
I Will Burn Your Kingdom Down, If You Try To Conquer Me And Mine [Eclipse Empire]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-15-2018, 09:32 PM
Painted In Flames

Moonlight spilled across the terrain, flickering into shadow for a moment as Griff's form passed in front of it. Ashiel's companion was flying as high as his spirits. He'd done it! He'd bested the mortal alpha and his felines in battle on a night drenched in moonlight with his family bearing witness. Even now he could see the pride spreading across his mother's face. It made his chest throb with the rush of it… though some of that could easily have been the pain from his injuries. Reason dictated that he get them tended to but he would not stop until he reached the canyon where he was born. The canyon that would become his palace.

Slipping through the woods into the mouth of the canyon he gazed up at sheer red cliffs that seemed to hum and glow. Griff shrieked and caught his attention. As his verdant gaze turned skyward his eyes narrowed at the moon which was taking on a red glow. A lunar eclipse?  Ashiel stood for a moment, taking in the sight, knowing that as the night wore on it would shift toward totality. He saw it as a sign that his work had pleased the Fallen god and it struck him with sudden inspiration. He would call his pack the Eclipse Empire!

Tipping back his head he howled to the heavens, a powerful call that echoed off the canyon walls and summoned to him any who wished to join as well as those who just wanted to see what the new Emperor had planned.

ooc:  If you'd like to know a bit about the Eclipse Empire I have a rough, rough draft up here in table testing. Definitely could be edited. Ranks and customs will be similar to the Risen Empire but I intend to tweak a few things. Ashiel will probably seek to lead solo for awhile so don't expect a Lead General to be chosen any time soon. Thanks all!

I will probably reply to this again Feb. 26 so if you're interested in joining this is a good thread to do it in or you can start an Joining thread in the canyon.
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
02-17-2018, 01:03 PM
The young Abraxas' victory had been unsurprising, though to say his opponent did not fight surprisingly well would be a falsehood. When Ashiel emerged victorious Razi - like the rest of their kin - swelled with pride at his accomplishment. It seemed she'd backed the right yearling, not that she'd ever doubted his ambitious nature would take him to great places. After an unhurried trek across Auster, Razi would pick up the pace at Ashiel's call.

He would need members to follow loyally to make his pack a success, and Razi intended to be among them just as she'd said before. Slowing, she came to stand a few paces from Ashiel and smiled warmly at her nephew, "Well done, young Ashiel. I look forward to seeing what you do with your newfound leadership." Taking a seat, the ebony and gold woman gazed at the familiar canyon. A good starting point, indeed.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
02-17-2018, 06:21 PM
Seth had not yet sought his uncle's permission to leave his pack to join Ashiel's, but as his victorious yearling cousin moved with great purpose from the field of battle, the dwarf followed along behind. He sent an amiable nod to the former members of the conquered pack, his big leaf-green eyes wide and seeming to brim with innocent sympathy, but the blind former alpha already had healers of his own who had once been loyal to him and would either remain so at least long enough to heal him, or not. If Ashiel hadn't been injured he might have stayed long enough to offer healing to the beaten wolf, to ingratiate himself into their good graces with an eye towards using that later, but the newly-minted Abraxas alpha would always have to be his first priority so he'd left the opportunity behind without a regret. Regret had no place in the precarious life he led.

He found their path taking them to a familiar place, the canyon where Amon and Pyralis had raised their litters, and he was pleased. He'd brought with him the healers' accouterments he had carried to the battlefield, but he had had a well-stocked den here once that undoubtedly still contained more than what he could have carried with him. He'd be well set up to treat Ashiel's wounds when the young alpha was ready to be treated.

He glanced up as Ashiel did, eyes reflecting the reddened light from the moon weirdly as he stared upward in dispassionate observation. It would be a stretch to consider the eclipse a coincidence, considering their not-quite-mortal heritage, even for a skeptic such as Seth considered himself to be. He held his gaze to the bloody moon until Ashiel's howl echoed off the canyon walls before he lowered his eyes and drew his attention once again to the present.

Finishing his approach up the familiar canyon, he set the bundle of herbs down and pricked his over-sized ears towards the yearling attentively. "When you have a moment, Ashiel, perhaps you would allow me to see to your wounds?" His voice, always so eagerly subservient to Amon and the other elders of the family, was somewhat less so towards this younger scion. Not disrespectful, by any means - he kept a healthy dose of that in his voice - but in this safer company he slipped into a more pleasurable role, his natural narcissistic and arrogant nature bleeding through in a more confident tone and stance than normally displayed by the seemingly downtrodden dwarf. Relaxed, eyes glittering under the eclipsing moon, his offer was made casually, relaxed, rather than ingratiatingly. Perhaps it was the eclipse, perhaps a confidence born of feeling a touch of freedom, or simply that his pride would not allow him to fawn at a yearling cousin, even one who had purchased his own worth among the family with such valuable currency at so young an age.

Pink tongue touched thoughtfully to his lips in a single smooth movement, eyes half-lidded, he allowed a rare, cynically crooked, genuine smile cross his misshapen muzzle. Perhaps there was more he could make of himself after all than the pitiable, barely tolerated monstrosity, if he insinuated himself under Ashiel's rule.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-03-2018, 06:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2018, 06:32 PM by Ashiel.)
Painted In Flames

Ashiel waited patiently as the moon beat blood red but only two wolves had followed him. Razi and Seth. He was pleased to see them none the less. Razi's advice and wisdom was a real gift and for all his mother's lamenting at his dwarf cousin, even she would praise his cunning. Hopefully more would be convinced to join in the coming days. After all, part of the rush with Ashiel deciding to challenge was due to the new litters in the Risen Empire. Amon's empire was nearing the population it could support. They'd need to spread out but Ashiel was starting to wonder if he had moved to fast after all. Had the empire expanded to soon? Would they really have enough wolves to populate two packs?

"Thank you Razi, Seth. I appreciate your faith in me and I promise to do my best by you." He turned to Seth and nodded. "Yes, Seth, I would appreciate that if you have time." He wouldn't let his wounds sit unattended out of some macho idea. Ashiel wanted to be healed as quickly as possible. He had no way of knowing if his fledgling pack would become a target.

Ashiel's raised his eyes to the sky and grinned. "Razi, Seth, your wisdom and cunning will be vital to the raising of the Eclipse Empire." He gestured lightly to the sky. "It is a sign from the Fallen god and I see it as a favorable omen. We will eclipse this world with our greatness, we will bathe it in blood until is born anew." He spoke of the empire and the ranks within it and rules he expected to be followed. The customs and traditions would of course be the same as his uncle's pack. "Do either of you know what rank you would feel suited for? And please, let me know your thoughts on anything I've spoken of."

ooc: Feel free to read through the rules and ranks, that's essentially the run down Ashiel gives. Thought it would be more efficient than just having him repeat it xD
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
03-04-2018, 12:50 AM
She nodded slightly at Ashiel's words. Seeing the little Dwarf named Seth appear as well was a bit surprising, but less so as she considered it. Of course the runt would want a fresh start under new, younger rule. She of course had no opinion as far as he was concerned, the tiny relative rarely registered on her radar, but she supposed she could relate to a need to start fresh away from... certain relatives. Everyone had their issues in a family this big, after all. It was an unavoidable part of life, and thus it was understandable to have those with the loosest ties be willing to break off and find a fresh start, though she wouldn't be keen to discuss these musings aloud, even in company she trusted - which was hard to come by.

Had she been the wolf she was when she arrived in Boreas, maybe Razi would have been the one to make the offer of healing to Ashiel before Seth had. As it was, she was content to let memory of her past pursuits fade and die as she took up new interests. Let her new pursuits be what came to mind when she was thought of. Besides, Seth probably needed the chance to prove himself more than she did.

Listening as Ashiel continued to speak, she would lift her gaze to the heavens and take in the progressing eclipse with interest while listening to him explain the gist of the new branch of Empire and everything they might wish to know about it. It was similar to the Risen Empire, but she liked the slight twists that made it different. When Ashiel asked of their desired ranks Razi didn't have to think much before answering. She knew exactly what she wanted. "I hope to make an ambitious choice depending on how you feel. I'd like the position of Ambassador. But, I am also more than happy to prove my capability and begin as a Spy, or even Scout and rise. I have no qualms no matter your choice, but I'd like to make my ultimate goal clear."

As far as questions? She had few. At least, few specifically related to the newly founded pack, so Razi would let Seth have a chance to ask any he might have before eventually speaking up. "I was curious, have you spoken with Amon at all about what the next step is? I'm curious if he wishes to continue the conquest into Boreas and how long it might be before that takes place... I assume we need to continue to increase our numbers first, or another pack just won't be possible." Honestly she would be content if they didn't seek another and simply remained content to have a monopoly on the continent of Auster.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-10-2018, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2018, 03:23 PM by Ashiel.)
Painted In Flames

Ashiel considered Razi's request. Her advice had been very valuable to him and he trusted her judgement. To some it might seem foolish to fill the upper ranks so quickly but Ashiel was young and in need of a core group of well-ranked individuals to help him. He knew Razi's advice would be indispensable. He grinned and nodded. "Razi, you've already proven your wisdom to me when last we spoke. I need wise wolves by my side. I am young and still have much to learn so I would be honored to assign you the rank of Ambassador. When you've gotten settled in we can discuss assignments."

Razi had a few questions for him but they were difficult to answer. "I have not spoken with Amon about our next steps. However, I do believe that we will remain in Auster for the time being with the two packs. As you've deduced we simply do not have the members to justify another pack. In addition I wish to speak to Amon and my companion Griff how we might further interpret the Fallen's god's mission for us.  It may be that conquest into Boreas is entirely unnecessary… but don't hold me to that. Only Amon would truly be able to answer that question." He hoped the answer would pacify her. Ashiel certainly had no plans for conquest. For one his pack was far to small, for another he was far more interested in learning more about his spirituality and the inner workings of the universe. He felt this knowledge vital before making any more big moves.

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.