of cannibalistic attributes that make you stronger, she always wondered if they were true. But now was not the time for such thoughts, after all, she just wanted to play a game of power ans care the little woman. Mesmeric contours twist, rolling like waves away from the woman, her back facing the charcoal one; hips, a dance of tango, sensual and inviting,thirsting in lieu of feminine contempt, insufferable vanity. She could sense it in her perfume, fear, pheromones. Was this woman a virgin Mary? How fun! Desirous was the succubae, infinitely flawed as she did her little dance; her practiced aesthetic were of gorgeous deviltry, as hour-glass bodice, rotated to face the other, crystalline waistline, so drenched in attractive thinness rolled a final time before her bottom confronted the den floor. "Come, little bird. I will give you what you want."

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-30-2017, 01:30 AM
Her little maneuver worked! She was backing off of her in a weird way but still. Rylee stayed there for a moment, unsure of what to do or how to go about getting out of the snow. Her eyes seemed to be glued to the rolling display of fur and hips that seemed to grab her attention at first. What kind of dance was this? Did it have a name? If so she wanted to know how to do it. It was beautiful and graceful.. Everything she dreamed she could be a child. Without meaning to her body slumped out of the snow and her front half slammed into the floor. The rest of her body following and causing her to slip across the floor like a wet mop of black fur.

A yelp seemed to echo around the cave a couple of times. Her front half feeling like she just got the wind knocked out of her. "Ow.." She whined softly to herself but missing the last part of the dance altogether. Her ears picking up the voice though and a soft growl seemed to just pop out without warrant. "I'm not a bird." Rylee was starting to pick up that this was a nickname the stranger had given her. "My name is Rylee." She grumbled before turning her head to lick her chest like a pouting child.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-30-2017, 01:40 AM


Loud echo. Tea-cup paw, smashing into the pavement, her golden toe ring scratching at it. Curves uncoil as the Demi-Godess once again raises to her full height, isabelline-white flesh heated, fore voluptous hips and thighs shall quiver forth in their graceful envelopment. She won't have any more of her growling adress to her. This little bird was amusing but she needed to be reminded of her place. Spinal curve diving with each serpentine sway; restless as she seemed they were the only ones here and she should not forget that no one would jump to her aid. Her hiss bathed in arsenic melody; the mesmeric saccharine of vengeful angels. "Know your place." a sibiliant cajole; pomegranate eyes feasting upon the whining babe. The oddity of this one behaviour. She seemed older than her yet she was acting like a child. Futile. Pointless. Tendrils flew through the air, crown shook once before pomegranate optics took a glance around. "We need to find a way out of here."

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-30-2017, 02:25 AM
The reaction she got from the dame was odd to say the least. Instead of asking if she was okay or even hurt she stomped her foot like a little pup and started to act all dominant again. Part of her bubbled with fear once more but another part of her wanted to act defiant and since the dame hadn't harmed her at all yet she figured maybe she might actually be able to do it. Slowly Rylee too stood to her full height still way too short to compare to the other female but the act was defiant all in its own. The words that followed though caused her to stumble a bit. "Know your place." She faltered in her standing but rose back to her original height. "And where would that be? Beneath you? If you're calling me a bird then my lace would be to fly way over your head." She chimed in before slowly backing off and crouching down for a swift kick. She ignored the comment about getting out of here.

Rylee knew she shouldn't have opened her mouth but sometimes it was just too hard not to. She was lost for company and hadn't been around anyone for a while. Sure she had strange run ins that ended in run aways but that didn't count did it? She took in a slow breath and waited for the punishment of her words.
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-30-2017, 05:07 PM


Black disks that swam in the pools of orange fiery hues, dilated. Her face, though seemingly stoic, began to show signs of bubbling agitation. How dare someone speak to her with such a sharp tongue! And, to make things worse, a weak mortal such as her! Her ears were quick to shoot back against her bristled nape, she lowered her cranium upon rolled shoulders. Her eyes slowly began to dwindle in circumference. The demoness spread her mile long limbs apart and bend them at the elbows and knees slightly, for optimal balance. Her jaws would finally part, as she craned her cranium to protect her throat. Her tail though wanting to stand proudly curled upon her slender spine, would force itself to remain frigid behind her ankles (she would use it as a rudder when she decided to spring forward). Thick golden claws dug into the pavament, until the muscles in her limbs shot forth. Whilst in quick locomotion, she would tilt her body to her left as she moved straight toward her opponent. Her skull would also pivot to her left following her body movements, attempting to force her opened jaws to lunged forth and wrap around the charcoal woman's right eye socket. At the same time, she would use the sheer force of her momentum to slam into the crook of her opponent's right elbow with her breast bone. She was aiming to not only bruise the weakling mortal, but also stagger her balance to her own advantage.

Nephthys VS. Rylee for Dominance
Round I out of II
Height 36"
Build Light

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
12-31-2017, 03:16 AM
Watching and waiting the little black wolf tried to sink further into the ground. She could tell this time she'd gone too far and picked a battle she couldn't win but she would still try to protect herself. Lips pulling back into a snarl, Rylee let lose her worst yet still fell short on the scary side. The demon on the other hand looked very mean and very angry with her head now lowered on her shoulders and ears back. What was she thinking? Rylee smacked herself mentally. There was no time to think more on it though this lady was attacking and she was coming in fast.

Claw clenched the ice bitten floor below her as she watched for the blow from the demon. It was quick but Rylee tried to be quicker. As the movement started Rylee forced her body forward with all of the strength trying to meet her opponent in the middle, chest to chest so to speak. Her paws were outstretched ahead of her but without aim and her jaws were opened to snag anything that came in reach of them. As they were about to hit she pulled her head to the left just enough to put her eye in safety. She could feel the hot breath on her brow and the sharp pain seemed to follow. She could already knew what the wet and burning sensation meant. She'd been bitten or at least cut across head brow.

Nephthys VS. Rylee for Dominance
Round I out of II
Height 25"
Build Light
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.



7 Years
12-31-2017, 05:14 AM


Seeing the charcoal woman pivot her head to the left, the demoness would dig her claws into the ground to stop the growing momentum she had accumulated during the other own lunge. Nephthys's tail continued to hold itself rigid, as her ears stayed ironed to her skull. Her fangs grazed her opponent skull. This caused a slight discomfort in her jaws, as well as in the muscles in her neck because of the sudden collision and the smaller size of the other dame. Because of the other’s sudden move, breastbone met breastbone. Though invisible to the naked eye (because of fur), a bruise faded in its wake. Her knees and elbows remained hinged, causing the woman to have more control of her body as well as help absorb any impact the opponent would continue to dish out. But of course, the demoness would not be a sitting duck. Instead, she would attempt to quickly swing the entirety of her body to her right so that their bodies would almost be perfectly parallel to each other , but her spine would be angled out to the right. However, whilst she moved, she could feel Rylee's fangs scrape the top of her chest (since the other is smaller in size), leaving anorexic ribbons in their wake. Eyes dwindled in size as they were fixed right on Rylee's shoulder, the one that was nearest to her. Nephthys's shoulders jutted up as her neck wedged against them to create a series of rolls that which were comprised of lose skin, and fat that encrusted her neck. Her abdomen tightened right as she lunged her snout for Rylee's shoulder blade. Using her snout, she would try to sharply slap the tip of her snout in said region while trying to aggressively dig her muzzle into it. Of course, her fangs would try to ensnare the tender flesh that laid there.

Nephthys VS. Rylee for Dominance
Round II out of II
Height 36"
Build Light

Art by Wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



3 Years
01-01-2018, 07:31 PM
Her lunge landed almost perfectly if it hadn't been for the other's twisting body. Rylee tried to grab onto the other with her claws but they simply slide through the air until her chest slammed into the demons. She couldn't help the yelp that escaped her muzzle as pain radiated through the soft tissue in between the two bones. It felt like she had hit a brick wall that unmovable, her body almost bouncing off like a bird hitting a tree trunk. To keep her balance she felt her teeth connect with fur and she grabbed hold of it only to lose it. Her enemies body moving and their hips feeling like a jab to her spine being that she was smaller.

Without wanting to, Rylee moved away form her attacker. Her body sliding to the floor protecting the soft parts of her. Letting her head lift and rolling the fur around her neck to keep the vitals out of reach. Her knees pulling up to her ribs to keep her stomach hidden against the ground. She'd given up and the pain along her head was becoming a bit too much to ignore. She felt the blood rolling down her temples and onto the ground. Giving the red liquid a quick glance as it hit the ground then back up to her demon. Her tail seemed to tuck as much as it could trying to ask if not yell for forgiveness. "I don't wanna die." She whined in the most pathetic way.

Nephthys VS. Rylee for Dominance
Round II out of II
Height 25"
Build Light
May seem aggressive but is a scary-cat.