
It takes a funeral to make you feel alive



4 Years
Extra large
04-10-2018, 09:37 AM
He had anxiously waited Serene’s return, both exited and missing the time he had spent with her. He was patient knowing she would come back in a few days, after she had done some traveling. He himself continued to work on his place of settlement. He had finished his herb stock den and had neatly put away the herbs him and Serene had collected. Next he had went to her mothers grave and placed a few flowers he had picked in order to honor her and to visit the willow that would become off limits for the pack. He had thought over ways to mark the area, ways to make it more sacred then it currently was. He hadn’t been able to decide, but maybe some stones in a large circle would do. He hadn’t yet started that project when Serene had returned. He had happily helped her gather the things she would need for her shrine service.

Beside her he now traveled, making thier way to the shrine. He was ready and willing to learn her ways and to help her complete the final ceremony to lay her mother to a peaceful rest. He was curious to learn what she had discovered on her travels wondering what herbs she had found. He smiled at her his tail gently wagging as they moved.

”Did you find any good herb patches on your travels,” he asked hopping some talk during thier movements would help pass time



5 Years
04-10-2018, 09:55 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

At last Serene had returned to her home wood, and even though it was the first time she was returning without her mother, she somewhat felt okay with it. She knew Branch would be awaiting her arrival, and knowing that someone was there for her made her feel less anxious about returning. It was a long hard battle to convince herself to return home; consisting of constant traveling to escape the pain, of wandering aimlessly into new territories, meeting all sorts of strangers along the way. But at the end of the day, when she settled down against a tree or an abandoned den site, she felt the cold. She felt that cold, empty, sickening feeling that grief and lonesome gave, and she knew there would only be one place where she wouldn't feel such a feeling. Home.

So she went back to the Weeping Wood, found Branch and explored his settlement with admiration. He truly was making more of these woods, and she could almost see the life that would soon reside in them. It made her smile gratefully at the male, for giving her home life rather than the ghost of death. She had gone to see her mother's grave of course, and nearly burst into tears when she saw the flowers he had set out for her. Such a beautiful gesture. Once she had gotten her barrings, Serene gently scooped up some of her mother's soil for the ritual. She also gathered some of the Lavender she had collected along her travels, as they were Esmeralda's favorite.

Now they walked side by side, journeying to the shrine. The fawn woman had so many mixed feelings about this place; she dreaded the arrival for she knew what she had to do, but at the same time she was excited for finally, truly, lay her mother to rest. She was so lost in her own thoughts, she nearly missed his question. "Hm? Oh yes. I met a lovely female in a nook the other day, we collected Lavender and Motherwort. I also journeyed to an island recently, I never thought about herbs growing on an island, but I think we might find some very unique plants out there." She reflected back on those encounters briefly, wondering what became of the wolves she met. But then she turned back to Branch with a curious gaze. "You have made quite the home in the weeping wood, but I don't see anyone else with you. Have you recruited any pack members yet?"





4 Years
Extra large
04-10-2018, 07:29 PM

She had met a women that had helped her gather some more herbs, she didn’t go into full detail, but it sounded as though it was a good meeting and he was glad she had managed to find another healer. Then she explained she found herbs on and island which was surprising to him also, he wouldn’t think they would have grown there, but it was a good thing to know. It made him itch go go out on another exploration trip, maybe after things settled Serene would want to go with him and do some more herb gathering. Maybe she could even show him around on that island she had found. He did wonder if he could meet more faces if he expanded his travels and hit other directions then just the south. Maybe that was why he hadn’t run into many here, because it was so vacant.

“Sounds like you had a vary knowledgeable trip then. Anything else interesting on the island that caught your eye?” He asked.

He was curious as to what else was on the island, the resources it held. The she asked if he had recruited anyone yet. Honestly he hadn’t met many wolves yet and defiantly not enough to make a pack.

“No I really haven’t met many wolves here in the south. I’m wondering if I need to travel a bit further to find some other wolves to recruit,” he replied.

"Talk." & 'Think.'



5 Years
04-11-2018, 09:17 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

Closer and closer did they move towards the shrine, and by now she could recognize the soulless trees that littered the area, taunting her. If she so desired, Serene could find her way blind, she knew this area well. Thankfully Branch was keeping her distracted for the most part, asking her questions about her recent travels. When asked about the island again, she tried her best to remember the terrain so she could give him something useful, but it was all background music to the events that transpired. "I'm sure if I had more time, there would be more to find. But I ran into a couple of wolves in a predicament and decided to lend them a paw. So my scouting was cut short unfortunately." She sighed at the thought, wishing she had spent more time herb searching than socializing.

Branch then explained how he hadn't met very many wolves in the area, which wasn't too surprising to Serene. She had grown up here with her mother, and had never met any wolves that she could recall. For some reason, this lush part of the south was relatively untouched by others. She nodded in understanding. "That's why I went exploring. I grew up here and never met anyone passing through. But I left and traveled farther south, and found loads more wolves. I even ran into a pack member." Malleus, she could recall his name. By what she gathered, he was one of a very large familial group of wolves. Perhaps she should visit him once more, see if there are others for Branch's pack. "I could show you were I found others, if you like. But from now on I'll be sure to ask others if they would like to come here, to a safe place."





4 Years
Extra large
04-11-2018, 09:44 AM
His blue eyes took in the territory as it began to change and the bare trees came into view. His fur prickled slightly as he thought he could feel the presence of spirits, this place was to be respected for sure. His aunt was the one of the three sisters that had a supposed connection with the spirits, her aura always gave him the willies when he was alone with her, he didn’t know if it was the power he felt she had or that spirits fallowed her a lot. He was sure if he was alone this place would give him the same feeling, but thankfully he was in the company of his new friend. His attention and his eyes turned back to her as she began to speak a little more on the island, but she didn’t have much which was okay. There would be time to go back and explore for the both of them. He was glad she was able to help some wolves out of some predicaments hopefully her kindness would be a lasting memory.

”Well that’s okay I’m sure there will be time eventually to go back to collect herbs and explore,” he said trying to make light of things.

In his eyes it was always good to be able to help someone out no matter how small or how big the situation may be. He kinda hoped that he could include that in his pack, but he hadn’t had any time to think further on it. He would have no problem taking an injured wolf in and healing them though even if it meant they wouldn’t stay. She understood the lack of faces he had run into around here, growing up she didn’t run into many either. It was such a great place in the south that it made him wonder why? Why did it seem so deserted? She mentioned the further south she went the more she ran into, that must be the hot spot. He nodded vary thankful for her offer.

”That would be great! Maybe we can find a bunch of loners hanging around looking for a home” he said with a smile.



5 Years
04-14-2018, 09:05 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

The pair was walking into the thickness now, she could physically feel the barrier between the living and the dead begin to blur. It was like warmth and cold mixing together to create a heavy fog, and it made the air harder for her to swallow. Within minutes they would reach the Shrine. The fawn woman suddenly flicked an ear towards the faintest of whispers, trying to hear what the spirits were saying. But without the proper preparation, Serene would be just as deaf to their cries as any other wolf. So instead her ruby gaze focused back in the dark male beside her, trying to see how the Shrine was effecting him as well. She couldn't really see a physical change in him, but she knew this place effected all who came, especially first timers.

He played off her lack of information with a promise to go back and explore some more on another date, which she simply smiled and nodded her head to. It would be nice to go back and explore some more, but that would most likely have to wait until spring or summer, as they were already heading into autumn and soon winter would be upon them. Hearing his comment on loners, Serene smiled and even giggled a little. "Yes well, I have no doubt that your ranks will soon be filled. Then you'll have your paws full trying to organize herbs and run a bunch of wolves." Her eyes gazed off in the distance, envisioning such a tale; with wolves of various talents and backgrounds living in the willows, asking various questions and collecting too many herbs to count. It was a divine sight indeed.

Suddenly Serene caught sight of their destination, and she nearly fumbled in her stride when she realized they had made it to the Shrine. Trees faded away and the holy water glowed softly, illuminating the runes that surrounded the spring. The woman suddenly came to a stop when she felt the presence of a spirit following close, causing the hairs of on her neck to stand on end. But she quickly shook it away, trying to compose herself as she took in a deep breath. She had almost forgotten about her companion, and quickly turned to Branch with a reassuring smile. "The spirits know we're here. They know why we're here and they're just curious to see who's joining them. So if you feel their presence, or see one, don't worry. They won't bother us." She tried her best to ease any spooks the male might have, but everyone reacts differently to spirits. Serene would simply have to wait and see how Branch reacted too.





4 Years
Extra large
04-19-2018, 08:22 AM

He could feel the air grow thick and heavy, colder even that sent a chill down his spine. He tried to keep his mind on her not wanting to focus on the fact they were entering where the spirits thrived. There was no way he could show the building fear that came from thinking of the powerful spirits. He had never been to such a specific spiritual place before and part of him feared. The chills down his spine continued, but he did his best to keep himself collected and calm. He didn't want Serene to think he couldn't be with her during this time plus he could learn a lot from her ceremony. Though he still had an eerie feeling creeping over him one that wanted him to turn around and go the other way.

He also could swear he heard incoherent whispers, not understanding what was said. It made his ears twitch as he tried to figure out where they were coming from, blue eyes looking around then but not physically seeing anything out of the ordinary. His hackles raised slightly as another shiver coursed down his spine giving him more of the eerie feeling. Her giggle brought him back, attention turning to her as she began to speak and he smiled. Her optimism was vary refreshing for his hope in things and gave him more power to keep pushing through his work and keep pressing himself to seek out more faces and spread the word of his hopes and dreams.

His eyes turned back to the scene unfolding before them, the trees falling away and a strange stone structure coming into plain view. The water within the center of the rooms was glowing a brilliant color, but at the same time it looked creepy and mysterious. Her words echoed within his mind to memorize so that he hopefully didn't freak out if he felt a presence. The time for conversation had ended for the time being as he realized it was time to continue with the ceremony. He nodded to her words and continued to fallow her until she stopped.

"Talk." & 'Think.'



5 Years
04-23-2018, 09:11 AM
Whatever You Are, Be A Good One

A familiar feeling began to pull in the woman's abdomen; something light and yet heavy at the same time, something stirring in her inner soul. The fawn woman took a deep breath before approaching the water's edge. The unearthly glow of the water may have illuminated the area in a creepy glow, but casting her amber gaze down into it's shallow depths, she could see nothing foreign to her. Staring back at her were her won amber eyes, settled in her own reflection except for the  occasional ripple in the water's surface. At last, she could open her mother's door into her second life. Finally, she was at the Shrine.

Turning to Branch, she offered a small smile before she would begin. She collected the ingredients required; lavender for her mother, and the soil from her mother's grave for the door to the afterlife. She laid them out next to the water's edge before she began the ritual. Eyes fluttered close, her chin tilted upward slightly as she focused in the feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Spirit of Death, Sister to Life, I bring you a beloved soul for you to guide and protect into her next life." Hopefully, she Spirit would hear her plead, and would come to open the gate for her mother. But this was just the first step, so she quickly moved on to the next as to not waste any time.

Slowly did Serene begin to dump the holy soil into the shrine's waters; this would hopefully create the key to connect her mother to her door in the shrine, which would lead her to the afterlife she so deserved. As she carefully let the soil fall, spreading it out to the water before her, the algae would be disturbed, causing the lights to flicker and move as if a spirit was actually being summoned. "Soil from my mother's grave, placed in the holy Shrine, I ask the Spirits to welcome her in kind. May the Spirit of Life come to mourn this day, for her time of guardianship has come to pass, passed on to her Sister Death for her journey through the afterlife."

She bent down and began to gently take the petals of the Lavender and throw them into the water, hoping they would bring her mother's spirit forth. The purple petals glowed softly in the water as they floated across the edge, towards the opposite end of the pool. It was there, that Serene's amber eyes would narrow and widen, focusing in on the gaps between the fog. She could almost make out the defined shape of a ghostly figure, standing by the waters edge, and although most of the figure's body was undefined, those eyes she could never forget.

Like the petals she had thrown down, violet eyes stared back at the fawn woman with love and pride. So much so, the feeling washed over Serene with the force of a title wave, making her sucking in a sharp breath. Water glistened in her eyes as she spoke softly, mostly to herself but loud enough for Branch to hear if he so desired. "You made it." So much relief washed over her, that the fawn woman almost forgot she was in the middle of her ceremony. But quickly did she glance back down to resume her work.

"Esmeralda Validis, I bring your soul to the Holy Shrine, so that your journey through the afterlife may begin." A lone tear slipped down the woman's cheek, as the smallest of smiles graced her lips. She could feel the shadow of her mother's spirit being lifted from her shoulders, she could feel it being brought towards a peaceful place, and the relief was immense. Softly did her closing words slip by her tongue, and as she would speak, her mother's spirit would slowly fade away to another plane.  "I pray you find peace and happiness mother, and I pray you watch over me until I see you again."





4 Years
Extra large
05-13-2018, 08:14 PM

His blue eyes looked around as a knot began to form within his gut, shuddering lightly as another chill ran down his spine. This place was explainable and right now he was unsure whether he would want to come back here or not. He tried to distract himself, keep himself calm and looked to her. He tried to focus solely on what she was doing and not the odd feelings he was having right now about this eerie place. He watched her lay out the ingredients, tilt her head back, and listened to the words she said.

It must only be the first part of what she had to do as she began to dump the soil into the water of the alter. Lights began to flicker in the alter making his blue eyes widen and he looked around to see if anything would appear, expecting some spirit to appear or something. Her speaking again drew him back to her seeing how calm she seemed to be as performing this. The Lavender was next in being spread within the alter's water. Then Serene seemed to see something off to the side and he looked in that direction. He couldn't see the same that she did, but something had to be going right by the emotion she was showing.

Her mother must be in their presence and he was glad that things seemed to be working out so far. She continued on and finished up her ceremony. He wasn't sure what to say or do so he remained quiet until Serene was ready, giving her all the time she needed.

"Talk." & 'Think.'



5 Years
05-26-2018, 02:35 PM
Serene Validis

With her mother's soul seemingly accepting this ritual, going forth onto the afterlife with the faintest of smiles on her lips, Serene slowly began to come down off the emotionally and spiritually draining ritual. As the lights began to settle back into the gloom of how the Shrine first appeared to them, the fawn woman would fall back on her haunches, exhausted. It could visibly be seen that the energy had been zapped from the woman, as her body sank further back and her breathing was still irregular. But in her amber eyes is where most of the toll could be seen. Her amber eyes once bright and full had dulled back, for what reason no one could be certain. But to Serene, it was a sign that the ritual had been successful. Finally, she turned to Branch. "Mother should have passed on now... she will be at peace."

She was tired now, and in a bit of a haze, but she did not fret because Branch was still here. Her closest friend, whom she felt the safest around. "Thank you... for being here Branch." Slowly did the blonde fae move to lean her body against his; leaning her head against his frame if he would allow it. The weight she had been feeling since her mother's death was finally gone, but it had taken much out of her to do it. If she rested, she could be better by morning, but resting out in the open in her state would not be the best of ideas. She turned to Branch, a bit curious and concerned about how he was and his thoughts. "So, do you think I'm crazy now?"
