
caimans, komodos, and cobras, oh my!



5 Years
Extra large
03-18-2018, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2018, 08:04 PM by Marvel.)
The young shaman was far from home and familiarity. She'd decided to wander away, just for a little bit. How that had turned into a venture across the continent was a mystery. Regardless, she was here now. All gawky limbs and youthful idiocy, she had made the swim to a strange looking island.

As soon as she'd made landfall, something was off. First of all, this whole place was way too hot. With the sun blazing high in the sky, her spine was on fire. Ever since leaving, her sunburn had begun to resurface with a vengeance. The ground beneath her feet was mostly loose rock, and burned her paws. She looked around pensively. It wasn't too late to turn around and continue her exploration somewhere else...

Ssssss... Something was behind her, and it didn't sound happy. Whirling around, her tail tucked, she was face to face with a big snake. It was twisted into a wavering S-shape, hissing at her. The pale youth was not familiar with snakes of this size. The only kind she'd ever encountered were lowly garter snakes- nothing as threatening as this. Yelping her acquiesce to the giant serpent, she skittered away from the beach like her ass was on fire. It wasn't until she was well into the centre of the island that she felt safe.

At least, until she saw some honest to Zhibog dragons. Safety clearly wasn't in the picture on this island. "Великие создатели, где я? Это подземный мир?" She breathed, absolutely baffled. The massive, scaly beasts were snarling and snapping over a mangled piece of carrion. It wasn't even recognizable as an animal. What if it was another wolf? One of them swung its great head in her direction, and let loose a guttural hiss. Time to go!

Cantering in a direction that was going away from both the dragons and the demon snake, she hoped she could make it back to the mainland with her heart firmly lodged in her throat. There was a slender archipelago extending away from the island, and towards the mainland. Perfect! A launch point for her return to safety. Breath ragged, she slowed to a cautious trot. Looking around, she couldn't see anything coming closer. No dragons or giant serpents. This was one of Veles' hells, for sure. Only the horned god could come up with such horrible looking beasts.

Something was hissing, really low, and really scary sounding. Where was it? On all sides, she could only see rocks. Anxiety pooled in her gut, and squeezed like a vice on her lungs. No sooner had the noise stopped, oh so suddenly, then something moved. Too quick to react.

Agony tripped up her spine, white hot. She screeched, her entire hind end ablaze with pain. Her paws moved, claws catching on the muddy ground to move her forward. The child couldn't move. She was trapped, horribly. Something was holding her in place. Mismatched eyes rolled in her skull, desperately trying to get a glimpse of what it was.

In no uncertain terms, a monster. Scaly and armed with jaws like she'd never seen. Those great big jaws and their spike shaped teeth were locked firmly on her tail. Its hiss reverberated up her spine, the tip of its nose far too close to her body for comfort. It was now or never. Yellow eyes were blinking open all around her. Slithering close. The champagne child gritted her teeth, bunched her muscles, and pushed with all her might against the slick ground.

Pop! She flew forward. Oversized paws slammed awkwardly into the ground, and she couldn't spare a moment to think about what must have just happened. Instead, she ran as hard and fast as she could. The ocean spread itself before her, and she leapt graciously into its embrace.


Everything else was a blur. All of the sudden, her feet brushed against sand. Her legs ached, and she was choking on seawater. Oh, that wasn't good. Wherever she'd just been, it was bad. Penance for leaving home without telling anyone, maybe? She flopped heavily onto the soggy beach, with the tide lapping gently at her flanks.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-18-2018, 08:39 PM

When night had come and gone from the time his pale daughter had set off on an adventure and her dinner had gone untouched, Samael grew from more than worried to the feirce deity he knew he was. Hell could not of saved anyone who kept his daughter from him. With Abba's scent still fresh in his mind closer to the southern pass Sam could not ignore his protective instincts. He had paced through the night, until sunrise. At sunrise he gave a summoning bark to Lirika, Sathanus, and Gabriel. His instructions to Gabe were clear, keep the children at home and take command while he was gone. For Lirika he felt no instruction was needed as she had easily seen the bristling hackles and the agitation and worry over their young child. There would be hell to pay if his little Marvel had been harmed and he was certain she had sensed it. For sathanus his words were less demanding but still filled with urgency. 'Abba has come, do not let your guard down, he would not hesitate to kill even our youngest. He holds one of ours already and I do not know if he plans to barter for Uriel and Gabriel's choice to change or if he intends to put Micah to death before a public audience for being what he is. Do not let Forfax know her brother has returned and is in such danger.' He had looked to Gabriel at that and had reassured him the choice was still his. Sam did not intend to ever hold him captive.

He had Abruptly set out, nose to the ground and pace fast. Long legs covered groud as quick as he dared, but doing everything to keep strength he felt he would need should it be Abba that had his daughter. That was a battle he did not dare to loose. Abba would have to kill him first to get to his family. Her trail lead to the ocean and he made no chance for a second thought. His hackles bristling he stopped and looked around the beach. Lirika had been hot on his heels and he was well aware she had heard the sounds of his true demon making itself known. the snarls and growls were foreign even on his own ears. Even now he growled lightly. He hadn't sounded like this since Abba had destroyed his family.

His eyes found the pale form of Marvel and immediately he bounded coming to stand over her protectively. His Teeth bared and he eyed where the trail of blood went. Her tail was gone and he snarled. Something was going to pay with it's life. Snarled filled the air around him and he keft his paw between her and the water where it seemed she had come from. Lirika was a blur in his mind, all he cared about was letting nothing near his precious little child again.

Walk "Talk" Think

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.



10 Years
Extra large
03-18-2018, 09:31 PM

One of the children was missing, and it was the cause of at least one sleepless night on her part. After the sun had risen on the second day of Divo's absence, Samael had snapped. Gotten to his feet, summoned a few members of the family. Care of the family would fall to his brother, a shining golden male by the name of Gabriel. Despite his disability, Lirika trusted him with her children's lives. He was capable, and he was smart. The father of her children was bristling with aggravation- fidgety like a cornered beast.

He had spoken to his daughter next, who was stoic in a way that Lirika was unfamiliar with. There was something about her that seemed to hide, and she was sure she would never know what. Though Samael spoke softly, she could still hear him speak. "Abba has come, do not let your guard down, he would not hesitate to kill even our youngest. He holds one of ours already and I do not know if he plans to barter for Uriel and Gabriel's choice to change or if he intends to put Micah to death before a public audience for being what he is. Do not let Forfax know her brother has returned and is in such danger." Oh, gods. Her lovely little Forfax. It would break her heart to know her brother was a captive. Auds dipped towards her skull, a soft whine daring pass her lips.

Without further adieu, Samael was off- a bullet fired from a gun. Just shy of an outright sprint, the two of them moved along the fading scent trail left by young Divo. As the terrain changed underfoot, from lush to arid, the dame could only wonder how she'd managed to get so far in so little time. While her middle child was a rather large one, it still stood to wonder what she was looking for in such a hurry. The pace Samael set left little room for conversation, and she wondered if that was his plan. She was well aware that he held some sort of negative opinion of her, though she was unsure why.

It wasn't long before they came upon the sea, far from home. The other side of Boreas. Her child's scent was stronger here, where the air was laden with the stench of rotting seaweed. In the distance, an island she only vaguely knew. If she could recall, she'd only heard rumours about it. None of which were good. Samael had been decidedly vocal during their foray, but not in a good way. Each noise he uttered had been vicious, threatening. Low, rumbling growls shook his chest at this point. She worried for the image that Divo might find burned into her mind, of her father.

Far down the beach, something pale had washed up. The scent of blood was faint, but sickening. Had her daughter been killed here, on this abandoned stretch of sand? Samael thundered across the sand, with the pale woman close at his side. Worry dredged bile up from her stomach, and it rose dangerously into her throat. She skidded to a halt on Divo's other flank, nosing at her sodden fur. Samael had flown into a rage, teeth flashing. One pale paw slammed heavily into the sand behind their daughter, eyes wild.

Mercury gaze followed the thin trail of blood that led to the sea. Gods above, something had maimed her precious Divo. She took a deep breath. No time to think about that. Right now, her daughter needed help. "Mr. Morningstar, you must focus. Divo needs to see a healer, not a warrior. Can you lift her? I will find somewhere for us to rest, and get help." She murmured, trying to maintain calm. Someone needed to be the voice of reason at the moment, so it seemed that fell to her.


avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



5 Years
Extra large
03-18-2018, 09:49 PM
Faint voices made themselves known. One eye cracked open, but everything was fuzzy. Was that Da? He looked mad. Oh no, he was mad at her! My bum hurts. She thought to herself. Actually, everything hurt. Her legs were achy and tired, and her head was throbbing in time with her heartbeat. However, it was mostly her rump that hurt the worst. That monster lizard must have gotten a few good licks in. When she got home, she was gonna get Sath to teach her about fighting. No big lizards were going to bite her butt again!

A familiar scent flooded her nostrils. Mama! A happy sound crawled its way up her throat, but didn't quite make it out. Her Da was very upset, and he kept growling. Was he growling at her? She hadn't meant to scare anyone! It was just supposed to be an adventure, all on her own, because she was grown up enough. She could hear her mama talking, her voice was so nice. "Mr. Morningstar, you must focus. Divo needs to see a healer, not a warrior. Can you lift her? I will find somewhere for us to rest, and get help."

Why did she need a healer? Maybe she'd been bitten worse than she thought. It took quite a bit of energy to lift her head, but she managed it. Brows pinched together, she looked up at mama. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She said, voice small. Divo hadn't meant to scare them so bad. "Am I gonna die?" Soft lyrics questioned, trying to get a look at her Da. Mama looked pretty worried.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics