
The Suffering Game



4 Years
05-11-2018, 09:49 PM

In truth Pari wasn't totally sure what was expected of her right now; she had been told to comply and she had. She'd not been given anything else to do thus far, instead she'd remained cowering in the location the'd been left; a slight divot in the rough stone mountain side, it made a natural shallow bowl that she easily fit into. Pari had dared not move too far, dared not to try and find herself shelter; no she'd remain where she was for the time being, until she was told to do otherwise.

Pari knew that this was her new home; that she had a purpose again but she wasn't used to being surrounded by so many wolves. She had no point of reference for packs, all of her previous masters had been loners either preferring a select group of close friends and slaves or being mostly isolated except for her; as the old man had been. So far she'd been mostly ignored, though she still cowered as each of the strangers passed by her shallow hollow.

"Speak only when spoken too",  Think only of the pack

Art by Galianogangster


05-12-2018, 11:45 AM

Living around a volcano almost didn't make sense to him. Merit spent his time staring at the top of the volcano for a short while, inspecting the ash that lay upon the ground. Then again it was also a smart move. Wolves would avoid the mountain easily seeing as they would be too afraid. Memorize the area and you had the advantage over the enemy. Then again that was safe to say for any sort of home terf. Regardless he let the thought pass and his paws carried him across the ground. Others passed by, settling themselves within the newly created pack the same as he was trying to do. Trying to get used to the thought of the alpha himself being his absentee father. Curious as to what his brothers were going to do. After all they were important to him and Bellum had asked about his mother.

Once these thoughts had subsided, Merit stopped at an odd sight. The hefty thick male would come to a halt, his red eyes moving over to see a cowering girl frightened of her own wits. His only guess was it was one of the lambs then again he was making assumptions as to her posture and the scars that littered her body. Necessary in their pack life they were goods as any other, living fodder to be treated well as long as they obeyed. Merit weighed for a moment the choice to stop and talk to her, before finally with a flick of his ear he turned to the female.

"Do you need any food, water?" Merit asked. He wasn't sure what else to ask. She could be parched, nobody was particularly paying attention to her and he didn't know if she could take care of herself. After all, everyone needed to be fed and he'd have no trouble going out to find her something to eat. Regardless he stared at her straight in the eyes and waited for an answer coolly.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
Extra large

05-29-2018, 08:22 AM

Elias had just come to collect the Lamb to take care of her when he noticed his son standing by her, then Elias slowed his pace and quietly moved up closer behind Merit. He listened carefully to the words he chose when interacting with Pari, and though he was certain Pari could see him.. he knew Merit could not quite yet. He hoped the Lamb wouldn't give away his presence, though he didn't expect much. He was being protective, truth be told, his ears perked high and attentive as he waited for any sign of the intentions his son had with this woman. When he offered her food and water, Elias relaxed.. quite noticeably. He seemed to understand.

Though he did not know his son very well, he knew their blood.. their tendencies. Both good and evil men were in their ancestry, and the care that Merit was offering to show this lamb led him to believe he was one of the former. He hoped, anyway. Elias read his body posture, nothing seemed malicious or out of place. Elias was proud and cleared his throat to announce his presence to the both of them.

"Didn't take long for my family to find you, did it?" He looked to the slave, smirking.

He would attempt to move to stand at his son's side, his eyes watching him carefully. He was quiet for a moment, thinking.

"She isn't the only one, I'm sure you have noticed. We have a few new lambs in our ranks. Are they something you take interest in?" Truth be told, he hoped he did. He needed more eyes in the watchtower.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



4 Years
06-25-2018, 10:35 AM

Pari expected to mostly be ignored, kept her gaze down and only watched paws as they passed. She took a moment to try and catalog each scent as they passed her, she wanted to be able to tell who anyone was before she saw them and in case she needed to pay special attention to any wolves orders.

What she wasn't expecting was to find a total stranger approaching her and stopping. Pari ducked her head more, avoiding the gaze she could feel hot on her skull. Then he spoke and slowly, ever so slowly she lifted magenta gaze to look up at the boy. He appeared to be around her age and those deep red eyes of his reminded her of the man who had taken her into his pack. "I am fine." Was all she said, and it was true. She had gone longer without eating or drinking before, and even if she hadn't she would never have dared to complain about it.

Elias approached and Pari dropped her gaze again, giving a short nod as the only response to his comment, she would listen but didn't speak. Allowing the two men to talk about her. From the sounds of it the man was interest in his son's potential role as it pertained to her; something else she was used to.

"Speak only when spoken too",  Think only of the pack

Art by Galianogangster