
Monsters Are Real


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-18-2018, 12:55 AM

The giant male had stuck to the western parts of the continent. Ever since his nephew had disappeared, the titan had taken to wandering. When he thought about it now though, he probably should have followed his other nephew, Cloud, to make sure the boy was safe. But then again, did he really have to? The pale boy had been a loner before Dauntless had formed, and he was a very fine hunter. There was no doubt in his mind that he could fare for himself. He did think about tracking him down to tell him that he knew his father, but what was he supposed to say? Four of Elias' kids were in that pack...though none of them knew their relations to each other, and Ace never told them he was their uncle, either.

Blood red eyes narrowed as massive paws stopped at the edge of what once was a beautiful pool, now withered by the summer heat. Where the Hell was Elias? Did he know about all these kids? How many more did he have? The most important question he had though, was how Elias had gone about doing it. Ace knew his past quite well, knew how unstable he was. He had so many questions...and He wanted answers.




6 Years
Extra large

03-18-2018, 02:11 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2018, 02:45 AM by Elias.)

After the hunt, he'd decided to hang around the Oasis a bit more often. It was a nice escape from the rest of the West, and while he wanted in between meetings with Zuriel, he had the mind to stay close. Plus, he was curious about the rest of the children that lived in Lirim...

He was resting beside the withered pool, some water still collecting in the center but not much. The back half of a mule deer was mostly eaten, it's spinal cord still holding some meat, though the legs seemed mostly picked. It would still feed him for today, at least. The foliage was still green, though he suspected it wouldn't be long before they suffered from the dehydration, as well. He would enjoy the oasis while he could, enjoy his meal while he could.

The heat was beginning to get to the stone-gray wolf, the shade of the skinny trees surrounding the oasis hardly putting up a worthy protest against the strength of the sun. He sighed and shifted in the grass as the wind moved in from the dunes, carrying with them the scent of someone he'd said goodbye to forever ago. He immediately shot up from his laying position, his muscles in his chest and shoulders tensing and twitching while he raised his head. His ruby stare surveyed the horizon and gave off a glint as if they were lasers when he locked his eyes on the walking ghost.

Between the possibility of the heat and the desert inducing a mirage, as well as his history with hallucinations... he was not too sure that this gargantuan male walking toward him was actually real. He did not move at all, but his usually emotionless expression was slacked with absolute astonishment. He could hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears as it raised in his chest, raising his blood pressure and making him sweat. Was it real, was this Ace? They had once been inseparable, and the memories of their youth and all their adventures with Eliana were possibly the only positive ones from their childhood that he could recollect on with a smile.

He did not forget why they had parted ways, however. He could never forget the way Acere looked at him, it was different... but, Elias was different after that day. They both knew it, and after they killed Dae... Elias was pained to say goodbye to his brother, but he understood why. His heartbeat continued to drum with a growing fervor as he remembered all this, making Elias raise his ears as if begging for some other sound to breach the repetitive beat. He could say nothing, he was stunned... and at the mercy of his mind if this really was another hallucination. He would not participate in this illusion, but he would not look away, either. He wanted to see his brother, even if it were make-believe. He missed him and would allow this little scene to play out for as long as his insanity permitted.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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Easter Bunny


03-18-2018, 02:14 AM

The Easter Bunny hops on by!

On her way through, she drops an egg at the paws of Acere.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-18-2018, 05:41 AM
So caught up in his thoughts on what to do and what he probably should have done, he didn't notice the all too familiar creature that was nearby. The summer breeze carried the scent to him, stirring him from his thoughts. Was he so far in the past that he remembered his scent so vividly? Massive head rose, blood red gaze sweeping the scenery, and the moment he saw him, he grew rigid.

It had to be some sort of trick of the desert and the sun...he noticed though, that he was staring right back at him. His scent was too strong...this couldn't be a trick.

Lip curled, baring his canines as his fur bristled. Of all the time they had spent apart, he looked nearly the same as when he had last seen him. Step by step, Acere followed the dried bank until he was standing just mere feet from his brother. While he wished this were a happier reunion, the past and what he had suspected of those four boys ate at him. "What did you do!? He snarled, his maw just inches from Elias' own as he practically shoved it in his face.



6 Years
Extra large

03-18-2018, 07:10 AM

Every second that went by with Acere staring at him seemed to last much longer than it should have, his heart was pounding and he was simply waiting in agony for some sort of evidence that this was real, or some sort of direction for where this hallucination was going.

When the bristles started to prickle on Acere's back, Elias' eyes finally broke free from Acere's gaze so that he could truly inspect his body. Acere seemed very much the same, as well... though Elias could swear that he was bigger than he was when he'd last seen him. Of course, they weren't even fully mature back then... but that would mean this wasn't an illusion, wouldn't it?

Elias did not have much time to process things before Acere was in his face, demanding an explanation in vague context. Despite it's vagueness, somehow Elias knew exactly what he meant. He closed his eyes for a moment as he fought against the aggression that bit ravenously at the back of his mind in response to the yelling, it had been a long time since he had to face something like that. The last time being with Odette, but... he managed to hold his composure with her, too.. and he would this time... he had to. His ears lowered as a look of extreme guilt came over his features, "...Ace, I didn't... it wasn't..." But it was, wasn't it?

"I can only remember in bits and pieces..."

His voice trailed as his heart continued pounding in his ears, "Something happened to me... and I hurt them, I tried to stop it- I didn't want to- it was, I don't know. I can't explain. I.. it's the demon in me, the ones we learned about in our lessons..." Those lighter colored 'brow dots on his face furrowed as he lowered his head, looking at Ace.. but not really. He was in his mind, his eyes distant and his facial features softening. "I kept dreaming about her."

He stared for a long moment, before finally his eyes redirected themselves back to Acer's mirror of a stare. "I told it to leave, and.. I don't know, it has been two years since I..." A sudden realization came to mind in the middle of his explanation, his head tilting as his 'brows furrowed again, "Wait, how did you...? Where did you....? Acere, is this really happening?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-19-2018, 02:22 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2018, 05:14 AM by Acere.)

He listened to Elias fumbling over his words, though his anger didn't wane. How the hell could Elias do that!? After what he did to--no! He refused to think about that day! They had been brothers in arms once...but now? Elias had done it again, but this time...he seemed to regret those actions. But still, what did that do for those who were forced? "I'm not sure what to believe here, Elias! Do you know how surprised and angry I was when I found four of them!?" He knew he was being vague, but he also figured Elias knew what he was talking about. He wanted to be angry, to rip into Elias for being such an idiot! But at the same time, he wanted that brotherly bond they had back when they were kids, when they killed Dae...when their lives changed forever. He hadn't found Alis yet, nor had he seen hide nor hair of Eliana...were they even here?

His ears flattened as he lessened his growling, but the anger was still very much alive and visible on his features. He could see that Elias was struggling, but did that excuse him from doing what he did? "Elias, it's been years, you're still plagued by them?" Was there just no escaping their past? He swallowed, turning his gaze away from his darker counterpart. His heart pounded in his chest. Anger, disappointment, pain, hurt...just a few things that he knew he felt at this moment. "How many did you hurt? I already found four of your offspring, Elias...obviously not from the same mother. How many did you hurt!?" He snarled, keeping his gaze averted for the time being.




6 Years
Extra large

03-19-2018, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2018, 04:33 AM by Elias.)

He watched Acere's unfaltering anger shine like the pit of the volcano they grew up in, brightening those blood gem eyes beneath the sun as they scorched through his very soul. He could not look away from them, they were the same eyes their father and most of their siblings bore. Something about them, even when filled with anger, soothed him... made him feel like home.

Though, anger was always a part of home, wasn't it?

The only motion Elias made through-out Acere's barking was a slight ear twitch when he asked if he was still plagued by them. "We were born of them... have you forgotten? We are theirs, even in death. Our father heard them, and now I hear them, too." The muscles in his shoulders twitched slightly as he reclined to his haunches. His pupils shrank as his eyes lost their focus on Acere, a distant look overcoming him once again as he recessed back into his mind.

"I just fight to them to leave me alone until I can no longer escape them. They can have me in death, but not in life. I refuse," his last words came out with a low rumbling growl, his words hissing between his teeth as the muscles in his jaws tensed. He calmed himself at Acere's next question, his eyes snapping back to meet his brother's twin stare.

His ears flicked, but he answered as if he were unabashed by his words. He would not lie to Acere, and he could not deny nor take back what he had done. Not to Alis, not to Katar, not to these poor women in Boreas, either. "Three. All within a month of each one." He paused, his muzzle dipping as he slacked in posture, thinking. "It was.. when I first got here, I could not control it. I heard Katar.. and she... encouraged me?! She told me to do it, why would she want that...? I- I tried to fight it. Zuriel, one of the women... wanted to help me, but I wouldn't let her. Despite what I did to her, I wouldn't risk remaining around her. She had heart enough to want to help me after what I did to her and I could not allow myself to hurt her again, I left. Just like I left Ruina, left Ictus and his family so that they could be at peace without... this."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-19-2018, 05:33 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2018, 05:33 AM by Acere.)

"I did not forget!" He snapped, his head snapping up to meet his brothers gaze again. "I just don't let it control me," He growled. Truth be told, he hadn't experienced anything like that since he had met his former mate. Plagued with nightmares after she passed? Yes. But he had just enough control to keep his mind as sane as possible. Most times, anyway. When his mind did break, he made sure he was far from anyone that he could hurt.

"One of your sons, Cloud hears them as far, it's only been during the occasional hunt..." He had witnessed the then yearling rip apart a deer, shredding it into something unrecognizable. The madness in his eyes was similar to Elias' own, but so far...the boy had kept it from all but his unknown uncle. He hasn't hurt another wolf, only prey. And for that Acere was glad. But how long would that last? They had the blood of those from it was only a matter of time, wasn't It? Especially since the boys closest brother had up and left Dauntless...

He sighed when Elias spoke of how many he had just. Teeth grinding against each other. It was all he could do not to leap at his brother and tear into him for being such a fool! Part of him understood that they were plagued with the demons of Ruina, but the other part knew it could be controlled. Perhaps Elias just hadn't figured that out yet.

Groaning, his rump fell heavily on the sand. A heavy sigh slipping past his lips as Elias continued. "You're lucky at least one of them forgives least enough to want to help you. But what about the other two? What of them? I never spoke with the woman who bore Cloudburst and Tyranis...And truth be told it wasn't hard to figure out they were our kin..." He never did get the chance to tell Ty that he was their uncle, and that he knew who his sire was. At the time, he didn't think they were ready to know. They were too young to learn of their fathers history...taking a deep breath, he frowned and kept his gaze on Elias. " They are quite remarkable boys, I must admit..." He muttered, referring to the two wreckage brothers. He didn't know much about the other two boys that had been in Dauntless for such a short time before it's disbandment, and he didn't know if Elias had met those ones. He supposed they'd have to catch up after his anger went away...assuming it did, anyway. But it was hard to let that go right now.




6 Years
Extra large

03-19-2018, 06:39 PM

His eyes began to wander, his weight slacking to his right as he tilted his head, drifting off in thought as Acere gave him this new information that one of his sons was showing signs of hearing the demons, as well. That was hard to swallow. His actions had resulted in bringing yet more beings to be plagued with this, didn't it? Well, he had always wondered... if they were like him, or more like their mothers. He hoped that his absence from their lives would prove they remain pure, but... even that plan didn't work.

He sighed, looking up to Acere as he told him how lucky he was that Zuriel forgave him. He wasn't sure if she truly forgave him, but she at least... wanted to help him, despite what he had done to her. She even seemed to care greatly about her children, which was why Elias did what he could to find Kane and bring him home. He only wished he could have found Miach, as well.

He shrugged his shoulders light at the comment on how amazing they were, "I woudn't know. I've only ever spent real time with one, who.. seems to be a splitting image of our father. You should see him, I thought I was staring at a ghost when I found him. He had taken off, and I promised Zuriel I would find him for her. I did, but.. he doesn't know. I had to act like I was enslaving him or something, I didn't know what to say so I didn't really offer an explanation. He probably hates me. Just like Odette's children. I ran into them once, but she was very clear about telling me to stay away from them and to stay away from her. She wanted to kill me, I'm pretty sure. I don't blame her, but I told her.. I was sorry. I have respected her wishes ever since."

He straightened himself up, his forepaws coming close together as he aligned rose his head to look to Acere. He knew he was mad at him, but he had a curiosity that needed to be sated now that Ace mentioned his sons. "What are they like?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-21-2018, 04:44 AM

He carefully watched his brothers reaction at the mention of Clouds condition. He worried for the boy, and feared that in time, he would turn to harming wolves instead of just prey animals. Would he turn out to be like Elias? He didn't know. Brow points rose at the names of the other two. So Zuriel and Odette were the names of the other victims? He knew Storm by name, but had never spoken to her. He listened carefully to his brothers explanation, what he had done to one of his sons, which he assumed to be the son of Zuriel by the sound of it. He sighed, though. He understood Elias' reasoning for doing what he did, but at the same time he couldn't fathom it. It seemed the cycle continued, the pain and hurt they endured in Ruina was being passed down. Or so he felt.

He said nothing about it though. Not yet. Then when Elias asked what they were like, Ace leaned back on his haunches and let a small grin show. "Well, Tyranis started a pack called Dauntless in the North lands. He was a fine leader, he had an interesting way of running his pack. He didn't demand that we follow like a traditional pack, instead we were to vote on who got the higher ranks like a council of sorts. At least, that's what it would have been like...But He disappeared one night before the voting ever happened. Cloud was devastated when he gave us the news that his brother had left, and I don't know what happened to him after we disbanded. Tyranis certainly has your blood though. He was headstrong and unwilling to back down, he was determined to learn. I met him on the battlefield before Dauntless came to be, and I had joined to mentor him," He shrugged, "But alas, we never got the chance to do any of that either."

His thoughts went to the dual toned boy, Cloudburst. And a small hint of a smile returned. "Cloudburs was his second in command, the two seemed to have an incredible bond like you and I had once. I've watched him hunt, and he's an incredibly skilled hunter for his age. You would be proud of him, I'm sure." Turning his gaze to his brother, he added "Despite the circumstances, I believe you should try to fix what you broke with the wolves that you hurt. It won't be easy, but..." Brows furrowed then, his demeanor serious. "If this...Zuriel is willing to give you a chance, then who's to say the others won't? A child deserves to know their father, their past. They deserve to know who they are a part of. And if Odette and Storm are unwilling to listen, then I suppose you leave it be. What's the harm in trying?" As much as he wanted to hold on to the anger that had initially set in, he also felt sorry for his brother. In all the time they'd been apart, Ace had wanted to rip into him for the things he'd done. But now? Now...he wasn't sure..




6 Years
Extra large

03-21-2018, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2018, 04:37 PM by Elias.)

Elias felt like eons had passed since he had last spoke, the time between it and Ace's response leaving him in a sense of full suspense as he leaned closer to his brother slightly, waiting as patiently as possible. When Ace let that small grin show, it brought life to Elias' skin- his whole body raising in little bumps that made his hackles prickle slightly from the overwhelming amount of emotions that one little, involuntary, gesture could cause. That grin was the same grin that came from his brother when they were close, when all they had to worry about was their training and who could outdo one another once their dad let them play.

He missed him, and that small smirk was enough to send not only a flood of nostalgia on him but to entice his excitement to hear about his sons. He tried his best to focus on the words that came from Ace thereafter because he truly was curious.. and he needed to focus and remember those words. His ears flicked as he strained to keep control of his thoughts, taking one deep breath to try and calm himself and focus on the here and now.

It did not take long before he was calm, as the words were easy for him to focus on. Soon, the usually flat lines that made up his inky lips were curving into a faint smile of their own as he listened to how strong his son had grown up to be. He had even led his own pack and had a brother that he relied on like Elias and Acere once had for each other when Elias reigned. And one of them was a great hunter? That certainly made him nearly swell with undeserved pride. There was only really one thing that Elias liked about himself, and that was his skill with hunting. For a moment, his brain fathomed a little fantasy where perhaps one day he and his hunter son would be able to track a bear together like Elias had once done with Ace. It was like history was rewritten, though.. his heart sank remembering that the son abandoned Dauntless just like Elias had abandoned Ruina. He hoped that it was not for the same reason and that his son was stronger than him... but... he sighed.

His square muzzle pointed downward, almost with guilt as Acere continued to talk about the women he'd harmed. He was listening, but his red eyes were nearly glistening. If wolves could cry, he might have even had a hard time holding tears back as the emotions started to swirl around in his brain, his former era of excitement ending as his short fur became sleek once again and he resumed his emotionless expression. "The harm... Ace? You know the harm that could happen... this demon inside of me, he does not care about others at all, he just.. wants and I could not stop him those nights. He took what he wanted from them, and two of them were so.. frail, and I harmed them. That is the harm, Ace..." despite the context of his words, every one was spoken with an eerie calmness and monotone structure as his eyes seemed less focused on Acere once again, his mind pulling him in and fully embracing him. He nearly growled out his last words, "But I do need to fix this.. it has been two years since I have surrendered to him."

He looked up to Ace now, with begging eyes as those pale 'brow dots rose with curiosity. "You can't leave me, Ace.. you can't. I know that I don't deserve anyone to be there for me, but you.. you have to stop me if it takes over again. You have to end this if I get weak again. I can not live with anymore nightmares, Ace.." his strong voice broke, choking up with his last words as his chest heaved heavy breaths. "I can't keep going with any more guilt, I can't hurt anyone else... I can't."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-02-2018, 07:50 PM

He wore an almost blank expression as his brother in arms replied. He listened quietly, letting Elias say what he wanted. He understood his brothers pain. His fear. His worries, and everything in between. While Ace had never blacked out and done the things that Elias did, he certainly had his moments. They just hadn't happened for quite a long time. He remembered the days when they lived together in Ruina. There were good days and bad days. Days he wished he could take back and days he wished he could forget. And as Elias pleaded and begged him not to leave again, Ace frowned. He had left once because of what their alpha had commanded him to do, and he refused. Elias though...could he keep blaming him for that? He had been forced, his brother hadn't had the stronger mindset for it at the time. Their traditions had been so instilled in them since birth that...well, he figured he was probably the first wolf to disobey orders from Ruina's alpha.

He took a deep breath, letting it loose with an almost exasperated tone. "I'll stay with much as I wanted to beat your ass, I just can't bring myself to do it right now. Don't get me wrong, you still deserve to get your ass beat into the dirt, so I'll give you a rain check for that." He smirked, "Guess you need me more than I need you," He stood, moving forward to roughly bump his left shoulder against Elias' left shoulder. Given the chance, he would even opt to knock Elias over. And as he stood at Elias side, he tilted his head down as a humorous grin showed. "When did you get so short?"




6 Years
Extra large

04-05-2018, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2018, 06:38 PM by Elias.)

His bloodgem eyes were glistening with fresh brimstone intensity as he silently awaited Acere's judgment, his ears solely honed into the sounds his pale sibling emitted as he sat there, waiting in agony for some kind of answer to his own selfish request to a promise from his just now-reunited kin. Guilt formed a lump in his throat as he thought of this, thought of his own actions and how truly undeserving he was to even ask this of Ace after only just now running into him again. It took a lot to make the colossus feel small, but in his brother's shadow, he felt immensely insignificant.

That is- until the promise came. 'I'll stay with you,' his brother's words freed Elias from metaphorical shackles that he himself had placed in almost an instant. He had Eliana, but even Eliana at times made him fear for what he might do to her if his mind split in her company. It never seemed to do so, but he never truly did stay around her long enough to test his theory that she was able to soothe his thoughts. It was too risky, however, with Acere- it had always been different. Growing up, Acere and Elias bested each other in their training spars constantly. They were two titans, and he never held the fragile psyche Elias had inherited his mother.. because that tainted blood simply did not run through Acere's veins. Acere was a pillar of stability in Elias' eyes, and with him promising to remain at his side once again made his skin come alive with inspiring hope.

They had been inseparable in their youth, and Elias had always thought his actions unforgivable in the eyes of his brother. They were heinous and wicked, his own chaotic energy forcing him to succumb to the will of vicious thoughts inside of him - thoughts he believed to be the workings of demons testing his own strength. He had been weak after what he had done to Dae, he had been unable to fight them. He was almost five years old now, and a lot of that history was something he never wanted to see become apart of him again. He would never let them make him feel weak again.

And if he was wrong? If he was unable to fight them like he suddenly felt the confidence to do, he had the strength of his brother to correct this. 'You still deserve to get your ass beat into the dirt,' Elias knew Ace could do it, if he had to. He honestly thought he could trust him, even after all this time his doubt in his brother was a very small voice in his head- one only there in the first place due to his own guilt, his own insecurities. Though, when Ace unexpectedly bumped into him and sent Elias back into the sand on his side, a nearly instinctual reaction split his maw into a toothy grin while his red muscle reared backward in preparation for an assault. He let out a throaty growl, deeper now than the demonic puppy whines Elias often emitted as a child, as he got back on his toes and suppressed a chuckle.

He grinned at his brother for a moment while his well-muscled limbs found their square placement beneath him once again, keeping him stable. He was overwhelmed with this sudden sense of relief of no longer being alone, but he was... calm. He was happy and full of newfound hope and the growing thoughts of his aspirations. "I may be short, but at least I'm not ugly." He gave a charming wink to his brother before he could no longer suppress the laugh and it came out in a short, light chuckle.

His features relaxed as his ears turned into the wind coming from the east. His eyes drifted as he sighed away his final feelings of stress and doubt, at least.. the final ones he would let arise out of this moment. He lifted his chin, looking to Ace with the firm stare he'd learned from their father. "I'm glad you found me. I hate to cut this short, but you are right. I need.. to meet with the last woman. I met her in the east, and I'm going to start searching there. I need to take care of this quickly, before it's too late. I will come back here, my children are here... and Zuriel. If you are serious about that rain check, stay close."

The gray wolf, seemingly chiseled from stone and hardened by the weather that was the events that led up to his present day, seemed to be back in appearance. His face was a still, serene and expressionless center point to his smoothed out features and fluid movements as he began his walk back into the desert. He moved with his spine perfectly aligned from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, he moved like the fighter he had been trained to become, he moved like a man with a purpose.

-exit Elias-

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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