
There's another side that you don't know



5 Years
Extra large
02-03-2018, 06:07 PM
Razi was bored. She'd been wandering for a few days, getting to know the lands of Auster a little better since she was more or less done exploring Boreas for the time being. Her adventures brought her to a dryer location, open with varried terrain but little in the way of plant life. It was bland, but there were interesting scents here and no real evidence of other wolves residing or hanging around here so she saw fit to take a close look and see what she could see.

Coming to stand over a strange object that poked slightly out from the dirt, Razi sniffed and inspected the thing but couldn't make heads nor tails of it. It looked like... a bone? A very, very large one. Curiosity got the better of her after some debate, and soon she was digging the thing up and half covered in dirt.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
02-04-2018, 07:31 PM

Nura waited patiently for her twin to join her on the new continent. She did not begrudge Nowa her freedom, it seemed likely they'd be held close at hand once they reunited with their conquering brother. Still Nura found herself wandering close to the lands that she knew to belong to her family, their scent was hard to miss. Nura padded near silently among massive bones, unaware of their looming presence. There was a strange musty scent to the place, and as she moved she felt the reverence in the air, something about this place felt ancient to the oracle.

Nura stopped for a moment, a familiar scent reaching her. Gold bangles jingling on her foreleg as the woman turned her path to cross with that of her sister's. Pale, sightless orbs swung uselessly across the horizon, almost making it seem she did in fact spot her sister. The oracle stopped some distance away, hearing the scrape of claws on loose dirt. Razi was digging... to what ends Nura could no know.

Razi was the one weak spot in Nura's life. She could not often maintain her usual composure and neutrality in the face of her milder sister. In truth Nura was not sure where they stood. The scent that clung to her sister told the oracle that her sister had chosen to remain with the family but she still couldn't help feeling a pang of resentment, or even a wish that Razi hadn't. Their mother's death had been one of Nura's first visions, the only one that had made her truly feel about the victims of her sight.

And it had been Razi that their mother had seen fit to talk to, had run away with. While her other children were brought into the fold. She wasn't sure if it was jealousy or resentment she felt. After all she had still been but a child, and she hadn't even been given the opportunity to say goodbye... no only Razi had been given that luxury.

With a soft sigh, Nura finally settled herself upon her haunches. Blank gaze resting on the spot the sound had come from. "Sister." She spoke with a blankness to her tone, the emotions she had felt already starting to die within her; her face unreadable.

"Words of doom"

Art by Sam2015



5 Years
Extra large
02-04-2018, 11:42 PM
It was taking a significant amount of excavation to figure out what the bone actually was. So far she’d uncovered a large, semi-smooth surface that proved to be curved, and she was just discovering a circular hole that unbeknownst to Razi was where the eye of the long dead animal was once held within it’s tremendous body. The digging was easier than it should have been, probably because the bone was unearthed once before, a long time before the woman of shadow and light came to find it. Her experiment with excavation was interrupted as she heard a soft tinkling sound, like metal on metal. It was accompanied by the sound of paws, which after some listening Razi thought signaled a size and weight with which she was familiar. The way each paw hit the ground, she knew those specific paw-steps. The scent that followed revealed the mystery. Nura.

Their relationship was… Strained, at best. Razi didn’t really understand it, she knew it had something to do with their childhood and the odd questions she’d been asked as a child. Her family had asked her once if she recalled what happened to her mother, and it was only then that Razi realized she was suddenly gone from the picture. To this day trying to remember more made her head hurt, as though her body protested the attempts but she did not know why and so chose to ignore it for the most part and not ask questions.

Nura and Nowa. She should have known they would appear, for though it was only Nura who addressed her, somewhere over Razi’s right shoulder, where one was the other would eventually follow. She may as well have had them both at her back, sightless eyes staring her down impassively. They were not warm creatures. Turning a little, as she figured Nura would still know if Razi was so rude as to not even face her sister to address her, Razi called, ”Have the oracles finally made it to the party? You’re a bit late, you know.” There was no harshness to her voice, despite her words. Razi didn’t hold resentment towards her siblings, even if she didn’t really know what their deals were.

Resuming her digging, Razi dug deeper, making her way down to the front of the long dead creatures face. When she came to some kind of grown coming from it’s head – a strange thing that would prove to be one of three horns – she paused and asked, ”Have you made it to the Empire yet? Amon has been very busy here.”
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
02-14-2018, 12:41 AM

Her sister finally seemed to respond to her, the light scrambling of claws told her that Razi had moved to face her. There was no satisfaction in that knowledge particularly, just the assumption that her sister still respected her family enough to hold at least a semi-proper conversation, even with a blind woman. Nura shrugged as Razi spoke. "We were always destined to make our ways here in time." She blinked slowly, mulling over her sister's words. "We arrive when we are needed, no later."

Razi asked of their brother and she shook her head. "Not yet, Nowa is curious about the mortals and wishes to see if she can garner a test subject. But soon. As for Amon, it is clear he has been working towards his goal, the scents of the family are heavy in these lands."

"Words of doom"

Art by Sam2015



5 Years
Extra large
02-17-2018, 01:54 PM
Her sibling's words elicited a soft snort and a gentle roll of her eyes. And Razi thought she was the dreadfully serious type. Nura's dry words seemed to suggest she was being rather outclassed in that department. "I suppose soon you'll have to figure out who needs you more. Our nephew Ashiel, Pyralis' son, is leading his own pack." Wait, why did she say that? She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of her sisters staying in the same pack as her, so why'd she open her big mouth? Too late now. Maybe with her leaving the Risen Empire there would be plenty of room for Nura and Nowa to stay there. Wishful thinking at it's finest.

Oh yes, her sisters and their dark pursuits. How could she forget their obsession, how inconsiderate. Razi wondered what they'd think of her abandoning her own herbal pursuits, but decided it best to keep her mouth shut for now. "There are plenty of loners wandering around, and now the only packs in this continent are ours. Of course if you fancied a pack wolf you could hunt for some north, in Boreas." Call that Razi's lame attempt at helpfulness. Whatever, she tried. Digging more energetically, she sent dirt flying everywhere as she sought to further uncover the mystery creature whose skull she was unearthing. It was beginning to take shape. Horns poking out from it's forehead, some odd ridge or frill protruding from the back of the skull... So weird. It fed her curiosity and she kept up the digging. "He's been very busy indeed. Most of the family is here, Amon and Pyralis had kids that are yearlings now, and Anamalech has had pups recently. Amon won a challenge for a pack that became the Risen Empire, and Ashiel recently did the same. Everyone's been very productive as of late."
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
03-12-2018, 02:02 PM

Nura's face remained a mask as her sister spoke. So the family had seen fit to propagate, not that that was particularly surprising. Amon's children were certainly no strangers, but the notion of a nephew so ambitious as to have claimed the second strong hold of their empire still made her feel a glow of pride. That it might have been the young man she met upon arrival made sense to her.

The Oracle shrugged as Razi offered some advice. In truth Nura had little care for her twin's preferred past time... She certainly benefited from a test subject for her poisons but she didn't really give much care if she had a test subject one way or another.

Her sister spoke of Amon and Pyralis and Ana and Ashiel and while Nura felt that pride growing more within her she couldn't help but wonder after her own littermate. She felt a strange softness creep over her as she spoke. "What of you sister?" her words were tinged an unconventional softness. "How have you faired?" Much as she carried resentment, she still could not 100% quash the familial bond she felt with her sister.

"Words of doom"

Art by Sam2015



5 Years
Extra large
04-22-2018, 02:36 PM
OOC: what are timelines, when did things happen, idek. Also sorry I'm late as HECK with this post.

Her sibling's words had the woman pausing for a moment, looking back over at Nura for a moment. It was always so odd to try to work out the strange relationship Razi had with her sisters. Moments like this made it all the more confusing. She set back to digging for a moment, trying to think, but it only distracted her so she stopped again and sighed softly. "Oh, I've fared well enough. I suppose after my arrival and joining the Risen Empire I had a bit of... difficulty finding my place." It wasn't fun to admit such a thing, but Razi also couldn't justify hiding her feelings from her sister, even if they weren't as close as, say, Amon and Pyralis.

Brightening a bit as she continued, Razi smiled, "However, I have since fixed that issue after joining Ashiel's pack. He granted me the position of Ambassador." So far she hadn't quite done enough with the rank, but she was happy to have gotten it, and it hadn't been terribly long anyways. There would be plenty of chances further along.

Glancing back at the territory around them, Razi noted how barren it truly was. There weren't many other points of interest. A few blanched patches that suggested more ancient bones like the ones she'd uncovered, but aside from that... Dirt, sparse grass, and a massive ridge to climb if you felt so inclined. Glancing to Nura, Razi asked, "Interested in going on a walk with me?"
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]