
Birds of a Feather...


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-07-2018, 09:17 PM

He'd made his way back. The same place he had met Acapella. His eyes narrowed, tail lashing against his heels. What the hell was he doing so close to this pack again? He figured he was either stupid, or just didn't give a shit. Maybe a bit of both...either way, he had learned from the woman he had maimed that his half brother was here, and since his own family had up and vanished again, perhaps some part of him was desperate to keep some sort of family connection...even if it was a child from the woman he despised.

He stalked along the edges of their border, but not close enough to where his scent could be caught. No, he made sure to keep himself hidden, the black and white of his coat doing well to keep him hidden in the shadows and the foliage of the estuary. The border was well within sight, and he could see if anyone were wandering by. After several minutes, he found a good hiding spot and lowered himself to the ground, body carefully and well hidden. Above him and all around him, the sound of birds going about their daily business could be heard, their strong mingled scents doing well to his own scent, too. It was here he'd sit and wait, perhaps the girl he met would come by again...or maybe no one would...


Art||Plot with me!

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4 Years
02-07-2018, 10:37 PM

Since meeting with Argus and discovering she was alive and well, Chasm's mood had been a lot better. Otchi was unaccounted for still, but Chasm had did what he could to try and find his brother. Celestial had been quiet aside from the fight training and life was beginning to form it's new normal. Him and Bones were back to hunting together and getting in a routine and overall things were better. He still missed both of his parents greatly and not a day went by that he didn't think of both of them, plus his litter mate too. The boy showed great resemblance to his mother with his rainbow pattern and his one red eye. His father was still seen in him with his height, build, and his second eye being the same color green as Liar’s was. Chasm has grown used to knowing they were never coming back and instead made sure he was in the lives of his younger siblings.

Today the boys traveled to the borders of the pack looking to get out of the territory for a while and maybe bring some good kills home for the pack to feast on. They headed out the same exact opening where Greed and Acapella had met and headed down to the Estuary. The birds were loud and there was plenty in the territory to hunt. The young man paused shortly after they passed the borders looking around to take in the surroundings. He hadn’t hunted here before so it was important to him to get a feel for the territory before diving right in to hunting. So thier first step was to do a little exploration before hunting and they spread out from each other a little to cover ground quicker. Bones wasn’t to far off, but the Tasmanian devil was well hidden among the brush as he moved.

Chasm continued forward unaware that a strange male was nearby and probably watching him right now. He had not crossed the males scent path and was unaware of his presence yet.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-19-2018, 12:37 AM

He waited a good while, but soon he spotted movement near the border. Raising his head a little, he watched as the rainbow clad male wandered out of the territory and into the estuary, blue eyes narrowing. He just had to look like that bitch...oh well, it wasn't the males fault. Greed absolutely despised that woman, and as much as this male resembled her, he would try to not let his resentment of her fall onto this boy.

"You just had to look like her instead of our father," He scoffed, rising from his hiding place and pushing halfway through the foliage that hid him. Cold blue eyes bore right into Chasm, he wasn't unkind, just reserved for the moment. More so then he'd been with Acapella. He was aware of his brothers companion, so he kept alert in case the little devil decided to take a bite from his legs or something. "Which one are you?" He didn't really know the names of his half-siblings, but he was curious to find out.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!