
Fear Me!



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
01-08-2018, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2018, 02:18 AM by Proserpina.)
At last, she was old enough to venture off and see the world! Well, sort of. Ina took off across the territory, with or without her mother's guidance or her siblings tagging along, she was going to go regardless. She wanted to see the rest of the lands they called home, and her first destination would be towards the water that winded through the territory. Silver-blue eyes were wide with wonder as she watched the birds flying across the sky, ears twitching as she heard the scuffling of mice and rabbits as they fled from her presence. Grinning, she bounded forward until she could hear the water and the reeds swaying with the breeze.

It didn't take long for her to find what she was more or less looking for, and she stopped a couple of yards away. She stared at the water and at the cattails lining the creek. What could she do here? Was anyone around to play? Did she even need anyone else around to have fun? Pft, she did not. She was a strong independent woman, and she was going for it! From a standstill to a charge, the little girl charged straight towards the cattails, crashing through them and jumping up in an attempt to catch one of the strange looking stalks in her teeth. Once she managed to strangle and mangle one, she shook her head until it snapped, and then she triumphantly marched from the reeds and flopped down on the bank to chew up her prize.



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-10-2018, 04:08 PM
She was beginning to fill out her body more, growing into long slender legs and finally becoming lithe instead of gangly. She rested by a softly babbling stream, her body so dark yet colorful it matched the deep earthen hues of the creek bank. She felt calm, at peace, and right with the world - which was odd because she was usually aching to get involved in some type of training. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise rattling through the cattails and Liyah watched in the direction of the sound. Bright ruby eyes stared out from her charcoal face as she caught the pale child leap up and grasp one of the gritty ends of a reed. Curling her lip as she remembered with vivid detail just how crumbly and dry the ends of those sausage-like grasses, she wondered why the pup would be so intent on gaining purchase on one. But then, this was a young child, and one she...wasn't familiar with.

Wait, a stranger? Inside her father's kingdom? The young princess's head tilted slightly as one ear was notched back on her head and she stood, moving to stand and then move to wash the mud from her body. Only once she was clean and properly groomed did she track down the young wolf and watch for a moment as the little girl chewed the nasty thing that grew on cattails. Moving closer, Aaliyah rose to her full height and lifted her tail as a signal the was here for business first. "I really hope you are a member of this pack, you smell like you are, but I haven't seen you before. It would suck to have to make such a pretty girl inside out." Her voice was like the wind before a storm, harsh and signaling something on the verge of fierce. Her gemstone red eyes were hard as blood diamonds as they bored deep into the bright baby blues of the young creamy girl's.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Aaliyah's profile!

Ardat Lili


1 Year
01-10-2018, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2018, 10:03 PM by Ardat Lili.)
Light touched the dirty ground, and mint eyes followed the specs that floated in the air. Today was the day, the day she could explore the world, meet new people, play. Her lips curled in mild distaste, but she sighed, and rolled those eyes. Laying here won't increase my view of the world around me. Ardat Lili pushed herself up, and shook off, dust releasing from her pelt, but the dusty "hue" remained. Stepping into the light, she looked around, wondering what exactly she could see. Despite knowing that there was a vast world around her, the girl dutifully followed her sister, moving forward with the diligence of a yearling, and the stride of a queen.

Her eyes swept to and fro, determined to see the world around her as well as keep a mental note of what was near the den. In this vast world, probably knowing where one had been was key to return. She wouldn't want to make her mother fret on their first outing. As she drew closer to the creek, she could smell water, hear it, and also hear the ruffling of an item she'd never quite seen before. Interest widened her pupils, but very little else drew upon her expression. She paused, still partially concealed by the bushes around her, before scanning the area. A soft sigh released as she spotted her sister, and she went to step out and express her concern about her sisters' determination for eating those plants, when a stranger approached.

The hair along her shoulders and spine rose slightly, prickling in distrust of this other. Taking a moment to breathe, she watched, settling down on her haunches. Granted, she couldn't hear what the new wolf was saying, but her eyes were definitely on her. Ardat's ears twitched, and her tail swayed, What does this stranger want? Why is she here? Of course, she knew others lived around here, but... Why did they have to approach her sister? Closing her eyes, the girl inhaled, and exhaled, and when she released all that air, her fur had lay down. She was to be observant this time, no need to be hasty. Besides, if there was any trouble, Ardat would definitely step in. If something was beyond her control, she was close enough to alert mother. With a glance over her shoulder, she studied her path, before returning her focus to her sister and this other. Strangely, Ardat could smell something familiar about this other, but she was still on guard. There's no telling what could be out here.



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
01-16-2018, 03:37 AM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2018, 03:38 AM by Proserpina.)
Her ears twitched, the girl stopping mid-nom as the voice of a stranger touched her ear fur. What!? Her head sharply whipped around to the girl that spoke, silvery-blue eyes looked her up and down. She was bigger, darker coated...she didn't have the pure colors that her mother had and that she and her siblings shared for the most part. Who the heck was this girl and why was she talking to her like that!? She didn't like it. Not one bit! She abandoned her "prey" to turn and square off with the stranger, her fur bristling with indignation.

"Of course I'm! Who the heck are you!? I never seen you around b'fore!" But of course she hadn't. She had never met any of the other Abraxas wolves yet because she had been too young. But now that she could go out and about on her own, she could maybe figure out who all these scents belonged to. This one though, she didn't recognize at all. Her eyes caught sight of her sister, though Ina didn't give away her sisters position just in case they needed to conduct a surprise attack on this giant! And she was pretty darn sure she was a member of this pack...that's what their mother had brought them back for anyway...right?



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-27-2018, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2018, 06:05 PM by Aaliyah.)
Seizure warning: If you have issues with seizures or any other health problems that are triggered by flashing lights, please do not use the scroll over function on Aaliyah's table! It uses a lightning gif that has flashing lights, please use caution!

we're all devoid believing we're fallen gods when really we're all just empty vessels
The larger teen watched the little pastry get all prickly and smirked as she stated she was actually a member here. Couldn't have trespassers in her father's kingdom, that wouldn't do. Relief flooded the young titan's being and she smiled, "It is good to know you live here. My father doesn't like unwelcome guests in his kingdom. I live here too, my father leads our pack." Her dark charcoal tail waved and she laughed softly. "You looked awesome all puffed up like that, by the way! A true fighter, a natural!" Sitting, the young goddess looked over the little creamy pup. She'd seen those colors before on her aunt Ana, and she could only guess that this would be her child. Of course she was, the amount of fire in her was unmistakably Anamalech.

"I am Aaliyah, but you can call me Liyah. What's your name?" Her tone was much different, smoother and less rough than before. The little one wanted to know more about her supposed cousin, after all, they would be growing up one day and she would need strong allies to make her own way in this world. Completely unaware of the other pup, Aaliyah moved to lay down as she started her first conversation in ages. The dark goddess's demeanor had completely changed once she realized the pack's scent was all over the younger being. That was all it took, to know the little one belonged within the Empire, and she was like a big fluffy puppy herself.

"Spoken." "Thought." "You." Walk.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Aaliyah's profile!

Ardat Lili


1 Year
01-28-2018, 07:44 PM
A soft sigh fell from her lips as tension eased, at least for the adult. Though she couldn't pick up their words, still, too far away, she did notice her sisters' outbursts and was slightly concerned. She could ease up her intent upon watching them now that the older wolf was laying. Lazily, the girl let out a yawn and rose from her haunches. I suppose it's time to make my way over there... Though she was not interested in playing she did want to learn more about the others that resided in the pack that she was now a part of. Steadily, the girl advanced, and her eyes never left the other that now as she lay. Her steps were slow, but quiet, and she moved behind the other. Her deepening gaze flicked, just once, between her sister, and the other wolf, before letting a small smirk tug at the corner of her lips before her words fell out, almost condescendingly, "Didn't your mother teach you to study your surroundings?" Sitting, her tail wagged, the only sign she was proud of herself for getting within striking distance without the others' knowledge, "Even if she appears to be no threat, it doesn't mean she's alone."

The pup didn't remove her eyes from this other, but she did let her eye lids lower, now rather disappointed in the situation, scrutinizing this others' shortcomings. Though Ardat was young, she didn't act like a youngster. "My name is Ardat, Ardat Abraxas." She nixed her middle name, jutting her chin lazily toward her sister, "It's a pleasure to meet you...?" Her head cocked slightly, her voice holding a little more interest, but mostly she wanted to learn more about the place around her. Considering this was her first outing, taking in the sights were her main goal, of course around another that was rather difficult to do. Her weight shifted from one front paw to the other, before she decided that this other wasn't much of a threat. Between her and Proserpina, there was very little chance of an attack. Two verses one, those odds are in our favor... Looking around, she released that odd hold on the other. She plotted out several areas where the bushes were denser, where they could escape or flee if need be. She did wonder, however, where was her brother? A yawn pushed its way through her lips, and she didn't even try to conceal it. Right now, the outside world was rather... boring.



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-19-2018, 04:14 PM
Seizure warning: If you have issues with seizures or any other health problems that are triggered by flashing lights, please do not use the scroll over function on Aaliyah's table! It uses a lightning gif that has flashing lights, please use caution!

we're all devoid believing we're fallen gods when really we're all just empty vessels
Aaliyah barely stifled the reflexive jump that came with the sound of another young voice behind her, turning her head rather quickly instead though she kept an even mask over her face to conceal her surprise. "My mother would often let my brother and I sneak up on her, though I am convinced she knew of our presence." She let a sly smile spread across her face as she adressed the other, "Do you ever find your paws too big to keep quiet?" Tilting her head curiously, Aaliyah watched her younger cousin as she sized the older godling up. A soft laugh escaped her as she thought of the mouthy pup fighting her. Even with back up the two would be a mere snack.

As the second pup introduced herself, Aaliyah found a smile growing on her dark face. "I am Aalyah Abraxas, daughter of Amon. And yes, I suppose it is a pleasure to meet me." Standing, she thought for a moment and then decided she could maybe show the two around. What was the worst that could happen? "Would you like a tour of our home? You don't seem to have been too long out of the den, I am definitely sure we could find something cool to get into." Dancing on graceful brindled legs, Aaliyah moved to lead the way, or leave the two to their play. Now they just needed something fun to do.

"Spoken." "Thought." "You." Walk.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Aaliyah's profile!



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
03-24-2018, 03:32 AM
The older girl seemed to relax when Proserpina made it known that she lived her, and though she didn't want to let up her defensive stance, she did allow herself to relax a little. The older girls words made her head tilt and ears perk up, so she was their cousin? From what she knew, her mother was the pack leaders sister, so that made him her uncle. She remained quiet still, keeping her regal like stature until her cousin seemed to praise her. Her chest puffed up with pride, tail wagging a little. "I'm gonna be the best warrior the Empire has ever seen!" She floated. Of course, that's what she wanted to be!

Her cousin introduced herself as Aaliyah, but before Ina could introduce herself, her sister walked up and joined them. "Ardat!" She smirked at her sisters words, moving to stand beside her and nudged her shoulder. Ina had remained quiet for the most part, watching the curious interaction between her sibling and her cousin. Yes, she could certainly see them all getting along quite well. And when Aaliyah asked if they wanted a tour, Ina was all too eager! "Yes! That would be great!" She bounded forward to follow her, falling in step as best as she could. "I'm Proserpina by the way, but you can call me Ina!"