
In the dark of the night


01-19-2018, 07:52 PM
Navigation - The Shimmering Shore

Night is often the most treacherous of times, thieves come in the darkest hours, when the moon covered her beautiful face from the world below and shadows held dominion over all. Flowers painted the air with their delicate, sweet scents though they were distant and only on the gently salted air of the beach he rested upon. Night birds sang their haunting songs, backed by a chorus of far-off cicadas and katydids, the occasional coyote chiming in as back up vocalists. Soft clouds floated above the unusual sea that birthed him here, drifting through a moonless sky as an odd hush fell over the surrounding area. The dark being's pelt still held some of the shimmering blue-green waters that had delivered him onto the shore only moments ago, making his thick fur clump and cling on his skin. The dampened hair showed a hard musculature and deep-rooted strength, though it was clear he was a bit winded from the swim. His celestial pelt was an aid in hiding within the deepened shadows,
though on the white sands of the beach, they did little to help him blend in.

There hadn't been a more treacherous night than this, near starving and exhausted, the dark deity lifts his glorious crown from the sands with a deep and rolling growl. Grunting with strain as he lifted himself from the earth, the monster stared out at the shimmering tides that bore him into this land.
His galactic sides heaved, causing multi-hued fur to part and make him appear to be a fractured piece of the universe that had crashed here in a wet and shivering vessel. Ghostly white eyes scan the dunes and beach grasses for any sign of life as he turns his back on the oceanic mother, the stars on his back seeming to line up with the night sky that could be seen through sparse partings of the clouds overhead. The beast was hungry, and it showed as he flicked his darkly nebulous tail and ran his tongue down the length of his elongated canines. Padding forward with powerful strides that ate up the sandy beach, the male moved with the shoreline, watching as the waves broke and sparkled with microscopic life.

Where he was going, he wasn't sure, but he knew he would bring hell with him. It was only a matter of time, really.
"Talk." "You." Think.



2 Years
01-19-2018, 09:41 PM

She felt deserted and alone as she laid upon the shore she now called home. She was certain Iskra had finally decided to give up her freedom for a stupid boy. Ew. She didn't need any stinky stupid boy, and she figured neither did Iskra. Boys were an unnecessary thing she felt.

She laid in the moonlight, her glowing pelt eerily the only light when clouds crossed over the moon. But it was soothing here. The water glowed most vibrantly when the moon touched it but she knew that already. This place was becoming close to a home for her. Though honestly she didn't live anywhere, she was a drifter and she liked it best that way.

Her golden eyes scanned over the water as the moon sunk behind another large cloud. There was a scent on the wind, male and coming her way. Meh she really didn't care right now. She'd spent the whole day goofing off and disturbing the wildlife. It was exhausting being awesome sometimes. She was curled up with her front feet tucked under her and her tail covering her back feet so all one would see would be her blue glow and her golden eyes.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.


01-23-2018, 12:50 PM
OOC: v_v I tried to not make this immediate, but, he wouldn't listen to me, I'm sorry D:

His large paws barely made a sound as he drifted across the rocks and sands of the beach he had found himself cast upon, sent here by the other gods to reign hell upon the mortals. Bright ghostly eyes lit up with the eerie teal light that was created by the disturbance of bioluminescent algae as the waves broke, his pelt cast with momentary light as he followed the surf down the shoreline. Those eerie white eyes landed on something else alight in the dark, and it drew him like a beacon to find what made it. It almost seemed to match the glow of the ocean, but as he drew nearer, he noticed it carried the scent of a female.

Ah, there was something he would be happy to see, though...perhaps that was not entirely true. Happy was foreign to the male unless he was ripping something apart or destroying dynasties. Surprise might be a better word to describe the pleasant feeling that thrummed within his chest. Nebulous tail swung high above his hips as he raised his celestial crown and halted right before the dame's nose, looking down at her with a deadly pale gaze that seemed to pierce right down to the girl's soul as she lay below him on the rocks.

"You carry the stars, and the light. What other mysteries your body must hold. You were meant for me, I can tell..." He spoke with a deep, rolling timbre in his throat, a veiled threat beneath the tone of his smokey voice. What he wouldn't give to possess a creature who had fallen from the heavens as he did. Gehenna strode forward a single step, smiling like a Cheshire cat with sabered teeth that fell well below his jawline. The vampire was an imposing creature and moved once more to take away the space of the heavenly female who lay before him. He prayed she would stand and try to fight him, after all, what was a bitch for? And if she had washed up on any other beach, he wouldn't have thought that she had been left for him.

That was what he was thinking as he moved slowly to take her personal space, step by step until they were nearly toe to toe. His dark, blackened hackles stood on end as his nebulous blue banner waved in shallow aggressive and dominant display. His intentions were clear, and he had never come here with the intentions of playing around. Yes, she was young, but that gave him time to train and groom her the way he wanted, to break her down until she was subservient to all he needed. Currently, the beast wanted her to fight for her freedom because he intended to take it.

Gehenna vs Arwen for Right to Mate
Round #: 0 / ?
Height: 36in.
Build: Heavy
"Talk." "You." Think.



3 Years
Extra large
01-23-2018, 04:32 PM
Kanja's restless nature was taking her farther and farther from home, it seemed. She'd finally decided to act on her curiosity and venture beyond the Bifrost, and boy, was it worth it. Everything about Auster was different. So far there was nothing in Boreas or the homeland to compare it to and Kanja was loving every second of it. There was so much to see, so many new critters to pester (and to taste) and so little time. She would have to wander this way more often.

A strange glowing had drawn her out of the forest and towards the ocean. For many long moments Kanja simply stood in the treeline and looked out over the beach in amazement. The surf glowed. It wasn't a faint, barely-there glow either; not a trick of the light, not an illusion. The glow itself seemed to rise and fall with the waves. As the water receded, it faded, but each foaming crash of the waves seemed to renew the ethereal light.

The water wasn't the only thing that glowed on the shore, though. It took awhile for her to notice the stationary glowing blob on the beach and had another wolf not approached it, she might have been oblivious to it for quite awhile longer. Kanja stared and stared, trying to figure out what exactly the blob was and what the man was doing. Something about the situation struck her as sinister and it took her awhile to figure out why.

The blob was a wolf. A small one. A child, perhaps? She wasn't sure.

Kanja's eyes narrowed as the male's behavior grew threatening. Normally she would be content to let things play out, but if that blob was a child she had to investigate. The little shits could be annoying, but she felt compelled to defend they who could not yet defend themselves. If the male meant the glowing blob harm he was going to have to deal with her and if she was misreading the situation, well then they'd all have a laugh and go on their merry way.

"You carry the stars, and the light. What other mysteries your body must hold. You were meant for me, I can tell..." If that wasn't a veiled sexual threat she didn't know what was. Both his words and his demeanor suggested nefarious intent so on silent paws Kanja ghosted forward, approaching the male's right side. The center of her chest was lined up with the meaty exterior of Gehenna's right thigh. Unless he rushed at her or the wolf blob, she intended to stop roughly five feet away. "Wooow," she chortled rudely to announce her presence. "If that's your idea of a pick up line, you, my friend, need to work on your game because it makes you sound like a pervert."

[Image: oa5f9x.png]

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-23-2018, 06:25 PM
There was another spectator, one who had first noticed the glowing wolf, and simply stared, blinking. He had seen some odd colored wolves, but he had never quite seen a... glowing wolf. He was sure that it was useful for walking in the dark, but what about hunting? What about being stealthy? A glow would certainly mess that up. She was small enough, too, that she would have issues hunting big game.

And then there was another weird wolf. Even in the night, he could tell that this wolf's fur was as odd as the other's, except there wasn't a glow. One who was approaching the other with dominance and aggression, and it made Lykos narrow his eyes. Why was the other wolf - so much bigger than the small glowing one - be aggressive towards the smaller one? Especially since, as he approached, he could tell the smaller one was younger, a yearling, and female. The other was... decidedly not a yearling, and male.

It seemed he wasn't the only one who had seen this little display, and he watched as a woman moved forward silently. He did the same, quietly approaching after her, intending to stop a couple feet to the right of Kanja, and also about five feet away from the other. "Unfortunately for you, I have to agree with her."



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
01-23-2018, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 06:59 PM by Pyralis.)
All You Have Is Your Fire...

Pyralis was headed for the shimmering shore to see if she could make heads or tails of the trinket that Alkali had found. Her hawk sailed overhead, a strange shimmering shell held gently in her talons and the soft sound of the wind lifting her higher into the air. Pyralis had been speaking with Griff, Ashiel's companion about ways to communicate with the fallen god. She had a plan… sort of. If the stupid potoo would cooperate. It flailed in her mouth, it's wings fluttering, eyes bulging.  


She flinched as it wailed in her ear. Stupid thing.  She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do with it but she was sure inspiration would strike her when she arrived at the shore. If they could communicate with the gods then perhaps she could ask for curses on other instead of a gift for herself. She was pretty much perfect after all, what could she possibly need?

She'd made her way down toward the ocean when she spied four wolves near the shore. A skinny dipping party? The first she noticed was the male with a sparkling pelt, a faint mockery of the celestial coloring worn by Ankaios, the father of her children and she eyed him carefully. Ashiel had told her of the woman masquerading as a spirit. Would it be the same for this one? She needed to be more careful. When her eyes landed on Kanja she bounded forward. She'd enjoyed the other woman's wit and smart mouth despite the coldness that extended between them after a run in with stupid Aranea. Pyralis still maintained the bitch was useless but there was no need to let one weak mortal ruin a potentially fantastic relationship.

Pyralis strode in and dropped the potoo at her feet, quickly scrambling her forelegs over it with her rump in the air. "Kanja! It is good to see you again. I hope we can let bygones be bygones and all that… want a potoo?" Her gaze drifted past the strange blue-eyed male but quickly caught sight of the glowing shape that was not the water. "Awwww… and our little mute is here as well. What a party."  

She was about to continue when the potoo struggled free. "Ack, no you little devil!" Her jaws dipped between her front legs to get at it. "WAHHHHHHHH" It wailed. "WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-  pfffff"  Pyralis sat on it and turned to Kanja. "Make that a slightly squashed potoo."

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



2 Years
01-23-2018, 07:12 PM

The starry colored male approached her and she lifted her head. Her eyes seized onto his and she gave a glare when he decided not to stop at about five feet away, like he was invading her space. That's exactly what he was doing, invading her space. She lifted her lips and showed off her pearly whites to him with a look that said everything, back off or get bit. She was in no mood for some male thinking he owned everything. In fact she was giving him five seconds, or she was going to, until he decided to say the stupidest thing he possibly could. She shifted, legs uncurling and tail flicking in an agitated manner.

She was about to lunge at his face but then two more appeared. Neither were on his side though, if their words were anything to go on. She could see this going so well for this man already. She would be going no where and him, if the white eyed idiot continued, would be maimed by multiples it seemed, if Iskra didn't find out and kill him first. Then out of nowhere the wail of wildlife and the coming of none other than Pyralis. As if this wasn't bad enough as it was. Her ears pressed back and her bared fangs stayed on the male. She narrowed her eyes with a dare in them, try it, see if I don't bite. She hadn't had formal battle training but she valued her freedom too much to allow some stupid male to try to threaten it. The other male looked abit like her guardian's new obsession so if he held any values like Iskra seemed to think cat man did then he would be right behind her on this one. If she wasn't set on defending herself at the moment from the man that decided he wanted her to hate him she would of rolled her eyes at the antics of Pyralis. Plus her statement said she couldn't read tension for shit.

She was giving him one minute to back off and that was that.

Arwen vs Gehenna for her freedom
round 0/3
Height: 23"
Build: light

Walk "Talk" Think

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
01-23-2018, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2018, 01:29 AM by Iskra. Edit Reason: Her name's not Israel, also editing after Gehenna backed down. )
Having just crested a hill coming from the wraiths woods Iskra wandered slowly. Her mind was quite occupied with serious thoughs, which she'd hoped to erase by spending some time by the water. The woman couldn't have predicted the manner in which this would be accomplished though - as she gazed out towards the water what did she see but a glittering, glowing ocean. Of course it wasn't the pretty scenery that set her hackles to rising and teeth to bearing in the span of a single second, but the sight of a single glowing spot with golden patches she knew instinctively to be arwen. She was surrounded by all manner of figures - goodness there were more than there surely ought to be - none of which Iskra could easily recognize from so far away. So she ran, determined not to fail her adopted glowing blue wonder again.

As she raced onto the scene at top speed, legs carrying her as quickly as they could, she did realize she knew who two of these figures were. One was Pyralis, a woman Iskra didn't particularly care for though perhaps if she'd met her one on one the first time things may have been different. The other was Kanja, who she actually had quite liked. None of them mattered though, because as soon as she'd noticed the starry man moving threateningly towards Arwen she could feel her blood boil in her veins. Swerving so she could leap up onto a larger rock, Iskra flung herself through the air towards Gehenna, aiming to slam violently into the upper center of his left side with her chest, jaws parted in a wild snarl as she readied them to either unleash a flurry of bites or curses, maybe both. She probably tipped him off with her less than stealthy approach, so the woman was prepared to land either on ground or wolf, whichever the case may be.

Iskra vs. Gehenna for Protection of Arwen from force breeding
Round 0/?
Height: 30 inches
Build: medium


01-24-2018, 06:18 PM
He couldn't help but grin as the girl lifted her head and showed off her fangs in a soundless snarl, his starry banner waving as he tossed his head and dared to laugh gleefully at her resistance. Crow-hopping on his yellow and purple galaxial forelimbs, Gehenna growled and showed her the long, deadly weapons he couldn't hide, also keeping silent as he gaped his mouth a little in a silent display of fatality. The little star gathered her paws and appeared ready to lunge at Gehenna, a much better posture than the sad and lonely thing he had seen only moments earlier.

Another delighted gurgle of laughs escaped the maniacal beast, and he parted his jaws to explain, dancing away from the little spitfire he had found. Before he could speak, a large, rather plain woman and an equally plain male came and jutted their opinions in. "If that's your idea of a pick-up line..." The woman said, though he stopped listening as soon as she started pointing her tongue. The male stated his agreement and soon after another large - though not so plain - woman waltzed in. A broad smile graced the heathen's lips as he looked down at the starry woman who's glow had led him this far down the beach.

Once again, the beast backed away from the female, giving her another foot of space. He tried to speak against the accusations brought toward him, but the sound of paws and a snarling battle-cry on his upper left had him looking up. White eyes widened as they landed on a scarlet star hurtling toward him with reckless abandon, shock and reflexes saved him and he back-pedaled on the stones beneath his dark paws, narrowly avoiding the attack from above. Agitated that he had yet to explain himself, Gehenna growled deep in his booming chest at the red woman who hurled curses and obscenities at him. He understood she might be part of the girl's family - or something - but he should at least get to speak! "Come now, come now...calm down. I am no pervert, nor do I deserve teeth for merely taking more space and being a good actor..." He lied through his elongated teeth, though gave no outward tells, even a well-versed wolf would have trouble telling through his lies. A smile was given and he ducked his head, "My apologies, young miss, for frightening you so." He spoke softly, with a rhythmic, soothing rumble in his throat.

"You seemed so sad and alone, and I find anger is often an easy route to forget my sorrow. And look, my actions have brought friends for you! You are not as alone as you thought you were." He dipped his celestial crown and grinned, white eyes moving around the wolves gathered. "Forgive the misconception, I meant no true ill-will. I only wanted for the young lady to stop being sad..." Holding his crown low, and giving an oddly-placed whine, Gehenna gained a hopeful expression. "Perhaps, we can start over, everyone?" He asked, looking to the scarlet nebula that had attacked him. Maybe the dark, chaotic god would win them over, he would have to wait and find out. Fighting so many mortals at once would be tedious, and he wasn't sure yet what this body would be able to handle as far as injury. Maybe one day he would test it out, but for now, he wished to find out if he got to live passed his instincts actions.

Gehenna vs Arwen for RTM
Round: 1/1 - Gehenna concedes!
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy
"Talk." "You." Think.



3 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2018, 08:21 PM by Kanja.)
Upon hearing Lykos' voice Kanja bristled, her gaze sliding sideways to take in the new wolf. Once it became clear the new guy was siding with her, her gaze slid coolly back to the interrupted pedophile. But that wasn't the end of the arrivals, oh no. It seemed like the glowing beach was a bumping place at night because who else should arrive but Pyralis Abraxas. The two hadn't parted on the best of terms, but how could she stay peeved with an entrance like that?

Kanja grinned, the expression a bit less cheery and a bit more aggressive than it should have been given Pyralis' humor, but hey, she couldn't help it. She was staring down a child molester. "Of course," she purred to Pyralis even though her gaze never left Gehenna. "It would be silly to let an idiot get between us. We had a good thing going, no?" As for the squashed potoo - what the hell was a potoo? She refused to break off her stare until the offending male was either on the ground or high tailing it - how could she say no? "How could I say no to such a lovely gift?"

Of course, it wouldn't be much of a party if there was only five of them, would it? Iskra of all wolves blazed onto the scene next and threw herself at the offending male. The connection between Iskra and the child - who, now that she was standing, Kanja could see she wasn't quite as young as she'd thought - surprised her, but eh. She didn't dwell on it. There were more pressing matters at hand.

Seeing that he was outnumbered, the snaggletoothed male's tune changed suddenly, which Kanja found amusing. He was a good actor, which was a shame because she wanted to watch him squirm, but she took solace from the assumption that inwardly he was shitting himself for fucking up so spectacularly. He couldn't save himself with pretty words; Kanja had seen him. He just needed to accept that he was fucked.

She couldn't help but giggle as he spoke. "Oh, please," she chided him once he'd finished, "Anyone with half a brain who witnessed your little display could tell you were thinking rapey thoughts. And I bet, if you were faced with only a child, you wouldn't be apologizing. No,"  she purred, "You're only acting innocent because you got caught."

Her expression turned haughty. "I don't know if Iskra here heard you, so I'm gonna repeat what you said. That way she gets the full effect." Her voice flat and emotionless to highlight the depravity of his words, she parroted Gehenna. "'You carry the stars, and the light. What other mysteries your body must hold. You were meant for me, I can tell...'"

To Iskra and the girl, she said, "Does that sound like concern to you? Sounds like pedophilia to me." She paused for effect and then offered, "I hold him down, you bite his sack off?"

[Image: oa5f9x.png]



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
01-24-2018, 09:59 PM
ooc: Talked with the lovely Kea because I was dying of muse and got permission to skip her. I think she plans to post after me.

All You Have Is Your Fire...

Pyralis grinned as she took in the scene when a shift on the wind alerted her to an oncoming presence and BAM, there was Iskra. The goddess continued to smile. She had a feeling the other was going to show up sooner or later and she let out a cheer at the entrance, laughing as the startled man stumbled back. Her golden gaze zeroed in on him as he insisted he wasn't a pervert. With a sharp bark she called Alkali, her hawk to her and left the stunned potoo in the care of those precise and deadly talons. She got to her feet and strode to stand near Kanja. Well, well, well… what useless scum was skulking about at the shimmering shore? That would explain why Kanja had remained so focused on the man, like a hunting dog pointing out a sitting duck.

Pyralis was pleased though at the others words that they wouldn't let an idiot get between what could be a fantastic friendship. Further she accepted the gift. Pyralis' sultry voice rolled out in a purr. "I'm so glad to hear that. I would invite you on an adventure but it seems you've found yourself a chew toy in need of dismembering." She cackled viciously as she eyed the man. He was verbally stumbling over himself, seeming to realize the trouble he'd gotten himself into. She sneered as Kanja mentioned the man had been thinking 'rapey' thoughts toward a child, for she certainly didn't see Arwen as an adult. Far to clingly and self-absorbed. Kanja repeated the man's words and Pyralis' gaze grew hard as she eyed the man. "Disgusting," she spat. Naturally, she believed Kanja over the stranger and she turned to her once more. "Don't worry, I won't interfere. In fact I'd rather love to watch you work." She moved away to stand next to Alkali and the potoo. She was more than happy to offer backup but she doubted Kanja would need it. She grinned viciously, like a spectator about to watch a gladiatorial massacre as Kanja offered to hold the man down while Iskra castrated him. She snickered.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
02-10-2018, 10:23 AM
Of wolves he expected to approach, he didn't expect yet another wolf as large as him to approach, let alone one carrying... Lykos squinted. What the hell was that? That had to be the ugliest damn bird he'd ever seen - and he'd seen some ugly ones. Not... quite this bad, though. He watched with growing amusement as the woman greeted... apparently Kanja was her name; the one he followed to confront Gahenna. Hmm, good to know. "Well, if Knaja here doesn't take the potoo, I wouldn't mind," he dryly interjected into the conversation, before chuckling as the bird tried to escape, though that quickly turned into a grimace. Ouch, that thing was loud. And... then that thing was muted. "Effective," he murmured with a smirk, eyeing Pyralis.

His attention was quickly taken by the flying red object through the air - what? Was that a wolf? It looked like a collection of bloody stars, and it had immediately started trying to attack the other starry wolf. So a glowing wolf, a slightly glittery mess, and collection of bloody stars. Alright then. And the bloody stars was now cursing angrily at Gahenna. Where the hell had she even come from? No matter; that could be... solved later.

"Tsk. What a disappointment. But you're right; what a lovely gift it is." Dry humor? Perhaps. It still worked though. His eyes quickly narrowed on Gahenna, and he cocked his head to the side. "Bullshit," he said flatly. "Being a good actor? Being a good actor and acting rapey, as Kanja puts it? And why would you act like that? Bull. Fucking. Shit." He glanced at Kanja and her offer to hold him down, and he eyed her as well. "Mind if I help hold him? Might be fun to start biting off his toes if he misbehaves."



2 Years
02-10-2018, 11:28 AM
Iskra soon appeared and had the male rethinking everything. He waa caught in the act and there was nothing he could do to get out of it. She bared her tiny teeth at him as he backed off and tried to play innocent. She may not of known what rape was but she understood from the way he had acted and the way everyone reacted, except Pyralis that was, that it was something she didn't want and was bad.

The way this kanja, as Pyralis called her, spoke she figured she was egging iskras anger on. She sat up having her sleep now interrupted so rudely. It sucked to not have a private sleeping spot anymore. Maybe she could see if cat man minded her crashing on the shoreline of his packland. Its not like she was destructive, usually anyway. And the shit this guy was saying? Bull shit. She wasn't sad nor alone. Her teeth clicked as she stood fully and moved towards the backing up man and to stand with her taller mother figure. Once she was shoulder yo shoulder with iskra she looked to iskra for a little direction on what she figured they should do. He dropped his attempt at an attack and was showing his cowards face. She didn't like how he was looking at her in the first place. It was probably in his best interest to run and never come back. She bet if iskra ever caught him around her again she'd definitely kill him. Pedophile was also a new one. She wasn't sure if they were all that bad but she figured with the way iskra was acting they were bad enough.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



6 Years
02-18-2018, 07:49 PM
Her fur was still on end as she hit the sand a little ways off from her target. That was fine, all she wanted was to make a point until she knew what was going on. So far it seemed like her instincts were right, as she wasn't the only source of tension in the gathering, and the male was quick to retreat and begin babbling excuses when he seemed to realize how far from his favor the odds really were. Iskra's lips curled in disgust as Kanja relayed to her what she had missed hearing. Her blue eyes took on a hard, glacial coldness as she stared the man down. The intensity of her ire was such that she could almost feel her blood boil within her veins, an inferno growing hotter by the minute as she stared down Arwen's would-be attacker. Words fell from her lips, thick with rage, "I do believe this wretched creature has bitten off far more than he can chew. I think I'll try my luck beating the snot out of him alone, first, but if our friend thinks about making a break for it I'd appreciate the help in keeping him from leaving this gathering too soon." Iskra couldn't think of a time she'd been so very livid before.

Glaring at the man, he was her sole focus as she nudged at Arwen with her shoulder, seeking to send the girl away. As pissed as she was, Iskra wanted to take the man on alone. She also needed to work on Arwens fight skills later cause she definitely could do better on those defenses, but that was a matter for another time. Stretching to her full height the fiery Aeris woman snarled at Gehenna, "Come now, you pathetic mouse-brained trash heap. Don't start changing your tune, the fun's only just getting started!"

Shoulders rolled forward, pushing fur and fat over vitals as legs spread equidistant with knees bent for maximum balance. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, snarl remained firmly upon her visage as she settled into her defenses. Head and tail moved even with her spine and chin tucked to protect her throat just as she surged forward and sought to close the distance between Gehenna and herself with a powerful burst of speed.

Moving in an arc Iskra came flying at the man silent though if one listened they might hear the hot blood rushing through her veins as her rage coursed through her with each beat of her heart. Flying over the sand she attempted to come at him at an angle, bringing herself around towards his left side Iskra would attempt to throw her right shoulder forward, hoping to hit his side right behind his left front leg with the intention of leaving behind some severe bruising given her momentum as she barreled in. Simultaneously the red nebula painted woman would lift her cranium, jaws parted, seeking to bite the left side of Gehenna's face. Upper jaws sought purchase at the man's left brow spot above his eye, while her lower jaw went to grab under his jaw with the aim of drawing her teeth together and leaving behind some moderate facial scarring.

Iskra vs. Gehenna for Maim - facial scarring
Round 1/?
Height: 30"
Build: Medium
Notes: I was going to go for worse, buuut I held back cause I'm not about jacking up anybody's donation chars too bad ^^'

Head Judges


05-20-2018, 06:26 PM

And the winner is...

ISKRA! Due to Gehenna not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Iskra's favor. Gehenna must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.

Iskra's maim attempt was successful and Gehenna now bears permanent scarring to the left side of his face.