
Enter the dungeon?



2 Years
Extra large
03-17-2018, 03:02 PM
Now that she was older she got to run off so much further and it was way easier to do cause her parents had to let her do more grownupish things and it was awesome. Her adventures today had her wandering much further than usual, scrambling up over the foothills of the mountains and picking her way over rocky terrain. She'd managed to stick to a faint path between the massive mountains to her right and the volcano to her left, walking until she was positively exhausted. After a good nap, like, a friggin' excellent nap that totally replenished her excessive energy reserves, she set off again.

When she found the entrance to the strange cave type place, Caelestis paused, scouring the area around the entrance. It was sorta dark in there, so she was in no rush to go in by herself. Part of her hoped someone would just sort of appear so she'd have a buddy to drag along. The first ever sign she had some ability to use caution, her mother might gasp in disbelief!

Settling herself on top of the oddly smooth, sort of carved looking entrance, the yearling would lay there with front limbs out in front of her. She looked regal, like a tiny sphinx, or something. Gazing out over the surrounding territory, she waited for someone to pester to go explore the dark crypt with her.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
04-15-2018, 08:50 PM

It had been far too long since Breasal had been on any kind of adventure, but today seemed like a perfect day for just that. He considered getting one of his siblings to go with him, but he ended up just heading off on his own. It'd be a perfect chance for him to meet someone new! He set off with no real destination in mind. He just picked a direction and started walking. A couple of times he paused to rest or grab a snack or take in the scenery. It was nice to have a leisurely adventure from time to time.

He happened to catch another wolf's scent on the breeze and he paused as his head turned in the direction of the scent. Well, he wanted to meet someone new, didn't he? Breasal turned his path a bit and made his way closer to the base of the mountains, stepping carefully around the rocks and things that began to make the terrain more uneven. Finally he spotted the girl that was perched ever so perfectly on top of a rock outside of what looked to be some kind of cave. "Hello there!" he called as he got closer so she wouldn't be surprised when he suddenly appeared.

He gave the pink-eyed girl a wide, friendly grin as he trotted over to her, pausing a couple of feet away to dip down into a gentlemanly bow, his wagging tail making him look a bit comical unintentionally. "Hello, madam! I'm Breasal! May I ask why you are waiting outside of this cave? Is something interesting in there?" he greeted and asked as he stood up again and looked up to where she was laying.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
04-23-2018, 10:31 PM
After a bit of waiting her eyes would slide shut and the girl would bask on the warmth of the sun for some time. It was a lovely day indeed, the kind of day that could either be spent riddled with delightful naps, or adventures aplenty. Or both, in her case. The air smelled sweet and summer, full of hints of faint and faraway scents of things she'd not yet seen before. The world was so exciting, everything was just ripe for the taking and the young wolf was thrilled about all of it despite her peaceful appearance. She was a fearsome predator waiting to strike! And, oh, looks like someone just arrived.

She only heard him when he was very close already, eyes sliding open a few moments before he spoke. Grinning down at the older boy, her tail swept back and forth across the stone as she gazed down at the new arrival with a critical eye. "Greetings! I am Caelestis, adventurer extraordinaire," the teen announced with complete seriousness and pride in her self-assigned title. This was one game she may never grow out of, it was just too fun!

Sliding partway down the curve of the stone entryway before pushing off with her hind legs and landing in a patch of grass with a soft thunk, the young adventurer grinned at this Breasal with mischief in her eyes. Sauntering closer, the girl nodded gravely, "Oh, yes, very interesting. You see, well..." She glanced hastily around before seeking to draw close up beside the boy and whisper softly, "There's treasure in there, or so I hear, but you see one simply does not go adventuring for treasure alone. You need, uhm, like, an adventuring party to go in there." she nodded seriously, pleased with her word choice as she continued to bullshit her way through this spin her little story. Looking into his blue eyes with a sweet, hopeful smile, she would ask, "You wouldn't happen to be a brave adventurer too, would ya?"
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
04-26-2018, 10:52 PM

Braesal immediately took a liking to the slightly younger girl as she proudly announced her name and title of adventurer extraordinaire. He grinned a bit and shifted a step back so that she could have more room to hop down off of her rock into the grass between them. He tried to return her serious gaze in kind, but it was difficult with how grandiose it all seemed. He leaned in closer to her as she whispered, taking part in this game she was weaving whole heartedly. He nodded with grave understanding as she explained the situation at hand. An interesting treasure-filled cave just waiting on a team of adventurers to explore it.

He grinned at her question as her dual-toned eyes met his. "Of course! Brave is my middle name!" he replied. Of course it was just a figure of speech since he didn't actually have a middle name... but that was besides the point. He glanced past her to peer into the dark cave entrance. "Well, miss Caelestis, shall we embark on our treasure hunting mission? There's no time to waste! We don't want some other adventuring team to come try to swipe it from us." It made him feel like some kind of land-bound pirate in the search of treasure.

He lead the way, but made sure to stay to one side of the tunnel so there was plenty of room for her to walk alongside of him. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness as they moved farther and farther away from the entrance. "I wish we were like fireflies so we could see where we were going, he commented with a grin, keeping his voice low since any sound in here tended to echo off of the walls.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
05-15-2018, 08:54 AM
"Of course!" cried the boy, officially rolling with the silly game the young girl came up with. Perfect, she'd found just the right wolf to drag off on adventures! Well, she didn't find him, he found her but... Minor details. This was still awesome, in fact, she was already grinning like a fool.

"Absolutely, wouldn't want pirates or some other thieves to get it first," she said seriously, as though she actually believed pirates might be around here somewhere lurking in the shadows. Bouncing towards the cave, she almost took the lead but remembered why she'd waited for someone else and was happy to follow after Breasal instead. She could be the leader of this expedition without being in front closer to any spooky monsters, right? Right.

For a bit she walked behind him but after her eyes began to adjust a little to the darkness the girl would come to walk almost beside him, curious eyes flitting around in the darkness in hopes of spotting something interesting that suggested treasure. "That would be awesome, I wonder if there are wolves that glow... If I could glow I'd explore all the dark places no one else could and I'd find tons of treasure." It seemed silly to think of a wolf lighting up like a firefly, but, her young mind was so imaginative she was easily open to the idea that crazy things could happen.

After walking for a while, Caelestis jumped a little when she heard a soft plink. Once she heard the sound a couple more times she relaxed and moved to try and bump Breasal lightly with her shoulder. "Think anyone else might be in here? Or maybe a spooky ghost guarding his hidden fortune?" she asked playfully.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
05-28-2018, 02:10 PM

The tunnel they were walking through was nearly too dark to really see much around them, but he could at least feel the wall of the cave brushing against his side from time to time to keep him walking in a straight line and his eyes adjusted to the dark well enough not to trip and look completely ridiculous. The idea of being their own flashlight was looking more and more appealing the further into this dark cave they went. His ears flicked forward at the repetitive noice that had made Caelestis jump, deciding that it was the sound of dripping water to keep himself from thinking it was anything more unsettling. Her suggestion that there might be someone here felt slightly possible, but a spooky ghost being here made him chuckle. "I imagine that this would be a spooky ghost's favorite place to be."

Since his side was brushing against the wall it was really obvious when the wall suddenly ended. He paused and turned his head to look to his right and it looked like there was some kind of cavern branching off of the tunnel they had entered through. He was curious enough to turn into the alcove to check it out, dipping his head down to sniff along the ground to see if he could find anything interesting in the dark. There were a few stale scents, but nothing that told him anyone had been here recently. As he walked further in his nose bumped against something that went skittering across the floor. The noise of it clattered and echoed around the cavern, making him jump a bit out of surprise. He couldn't tell what it was at first, but as he took a couple steps forward to find what he had hit he noticed the scattered collection of bones that dotted the back portion of this section of the cave. "Looks like someone really had a feast back here... or several."

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 04:30 PM
"Probably, I can't think of a ghost story that takes place in a sunny field or anywhere more cheery," she mused. Dark tales take place in dark places, or at least they always seem to in stories. Who knows, maybe there was a haunted golden field full of evil bunnies somewhere that no one had ever found before. Ah, but that was enough off-topic imagining.

Breasal paused to investigate something, and Caelestis would narrow her eyes in hopes of making out whatever it was. The clattering sound that followed would answer her question for her though; that would be the sound of dried bones. She'd found some of those once. "After a little more exploring I could go for a feast myself," she giggled, nosing at some of the bones curiously and feeling them with her wiskers and snout as much as possible. Hard to say what sort of bones they were when she couldn't see them, but she was pretty sure she felt some pointy predator fangs somewhere. "Or, maybe someone was a meal. Spooky." Hmm, didn't feel like there was anything interesting here that wasn't bone. Darn, no treasure.

Turning to keep walking, the girl carefully parted with the wall of the cavern, wandering the empty space and letting her front feet move slowly ahead of her with each step, feeling for obstacles or any items on the ground that might trip her. After a little while her paw touched a rock that squished slightly when she put her weight on it. It was small, maybe the size of one of her toes? Curious as ever, she'd grab it and lacking a place to put it, stored the object in between her cheek and teeth. "Lets go thif way" she called, speech a little distorted. She wanted to find more cool things before they left, or it wouldn't be real treasure hunting!
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!