
A hardened heart still beats


07-03-2013, 04:09 PM

It was beautiful. Flowers grew for as far as the eye could see, the soft chatter of animals. All being renewed by the sweet touch of spring. She had ventured from home yet again, wandering the unclaimed lands. This one so far was he favorite. The life that surrounded her was endless. She chose to let the late sun warm her. Ivory bodice lay stretched out amongst the flowers and grass, eyelids drifting close. She didn't sleep, just simply rested. The suns rays warmed her entire body, pallid coat standing out amongst the sea of color. She could never grow tire of this. For once her thoughts were quiet. She didn't think about Valhalla, about Erani, about her past. There was only peaceful silence. An easy sigh slipped from between her jaws, a ghost of smile pulling at her features.

Whoever said ignorance is bliss was wrong. The pale woman was unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. The devil the walked the earth. She was clueless. To absorbed in her own world to take notice of how his presence silenced every animal. She didn't notice until he was headed her way. Crown lifted, eyes widening in alarm at the sudden sense of danger that filled the air. Immediately, she pushed herself to her paws, two-toned eyes looking around wildly. Until they finally settled. Watching the devil himself saunter towards her.

"speech" thought


07-04-2013, 02:15 AM

It had been about a week or so since the gargantuan man had fought with his bitch of a sister. It had been a worthless battle, something of a waste for him, but it had been rather entertaining either way. He had gotten himself a few good scars; chicks dug scars didn't they? Demyan frankly wasn't concerned with what they liked or didn't like; he usually didn't have to do anything in order to attract them. Most were just attracted to him without him even saying a word. He was a good looking guy, on top of being huge and completely ripped. How could they not flock to him? The giant was still somewhat irritated that his sister had taken the red bitch for herself, instead of letting him fuck her like he had originally planned. And so now the grey brute was out looking for some new tail. He needed someone to fuck, or at least have some kind of fun with. He needed a consolation for having not been able to teach his sister a well deserved lesson.

Powerful limbs carried the man through the unknown territory, cyan gems flickering across his path, nostrils picking up the enticing scent of a female. She didn't smell like she was in heat, or perhaps his sister's smell was so strongly engraved in his nostrils that he could hardly detect anything else, but it was a female regardless. Any dame was good enough to fuck, heat or no heat. A devilish smirk plastered itself across his pale lips as he moved towards the origin of the scent, gaze coming across the figure of an ivory woman lying among a field, soaking in the sun. Looks like you could use some company there sweetheart... He rumbled huskily, massive frame sidling up to the resting female, hungry cyan gaze traveling the length of her body, assessing, observing. Any female was fuckable. This one included.

OOC: lame post Dx

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07-05-2013, 09:52 AM

Deep baritone lyrics rumbled through her ears. Two toned gaze shifted upward, meeting the cyan gaze of a massive brute. The markings on his face were unique, his muzzle and cheeks cascaded in a nearly white, but darkened arrows lay beneath his eyes. The rest of him made up of a silvery gray. Audits flicked nervously as she felt his gaze rack her body hungrily. She remained standing, tail swaying idly at her heels. He towered over her, his size was immense. This was not good.

She couldn't deny his good looks, but she couldn't deny that alarms that went off in her head either. "Actually, I was just getting ready to return home." Lyrics flowed freely, coming smoothly, giving away no details to her inner panic. Her gaze never left his, but she still planned an escape. There were multiple ways to get out of here, but only one would take her in the direction of Valhalla. She was lighter, able to outrun him, he wouldn't be able to keep up for long.

Weight shifted from side to side, weighting her options. Just flat out run? Or casually leave? It wouldn't be that easy. It never was. His ego surrounded him, practically hitting her like a truck, he would be intent on keeping her around for his amusement.

Being a healer she noted the wounds that seemed to be about a week old or so. Only particularly bad on his leg. She fought the urge to help him, she didn't need, or want, to get any closer, much less linger any longer than necessary. Nothing was life threatening, he'd survive, and she could be on her merry way.

ooc: not as terrible as my first one..epic fail XD

"speech" thought


07-05-2013, 03:36 PM

She was a delicate little thing, barely reaching up to his chest, her eyes blue and silver, an interestingly dual-toned. He had never seen a woman with eyes of two color, so this little bitch was a first of her kind for the large man. He could sense the uneasiness rolling off her, her body language screaming fear, the look in her eyes telling him all he needed to know. She was afraid of him and Demyan loved it. The feeling of being powerful over another being was something the hellion fed off. He loved it. Actually, I was just getting ready to return home. A mock frown creased his dark eyebrows, the devilish smirk returning to his lips. Oh come on baby, stay here a while. I promise I don't bite. Too hard. He chuckled cynically, placing his gargantuan frame before the ivory woman's blocking her from escaping. He was going to have his way with her, whether she liked it or not.

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07-05-2013, 03:54 PM

She watched as his brows pulled down in a frown. It didn't take long for his lips to curl up in a grin. Oh come on baby, stay here awhile. Eyes narrowed as something inside her shifted. Before the fire that ripped her family from her, she would have sent this brute running for hills by now. Lips curled back in the beginnings of a snarl. "Listen here, baby, I have to go." Venom dripped from her words, chin tilted down, guarding her throat. Anger bubbled up inside her, she would not fall victim to this jackass. Paws shifted her back a step and to the left, two toned eyes glared up at him. She had no doubts that he would mirror her every step. She was oblivious to the frustration pent up in him, just waiting to be taken out on some poor unsuspecting female. She refused to let it be her. Claws flexed against the soft earth. Adrenaline started to kick in, making her heart race, her pulse thunder in her ears.

How long had it been since she was in a fight? Far to long. She hadn't been forced to defend herself living in a pack. She was a healer, her skills didn't require her to practice fighting. It was the reason she was placed as a healer, she wasn't a fighter. But she'd be damned if she was just going to roll over for this brute. Her heart felt like it was going to pound right out of her chest. She shouldn't have lingered out for so long. She should have just returned to Valhalla, safe and sound. Audits pinned against her skull, tail flagged out behind her. Muscles tensed. Fight or flight. She could outrun him, no doubt, but she had to get by him first.

"speech" thought


07-05-2013, 04:22 PM

Feisty little thig she was. She didn't seem like she was too interested in playing Demyan's game, but the larger man frankly didn't care if she wanted to play or not. She was going to play with him now, whether she liked it or not. It wasn't his fault that she was out here, all alone with no one to protect her, falling right into his trap. She should've stayed home if she didn't want to play with him. This whole ordeal could've been avoided for her, but it was far too late. Hell be damned if he wasn't going to get his piece of ass today. He'd already been denied the russet bitch from the week before, he wasn't about to let this nice piece of flesh escape him. Not before her fucked her until she was screaming for help. Her pale lips curled back against her teeth and the gargantuan hellion couldn't help but laugh. Did she really think she stood a chance against him? Did she not realize how much smaller she was than him, how weak she was in comparison to him? Oh baby, don't be that way. I don't think you're going anywhere yet.

She shifted back and away from him, obviously trying to worm her way out of the situation, but he wasn't about to let her get away that fast. Not before he had his fun. Limbs shifted beneath the man, mimicking her movement, keeping his frame before hers as a physical barrier, lips curling back over his own dentures, a lusty growl vibrating in his chest. She was going to be his today; he was going to fuck her until she passed out. He could see the way she tensed beneath her coat, as if readying herself to fight him, and he almost laughed. Stupid bitch, she should've just given up already. If she would've rolled over, he would've been fucking her already and been on his merry way soon enough. But what would've been the fun in that? A little challenge wasn't too bad; made the game that much more fun. Muscles tensed beneath his own steel like coat, cyan gaze riveted to her figure, awaiting her next move.

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07-05-2013, 04:38 PM

He laughed. As though he found the whole thing amusing. A growl rumbled in her throat. Her mimicked her movements, muscles rippling beneath his pelt. She couldn't fight him. Not without being seriously injured, if not killed. "And I think you're wrong." She stood still for a moment, simply glaring at him. It would have been obvious for her to speak and then run. Who speaks and then stands around? She rocked her weight back as though she were about to sit down and have a nice chat with him. Instead she spun on her hind legs to her left, muscles propelling her forward. Front paws touched the earth running. Oxygen pumped through her blood as fast she could breath, her heart felt like it out burst. She desperately wanted to be rid of him, to home safely in Valhalla. Claw dug into the earth with every step, pushing her forward. All she could think about was him catching her. It wouldn't end in her favor.

OOC- terrible terribleness

"speech" thought


07-05-2013, 04:52 PM

And I think you're wrong. He chuckled to himself, amused that the little white bitch thought she could deny him what he wanted. She obviously didn't know who she was dealing with. It was never smart to deny Demyan what he wanted because if you didn't come willingly, then he would force you to do it, which was ten times worse than if you did it of your own free will. I'm never wrong baby and you're about to find that out the hard way. She turned, spinning on her heels to her left, pushing herself forward, barely catching a stride ahead of him before the gargantuan man was on top of her, his large mass moving in one fluid motion to grab her. Forelimbs extended, talons raking across the woman's heels, looking to knock them out from beneath her to pin her to the ground. That's when the fun would start. For him anyway.

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07-05-2013, 05:00 PM

I'm never wrong baby and you're about to find that out the hard way. For his size, his movements were surprisingly fluid, moving faster than she though. She felt his claws at her heels, tangling with her hind limbs. She stumbled, but didn't fall completely to the ground. She spun, jaws parted in a snarl, snapping. She couldn't out run hi after he tripped her, he'd be on her in moments. She could only hope she spun around fast enough. Hind legs planted themselves firmly, tail flagged out like a banner behind her. Ears remained pinned against her skull. Her spin left her front paws a few inches of the ground for a few brief moments, leaving her exposed to him colliding her with her and knocking to the ground. She was far from silent, snarls contorting her pretty face. All she could do was wait, wait for him to catch her and hope she would escape. It was a terrible knowing what was about to happen to her, to see her attacker coming for her and being nearly helpless to stop him.

"speech" thought



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2013, 05:44 PM

Erani had been following Rayne?s scent for some time, meaning to approach the younger female. She had been harsh with her that day. Rayne had shown through since then, and even become more active in herb gathering. Erani had been watching from a distance. She?d decided to continue Rayne?s training. Preston was still gone, and Soleil was pregnant, and last she knew, in Glaciem training the healers, though Erani didn?t understand why Asheni, a very talented healer herself, wasn?t training.

She?d asked Cormalin to come along on a random impulse. She noted her brother?s dark form that padded along side her, both of their passages silent. She had slipped into stealthy movement without thinking, and he had followed suit, an unthinking reaction. There was an anger building in Erani?s chest, and she didn?t know why, until the wind brought two scents to her nose. Rayne, and a strange male. The arousal in the male?s scent made her stomach turn, and her body stilled, movements fluid, eyes darkening to pools of icy deep blue.

The fear in Rayne?s scent had her thinking of the male?s death. This would be a wolf she had no qualms in harming instead of healing. Her tail twitched, and she felt her brother slip away. The command was followed despite his Beta status. He knew better than to challenge his sister when her eyes were ice and her body became unreadable.

She slid along, silent and in a deadly mood, until she was at the edges, a silent observer. Her brother would slide around to the rear position, staying downwind still. She knew his movements as though they were linked. It was the sibling bond. They had been closest in the litter. Now that bond would aid the attack. Her brother would reach his position, and she waited.

When the male lunged for Rayne, Erani struck. In that moment of possible imbalance, she came in, low and silent, giving no warning. Her aim would be for the front. She would hit with all her weight, and all her momentum. If he didn?t catch her charge in time, she would do her best to bring him down. Her brother would be the next attack.



07-05-2013, 05:59 PM

Cormalin enjoyed being out with his sister. Her knowledge of herbs was her favorite subject, and she often named plants off in their walks, and he sometimes initiated play spars to keep them both sharp in fighting ability. He had added to her knowledge in defense tactics, as was tradition for those from the union between a Nomad healer and Redwood wolf. And she knew a few offensive tactics. He was happy to go with her today. The urge to protect her was unusual strong today. Now he knew why. The change in his sister was notable. He caught the scents too, and mismatched eyes narrowed. He didn?t like this male, and he hadn?t even seen him yet.

Erani?s command came as nothing but a flick of the tail, understood and obeyed. He slipped away, keeping within her sight, until he could see the scene they would join soon. He slipped away, circling behind the male, moving to but himself at the haunches. The wind favored them. And the male was too intent on conquest to notice dangers to himself. The male lunged, and the snowy flash of Erani?s fur streaked out.

Cormalin smiled. Then charged, coming in as swiftly and as silently as his sister. His aim would be for the hind legs or tail. As he came close, he stooped, choosing a target; snapping his head forward, he attempted to slam gaping jaws shut on the male?s right hock. Even if his grasp didn?t land, he didn?t stop his momentum. He aimed to barrel the distracted opponent off his paws.


07-05-2013, 06:18 PM

His aim had landed, but it hadn't been completely successful. Instead of tripping her up and making her eat dirt, his grasp her ankles had merely made her stumble, her forward momentum allowing her to recover quickly enough to turn back towards him, lips curled back in a snarl. Pale jaws were already agape, his own forward momentum allowing his massive frame to collide straight into hers, throwing her into the ground like he originally planned to. Forepaws touched down on the ground, hind paws quickly following suit as he brought himself to a grinding halt. He had her. Or so he thought. He had been too focused on trying to grab the runaway bitch that he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings. He hadn't expected to have anyone else come and ruin his little party. But of course, there always was.

A blur of ivory came at him from his right, looking to barrel into him. Using his split second of realization, the brute planted himself firmly against the earth, steel-like muscles bunching together, chin tucking against his chest as he met the ivory wolf's collision, frame sliding to the side a fraction of an inch as the woman collided with solid muscle, barely having any kind of affect on him. But before he could counteract the woman's attack and retaliate, a second figure approached him from behind, daggers digging into his right hock, bringing a feral snarl to rip from his larynx. Fury leaked into his cyan gaze, lighting it up as he wheeled back towards the second attacker, noticing it to be a darker male, nearly the same height as him, but not quite there. Powerful jaws snapped towards the darker brute, chin tucked against his chest lest the man try and go for his throat, audits rotated in the direction of the second white woman, now alert for her next attack.

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07-05-2013, 06:52 PM

He collided with her with enough force to knock the air from her lungs and sending her flying into the ground. A yelp fell from her jaws as her petite frame hit the earth with a thud. Skull followed suit, making everything go black for a moment. Body went limp. Eyes fluttered, trying desperately to refocus her vision Something out surely be bruised at the least. Before she knew what was happening, a white form shot out from nowhere. Eyes narrowed in an attempt to focus. Erani? What was she doing out here? The ivory healer collided with the brute, but he barely moved. Disoriented she didn't noticed the second wolf until the brute that stood over her let out a feral snarl and backed away from her. It was struggle to put together what was happening. Erani came out of nowhere with a second wolf, and attacked the brute. The second wolf was dark, Nova maybe? She couldn't be sure. In an attempt to get up, she pulled her legs under, pushing herself up. Legs wobbled, barely able to hold her weight, the world around her spun.

Clenching her eyes shut, she shook her head, wanting her vision and head to clear. Grass and dirt clung to her pelt, giving her a very frazzled appearance. Any step she took faltered, turning into a stumble. She wanted to go home. Her head pounded, her body now ached. She was useless. Erani and whoever else was here were putting themselves in danger, and she couldn't do a damn thing about it. With an uncoordinated movement, she placed her haunches back on the ground, her head hung low, eyes trying to focus. She was vulnerable. All that strange brute had to do was grab her and he'd have her held as a hostage, her life would hang in the balance. Erani would be her only hope. Hopefully that didn't happen. She forced herself to stop thinking about the worst case scenario. Focus.

"speech" thought



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2013, 07:44 PM

Their attacks his with near perfection. The male caught her incoming movement and planted his paws. Her chest collided with his side, and as he slid slightly, she pushed off and bounced back, as Cormalin smashed into the male from behind. She got a surge of satisfaction as his jaws met their mark. The male wheeled toward Cormalin, sending a snap at her brother, and she charged, no sounds being uttered, circling quickly to find a position on the male?s other side. Rayne was moving, stumbling, but Erani couldn?t let herself be distracted from the dangerous male. She kept out of reach of the male as she circled, and upon the end of her charge she spun on her haunches in a balanced turn and faced the male, squared.

Whether the male followed her movements she didn?t care, as she threw herself into a charge for his side, intending to shove herself into him. Cormalin had the male?s hock in his jaws. And he wasn?t afraid of losing an ear of a chunk of flesh. If her attack landed, this could unbalance the male, and even break his leg at worst. It was down to Cormalin, whether she landed her blow or not.

(OOC: Wasn't sure what to do with her, so this is a little mixed up. Cormalin's the main one here.)



07-05-2013, 08:09 PM

His attack hit, and he tightened his jaws, not caring if his teeth broke skin on this male. He caught the movement as the male wheeled in to snap at him, instead of wrenching his leg free. Cormalin jerked his head out to the side to evade the main attack, also aiming to unbalance his opponent with the movement, and a canine from the male dug a furrow through the leathery top of his nose. He felt hot blood flow free, spattering the earth with a gift of his blood. He sensed Erani circle, her charge.

At the same time, he attempted to rear backward, jaws still clamped on the hock, and with that movement, he intended pull the male further off balance. If his sister landed her charge, the male could be in danger. They moved in silence; Cormalin hadn?t even uttered a sound when his nose was slashed.


07-05-2013, 08:42 PM

He didn't care about the white bitch he'd been wanting to fuck, she was of little importance now. He didn't even to fuck her now that these two had come to ruin his fun. He just wanted to tear their throats out and make them suffer for having come to disrupt him. Damn these pack wolves. The obsidian brute at his leg reeled back as the gargantuan man wheeled around to snap towards him. The man's quick reaction saved him from a more lethal wound, but Demyan still managed to snag his nose, an upper canine slashing through the leathery skin of his nose. A movement from behind him caught the man's attention and he wheeled back to his former position, furious cyan gaze coming across the second white bitch as she tried to charge at him again. A snarl ripped through his open jaws as he threw himself down towards the ground, forelimbs folding beneath him as he lunged forward, looking to take a bite of that little white leg of hers. He pulled his hind limbs in close to his body, using his strength to pull the black man towards him, hoping to slam his muzzle into the ground and hopefully dislodge his hold on him, allowing him to move away from the attacking duo.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2013, 09:00 PM

Erani heard the snarl as the male followed her movements, and that snarl warned her. She bounded lithely out of reach and whirled to keep him in front of her, face expressionless, eyes cold. Her body held no warnings, no play of muscle to give away thoughts. She had placed herself firmly beyond his reach, light on her paws, ready to leap. She stared the male down, out of his reach, taunting him with her silence.

She let her ears and nose take stock of Rayne. The wolf was stumbling as though confused, likely from the blow her head had taken to the ground. As for blood, she couldn?t smell any yet, but she would check after this was over. Erani didn?t take her eyes from the angry male. The deep blue pools were steady, still as frozen lakes. Almost blank. But she was ready to move should he still come for her. None of her senses wavered from him, and yet she was aware.



07-05-2013, 09:16 PM

The male followed his sister?s movements, moving to intercept her charge. He also yanked his hind legs forward. Cormalin went with the flow. He tilted his head, pointing his nose diagonally toward the ground, and let his jaws loosen just enough. If he got it right, his canines would slide up toward the Achilles? tendon, just above the hock. If his canine hooked into the thin skin between the tendon and the muscle of the leg, the grey male was in grave danger of his tendon being damaged.

Cormalin, whether the canine made it?s hold or not, slashed his muzzle in a sharp nodding movement and leapt away, jaws opening in the movement. He lunged forward in the next moment, snapping his jaws for the male?s testicles. The attack was a veiled feint, meant to grab the male?s attention and bring it fully onto Cormalin, and away from Erani, who had dodged away. The black male gave the grey no quarter. If the slash to the tendon had hit, the male would be out for the count. Cormalin wanted to drive him away from here. Well away.


07-05-2013, 09:35 PM

He was so done with this shit. He couldn't find a proper piece of ass in this piece of shit place without being disrupted by either his sister or some other fuckers walking around. He was beyond mad; he downright fucking furious. He wanted to rip into all three wolves, separate their heads from their petty little bodies and decorate them with their organs, splatter the earth with their blood. The white bitch managed to dance away from his grasp, jaws clamping down on empty air, the force of his bite rattling his jaws, forelimbs tensing against the earth in a crouched position. Fire like cyan pools tracked the white bitch's movement, a continuous snarl rumbling in his chest as he moved forward, right forepaw, placed before him until the black man caught the giant's attention. Obviously, this shit wasn't over yet.

He managed to pull away quick enough, taking advantage of the man's loosening hold, angling his leg so that it came out nearly unscathed, the tip of the man's tooth nicking his Achilles tendon. A roar of pain erupted from his pale jaws, crown arching towards the darker man, watching as he made a feigned bite towards his balls. Demyan swung his haunches away from the man's incoming teeth, using the momentum to back himself up in order to keep all three wolves within his view. The stupid bitch he'd knocked over was still reeling from the impact and he could've just as quickly moved towards her, killing her with a swift bite to her vulnerable jugular, but he was done wasting his time with these idiots. Pale lips remained curled against ivory daggers, audits flattened against his skull, cyan gaze dancing between the trio, looking to see who would be the next taker.

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11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2013, 10:07 PM

Erani didn?t react as the male began to come toward her. It was as though he had become air. That was because she, in her awareness of her surroundings, had caught a familiar scent on the wind. Obsidian was on her way. Erani darted in toward the male, grabbing for his attention, before circling to one side. The hoof beats hadn?t reached them yet, despite the wind. There must have been moss under those hooves at that moment. Deep blue eyes pierced the male, daring him to make a move. She darted toward him again, harrying him. And just as quickly danced away, circling all the while, hoping he?d take that bait.

Rayne still stumbled about, and she saw the male?s eyes flick toward the vulnerable healer. She?d have to change Rayne?s vulnerabilities. Teach her anatomy, and ways to harm the anatomy as well as heal. Ways of defense and offense. Healers of Valhalla would not be allowed to walk alone, unable to defend themselves.

Erani continued to bait the male, knowing Cormalin would be keeping with the same trick, as she had caught his faint glint of recognition. Buying time.