
violent delights, violent ends



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-09-2018, 06:30 PM

Enough was enough. The wandering giant had spent enough time on her ass, helping nothing and no one. It was time to do something, and help someone. At least, that was the goal. With her shit abilities with the common tongue, and her rough around the edges demeanour, she would be lucky if anyone saw anything of use in her.

Immense form slipped onto the blood soaked plains. This place reeked of death, but she knew what happened here. Someone would be lurking, and no doubt eventually someone would see her worth. Crown tipped back, letting loose a booming call. Claim her if they chose, invite her to join them, whatever. All she wanted was to do something. Her brother had achieved glory young, and done something with himself. What had she done? Nothing. She'd sat back, and watched his empire fall. Well, not this time. Not again.

Muscular form rattled as she gave herself a long shake. Rid herself of nerves. Scarred and far from lovely, she hoped she didn't look too awful. Before coming here, she had given herself a thorough cleaning. Her celestial pelt shone, swirling markings catching in the light. It was overcast today, with the sun trying valiantly to escape the cloud cover. Auds standing tall, and posture aloof, she stood, waited.

Today would be the day that she did something with the tragedy she called an existence.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
02-11-2018, 07:20 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

It’d been a while since he’d last come here, and now, he returned with an easy gait, hopping hind end and limp lower leg aside. With none of his pack with him, today was merely a scouting mission to see if he couldn’t find possible wolves to take home with him. Of course, the last time he’d come away from here with a new member before Marina, it had been a young female who had disappeared not long after she’d joined.

It wasn’t long before he spotted a vibrant swirl of violet and galaxy ahead, painted upon a massive woman. By now, he’d met enough Aeris wolves that this was the family that came to mind as he drew closer. She was older than Artemis and her sister, certainly.

He drew to a stop about five feet away from her and studied her for a blink before greeting her easily with his usual good-natured smile, offering, “Good day, miss. What brings you to the Field?”

His air of easy authority was apparent, without the need for stiff posturing or high-raised tail. His bearing was of simple regality that said ‘I am a leader, and a friend.’

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-13-2018, 10:53 PM

A brilliant red beast strode into view, hobbled by a game leg. Amethyst gaze narrowed as she scrutinized the male, who might have been titanic to all others. Marked up, scarred up, battle born. Yet, there was still an easy lightness to his gaze. Blue as the deep sea. Cranium cocked to one side, eyes flicking over his form. Sure, he would do well enough. It was clear he had proved himself victorious, worthy of a leader's mantle. Many others would be dead in his place, from such trials and tribulations.

"Good day, miss. What brings you to the Field?" he questioned, in a deep and booming voice. She cast her gaze around her briefly, simply because he had mentioned the place. It felt like a place that needed constant vigilance. Someone would come up behind her, try and test her mettle- eventually. They always did.

"Tired of wandering." The titan said bluntly, rough vocals thickened by her accent. A heavy shrug lifted her powerful shoulders. "Looking for purpose." She returned her kohl rimmed gaze to his features, pinning him beneath her weighty stare. Crown lifted above her shoulders, daring to regard him with cold features. Her use of the common tongue would likely never improve, and only further roughened her hard edges. "You think to be worthy?" That probably sounded ruder than intended. What could be done?

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
02-26-2018, 04:07 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He studied the woman quietly, nodding at her answers, though as she questioned him in turn, his head tipped slightly, a glint of good humor sparking in his eyes as he responded, “That depends. What would you deem worthy?” Under her stare, he only gazed back, unaffected.

He could tell that her knowledge of the common tongue was, perhaps, limited, or at the very least the speaking side of it. She hadn’t had any trouble understanding him. His own tongue held an easy lilt of an accent over his words, a mixture that only his mother had held, so far as he’d noticed. Castiel, for all that he’d spent a majority of his early life on a trip with Regulus’ late grandfather, Nova, seemed to hold little of the accent the great black male had borne.

“Moreover, what would you hold among your skills that would cause me to deem you worthy of my pack? Are you a hunter, a fighter? A healer? Since you come here seeking a purpose, I would gather that you are searching for a pack to call home, and perhaps rise through the ranks of to make a name for yourself. Are you ambitious enough to make an effort to remain active?”

Not one word was spoken with a mocking or harsh tone to it, instead with a thoughtful nature as he studied her once again with the appraising glance of one used to observing build and conformation in his fellow wolves to guess at where they’d be best suited.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-01-2018, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2018, 09:46 PM by Ashiel.)

Ashiel strolled through the battlefield with the intent of finding someone to spar. He'd had fair luck engaging the mortals of Boreas, perhaps he might have luck yet again. Griff was soaring above him, scouring the land for potential opponents. Now that he had a pack in need of defending, Ashiel was keen to keep his skills sharp. As he wandered he heard a call and paused to consider it. It didn't seem like a call for battle and so he hesitated.  Griff flew down to land between his shoulder blades. Ashiel winced and growled lightly, a warning for his companion to watch the talons.

"There is a bright spec in the distance to the north."

Ashiel quirked his brow at his companion. A bright spec? Perhaps it was a spirit? Did spirits join packs? He wasn't sure but what would it hurt to investigate. He strode toward the call and arrived to see two brilliantly pelted wolves in conversation. Both of incredible size. To his surprise the woman was as tall as his uncle and taller than him. Her pelt was stunning and reminded him strongly of Jupiter and Aerndis.  He sauntered over to the pair with and dipped his head in greeting. "I"m sorry to interrupt but I heard your call and couldn't help but come to investigate. I'm Ashiel Abraxas, Emperor of the Eclipse Empire." His gaze drifted to the woman. "Forgive my forwardness, but your pelt… you wouldn't happen to be related to the Aeris family would you?"

"Talk" "Griff" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-03-2018, 04:58 PM

The fiery male seemed unperturbed by her bluntness. Which was important, given that she was not one to alter her behaviours for others. “That depends. What would you deem worthy?” He questioned, his features twisting into the barest hint of a wry grin. This was pleasing to her, that he chose to neglect her poor manners in favour of furthering their conversation. The cosmic titan chuckled lightly, glancing yet again to the surrounding battlefield. A heavy shrug lifted her shoulders. "Patient, kind. Also strong... not.. ah," What was the word in the common tongue? Gods strike her down now, this was going poorly. "кротки." She grunted, frowning. Did he know her tongue? She was trying to convey her desire for a leader who would not yield to others, but the word in the common tongue escaped her.

“Moreover, what would you hold among your skills that would cause me to deem you worthy of my pack? Are you a hunter, a fighter? A healer? Since you come here seeking a purpose, I would gather that you are searching for a pack to call home, and perhaps rise through the ranks of to make a name for yourself. Are you ambitious enough to make an effort to remain active?” Ah, so he did recognize the error in her words. Chose to turn them around on her. Inky lips curved into a light grin, amused by his turn in attitude.

"I am... ah," What was the phrase? Mithras had once mentioned it. "Jack of much trades." That sounded vaguely correct. Vaguely. She looked quickly to his face, searching for his reaction to her misstep. Then, she looked away. Something about it didn't sound like how her brother had put it all those years ago. Whatever, move on. "Many years ago, I was Symvolous of Argead, my brother's pack. Advisor, you say. We are young, then. Not know many things." It was true. Her brother had put her in a high rank, so that she could play a part in the future they had so craved for each other. Far removed from the exile they had taken upon themselves, and boosting themselves from that low point. It had not been meant to be. "Want to learn the herbs, heal others." She added, glancing back to the crimson male's features. "I am filled by ambition, want to leave my mark on this place."

They were not alone for much longer. An ashen male arrived, mottled with greys and whites. A large bird perched on his body. She had seen this before. Instantly, her gaze averted from his form. Respectful, wary. Kept her head low, muzzle pointed to the ground. Do not look in his eyes. She commanded herself. Spirits could steal your soul if you looked in their eyes. She did not notice his polite gestures. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I heard your call and couldn't help but come to investigate. I'm Ashiel Abraxas, Emperor of the Eclipse Empire." The spirit was a king of sorts. Interesting. She hummed politely in acknowledgement, amethyst gaze finding the crimson male. She wanted to convey that he ought not interact with this creature, with his many heads and many eyes. It was not safe. "Forgive my forwardness, but your pelt… you wouldn't happen to be related to the Aeris family would you?"

Her blood ran cold. The spirit knew her name. A rough noise caught in her throat, barely audible. There would be no escape, if he knew her. "I am." She said, softly, lifting her head only somewhat. Her face was tilted in his direction, but her eyes could not focus upon his toxic eyes. "Many nieces roam these lands, of mine." A chill of fear coursed through her veins, and locked its tight grip on her heart. "Why you want to know?" It was abrasively asked, without much respect for the spirit. He would not have her blood, not if she had anything to say about it.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
03-19-2018, 01:24 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He listened easy smile in place, as the large woman responded. His ears perked with interest at the foreign word, and he set aside a note to ask her about it. He was always happy to learn new languages. He gave a slight smile, interjecting lightly, “In Celestial, I try to give wolves a chance, and for some, a second chance in life in my pack. I’m training my daughter to do the same when she takes the mantel. We do not tend to start trouble, but we’re not averse to finishing it should others be foolish enough to attack us.”

Her response to his own questioning of her worth was answered with his own soft grin, but he listened readily, showing no inclination to look down upon her lack of knowledge. The fact that she wanted to learn and was ambitious was enough. He spoke easily, dipping his head with an easy grin, “I met your brother, once. Not long after my mother founded Celestial. I believe our packs were founded on just about the same day. I always wondered what happened to Argead. My sister’s pack, Lirim, now claims those lands.”

Approaching pawsteps caught his attention, one ear shifting back as he glanced to the young wolf, giving him a respectful dip of his head. Another alpha, as the young male introduced himself. Regulus’s eyes gleamed with keen interest, remembering Iskra’s words about the challenge made for Talis. Was this the male?

He did notice Caia’s sudden anxiety, and her refusal to meet the Abraxas male’s eyes or really interact with him. He wasn’t superstitious, himself, but he gave a minute nod to her. As a leader, however, he needed to maintain a presence of power, and avoiding eye-contact wasn’t in the books for him.

He gave the male an easy smile, calm and unflappable as he greeted, “I believe I heard of an Abraxas wolf challenging for Talis in Auster, might I be correct in presuming that to be you? Congratulations, if so. I am Regulus Adravendi, Current Archangel of Celestial.”

Despite the limpness of his leg below the hock, he showed no sign of weakness. He’d adapted to his injury quite well, thanks to his mate and Paladin’s care and rather forceful ministrations of den-rest. For him, he’d simply lost a fight. His pack had won the battle. For that, he was proud of them.

His eyes turned back to Caia’s, and he dipped his head. “Lady, I would be willing to give you a chance in my ranks. If you are willing to learn as you said you are, then you will have no trouble rising through the ranks. As a side note, would you be willing to teach me your native tongue?”

He didn’t add that it would help him to maybe help her polish her common tongue, but the subtle invitation was gently layered in the query, his tail rising to wag softly behind him.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]


03-25-2018, 02:14 PM

 Xander appeared from behind a bush, he had been stalking around looking for a spar or something more. His jowls lifted in a snarl pleased he was, he gave a low chuckle. He stalked around the group before investing his self into their, conversation he gave a low sigh.

 He stepped closer with a slow growl not in a aggressive way, just in a more dominant way. His limbs locked and he stood their staring at the woman, her pelt was so....Brilliant. He shook his crown, with a slow breath. He then licked his chest fur, easing down the bristled bunch.

"Hello, why do you guys seem not here to spar?" he questioned, before licking his shoulder blade.




3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-25-2018, 02:53 PM
ooc: having Ashiel exit this thread before Xander arrives.

I want to keep the timeline sensible since having xander and ashiel meet before the joining thread screws it up and I can't really reply to xander without knowing if he makes it into the pack or not. xD Sorry again!

Ashiel gazed curiously at the woman as she looked away, seemingly afraid to meet his gaze. They had never met, he was sure he would remember her or perhaps she could see by looking at him what he was. She seemed to be a spirit or mystic to his own eyes. She acknowledged that she was also an Aeris and that her nieces roamed the land. When she asked why he wanted to know he grinned. "I was just curious. You all are blessed with distinct and lovely pelts. I wondered if the connection was family or something of a more mystical nature. I have heard of wolves gifted with markings from their gods. I thought it may be the case for your family."

He turned his attention confidently to the red-pelted man and nodded. "You have heard correctly. Talis has fallen and in its place I have raised the Eclipse Empire." He filed away the name of the pack and man for now. "Thank you. I will leave you to your interview. I am here seeking spars and I can see you are both occupied."


"Talk" "Griff" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.


03-25-2018, 03:42 PM

Ooc: Ok
He seeked a spar and only that, he circled the pair once more before he sat down, with a sigh. And with that he looked around walking over to where a stone sat among the mostly flat terrain.

He sat there and lessoned, with flicking auds his eyes narrowed among the two. This was boring him, he decided to go and find a spar. He set of with that and smiled, his senses at highest and behold his crown high and dignified.

He noded in respect towards the pair, before he took his exit.

