


04-23-2018, 03:31 PM
for a minute there, i lost myself

They were born from the cultivation of the red earth, the spark of life breathed into them by the flames of passion. Birthed from the pious vagabonds, they are justice, judge and jury all together, all in one. Forever entangled in each other, bound by more than simply blood, but by honor and by code, a group of balance that is carefully maintained by the four.

In the beginning, there were several--those who called themselves Wepwawet. Staking claims on the lands they passed through, nomadic, forever and always, there were few places in the world their paws had not touched or eyes had not seen or ears had not heard. They had delighted in the exotic and exquisite tastes of the old world and the new, suffered through the blazing heat of daytime deserts and the frigid chill of nighttime tundras, all to settle in the core of the earth, the heart of a volcano, a caldera within which they were conceived and born.

The first, Eldest, with eyes of the palest lilac and lavender in a soft, pallid moon-face was born giving. With open heart and open arms, the Healer child reveled in the calm appreciation of assistance. Made of love, made of determination, a sandstone male who's softness and caring nature was rivaled only by his stubbornness and his conviction. It was his brutal honesty that shaped the second.(Medium build)

The second, the Middle, was made for conflict. He with the emerald eyes was born snarling, a snapping biting that resulted only in his aggression ever increasing with age. And yet, the Warrior he was, he was loyal and he was honest and he was devout, and it was only a matter of time before his honest and witless charm wormed its way into the heart and souls of those he meant, for he was sword and shield and would protect them and all they held dear with his life. And it was his flaming temper that shaped the third.(Svarog, Heavy Build)

The third, The Unnoticed, with an unearthly serene gaze of violet was born in silence. Cunning and keen and sharp of tongue and swift of mind, the Thief was a creature of subterfuge. Light and sure-footed, she was made of whispered voices and feather-light touches, unseen and unheard until she so willed it. A sponge for information, mischief twinkled within her spirit and it was she who reminded the Healer and Warrior to take time to laugh, listen, and learn, and she who, perhaps by chance, pushed the fourth to continue.(Light Build)

The Fourth, the Youngest, with eyes of amethyst and emerald, was driven by curiosity and a desire to be self-sufficient, he was always weakly and sickly and an ill child. It is magic that saved him, and magic now that drives him, and a well-cast power is just as good as tooth and nail. Soft in voice but hard in tone, he was a cynic and sarcastic, for in the grand scheme of life, nothing is important. In realizing this, everything then, became so much more meaningful to him, for he GAVE it meaning, and it is this meaning and this unfathomable and horrifying truth that drives the Mage.(Medium Build)

They were born of flames, they were fire incarnate-- the soothing warmth of a fire on a cool night, the blazing inferno of an out of control wildfire, the subtle flicker of candlelight in the dusk, and the light of flame to illuminate the dark-- Together they came into this world, and together they would claim it.

NAMEBANK;You are not limited to just the names here, but they have a theme, wink wink

The Healer; Surya, Grannis, Sulis, Khepri, Usil, Hyperion, Ravi, Baldr, Asa, Chiron, Aeson, Errapel, Leigh;

The Thief; Neith,  Saga, Ahura, Brigid, Menrva, Durga, Astarte, Kyna, Farzana, Sorcha, Veta, Pallas, Ulima

The Mage;Elymas, Gwydion, Ahti, Dagda, Uriel, Vadim, Zadkiel, Eliphas, Prospero, Oberon, Celosia, Deion
Oh right, before I forget...

The siblings (and many members of even their extended family!) suffer from the disease Vitiligo. Besides loosing pigment in their fur and skin and eyes as they get older, there's no harm to their organs or systems or anything--they just start looking more and more piebald as time goes on. You get to choose how severe it is, how long it takes to set in, and how abnormal those irregularities will be.  (Ask, and I miiiiigghhhttt find it in my heart somewhere to update the avatars to show some new splotches o' white.) The family fondly calls them 'Sun Spots', and they're considered to be given only to those who are destined for greatness, so wear your sunspots PROUD. If you don't want to have this affect your character any (or it simply hasn't shown yet), don't worry about purchasing the markings. Get them later.

This Is More Than Just A Life For Me

Well, I wrote you a song
But you say you want a symphony
I will take the light through the time
And the blades that break my soul
But then sadicity aside
And I'm not without you next to me
I will take the front to the line
And bring back the night before

Light the fire
Let it burn on top of you
Breathe again, beneath the flames
I'm a man that can't be saved
Light the fire
Let it burn on top of you
Breathe again beneath the flames
I'm a man, I'm a man
I'm a man that can't be saved

Well maybe I was wrong
And perhaps you needed more from me
I can stand to fight all the time
But I can't seem to take the fall
Electricity aside
This is more than just a life for me
I can put our time on the line
And bring back the night before

Light the fire
Let it burn on top of you
Breathe again beneath the flames
I'm a man that can't be saved
Light the fire
Let it burn on top of you
Breathe again beneath the flames
I'm a man, I'm a man
I'm a man that can't be saved

From the flames, one man, you fall and you watch me rising
I know, I know
To be the man that walks beyond the fires
I know, I know

Ares, Ares
Ares, Ares
Tear me down
See the man that I am now
And from the flames, Ares

TAKEN by Sylvirr


Pick It All Up And Start Again
Pick it up, pick it all up
And start again
You've got a second chance, you could go home
Escape it all, it's just irrelevant

It's just medicine
It's just medicine

You could still be what you want to
What you said you were when I met you
You've got a warm heart, you've got a beautiful brain
But it's disintegrating from all the medicine.

From all the medicine
From all the medicine

You could still be what you want to
What you said you were when you met me
You could still be what you want to
What you said you were when I met you
When you met me, when I met you



Searching Out Fear In The Gathering Gloom
I spy
Something beginning with 'S'

On candy stripe legs the Spiderman comes
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom
And suddenly a movement in the corner of the room
And there is nothing I can do when I realize with fright
That the Spiderman is having me for dinner tonight

Quietly he laughs and shaking his head
Creeps closer now, closer to the foot of the bed
And softer than shadow and quicker than flies
His arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes
Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy
Don't struggle like that or I will only love you more
For it's much too late to get away or turn on the light
The Spiderman is having you for dinner tonight

And I feel like I'm being eaten
By a thousand million shivering furry holes
And I know that in the morning
I will wake up in the shivering cold
And the Spiderman is always hungry

‘Come into my parlor,’ said the spider to the fly
‘I have a little something here’



1,000 Lonely Stars Hiding In The Cold
I didn't want to be the one to forget
I thought of everything I'd never regret
A little time with you is all that I get
That's all we need because it's all we can take
One thing I never see the same when you're 'round
I don’t believe in him — his lips on the ground
I wanna take you to that place in the “Roche”
But no one gives us any time anymore
He ask me once if I’d look in on his dog
You made an offer for it, then you ran off
I got this picture of us kids in my head
And all I hear is the last thing that you said

'I listened to your problems
Now listen to mine'
I didn't want to anymore, oh oh ohh

And we will never be alone again
Cause it doesn't happen every day
Kinda counted on you being a friend
Can I give it up or give it away

Now I thought about what I wanna say
But I never really know where to go
So I chained myself to a friend
Cause I know it unlocks like a door

And we will never be alone again
Cause it doesn't happen every day
Kinda counted on you being a friend
Gotta give it up or give it away

Now I thought about what I wanna say
But I never really know where to go
So I chained myself to a friend
Some more again

It didn't matter what they wanted to see
He thought he saw someone that looked just like me
The summer memory that just never dies
We worked too long and hard to give it no time
He sees right through me, it's so easy with lies
Cracks in the road that I would try and disguise
He runs his scissor at the seam in the wall
He cannot break it down or else he would fall

1,000 lonely stars
Hiding in the cold
Take it, oh I don't wanna sing anymore



TO APPLY FOR ADOPTION... It's pretty simple. First, write their personality, to YOU, in your own words, from the context provided. Please try to be detailed, and more than 10 sentences. Feel free to also add how they interact with their siblings.  You can also describe the way they look from the images provided! The important part is giving me an RP sample! I'd like it to be at LEAST 250 words, and the sample must be from the characters POV; no pre-written posts, no older posts taken from a previous thread. Also, yes, these characters come with graphics and tables (and a few things I'm not finished making yet) including inspiration playlists and moodboards! There's no real plot planned for them YET... but that doesn't mean there won't be one in the future... As par usual, I reserve the right to re-adopt the character back out after two months of inactivity~

Selene I


4 Years
04-23-2018, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2018, 08:17 PM by Selene I.)
(Complete <3)

the healer
Ginger coat, kissed by flames.  The white that blesses his family has shown about his face and his chest, giving him a bit of a softer look.  Easy on the eyes, Khepri is good at that.  Medium of size and of build, he doesn't appear to be the strongest or the fastest.  The most gentle, though, holds true.  It rings clear in the way he carries himself, the gait that moves him.  Careful steps, always treading lightly.  A trackless step, if he tried hard enough.  Though strong, it isn't his main concern.  The moon child has a face that's usually creased with worry.  It shines true, too, in his lavender eyes.  

A moon child with a heart filled of love, Khepri is nearly boundless in the way that he gives.  He was often told as a child that if he gave any more, there would be nothing left.  It's immensely important to him.  All the moon child wants is to fix people.  Fix everyone, and replace all the bad in the world with good.  If he could suck it all out with a straw and take it on himself, he'd do it.

Though he's a lover, Khepri has a serious side.  His brand of love can be tough.  There's a blunt, blatant honesty that shines through.  No sugar coating-- you can't sugar coat when you care.  Honest to a fault, but maybe not the most tactful.  Okay, absolutely not the most tactful, but he means well.  

In terms of his siblings, Khepri is fiercely protective.  Never much of a warrior, if push came to shove, he'd lay his life on the line for his family.  There are great worries in his heart for the likes of his younger siblings.  He is closest to Svarog, trying to guide the fiery temper that lives in his chest, to fuel something greater and stronger.  Perhaps his greatest concern lies in the youngest, a piece of Khepri's on soul used as a bargaining chip to keep the child alive when he was young and sickly... not that he'll say that aloud.  

With strangers, Khepri finds himself reaching out.  A life raft in the dark days, he'll try to be it if necessary.  Giving pieces of himself, even when he has nothing left.  The moon child would light himself on fire to keep others warm.  


It felt like most of Khepri's time was spent gathering herbs. The first thing on his mind, as he rises in the early hours of the morning. Dawn had just broken, it would be a while before everyone else was awake. That was okay. Carefully, the creature picked his way over the sleeping pile of fur on the floor of their most recent den. At least they were always together. Softly, the moon child sighed. The morning chill was always so bracing, and he could feel it sinking through his senses. Awake. That wasn't a bad thing, he supposed. Never a bad thing.

Carefully moving from their den, Khepri blinks in the sun. A bright morning, but not necessarily a bad thing. His senses were all the more alive because of it. Stretching carefully, letting it travel down his spine and put everything back into place. That was okay. Everything would be okay after all. It had to be. Khepri would make it okay all on his own. He'd do it if it killed him. Maybe that wasn't the right attitude, but it was all he had.

Lionhearted as he moves out, taking a deep breath. Autumn mornings were among his favorite, everyone preparing carefully for hibernation and the winter to come. He could still enjoy the sun on his red coat, letting the warmth combat the cool morning air. Herb hunting sounded so mundane, sure, but it helped balance his mind. Helped ready his soul for the day. These moments were the few he'd get to himself, and they were golden because of that.

Elderberry or ginseng root, he decided, would be today's quarry. Carefully checking high and low for the things that would boost an immune system. Winter colds were always the worst, after all. That, and having his youngest brother ill once more? It was enough to worry Khepri, a knot forming in his stomach. Winter was on the horizon, and it would be dangerous. Better to be safe than sorry.
[Image: PeVC6RS.png]



3 Years
04-23-2018, 10:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2018, 11:19 PM by Vivienne.)

Name: Sorcha
Archetype: The Theif
Appearance: A swiftly scarred woman, the one who seeks fights that claim a scar along her body only to be a reward. A tawny woman; One coated with so many colors, in-detailed in blood orange, and bright orange things that claimed her. Colors of a tan-ish brown, white and shades in between. White cheeks that are the only color, to burst at her pelt with barley a need of fading. A color of hope, a color of sorrow. Her faint intertwined into colors, and looks. Scars that shred over her dull, shaped face.

Her kind yet secretive personality isn't as complexed as her pelt, her colors are bland and undeniable. Colors that are so delightful, and with these she comes alive. To mark the knights an lovers, the ones that might just vanish with the sight of her scars. Compared to her siblings, her coat is puzzle. A very tawny pelt, as it is a mix of dull and vibrant colors.

Her thick fur that plasters to her tall form, standing at 36". Small but taller than most wolves she had, seen. She slide over the ground, soft and frail for the eyes. But strong and a fight when, in need to fight. The white brows that crease every time, she stakes silently after her prey.

Effortless and beautiful, frail and strong. The perfect mix for a thief silent, yet when she wants can be heard. Her usual soft and warm voice, that brings with her mostly shy personality. A very wild woman, yet a soft and shy one to. She never brought herself to stay, one she was both. She held her crown high when in unsure, and lowered her crown when she was lose. She was a mix of her colors a frail woman, yet a strong as she was. But no one could ever hear her coming, before they felt the pain strick themself.

These colors bring her coat alive.
Personality: A child of water, a child that is waiting to sneak up on you, yet is as calm and silent as the rippling waves on a calm day. The silent stalker waiting to pounce up on you, waiting to summon great pain upon some. Yet can be as kind and gentle as a flower, a slight mute she was. Most commonly known to speak to her siblings, not one to take kindly to strangers. Some times as shy as a butterfly, yet sometimes a spark making up a forest fire.

She is the joker and prankster of the group, the thrash panda as they say. The masked bandit, the hidden shadow. The stalker the thief, the one whom makes them remember to laugh to feel happiness.

She always was one to look up at her brother, the warrior she felt closely connected to him. She slightly hoped to be able to one day, protect them all. Or have that strong willed voice like her brothers.

Her heart was held within her youngest brother, the weakling. Yet she would never stand for anyone to speak of her, brother like that. Cause she knew he was to have the most feelings, yet he never showed it. Because of these she felt she had to protect him, because he was fragile in so many way.

She held her health and passion, with her eldest she trusted him. She looked up to him in way, but was only to give him signs of smiles and happiness to him when he was in need. She herself was to worried about her other siblings, be her eldest aline had enough determination to be equally spread between them all and a little extra. She was always not far from her voice the warrior, never a few feet from her heart.

But sometimes she mingled away from her passion and health, and gave herself to who needed her most. Though not many words came from her, her eyes showed all her feelings. And that was all she had to do, waz be there for them and she was. She hoped she always, would be.

(These is before she got her scars)
The woman stalked after her sibling with a frown, it had been so boring and silent lately she need to do something about it. Something daring and, dashing unthinkable. Something no one would think of no one would notice until it happened, she stalked lowly a chuckle slashing at her meek throat yet held in so no one would think about it. She took a dash for what seemed to be a mile, yet she was there quicker than a jack rabbit. Her front right forelimb, slash softly at the tall grass as she lowered her cranial. She then took a mouthful of the grasses, moving her tongue as far back in her maw as she could she almosted gaged at the sour taste of the plant.

She then began to use her teeth to braid the strands of grass, together and then lowered her  cranial once more rasing her paw to brush the grass as she found a easier way to braid the grass. Soon a small yet flat square had became of what she wanted. "Hah!" She barked, before grabbing a maw full of flowers. She dared not breath in pollen tickled at her nose any way, she kept breathing deeply though her maw.

She then rubbed the pollen on the square, pollen soaked into the dew that would soon dry onto the grass. She looked around finding the perfect stick, she then took it in her maw scrapping away at the bark as fast as she could. She then stabbed the stick into the square, and grabbing it she then followed the scent of her siblings.

When she found them she looked softly around, before glaring at her brother the warrior. She stalked every so softly to them before she then unfolded the square, pollen that hadn't soaked in to the plant was then mixed with the grassed she then, threw the plants atop her brother.

Her sbrother let out a yelp of shock before breaking off into a sneezing fit, the others awoke all beginning to laugh. Her brother stuttered out words in between sneezes, "s-s-stop, i-its no f-f-f-fai-fair!" he wheezed, soon the pollen faded and his nose was left quivering yet did the others stop laughing no. Soon enough the warrior to was laughing.

She smiled she had done her work, and succeeded. But soon would that all become a low down lie, a truth had been settled but a lie had arisen.

-Next day- (Day she gets her scars)

She plodded slowly after her family, her elagent auds curving and flickering atop her cranial. Her snout lowered as she stalked after her youngest brothers tail, before she began to nip playfully at her brothers tail. He gave out a playful growl, lashing his tail at his sisters nose.

She stumbled backwards, her eyes widened before she gave a chuckle. She launched herself at him, being very careful but with lightning speed she delivered a lick to the side of his face. "Brother." she snorted, as she leaped off of him. Paws turning and trampling over the grass, as they caught up to the others.

Graceful hips swayed, by her brothers rough outlines of jagged hips. Swaying in a slow yet speedful pace, a trot. Her crown turned to the right with a small, nip at his ear. She giggled as her brother delivered a soft playful, nip at her chin. She then looked softly at his mix matched eyes, she gave a soft smile. She sat down as they came to a stop, at there camp. "So what are we doing guys?" she barked her older brother, a smile sure came her.

Her brothers turned and gave a nod, "We will be going hunting, you and him will be staying." the healer barked, the warrior close behind as they plodded out to the forest. "Well brother, you wanna do a little something for them. They have been doing quite a lot for, us if you think about it." she asked, her brother gave a small nod.

"Ok, so you can sort eldest brothers herbs. Ill make the beds better, and clean up around here." her brother gave another nod, and trended off. She walked off to grab some moss, she planted her nose on it making sure it was all dry. She put it into a small piece of deer skin, they had laying around. So she could hold more than, she could with only her maw.

She sauntered to her eldest brothers, bed and began to switch out the moss. She looked around and found some feathers, she threaded them into his nest and made it softer. As she finally finished she was quite proud, but before she could finish a loud yelp and a sharp voice broke the silence. "SISTER HELP!!" was what she heard, yet all she needed was the word 'sister' and she was off.

"I'M COMING!!" she shouted her paws going faster than, she ever thought she could yet she was paying no attention to her flying paws. But only to the sharp breaths that left her maw, and the sounds of low growling and whining speeding though her mind, as she caught sight of the grizzly bear and her small to small brother. She then launched herself as far as she could, a loud growl coming from her as she landed in front of the bear.

Her voice became soft as her adrineline melted away, "help" a soft voice called, it was her own. She then heard painful whimpers coming from her brother, she glaced fastly at him. One ear had been ripped off and wounds had sprouted over her brother handsome face, she then felt rumbling grow inside her chest. She turned to the bear her eyes narrowed as she spread her legs evenly apart, knees bent. Her chin tucked as her ears churned tightly to her crown, her lips and maw crunched up into a ugly snarl.

Her tail fanned out behind her and her, cranial and tail aligned with her vertebrae. Her snarl grew till her gums were fully in sight, and her teeth were glinting evilly at the bear. As the bear took and swat at her, she bite down as hard as her maw could on the bears flabby ankle. Soon the bear was shaking it leg, till the light woman was slugged against a tree. A yelped abrupted the silence, as she felt the bark scrap her back.

Nothing to dangerous or serious had happened but there was pain, pain that then turned into more rage. She got up and ran at the bear she launched herself onto the back of the bear. She bite down again, and again on its back. Tearing out maw fulls of brownish black fur, as the bear than reared. She bite down onto the fatty scruff of the bear as she was sliding down the bears back, the bear lowered its self and a roar escaped its giant maw. She drove her fangs deeper into the bears scruff, before a sharp pain hit her side the bear had grabbed her by her right side. She became air born, she received a hit to a rock before the bear came at her.

The bear clawed her face she shook, her head freeing herself from the soon to set in daze. She launched herself at the bears neck, biting down as hard as she could whizzing breaths came from the shocked bear. Soon she had it in a spot were it couldn't fight, nor move. It was loosing to much blood, it filled her maw as she breathed in though her nose soon the bear let out a soft shallow breath before it collapsed to it own right. She dropped the bears neck, as she to fell down.

-Another day later-

She awoke to sobs of her brother, and low growls coming from her elder brother the one she looked up to. "Why did you just sit there! She could be dieing, she is dying and you did nothing!" his voice was sharp and could melt, any ice. "i-i am so sorry" she heard her little brother speak, she lifted her cranial. "Its no time to cry...And no time to blame others.." she spoke softly, her gaze flickering to her brother. Everything was bleary, but she could see were they had all been crying.

"You're alive!" shouted them all, as they licked her. She was alive, and so was her brother. These was she needed, before she began to drift to sleep, she needed to rest after that tiring fight.

Notes: Big whip i have so many ideas, gosh! ❤


04-25-2018, 10:03 PM
-inserts app for mage-

I promise I'll do this, I'm on the phone right now xD



6 Years
Extra large

04-27-2018, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2018, 04:38 PM by Elias.)
Lol, wasn't sure who to apply for until I saw you slap a song from The Cure on this girl. .-.

Plus, mmmm.. light and stealthy seems fun to roleplay. ♥

I spy.. something beginning with S.
Name: Saga "The Thief"

Appearance: She was born of fire and never left, its presence lingering in the unruly kinks of her thick fur as they reached for the warmth of the sun and came alive when they caught the life of the wind- like flames living within her very hide. She wore her cape of fire with pride- its auburn and russet hues blending into swirls of chaotic disarray with no symmetry to their structure. Without any real starting point, the early workings of her inherited vitiligo dusted areas of her form in small patches of white, like ice thrown on to those flames in a feeble attempt to put the fire out. For as catastrophic as her tangled mess of fur seemed to be, her demeanor was anything but in tune with such madness. Natural waves of her fur caused her to appear unkempt, but closer inspection spoke of nearly obsessive levels of preening to keep her thick fur free of clutter and shed. She was pristine, elegant, and royally beautiful.

Her eyes would contrast her unruly appearance, a cool shade of amethyst that shimmered with studious intent. They were as calm and captivating as shallow waters reflecting a twilight sky, though dangerously poisonous to any that stopped to indulge in them. Coquettish gaze was fearlessly serene to any and all that it befell upon, unabashed by most everything due to the nature of their spawning. Her eyes told of a calculating mind, webs within her mind ever weaving as she devoured every piece of information discovered by her. She wasn't one to forget, she wasn't one to miss anything that ran by her. She was lighter than her brothers, quicker than anyone she knew- and without a heart to tell her otherwise, she would seize everything that her watchful eyes and sharp mind came across with stealth and precision in every fiber of her being.

Personality: If her constant state of elegant poise told anyone anything about her, it was of her pride. She was proud of the family she was born into, proud of the body she'd been blessed with, proud of the capable mind and prowess within her. She was well aware she was strong-minded, well-aware of her ego. She was borderline narcissistic to any and all she came across, inadvertently coming off as condescending- but she was aware. Her voice, soft and melodic in a natural whisper, chimed very seldom as her social tact fell short due to her lack of consideration for anyone outside of herself.

Her family was an extension of her, and therefore she was loyal to them first and foremost. Everything about their roots and upbringing made her who she was, and she would be damned if she let any of her family taint their name. Their name was her name and thus, the ever-watchful girl had an unhealthy obsession with meddling in the affairs of her siblings. Like an over-protective mother, she was ever glued to their side. She could possibly be seen as manipulative, but this was something she would never admit if accused- as to her, she was simply guiding them into doing what was best for their saga.

Example Post: Coming soon.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


05-23-2018, 08:17 AM
I'm going to put a time-limit on the filled out applications (Thief, Mage) for June 30th, so anybody who wants to get apps in for them needs to have them finished by then.