
A Rare Opportunity



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-30-2017, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2018, 08:56 PM by Tealah.)
Everyone knows that Tealah simply does not do open adopts for pups born to her wolves. So what on earth is this adoption?! Leto and Chaos are having pups, and during their recent conversation it came to light that Chaos is the last scion of the Saxe family, or rather the last of that name. So Leto, to whom family is extremely important even if she doesn't like to admit it, would strongly consider bringing one of the pups to be raised by him as a Saxe (especially since she doesn't like pups so the idea of raising more than one of the little beasts would be horrifying) while raising the other as an Aeris.

Now this is still not what I would call an open adoption precisely. I am tentatively open to the idea of someone playing this pup (and may take a second one myself if the prospective player wanted a sibling raised with them) but I am going to be EXTREMELY picky about this baby and their future. Probably picky to the point of offending people so if you are easily offended by being turned down for any reason, this adoption is probably not for you, because I reserve the right to turn down ALL potential adopters regardless of whether there are any other apps. I would rather skip the plot entirely if I don't find a good fit this time.


Tentatively accepting:

Star wolf/unnatural coat designs - designs should be similar to Chaos and Leto and neither of them are full abnormal like the other Aeris wolves since Leto has a black base and while Chaos has stripes he doesn't have unnatural coloring at all, but having some is certainly acceptable and a good full color design would be considered. Chaos also carries his mother's gene for silver banding on each hair which gives the illusion of a different colored highlights in bright light (see Chaos and his siblings Evangeline, Angelus, and Seraphim, and their mother Cascade to see some options there). Chaos’ family tends to inherit small dots arranged under the eyes like Chaos has which would be cool to see but I won't require that this time.

Mutations - Chaos carries a mutation (flat, serrated fangs like a sabretooth lion) so it isn't unreasonable to assume that his kids might also have mutations. They would need to be ok'd by me before adoption, not decided on later after you are given the character

Dire height (and other purchased height) - Chaos' older brother Angelus has dire wolf height and his grandmother was one of the original dire wolves on the site, so dire height does run through his mom's side, and on Leto's side her father Mithras was dire wolf height if I remember correctly, so it is possible. Almost all of Chaos’ siblings inherited at least 42” height (maybe all?) and Leto’s sister Artemis is also tall. Pups will be able to get 25% discounted height up to 42” from Chaos.


Definitely not accepting:

Super evil personalities - Chaos (or Leto, who will be raising them until weaning) would not put up with the sort of traits that would lead to an extremely evil personality. Dark, OK. Mischievous certainly. I think a neutral alignment is more likely than either good or outright evil, and chaotic is definitely a probability. Neither Leto nor Chaos is particularly goody-goody or particularly monogamous and both are capable and enthusiastic warriors, but they will not put up with outright murder, rape, cannibalism, etc. They will not put up with mad dog tendencies, period.

Transgender/transexual - this isn't because I don't approve IRL or whatever, but rather because Chaos would not, at all, and would outright refuse to acknowledge them which would be the opposite of the point of giving him a kid. Not something I as his player want to deal with.

Pup who hates family for no reason - I flat out refuse to adopt out a pup who dislikes the Saxe, Imperialis, or Aeris. They will be raised to respect their bloodlines and their family. Neither Chaos nor Leto will put up with spoiled, snotty behavior. If in the course of role play as they progress through life there are events that genuinely make them question their loyalty to their family that is different, but I will expect it to actually be in character and will be pretty displeased if that sort of decision is made oocly and forced

Magical personality changing characters - obviously personalities change as characters grow up and IC events change them, but I have adopted out characters before that the adopter has immediately changed their personality away from what was adopted to them. Not cool, man. Not cool. I want to see a character react to events according to the base personality that I had originally approved of, and change in REALISTIC ways

Continuously resorting to rape/maim plots - I think it is pretty reasonable for me to ask that you not deliberately throw this character into plots where they will be raped or maimed. Chaos would absolutely, 100% straight up kill anyone who did something like that to his child, assuming Leto didn't find out first and do something even worse. Seriously, both these parents are super protective and vindictive, and it would not end well for anyone. I am all for IC drama happening IC but I am tired of needing to hold my characters back because people preplan plots like this and then whine about it when there are consequences. Plus didn't I mention earlier that they are both capable and enthusiastic fighters? Yeah this pup will be getting fight training from the moment their eyes are open yo.

Inactivity - I expect at least a post every couple weeks for this character even as a pup. A prolonged absence/haitus without directly discussing the character with me will get the character taken back to readopt. Setting them inactive will be grounds for them being taken back immediately. If I need to read opt them, I expect all height and design purchases to be transferred with them, not refunded or transferred to a different character. Name, design, etc will all be expected to go with the character if it needs to be readopted regardless of how many or few posts were made on the account.


OK so this all may seem pretty extreme but like I said I very rarely choose to adopt out babies from my characters so if I am going to give someone this opportunity I want it to develop into a character that I will actually feel good about having given to someone, not something that I regret.

<b>Design:</b> (one of the ones I will be providing when I get home or a lineart reference to your own)
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General plans:</b>
<b>RP sample:</b> 200 word minimum

Some possible designs via Fox:

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



7 Years
Extra large
01-07-2018, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2018, 06:29 PM by Torin.)
Dang you Tea! I just had to at least try, I'm not 100% set on the name so it could be changed if it doesn't strike your fancy.

Name: Xenos Saxe
Gender: Male
Design: Design by Mon, with slight alteration

Physical Description: Xenos' Saxe lineage is clearly visible, though his mother's influence comes through in smaller ways. Firstly the frame he resides within is solidly more like Chaos. The child will grow to 43", slightly taller than his own sire. Much like Chaos he is a being built for a mixture of speed and power, he is neither heavy nor lithe.

Xenos' pelt is where he is more obviously Saxe. His coloration being that of a mixture of deep dark blues and almost grey purples. The base of his coat is either a dark almost royal blue or a dark purple depending on the reflection of the light when looking at him. This coloration is broken up by a dark grey blue that fades in at the back of his body, coloring the whole of his tail, rump and hind legs before fading up to his back. Almost imperceptibly the same color marks both his front paws and stripes along his front legs and shoulders. There is also marking on his face that rises up from his neck and runs just under his eye in the same color. Perhaps more noticeable is the white that marks him. His neck is ringed in thick white, giving him almost a mane of brilliant snow, his front right paw is also marked with this brilliant color as it swirls up his leg and onto his shoulder in a manner rather reminiscent of his maternal great aunt Caia or even his own Aunt Iskra. Under his left eye are three small dots, arranged in a line. This white color almost appears to be highlighted with either light blue or purple as he bears a faint silver branding that when caught in the light can change which colors one might see upon his coat.

To finish it all off, his gaze is a light mulberry in color, once more bringing home his Saxe Lineage.

Personality: The boy will be a little charmer, there isn't a single shy bone in his body, in fact he is quite friendly and outgoing. He seeks to make connections with anyone he crosses paths with. A smile is never far from his lips and a joke or pickup line is always ready. In many ways he is more than willing to look cheesy or silly. Not that Xenos is naive, even as a pup he does not trust blindly, he knows not everyone has good intentions.

There a sort of cocky self-assurance to him, he will be drawn to bettering himself in the arts of fighting and some part of him will simply assume that he will be able to handle any threat that he might face. Not that he goes around picking fights, he simply doesn't care much if he ends up in one. Still he is not reckless in his actions, he knows and acknowledges he could be faced with danger, he simply welcomes the thrill.  

Xenos is not really concerned with others in a moral way, he's not malicious by most standards but he also doesn't fall apart knowing that sometimes bad things happen and his own priorities go towards serving his own goals. He also has a bit of resentment towards authority, he likes knowing he can do what he wants when he wants to. Still when someone has earned his loyalty they will find him to be a stalwart companion. Family also matters a great deal to him, he has a bit of pride in his lineage and while he doesn't lord it above anyone he doesn't take kindly to threats to those he loves.

General plans: Xenos will mostly wander around being his friendly little self for this early life. Probably have him start practicing with spars and the like around a year or so. He will likely not be monogamous and I could see him having a few whirlwind romances. Tbh no super concrete plans, more than willing to just see where the tide takes him.

RP sample: Xenos groaned as he flopped onto his side, panting as he did so. His newly developing bruises protested with each stretch of his limbs but he knew he couldn't allow himself to get stiff. Still he needed to be off his paws, so he stretched and relaxed his toes in a simple rhythm. "She's pretty and she fights well." He declared after a moment, glancing at his sparring partner. "A killer combination if I do say so myself." He chuckled to himself for a moment, reflecting upon his hard fought battle and his subsequent loss. His pride was only slightly less bruised than his body, but maybe, just maybe he'd be able to convince her to give him a consolation prize.

"Not that I'd expect any less from one such as you. You exude a sort of warrior princess vibe." Was she laughing? Well that was good... probably. To be honest he wasn't really sure, he'd found through his life that some wolves took well to his form of flattery and other did not. Evidently she was the latter, a laugh and a rejection was all the response she gave as she left. Xenos slowly rose to his paws and shrugged. Eh, you win some, you lose some. He thought with some amusement. Truth be told he didn't mind losing so much, particularly not to such a skilled fighter and an ever more adept escape artist. Besides, there would always be next time.



7 Years

01-07-2018, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 08:12 PM by Lillianna.)
Name: Lyra Saxe
Gender: Female
Design: from the lovely Fox <3
Physical Description:
base + blue-black with silver ticking.
eyes + purple
height + 43"
weight + 150 lb?
build + Slim, more legs than anything else, she'll be a runner through-and-through.
mutations + kitty paws/ kitty claws. Paws are mutated to accommodate cat-like claws.

markings + First and foremost, her base coat is a blue-black color. More of a dark slate blue, though. The color particularly shines in the sun, where it brightens to a brighter blue, and occasionally even shimmers a purple due to the silver ticking she inherited from the Saxe line. That's also probably one of the more normal things about her.

She has a darker layer of slate blue on her top side, and on top of that, a myriad of colors. Predominately blue and green, if you look closely and in the right lighting, it looks like there's a soft earthy red tinting some of the blues and greens. White speckles, similar to stars, appear all over the blue and green, something she obtained from the Aeris line of the family.

She also has some light slate-blue markings. Her toes are all slate, as well as a stripe on her nose and the tips of her ears. To finish up, she has the tell-tale eye dots of Chaos's line.
A long time ago, it was mentioned that Leto and her siblings were a little crazy. They are nothing compared to Lyra. Charming, excitable, curious and friendly, Lyra stops at nothing to explore and view the world, cause chaos and have fun while she's doing it. That being said, she's not disobedient, or rebellious. She simply wants freedom in her life, reasonable restrictions, and the ability to have fun! Well... she's not overly disobedient. You try telling her she can't go and explore the new thing, and you might have a wayward girl trying to do so anyway, all with a cheerful grin on her face.

Free-Spirited + Free-spirited is one word that is quite the understatement for Lyra. Her whole life revolves around her curiosity, her love for adventure, and her cheerful exuberance for life. She stops at nothing to explore and view the world, causing chaos in her wake and having fun while she's doing it. That being said, her version of chaos might be a bit different than another's... after all, it causes quite a ruckus when she slips off and her father can't figure out where she is. She's not really that disobedient, or rebellious, though. She simply wants freedom in her life, reasonable restrictions, and the ability to have fun! And in her mind, she can easily have fun with her family as she can without them being there.

Charming + Cheerful, eloquent, and friendly, Lyra's attitude can make almost any wolf like her almost instantly - or so she believes. She is pleasant, agreeable, and decidedly open about most things - mostly because she doesn't really care about most things that others are worried about, but still! She's one who will go out of her way and be pleasant and kind until given a reason not to.

Curious + Perhaps morbidly so? Lyra's curiosity doesn't know a limit, whether it's in exploration or how other's think. Due to how she's raised, she never really understands how one can perform blatant murder, cannabilism, rape, sadistic cruelty - it's all a mystery to her, and it's something that she's insanely curious about. What causes these wolves to do it? What causes them to think that way? Is it even a specific way of thinking? That being said, she's aware of what these types of wolves would do to her, and despite her curiosity, she'd rather stay away than come near, unless it's already happening near her. Unfortunately for those that are victims, it's a toss-up whether she'll intervene or try to satisfy her morbid curiosity on how these twisted individuals operate.

Mischevious + You probably got this when you learned she was free-spirited, but she's one that loves a good prank. It is, after all, having fun to her! She'll pull tricks and pranks on those she loves, though never anything too dangerous, and never anything that could cause certain harm. Meeting a stranger, and she might just tell him a tall tale to watch him stumble around like an idiot, before caving in and telling him. Or maybe a naive pup, and she'll go send the pup on a snipe hunt while she follows and watches.

Family-Oriented + While not super obsessive about family, family is still important to her. To her, family is not just blood, but also who you choose. And, if someone blood-related were to betray her repeatedly, she'd likely stop considering them family and consider them more along the lines of a traitor. Those she calls family - her parents, her siblings, anybody she meets that she becomes close with - she will protect with everything she has. They are more important than her, and they are more important than anyone else out there. If she had the choice between saving her father and saving a drowning, random pup, she'd probably choose her father, unless he told her to get the pup. That's just how it is.

Intelligent + Despite her mischievous, rambunctious nature, she's not stupid. She's observant, even if she doesn't show that she is. She can read situations and moods, just like most other wolves, even if she's the one crashing in and trying to break up the tension. She's not ignorant, nor is she oblivious. She just, at the end of the day, believes that staying tense and stressed out about something isn't necessary. Calm down, have fun, and think about the issue. That's all - simple, to her.

General plans: Hmmm. Truthfully, causing chaos in the world. Having fun, Meeting others, making connections, making her dad's fur fall out or turn white around the muzzle. Y'know, all the fun things. She'll learn to fight, to hunt, to talk with others and be charismatic. She'll even learn a bit of the herbal arts - that's fun, right? Besides, someone will need to patch up the others when they get hurt. Other than that, nothing really... concrete. I'll take her where she wants to go.

With her having a sibling that's just as chaotic and crazy as her, Torrent shall be Lyra's best partner-in-crime, the one she plots and plans with!

RP sample: She grinned as she watched from the shadows, eyes focused on the small form darting through the wilderness. Okay, maybe she was mean. Maybe she was having a little too much fun with her small white lie. But it was hilarious! She knew that she could be believable, but she never thought that she could get a younger pup to look through the woods for hours for a creature she made up. A small, squirrel-like creature that made its home in the roots of trees at night, with great big fangs and claws, and was really rare because there were almost none of them left. So, to find and catch one meant a great reward. This kid had ate it up, and he immediately set out on the mission - several hours ago. It had been fun watching him stumble and flail... and occasionally leave "signs" of the "gulo", such as scratching her sharp claws against the root of a tree, or leaving a small impression in the ground of one of her toes. She couldn't wait to tell her dad what she had done!

... Oh, right, whoops. That would be after she got in trouble for escaping his watchful eye. Whooooops. Oh, well, he'd still appreciate it! That was something to worry about for later. Now, though, it was time to see how the kid felt now, so far ahead. With a barely suppressed grin, she stepped into a clearing that she knew he'd wander into, and waited = not too long, as he was right there. "Hey kid! Long time no see. How's the hunt for the gulo going?"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
01-09-2018, 06:39 AM
I've decided to take a second pup from the litter after all, so whoever's app is chosen will be raised by Chaos as a Saxe with a sabretoothed, chaotic sister named Torrent while their brother Aquila will stay with Leto to be an Aeris. Thanks to my lack of consistent reception for the last two weeks of the year I wasn't able to get the breeding thread completed in time for the turn of the season so I need to get the gems for a season pass for Leto which will take a little while, but rest assured the litter will still happen!



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
01-15-2018, 08:57 PM
Added some possible designs, two more to come!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
01-16-2018, 12:27 AM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2018, 11:55 PM by Shelby.)

Name: Sibyl Saxe (Maybe? Still trying to decide)

Gender: Female

Design: This very, very pretty supplied design

Physical Description: This willowy woman stands taller than most wolves at her full height of forty five inches tall. She never quite grows into her long limbs and oversized paws, making her look just a tad disproportionate. To add to the oddly stretched out look, her tail practically drags along the ground if she doesn't make an effort to keep it from doing so. In a perfect world her slim figure, long legs, and swooping tail could make her look quite graceful and regal... but this is Sibyl we're talking about. More often than not this clumsy tomboy just ends up tripping over herself. Her eyes are golden yellow. She also has a more petite version of the elongated fangs that her father has, the teeth hanging slightly past her lower jaw. Her coloring doesn't do her any favors in the department of blending in. The base color of her fur is a deep black, but there isn't much of this base color to be seen behind all of the multicolored swirls. A concentrated swish of red covers her stomach and part of her forelegs while thinner lines of blues, violets, and touches of green cover pretty much everything else. It looks like a slice of the galaxy was taken out and smeared over her body.

Personality: You'll hear her coming far before you see her. She's one of those kids that they hit the ground running as soon as their eyes pop open in the morning. Zero to a hundred in one second flat. With any luck she'll calm down enough to have a full conversation with someone without getting distracted one day, but it's hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel when she's constantly fidgeting and wanting to go chase after the butterflies flying by. Part of being so incredibly energetic is that she's also very outgoing. She doesn't know what a stranger is and is always either making friends or enemies - depending on how they take her. She's unapologetic in all the best ways. As long as there's a good reason to do something she can't understand why she would have to apologize for it. Sure, she might have taken your rabbit, but it was only because her sister was hungry.

Her family is the most important piece of her world. As far as she's concerned her family is the world. Don't take it personally if she completely blows you off in the middle of a sentence if her father walks in. It's not that she's not interested in what you have to say, you're just not nearly as interesting as one of her family members. As much as she loves her family, they are also her favorite victim for her pranks. It's really just a form of affection for her to jump out and scare you or hide a big, scary bug in your bedding. After all, if she didn't care then she wouldn't even waste her time. It's all in good fun.

General plans: Having as much fun as possible, possibly unintentionally stepping on toes with her pranks, have some Saxe babies when she's older and keeping that family love alive.

RP sample: One second she was running as fast as possible toward their den with a rabbit hanging proudly from her mouth... and the next she was tumbling forward onto her face. One of her paws caught on a root that was slightly raised out of the ground and it sent her rolling over the ground. She fell with a "oof!" and ended up finally landing on her back. She blinked as she stared up at the sky and slowly gathered where she was and what had happened. The clumsy yearling finally pulled herself back onto her paws and shook off a little bit, not paying much attention to the leaves and twigs caught in her fur.

It took a minute to locate the rabbit that had gone flying in her tumble. She sniffed around for a second and finally found it, scooping it up between her jaws and using her fangs to make sure it wouldn't fall out of her mouth again. Her long legs made it super easy to run fast, but maaaaybe that wasn't the best idea when she was running through a forest. Her tail lightly dragged along the ground behind her as she trotted toward home with her head held high as if by holding it higher would keep it from hitting the ground again.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-16-2018, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2018, 01:58 AM by Dragon.)

Name: Altair Saxe (Brightest star of the constellation Aquila, thought it might be fitting XD)
Gender: Male
Design: The one above
Physical Description:
Altair is a beast that when he walks into a room, heads turn to gawk. Taking after his father's line, he stands at a height of 42" with a hefty warriors bulk. As if he were born from the very pillars of creation themselves, he is a fantastic beast and one to be admired. His coat is a swirl of dark and earthen colors with darker hues of blue and green. He takes a combination of colors from both mother and father, taking the mesmerizing galactic swirls of his mother with earthen red tones complete with surreal swirls of greens and blues. The combination makes him look like he walked out a dream or like he was born from the very galaxies that sit in the world beyond those of Ardent. His fur is thick and smooth, well suited for both hot and cold weather and Altair takes great care of his appearance, but doesn't throw a fit should it get dirty or soiled with the blood of others. With a multitude of colors on him, he seems to catch the eye of all who gaze upon him. Each hair blends into the next and has even taken the silver banding on each dark hair from his sire's line. The swirling blues and greens cover a large part of his body in no particular pattern as does the reddish brown, though the latter color takes up the majority of his head and neck, legs, and tail. He bears a more washed out gray beneath his chin and neck with part of it sweeping up towards his cheeks similar to a wave, as well as his underside and elbows.

Altair has the telltale signs of the Saxe line, and it's evident with the four white dots beneath silvery white eyes. A dark muzzle compliments his light colored eyes and the lighter markings on his face (also does well to hide any blood he might have acquired from those he fights), and all in all it gives him a potentially fearsome and regal look. With his body built more like his father's, Altair has a barrel like chest with strong sturdy legs. His head and neck are heavy and thick to accommodate the saber like fangs that, like his father, protrude from his upper jaw. He's built mostly like a tank with powerful muscles hidden beneath gorgeous fur. To top it all off, he appears to have star-like markings strewn across his form much like his mother's side of the family.

Personality: As a child, Altair will show much of the curiosity that many pups have and will, of course, be every bit the mischief maker. He of course will know when not to overstep his boundaries, but rules or no rules, he won't hesitate to try to push his boundaries to the limit. Be it toeing the lines of other packs or bugging his dad until just before he reaches his boiling point (a simmer? xP), the boy will test each and every limit he possibly can. He is curious about the world, mostly wondering why there's wolves that don't have teeth like he does because, y'know, he thinks it's normal that wolves are supposed to have saber-like fangs. The male will often go out of his way to explore the new thing and he likes talking to strangers. In fact, he insists on talking to strangers because who knows, maybe they could be of some use to him when he gets older. If he gets bored in conversation, however, he'll let you know pretty quick. There are few things that interest him, and pleasantries and random talk about nothing are definitely on the list of things that bore him. When he has conversations, you can expect quite a few questions fly from his mouth, and rest assured not all of them might be appropriate. He has no filter and will say whatever comes to mind no matter how rude it might sound. It's not entirely intentional, it's just his curiosity and his straightforwardness. He doesn't really like to beat around the bush, so you can also expect him to be quite blunt about things as well.

Altair may also be known to be the rebellious type in his young years. Although he doesn't like being told no, he's more than likely going to listen to his dad more than anyone else. Any other authority figure? Little to no chance. He'd likely go and do his own thing instead with little regard to whoever else told him to go do the thing. He simply doesn't like anyone else who tries to control him, and as he grows older, he may sometimes try to pick a fight with those who try to tell him what to do. Unless of course, he respects you enough to listen. As he grows older (into his teens?), Altair may turn out to be arrogant and overconfident. But is it really arrogance and overconfidence if he thinks he can pull off whatever he's doing? He's quick to learn and has a sharp mind, the male soaking in information each and every day. He is a thrill seeker, of course, and is willing to do even the most dangerous and tedious tasks that nobody else wants to do if only to prove himself that he's just better than you and not afraid to do what the other wimps were too scared to do.

Altair lacks compassion for his enemies and sometimes even his friends on some occasions. He's simply not willing to risk his neck for someone else, especially if they got themselves into whatever mess they're in. For his family, however, he is more than devoted. He may be sarcastic here and there, but it's all in good humor. For them, he is willing to do what it takes so long as it doesn't kill him. He's loyal to his family and of course, wants to learn to be a great warrior bandit to please his father. One might say that he has a bit of a competitive streak with others and will often try to be the best that he can be in whatever he's doing. Be it fighting, hunting, or knowledge, he'll always be seen trying to outdo you. When it comes to his sibling(s), Altair has a hot streak for sibling rivalry. Whether it's one sided or not, he's always trying to pull pranks and tricks on those he can with little regard to the consequences. If it makes him laugh, is it really wrong?
He tries not to do anything too harmful, but hey it's their fault for falling for it in the first place. Even with his little tricks and pranks, he loves his family and sibling(s) to death and will do whatever he can to protect them.

General plans: Well for the most part, he'd probably stick around his dad to learn everything he could from him. He'd be an adventurer, occasionally wandering off to gather intel and meet others if only to see if there was any information out there that could be used to benefit him/his family. At some point, there might be the potential he'd be curious about his mom and would maybe seek her out, but this is iffy. I can't say for sure because that'd have to be developed. He'd go around running rampant, probably growing a wild streak and wanting to heckle packs or the like if only to steal resources with the Band (When he's old enough to do so in Chaos' band lol). He'd obviously practice his fighting skills to be the best darn fighter he can be since it's the Imperialis way lol, and maybe at some point in the future settle down with someone who can put up with him, but ICly not entirely sure if he'd even really be thinking about settling down if at all lol.
RP sample: "Aw, don't be such a wimp! It's not that far up, we can do it!" He barked, eyes fixed on a goat that was pretty far up the steep slope he stood on. He cast a quick glance to his new friend he had found, but quickly decided that this kid wasn't up to the level of fun that Altair wanted. "Th-that's too high up, Altair! What if we fall?" Altair scoffed, head held high as he looked down on his buddy. "Well if you think like that then you prolly will fall! C'mon, it'll be fine!" Without waiting for an answer, Altair set off climbing the steep slope, rocks slipping and sliding beneath him. Up above, the goat bleated as if it were laughing at them. Altair bounded from rock to rock, and as it grew steeper he was having a more difficult time trying to figure out where to put his feet. He was already pretty high up, and when he looked down he could see his friend still sitting at the bottom. Rolling his eyes, he muttered under his breath. Man, that guy was always such a spoiled sport! Whether or not he would manage to capture this goat was beyond him, but he was determined and nothing would stop him!

It took him a few tries before he managed to get a little higher up, but he was so much closer to his goal! Looking around for another foothold, he reached out towards a rock that jutted out of the cliff with one paw, and then the other. But he soon realized that there was no way to get his hind paws on without doing some sort of handstand or something. Crap. He was stuck! Up above, he could still hear the goat, except this time it sounded like it was taunting him. What did he do now? With his tongue lolling out as he tried to figure it out, he decided that he would have to return to his original position and find a different path. Yeah, that's what he'd do. As he shuffled his front paws closer to his side of the rock, he suddenly lost his grip and ended up doing a nosedive towards the ground. Falling for what felt like an excruciatingly long time (it was only a few feet), panic rose up as the ground came to meet him. Hitting hard, the wind was knocked out of him as he was sent rolling towards the bottom of the hill, and as he rolled, he ended up loosening other stones which in turn, brought a rock slide following behind him.

At last when he came to a stop of a flatter rock shelf, it took him a moment to gather his bearings and catch his breath. "Altair! Look out!" Peering over the side of his perch, he saw his friend panicking and for a second he didn't know why he was. Then he heard it. The grounding, crunching, rolling of rocks behind him. Turning and looking up, his eyes widened as he saw boulders and rocks of all sizes barreling in his direction, and without a second thought he jumped over the ledge and hit the ground running. It was awkward with the incline, his paws burning with the effort of running over stones, but boy was he having fun now! He ran at an angle so he wouldn't end up directly beneath the rocks, his tongue hanging out as a wild laughter left him.

Minutes later, he had made it to ground level and landed near his friend with a heavy thud, head held high and beaming as his breathing was hard and quick. "See? I...told would be alright!" Even though he didn't get anywhere close to his prey, he still had a lot of fun! "That was fun, I wanna do that again!" He laughed, attention pulled in the direction where the rocks finally came to land with a loud crash a few yards away. While his friend wasn't quite the thrill seeker that he was, Altair didn't mind one bit. It just meant more adventure for him!
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



1 Year
02-16-2018, 03:07 PM
Due to health issues I'm a bit late getting to this but I have decided not to take a second pup for now since I won't have the time I was expecting to settle into having the extra characters before having my own infant around needing care. So I will instead be adopting out both of the other pup slots and will bring Torrent in from a different litter later. So without further ado the two pups will be going to...

Dragon and Kea!

Please keep in mind the activity requirements for the adoption, because I am going to be pretty picky about that. If for some reason you are not going to be able to bring in your pup after all please let me know ASAP. If they are not up in acceptance by the end of the day on the 26th I will be taking the adopt back to give me a little time to get a different character in the slot before the deadline.