
I'll be a hero


07-04-2013, 02:02 PM

It had been well a good days trip to get here, but Natsu had been happy enough to come to visit his old alphess. No she was now the princess of Seracia. he wagged his tail pacing the borders with a smile on his face. His blue eyes sparkled with adventure he couldn't wait to see what these Seracians were all about. He stopped and tried to calm himself down as he sat at the borders. He took in a deep breath and gave a howl. Hoping he wasn't bothering anyone, considering the fact that usually that call was reserved for those who wanted to join a pack right?
Natsu's black tipped tail stopped wagging as he took in a deep breath. He wanted to see how Epiphron was doing, while it had only been a few days since she had gone. He also wanted to use this time to make friends with those within Seracia, there was bound to be those with hearts who needed healing. It was his job to heal them, a smile on the males face. He was the most optimistic of wolves that was for sure.



07-05-2013, 09:28 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback nosed a pile of sopping, muddy leaves as she looked around for crawling creatures to snack on. When the sound of a tiny smack of a bugs feet on mud hit her ear she sprung into action, shoving her light russet snout straight into the mud. Locating the bug she whipped it into the air, watching it as it flew towards a puddle. Mmmmm, a plump cricket, she thought, Perfect for an afternoon snack! With a thud the black cricket hit the muddy water and began trying to hop it's way though it. Even though she was taught not to play with her food, Switchback began laughing and leaping after the leaping creature, pawing it every so often. After awhile through her game got a bit tiring, and she snapped up the creature with one quick bite.

After Switchback had licked her chops clean she listened to the sounds around her. There were plenty of birds in the area, and they sounded so nice. Switchback swayed back and forth getting lost in their tune, when she suddenly heard a deep howl drifting towards her on the wind. Not knowing why a wolf had given such a call she bounded forward, eager to see who they were. The howl sounded unfamiliar, and Switchback loved meeting new people.

Finishing her run, Switchback spotted the wolf a few leaps ahead of her, his reddish coat making him hard to see. As she continued walking forward a white splotch became clear around his eye, and she knew she hadn't met this wolf before. And by the smell lingering in the air, she could tell that he was a Vahallan brute. Taking in the rest of his features, Switchback began to size him up. He was a medium build, just like herself, but the russet and cream she-wolf could tell that she was slightly smaller than the blue-eyed male. Could she take him on if he attacked? She didn't think so. Her battling skills were quite lacking at the moment.

Cautiously padding up to the wolf, she raised her tail, not knowing why he was here. She kept her attitude light and playful though, for she didn't want the unknown wolf to feel like he was being threatened. "Hello," she barked happily, "What brings you to Seracia today?" And with that she shot him a muddy smile but stayed standing, ready for anything.

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