
Tactical Approach



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-02-2018, 08:00 PM
OOC: Set before the challenge.
Lesson: Fighting

Amon had decided he would spend this day with his nephew. Pyralis had spoken to him on numerous occasions, and Amon had not made the time he had originally planned on making. The thought rankled him, and so he set out that morning with one purpose only. The boy sought lessons, advice, and experience, his sister said. She said he was a smart boy, and capable. Amon knew it to be true from his many interactions with the boy, but they had not spent much time in tutelage. Never too late to change that.

Finally the large male tipped his muzzle to the sky and let out a gentle howl. Beside him the creek ran swollen and heady from recent rains. The land was rejuvenating and it filled Amon with a peaceful feeling, seeing it as an effigy of his patron who inhabited this land, and blessed them with seasons as he saw fit. The turning of time, it's endless cycle, was ever fascinating to watch unfold. As Ashiel grew he too would be forced to learn and adapt to the many changes his body would suffer as it aged.

Amon certainly did not fight in the same manner as in his youth. Being tactical and aware of ones training, thinking of greater goals than what one might accomplish in the next fortnight, or the next moon, was the key to becoming a great warrior. He would assess the boy, and address whatever seemed most pertinent but mostly Amon simply desired to see the boy's ability and drive. Time would tell...
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-02-2018, 08:06 PM

Ashiel had devoted himself to training. Even though he felt quite confident he could beat a blind mortal any day he wanted to do all he could to hedge his bets. Fate favored the prepares or so the saying went and the words of the sorceress Valdís had been echoing in his head. If she set her magics to it he could be in big trouble. Pearly fangs glinted in the sun light as he growled to himself. He kept the results of that embarrassing fight to himself. It wasn't quite that he was ashamed to be defeated by a mortal witch but that she'd done it so swiftly. He needed to step up his game.

It seemed the fallen god has heard his thoughts for not a moment later came his uncles howl. Amon was calling specifically for him. Ashiel swiftly responded to the call. He grinned gently as he spied the older man. "Uncle, you called for me?"

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-02-2018, 09:13 PM

Ashiel arrived promptly, and Amon mentally marked it as a step in the right direction. Every time his path crossed with the boy's he found himself considering all that had been said of the boy, and decided he had not been disappointed yet. Ashiel's greeting was proper and courteous, and Amon returned the gesture with a welcoming nod of his own and an answering smile. "Ashiel. It is good that you arrived so quickly. You are growing into quite the capable young man."

The praise came easily to his lips, because the titan had no doubt that it was true. He believed that hard work ought to be rewarded, after all. "You mother tells me of your aspirations, and I do not hesitate to say I too believe you have the makings of a leader. I wanted to discuss your combat training so far, and the areas in which you feel the most in need of improvement, and discuss a plan to ensure you reach your fullest potential."

Amon was concise and forthright, and perhaps it sounded a bit more like a business meeting than a conversation between kin, but that was hardly a thought in Amon's mind. He gestured towards the engorged creek. "When your mother and I were young your grandfather would bid us to train by walking against flood streams. It strains your muscles in unexpected ways, and helps to keep you light on your toes and reflexive as well. Come. We will wade as we talk."

Amon did not wait to hear his nephews response as he turned towards the water. The current was swift, but he knew that if they stuck near the banks they would be spared the largest and most dangerous debris, which would have concentrated in the main channel. He began to press into the current and waited for Ashiel to begin whatever report the boy could conjure.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-02-2018, 09:35 PM

Ashiel's head lifted ever so slightly at his uncle's praise, pride radiating through his chest. It was great to have forward momentum, to have something to stride for. He felt the very act of striving was helping him to shape his identity. He nodded as Amon mentioned that his mother divulged Ashiel's plans. Yes, that was to be expected. He couldn't stop himself from grinning at the mention of combat training but the smile would quickly be replaced with a look of stern focus. "I would really appreciate that, Uncle. Whatever you suggest I am more than willing to do. I feel I can improve in all areas of combat. I don't wish to rest on my laurels."

Ashiel listened intently as Amon spoke of how he and Pyralis had trained when they were younger. Walking against flood streams? Intentionally? He nodded. Lydia had taught him to swim at Pyralis' insistence when he'd accidentally slipped into the river at the bottom of the canyon during the rainy season. It wasn't something he cared to relive but he was bigger now, stronger. Ashiel nodded confidently and followed Amon to the river's edge.

Carefully, Ashiel would begin to push himself into the water, first he moved up to his knees, turning to Amon to follow the others lead before speaking. "There is one area I think I should work on. I spoke with Razi and she has been most insightful. In battle I know I don't have long to react. I can't stand there…oh!" Ashiel stepped swiftly to his left to avoid a large branch that was swept past him. Clearing his throat he continued. "I wish to work on strategizing. What possibilities are available to me based on my opponents attacks and our positions."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-03-2018, 12:50 PM

Amon waded into the swift-moving water until it rose to his belly. As he began to churn a path forward he could feel his shoulders strain against the extra pressure, and Amon kept his eyes ahead to watch for anything being swept in their direction. Ashiel professed a desire to improve in all areas, which was only natural. Amon was comforted to see that the boy had not let his prowess in previous endeavors go to his head. Or at least if he had, he was hiding it well enough. "There is always room for growth," Amon agreed, "But targeting your weaknesses is in many ways more important than honing your strengths."

Ashiel said that he had been speaking with Razi and that the woman had offered him wisdom as well. Amon filed that away, pleased to hear his half-sister had been taking part in training the apprentices. Amon also skirted sideways as a branch was swept downstream, interrupting Ashiel's remark about the importance of reaction time in battle. Amon nodded. "It's true, the ability to immediately assess a situation and pinpoint your opponents weaknesses without allowing them to do the same to you is crucial. To begin with, one of the most important yet most often overlooked elements of combat is the ability to decide where and when the attack happens. If you are able to control your environment the battle is already half won.

"A warrior who takes the time to find terrain that will disadvantage their opponent, stakes out likely routes of egress, and minds the state of their body in the days leading up to combat is much more likely to find victory, but these things take a considerable amount of planning, forethought, and most importantly one cannot act impulsively. Considering the varying angles of possibility for any situation is a useful mental exercise, and it will help train you to critically asses possible opponents as well."

Amon was certain that Ashiel was hoping for advice for one he was in combat as well, and he would get there eventually, but it in no way lessened the important of strategizing long before the battle even began. If Ashiel hoped to grow into an effective leader he would need to think laps around both opponents and allies alike. No reason not to start now. He waited to see what Ashiel might have to say before moving on to specific strategies to use once you'd lured your opponent in to face you.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-03-2018, 01:29 PM

Ashiel pushed ahead a few steps, the water bubbling up to his chest now. He could feel it whirling around him and trying to tug him off his feet. He inhaled sharply but worked to control the exhale. Feeling the water shoving and sucking at his chest made him suddenly very aware of each breath he was taking. He tried to divide his attention evenly between his uncle and the river. That in and of itself was a challenging exercise.

Amon mentioned that one of the most crucial elements of combat was the ability to decide where and when an attack would happen. He nodded and listened intently. One thing he had little experience in was battling on differing terrain or terrain that he could really use to his advantage. Well, not counting the canyon spars he had with his mother. He repressed a shudder. Ashiel was grateful for the experience, especially as that was where he planned to make his pack but fighting near ledges where one mistake could send you falling to your death added a whole different level to the training. In his opinion it was proof that his mother was insane. "Yes, thank you. That makes sense. I think I do need to practice the art of patience. Sometimes I act to impulsively and it's gotten me into trouble." His thoughts flickered to his battle with Valdís. In his mind it should have been a simple fight. He was going to over-power this mortal woman but then he'd miscalculated and was handily defeated. He had no desire to tell Amon about that incident. "We are descended from gods and I know that we are blessed above others but even so… I have learned that over-confidence can be a hindrance to anyone, no matter how divine they are."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-03-2018, 04:54 PM

Ashiel seemed to drink in his words, assessing them and filing them away. The young male was quite clearly eager to learn. He confessed to lacking patience from time to time, which caused Amon to smirk and nod. "Patience is often a virtue lacked by the young. Time, and injury, tend to be the best instructors in that field, however." Amon paused as the river bottom below him shifted. He was forced to release his grip on amongst the muck and mud, being swept back a pace before regaining his footing. Three long strides brought him back to Ashiel's side.

"You are wise for your age," Amon mused. Ashiel feared his own over-confidence, and that was good. "I can only assume you hold all the good sense your sister lacks." The assessment rumbled in his chest. He had not seen the celestial girl for quite some time. "Our patron favors and blesses us when he sees fit, but our mortal bodies confine us to the same constraints as the lesser beasts which walk among us. Chance and sheer dumb luck must always be taken into account. Preparation can only take you so far. And that is where quick analyzation comes in at a battle's start. Distract your opponent while you gather information. I've found most can be convinced to talk about themselves easily and at great lengths. Never rush into death. Take your time to assess their scent, their gait, their mannerisms.

"Infection and illness are detectable on the breath. Circle and force them to pivot to see if they might favor a limb as a result of a past fight. Put the sun at your back so they are forced to look in it's direction. Or if you are forced to stay still, churn the ground beneath your paws and feign anticipation. When your opponent charges kick the dust up into their eyes. I am not so proud to admit that there are mortals who walk this earth who hold great powers of their own. Without walking in the Fallen God's light they will never truly realize their potential, and if you face them as an enemy you must not shy away from whatever advantage the our God will give you to triumph over them."

Again he paused, waiting to see if his nephew had aught to add to the discourse, be it questions or merely reflection on past experiences. Amon was confident that his sister would have been more than adequate in teaching the physical side of combat, but he did wonder if her off-the-cuff ways might have been as thorough as he was attempting to be now. He also wanted to weigh the boy, see what his own thoughts were and how deep his consideration ran.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-03-2018, 05:18 PM

Ashiel pushed ahead a few steps, the water bubbling up to his chest now. He could feel it whirling Ashiel nodded at his uncle's words. Valdís jaws around his throat would not be something he'd swiftly forget. It happened so quickly he didn't even have time to think that he might die. He was just stunned. Ashiel stumbled but swiftly regained his footing… did he dare try his luck with a swifter part of the river? He saw his uncle loose his footing for a second and it made Ashiel think twice. He needed to practice patience. He was having enough trouble keeping steady where he was. No reason to push himself too hard too soon.

He felt praise at Amon's comment but also a touch of anger. He didn't like other's talking down about his sister, Asharya. Though… he also couldn't deny the truth in those words either. Asharya took after their mother and was a wild child in every way, as unpredictable as the wind. Ashiel continued to listen as his uncle spoke, mentally jotting down what he was saying. Test an opponent to see if they favored a limb, face them in a way that they were forced to look into the sun among other things. He nodded. Yes, they needed to take every advantage they could get and there was no shame in that.

"Yes, that all makes sense. Thank you, those are good tactics I hadn't considered before. I-" A rush of water sent Ashiel stumbling hard, his head dipping below the surface of the water before his powerful limbs pushed him back up. As he was swept toward a boulder he shifted his course, his legs connecting with it as he kicked himself back up against the current. It bought him enough time to dig his legs in again and slowly walk his way back up to his uncle, breathing heavy.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-05-2018, 01:57 PM

Amon watched as Ashiel was momentarily swept away in the current. A mild trill of alarm ran through the older brute, but he was confident Ashiel would recover himself. After all, that was an important aspect of the exercise, beyond straining your muscles and reflexes. It was quite literally 'sink or swim.' But Amon's faith in the boy seemed well placed, as he quick battled his way back to Amon's side. He nodded at his nephew's fortitude, a quick sign of approval. "Not as easy as it sounds at first, hmm?"

Amon resumed walked then, and talking as well. "Aside from being able to learn your enemy upon meeting them, for wolves of our size we must prioritize our speed and reaction time in a way smaller wolves need not. When meeting an adversary they will undoubtedly assume you are sluggish and brutish. Surprise them with the contrary, and you will be another step closer to victory. Better yet, exaggerate a sense of slow stupidity until a battle begins. Never let your enemy know what you are truly capable of."

Amon turned back towards the bank, stumbling briefly over a small log obscured by the water before arriving back at shore. He shook vigorously, sending droplets of water scattering among the mud and grass. They had discussed much so far, and regrettably Amon could not spend the entirety of his day tending to the boy. "I am needed for a patrol along our western border, but I hope I was able to offer you some modicum of wisdom. You are welcome to join me if you do not have other duties to attend?" It was merely an offer, as Amon did not know what tasks the apprentices had been set to that day, but he could not linger there forever.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-17-2018, 07:14 PM

Ashiel nodded at his uncle's words. "Yes, this is more challenging than I realized." He widened his stance and bent his legs slightly, pushing his weight through his limbs to anchor himself against the current. For now he kept his mouth shut as he took in his uncle's words. Ashiel nodded. He knew that many of his smaller opponents might consider him slow but training with a sister who was lighter in build had helped him learn, in some ways, how to deal with a faster opponent. He had to push his own speed as a result.

He could see his uncle's point. There was a certain advantage to be gaining in having his opponents underestimate him. It was difficult to imagine in his mind though. He was proud of himself and his skills and it was hard not to flaunt his gifts and his heritage. As his uncle turned toward the shore Ashiel would follow suit. Once on dry land he shook out his pelt, feeling a slight shiver in the muscles of his limbs from the exertion. Ashiel nodded. "Yes, I would like to join you if that is alright. Where are you starting patrol?"

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.