
makes the man



3 Years
05-04-2018, 12:49 AM
On the wind, all he could hear was that Elias had claimed... he'd claimed something. A gaping maw in the earth, and a mountain that sprung up like a weed. In reality, the tank of a young man wasn't sure what to think. It had been a year since he'd seen hide or hair of the man... why had he not come for his own son? Nevermind. It didn't matter. Bellum wasn't going to cut off the nose to spite the face, and he was going to arrive at the borders of the lands on his own. If he wanted any chance of being a son to his father, this was as good as any... right? Maybe a part of him longed for a male role model after all.

That, and mom was getting old. Bellum would do his best to provide for her when the time came, but... well, for now, he would do better with the training and protection a pack could provide. The family unit could do a lot more for him, and he could do more for that unit. This would be his chance, right? Now was as good a time as any.

He'd grown considerably, filling out in a decent manor. Under all the baby fat was a young man that was coming into his own. Bellum had a good head on his shoulders, and he would use that to the best of his ability. He would ask his father if he could stay here... while still keeping an eye on his mother. While still making sure that he was doing justice for the woman that had done her best to raise him. With a good head about him, the tank moved to the edge of the mountain and called for his father. Easy as that.



6 Years
Extra large

05-06-2018, 10:29 AM

Elias had been in the upper peaks of the Maw when he heard the howl ring across the mountains, it took him some time to descend down to the tainted soils of Mount Volkan. When he finally held the burning black mountain in his view, he surveyed the area around until he found Bellum standing at the base. He stepped closer to the edge of the cliff he stood upon, just less than a hundred feet away and truly stared. He vaguely recognized the young man, though he wasn't sure from where and it took some time and some studying before Elias finally realized that this was his son, one of the sons that Aures had restricted him from ever seeing.

He was a full grown adult now, and that was quite obvious, with shoulders wider than any that he had seen in his family thus far in comparison to how tall he was. This was a little tank, through and through. Ace was a massive man, but this creature before him held thick padding in the armor that was his fur to top it all off, as well. He did not appear to be as tall as some of the Praetors, but he was a truly remarkable specimen and Elias found an eager step to his footing as he rushed down the mountain.

He made it to the bottom of the Maw and began his trot across the blackened brimstone flooring that surrounded the volcano, a low rumbling growl followed by an echoing woof announcing his presence. Bellum had thought Elias was mistaken at first when Elias had tried to convince him he was his father, was he now certain? Perhaps Aures told him, did she tell him how they were conceived? Some part of him expected Bellum to be enraged, so by the time Elias finally stopped just five feet in front of his son- his expression was honestly quite blank.

"My son," Whether Aures approved or not, Elias would not deny his blood. "To what do I owe this honor?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


05-08-2018, 05:23 PM

It had been a long time since he'd seen the man that he came to know as his biological father. The instance in which it seemed his mother hated him, forbid them from going near the man. Merit wasn't one to leave well enough alone unless there was a reason of course. He'd been thinking, growing over the past few seasons. Growing farther apart from his aging mother, vanishing from sight for days and weeks on end. After all, he couldn't remember the last time he spoke to his mother not since she questioned if she was a bad mother. Which in reality she wasn't. She did all she could do to provide for her sons, fed them, tried to keep them safe but he was an adult now. Merit was driven by his curiosity and his family was one. Mainly the sir's side that he had never met. So when he heard his brothers call from across the land, naturally Merit arrived to see what was going on.

Seemed their sir had claimed a land, a natural order of things and something that he understood the drive behind. Though, not for himself. He was comfortable in the inbetween where he could take in knowledge and simply pick it out piece by piece. As the hefty male stopped before Bellum, Merit looked to his brother. "I didn't think I'd see you here." He said as his tail curled. Maybe it was the fact that they both knew, their mother wasn't going to be around forever. Building their own path was important. As Merit turned to Elias, he dipped his head. Staring onward as he was genuinely curious to see what his sir had to say.

Walk, "Talk" Think


05-09-2018, 05:49 PM
He was always trailing after Legion to some extent. Bellum he hadn't seen in a long time, so it was a surprise when he heard his brothers howl across the land. Reinhardt had a recent encounter with his father, someone his mother didn't want them to know. She had never told the story of how they were conceived. In fact, she never talked about their sire at all. So he knew very little, and he barely remembered the day they had run into him. Still, as much as he wanted to stick around his mother, he was tired of being a loner. He knew he had to carve out his own path, and she in her old age would have to make hers. He felt bad though...there was nobody there to take care of her. To help her if she needed it. Was he doing the wrong thing? He wasn't sure.

He followed Legion's trail to the base of the mountain, and was pleasantly surprised to see that Bellum was there. He strode up to the pair, offering a heartfelt greeting before bi-colored eyes rose to meet their fathers. His mind was mixed with emotions, unsure if he was making the right choice, or the wrong one. He didn't wan to leave his mother behind...but he didn't know if she would ever come here. He said nothing as he stood there, eyes filled with doubt and worry, but he refused to voice it out loud. What were his brothers thinking?

Text speech Thought



3 Years
05-11-2018, 04:20 PM
He'd come to speak to his father, that was all. After having not seen his siblings in what seemed like a hot minute, it didn't feel... well. Never mind that. They were his brothers, and he would live with the fact that they'd shown up as well. The only thing to break his flat affect was meeting the eyes of the man that had supposedly fathered the three of them. Some father he was-- regardless. Bellum was here to fix that. He was here to make things a little better for all of them, and by extension, a little better for mom.

At Elias's arrival, Bellum's eyes widen slightly... and then his brothers. Bellum's gaze at each was careful, calculating. "I didn't think I'd see you at all." It's not cold, no. Nothing to sway his neutrality at this time, but there was an undercurrent of surprise in his choice of words. Reinhardt didn't speak, and Bellum appreciated that. He'd come with a purpose, and he wasn't sure if the presence of either of his brothers would get in the way of that. They were family. Family is what matters.

"I don't know why they've come." Again, careful neutrality colors his words. He straightens his posture a bit more, pulling his thoughts together as he does. "I wanted to discuss being a member of your pack, with one condition." Bellum watched carefully, attempting to read Elias's reaction to his words. To come into the home of a father he barely knew and set a condition to his remaining in this home? Well, that seemed far fetched. Still, it was important to him. "I still want to be able to take care of mother." Aures was getting... older. She wouldn't be around forever. Family above all.



6 Years
Extra large

05-12-2018, 06:35 PM

His eyes rested on the three of them, surprised to see all of them in the same place. He hadn't run into them since they were kids, when Aures forbid him from talking to them at all. He remembered Bellum, the one that sought him out, was the one that was hearing voices that day. He was most curious about these voices, but as he straightened out his posture and made his confession, Elias flicked an ear and thought.

He didn't read enthusiasm on the face of any of them. In fact, he didn't even like the look they seemed to have as they watched him. He couldn't blame them, they must hold some resentment, just like Kane had. He had fucked up with Kane and Kane was now missing, did he really want to mess it up with these three?

After a solid minute of just brooding, Elias sighed. "You are aware that your mother would likely be disappointed to discover you here, I assume?" He shook his head. "Perhaps you should remain with her and take care of her. I don't think you understand what you are walking into here, what loyalty will be demanded of you. Seek me out when you're ready to discover what it means to be my blood, and be aware that it's not something you can easily walk away from once you find out. Your mother sheltered you for a reason, if you are not ready then the best thing you could do for her is remain ignorant."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!


05-12-2018, 07:43 PM

What Bellum said didn't take Merit by much surprise. After all family was important to all of them. As much as Merit loved his mother though, he knew she wouldn't be around forever. Thankful he was yes, but he felt the most logical decision was to seek out a place to settle. He'd never been involved in pack life but it honestly couldn't be that hard. The survival rate was that higher than being a loner. Though he was a little offended by the insults the man slurred out. "You talk as if she was a bad mother. She fed and took care of us as any good mother should." Merit would speak out without hesitation. His ears flicking, he didn't agree with Bellum but he understood where his heart came from. "You insult a son who wishes nothing more than to take care of his aging mother. But besides the point." Merit knew he possibly was over stepping boundaries but he felt the need to speak his mind.

"I come of my own accord, we're all adults now and I've only grown farther apart from my family even though I do care for them. It's time I carve my own path and I'd like to start here. Mother may not like it but she does not speak for me, I'm curious about you and I feel like you deserve the chance to be in my life. I have no qualms with loyalty, after all survival is better in a pack." Merit sat down. His tail curling around his haunches. The look he gave was of curiosity not of any hostility. He knew his brothers had their own minds and would make their own decisions, Merit was still fighting with himself regardless.

Walk, "Talk" Think