
Even if it Breaks Your Heart



6 Years
04-18-2018, 10:30 PM

The meeting had left her horribly unsettled, scared, and unsure what in the world her future held. She had so many thoughts and so many emotions running through her. She never had to deal with this before and half of her wanted to just up and run away, but she couldn't. The deal would be off if any of the members tried to escape. It left her uneasy and she was beginning to feel like these lands were no longer safe. She feared what was going to happen or what could happen. She could tell everything was on edge and of course they didn't all agree on what needed to be done. She was worried and it left her once again roaming within the night. Her mind was too active and wasn't allowing her to sleep, so once again she traveled over the plains.

The last time she did this was when Brandr gave her the news about Dauntless, now it was because of the news the meeting had brought. She huffed as she moved forward gliding under the moonlight to find a decent spot to sit and look at the stars. She wasn't sure if it would help to clear her mind, but at this point she would try anything. Moving through the grasses she found a nice spot in the middle of the plains and laid down in the grass. With a heavy sigh she cast her golden gaze up to the skies hoping for some sort of comfort. Her heart ached at the thought of an all out brawl because she didn't feel like they had the numbers or the experience.

She didn't want to see death, worse of all she didn't want to see him injured. Him. Her brows furrowed and her eyes softened. Brandr, the though of him getting hurt made her choke on her breath. She couldn't loose him, she just couldn't! She didn't even want to think of him dying because she knew it would make her want to break. She whined quietly trying to shake the thoughts floating within her mind. She didn't want to think about Brandr hurt, or loosing him. She sighed heavily again lowering her head to her paws and looked at the grass pressed down by her paws. Maybe she should go look for Brandr, he would be the only one she felt comfortable enough to talk to, but how would she explain?

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-19-2018, 06:29 PM

Clouds strung themselves delicately across the moon as Brandr stalked through the plains. He was to keyed up after the meeting to sleep. He couldn't believe that everything had come crashing down so quickly and he wasn't sure what fighting would entail. He had considered just leaving. How would the Abraxas know who all was here and who left? Unless there was a spy within their pack or Sparrow had let it slip but who just listed off members to a total stranger? He really didn't think either was the case and so he'd taken to patrolling the borders to see if there were any scents on the wind. So far, nothing. There were no Abraxas camping outside their borders. Spirits, he wanted to take Corentine and just leave this mess.

Brandr slowed and felt his heart sting. He didn't want to see Corentine get swept up in a war and seriously wounded or worse. The Abraxas had shown they were willing to kill and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his body shivering with anger over this whole thing. He had half a mind to turn the Abraxas strategy against them and go challenge one of their packs. Let's see how Malleus liked it when he was the one on the receiving end! Brandr knew that was foolish though, he didn't think he stood much of a chance against that monster. He didn't even need to meet the other to know that much.

Brandr found himself in some ways regretting ever joining Abaven. He should've sleuthed out the condition of these lands first before making such a commitment but he had been just a pup. A pup fresh off of one pack dissolved thanks to a war and now here he was. He thought back to his mothers words and the old ways of the wanderers. He longed to go back to that but he felt that as a member of Abaven it was his duty to help the others defend it. He just hoped he was strong enough.

A shift in the wind brought the delicate scent of Corentine to him and he felt his heart leap both in joy and sorrow. Seemed she was having quite a few restless nights as of late. He followed the scent to find her laying in the grass. The clouds began to disperse as moonlight flooded the plains. "Hey Corentine, can't sleep either? Is it ok if I join you?"

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-19-2018, 07:28 PM

She stared at the sky as her thoughts continued to swirl within her mind. Her heart had already been racing. She was wondering if she should have went with Storm and Ty way back, even though his pack had disbanded things would have been better then being overtaken by some bully pack from Auster. She could have talked Brandr into going with her, couldn't she? This idea of fighting was not her style. It wasn't that she didn't want to protect her home, her pack family, but she felt this was a suicide to go against these monsters. Dragnoste's fall proved that and she couldn't understand why Zephyr and Caelum would choose to fight over taking their kids and being safe.

It made her sick to think of anyone getting hurt. Several times she had considered going to Brandr and convincing him to run away, but he had said at the meeting he would be willing to fight and defend. Her ears flattened against her skull as her heart drummed heavily in her chest. What would she do if he was killed? Just the thought of it made her feel like she could just cry. She sighed heavily again before a light breeze blew through the territory.

Then like he had some sort of knowledge that he was on her thoughts, he called out to her. She could feel the butterflies leaping around in her stomach, her tail immediately wagged and her ears perked. She turned her head so that her gold eyes looked to him.

"No all talk at the meeting has got me concerned. I wouldn't mind at all if you joined me," she replied with her tail wagging.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2018, 09:18 PM

Brandr tried to smile gently as he moved to lay down right next to her. "Yea, me to." For awhile he fell silent as he tried to collect his thoughts. It was like trying to gather a swarm of fireflies. The were going to allow the Abraxas to snake their way into Abaven and in the meantime Brandr had volunteered to ferret out information in the homes they could rally the other packs for an all out strike. So many packs had fallen he wondered if they even had the numbers to pull this off even with an alliance. Furthermore… he just didn't want to see anyone he cared about get hurt in this mess. At the same time he didn't want to let them down either. They wanted to fight and he wasn't sure they had much of a choice.

Without thinking he leaned over and tried to press the right side of his face into Corentine's ruff. "I don't know if it sounds silly but I'm scared. I couldn't bear it if you got hurt because of this. I wish the Abraxas would just disappear. I don't know why the world has to be like this."

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-22-2018, 09:27 PM

He was also stuck on what had happened at the meeting giving her some relief that she wasn’t crazy for fretting over it. He laid down right beside her which only intensified the butterfly feeling in her stomach. She always loved being near him, wanted to be near him and now that she was she was growing excited and relieved. As he grew silent her eyes looked to the distant stars in the sky. She was enjoying and cherishing the warmth from his body being so close. She felt more content in his presence. She drew a quiet breath in allowing her muscles to relax and for a moment she closed her eyes. Then suddenly she felt warmth rush over her quickly as he pressed his face into her ruff. She felt the butterflies flutter in her gut and for a few moments couldn't breathe. Her mind barely registered his words as she soaked in the touch, mentally and emotionally melting. Though when she began to feel light headed from holding her breath she gently let it out before she would pass out. She leaned towards him, not wanting the feeling to ever end. She felt like the rest of the world just melted away and it was just him and her.

"It doesn't sound silly at all and I'm also scared Brandr," she spoke softly her golden eyes opening and looking to him out of the corner of her vision (as best as she could). "What's really silly is that I was thinking of convincing you to run away from all of this.... with me."

She didn't like the idea of the Abraxas living within their pack at all. By the sounds of it the family wasn't to be trusted which meant everyone would be on their toes now. She wouldn't feel as relaxed or as safe with them around. She didn't know what was going to happen, but the decision that had been made at the meeting just didn't settle well with her.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
04-26-2018, 09:09 PM

He let his words roll off his tongue and fall clattering on the ground. The sound of them echoed in his ears like someone else was speaking them and part of him just wanted to crawl deep inside himself and sleep right through winter. His golden amber eyes closed as he tried to get out of his head, to focus on the present. The coolness of the autumn air, the warmth of Corentine's body resting against hers and the sweetness of her smell. He drank of it like he'd just broken to the surface and found her presence easing his distress.

"What's really silly is that I was thinking of convincing you to run away from all of this.... with me."

Brandr turned to stare at Corentine in surprise then down at his paws. "You know… the same thought had crossed my mind. It would be nice to just leave all this madness behind us but I said I'd fight with the pack so I feel I at least ought to try." Though it scared him terribly and the thought of living in constant tension was not an appealing one. He'd have to watch himself every second of every day. "I want to at least get the message of Abaven's situation to Celestial and Lirim. I guess we'll see what comes of that but… I don't know that outright war agrees with me. Not when there are still viable options." He shook his head, he felt sick with all this thinking. "Corentine… I… I just want you to know that I really care about you. I don't think I could stand to see anything happen to you if war came to our borders."

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
04-29-2018, 06:53 PM

Her words seemed to surprise him, she could tell by how he looked at her. Though it was only mere moments before he spoke she felt like it was ages! She almost regretted saying anything. Once again she caught herself holding her breath, so afraid that he didn't like what she had said. She was soon relieved as he began to speak and her tail couldn't help but to wag, lightly drumming the ground as a bright smile spread across her face. She understood why he felt he needed to try, but it didn't settle her fears of him becoming hurt. She was relieved to hear that outright war didn't settle with him telling her that they both thought somewhat similar. The biggest different was that Brandr was probably more knowledgeable on fighting then herself.

Her mind quieted when he called her name ears turning in his direction as he began to speak. What he said made her heart flutter to hear that he cared for her, that he didn't want anything to happen to her. Her eyes softened as she wriggled her body back lining the two of them up that she was, shoulder to his ribcage. Then without a word she gently pushed her face into his neck, just under his jaw, then pointing her muzzle downward so that the back of her head was under his jaw and her nose buried in his chest. Emotionally she was soaring, her feelings for him all surfacing at once and threatening to pour out uncontrollably. She used this moment to distract herself, drinking in his scent, like it was a drug that calmed her. How could she even explain to him how she truly felt about him? She didn't even realize that she was in love with him!

He had been the only one who was consistently there almost her whole life, she enjoyed every moment spent with him and was always looking forward to the next time they were together. When not around him she found herself constantly thinking of him wondering if he was thinking of her. She took another whiff of his scent gently pushing into him. If only she could fully understand her feelings.

"Brandr.... I don't want anything to happen to you either. In fact the mere thought of it scares me," she murmured into the fur on his chest. "I can't see my life without you around and I don't want a life without you around."

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
05-05-2018, 10:53 AM

Brandr couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so vulnerable and it wasn't just the uncertainty of the future it was Corentine's eyes, the way she looked at him. He could feel himself falling open at her gaze. He could feel the fear for her stirring in his gut again. If she were maimed because of his decision to stay… his gaze turned to his paws. Here he was caught between love and honor. What was he going to do? It suddenly seemed to dawn on him that he didn't just care deeply for Corentine, he loved her. His heart was racing again as he tried to process these new feelings and he drank in her words and it only made the whole world seem to suddenly stop. He turned to gaze at her quietly as his lips parted. "Corentine, I feel the same. I love you." He let the words shimmer tentatively in the air as he gazed at her feeling his chest tighten and the air grow thick.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
05-06-2018, 06:29 PM

The world seemed to stop and the silence of the night felt comforting this time around. To her it felt like they were the only wolves right now, everything else fell away. Her heart was drumming in quick rhythm in her chest unsure how to fully word what feelings she had for him. It seemed like all this current drama within the pack was rushing those emotions to the surface as if her mind wanted her to tell him before there was any chance of anything bad happening. She gently pulled back to look into his eyes, her gold ones shining brightly as she gazed into his. He opened his mouth and began to speak again the words unexpected, though it heightened her emotions. This had to be what love felt like, the emotions were so strong that she felt like her life would slip away without them, without him.

Her golden eyes softened and a smile crossed her lips. This had to be love, it just had to be. Now that he had said the word she had been searching for to explain how she felt. She loved him, to the moon and back if that was even possible.

"I love you too Brandr" she said in return, unable to take her eyes off of him.

All she wanted to do was be close to him and for this moment to never end.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
05-19-2018, 08:46 AM

Brandr wished his heart would stop hammering in his chest for just a second. The rush of blood was making him feel heated and he could swear that his heart was beating so loudly that even Corentine could hear it. Brandr inhaled deeply of the night air and of Corentine's scent, willing himself to relax into her. It was amazing that even in the midst of a potential tragedy, of a potential war, that there was still such love, such joy to be found. It almost made him feel guilty that after receiving some of the worst news he'd ever had he was experiencing the greatest joy he could remember in a long time. Spirits, had he ever been this happy?

"I love you too Brandr"

Well, that did it. Brandr was pretty sure the world stopped right in that moment. The earth stopped rotating. The insects stop their nightly serenades. Even the moon in the sky had ceased her journey to linger over he pair of lovers. His breath left him in a contented sigh as everything started to move again. A glowing smile lit up his face as he leaned over, seeking to lick gently at Corentine's neck below her jawline. He felt a sudden need to be close to her, as close as possible. To pretend for a moment that there was no one in the world but them and nothing bad was ever going to happen to them.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
05-19-2018, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2018, 10:25 PM by Corentine.)

Letting those words out into the open brought a new wave of feeling to them, her gold eyes softening further as she heard his content sigh. Even after hearing this scary news, even with all the uncertainty of the coming months there was one thing in her world that would keep her life bright and chipper. His presence seemed to pull her from her darkest emotions and his smile could instantly melt her fears away. He was her rock and she couldn't bare to live without him. He then smiled making her tail lightly drum the ground. He leaned over and gently licked her, the soft touch sending an electric like feeling through her system. It only fueled her need to be close to him, the want to invade his personal space and to let his scent overtake the scents of the world around her. She released her own content sigh closing her eyes as she soaked in the affection from him, but she wasn't satisfied with just that.

She craved more attention and she craved to give him all her attention and as much affection as she could come up with. These feelings were so alive, yet so confusing at the same time because she wasn't quite sure what to do or how to show him that she meant what she said. She shifted her form, shifting her legs to the left and gently leaning into his form, skin prickling at the warmth of his body. Tipping her muzzle to the right she gently nibbled at his neck, breathing in his scent and letting it ease her mind. Then out of the blue a lightness filled her and a smile crossed her lips before she shifted again rolling onto her back and playfully pawing at his muzzle and lifting her head to attempt to playfully nip his chin. She couldn't seem to hold herself back from being playful, trying to draw him out of his shell. Something told her he was holding back showing her his true emotions and she felt in this dark time they both needed this distraction, this happiness they were feeling. Her gold eyes were bright with a mischievous spark in her eyes.

She couldn't help it, she felt so good that she felt as energetic as a pup again. Once again she shifted rolling to her feet before smiling at him, pressing her nose to his shoulder before prancing a few feet away, her tail wagging. Pausing she looked back at him, her look playful. She wanted him to fallow, to chase her and to curb her sudden urge to be playful. Before giving him the chance to catch up she took off moving to a more secluded and pretty area of the plains before stopping and turning. Her heart was still racing and the rush she was getting from her emotions were overpowering. She waited for him, knowing that he just had to fallow her.


"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
05-21-2018, 06:31 PM

Her sigh slipped through his ears and rooted in his stomach. His mind began to get lost in the sound of rushing blood and the beat of his heart and hers. Bit by bit the edges seemed to dissolve between them and he found himself getting lost in her scent and her taste. When Corentine moved to remove the favor, gently nibbling at his neck he shuddered in delight, thoroughly enjoying the sensation. He laughed as she rolled onto her back, playfully pawing at his muzzle. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he attempted to lap at the paw, his tail wagging lightly back and forth.

Brandr dropped in a play bow for a second before his hind legs coiled and he sprang toward her, seeking to lick at her face and cover her body with his. He was feeling a rush unlike anything else and a second later he bounded a foot away. What was better than reckless abandon in times of hardship? He'd kept himself so guarded, focused so much on his job within the pack that he had rarely ever let himself cut loose. Only around Corentine had he really felt like himself. Corentine was on her feet in a second, her nose tagging his shoulder before prancing a few feet away. Her tail was wagging back and forth, wafting her scent towards him and lighting his body on fire.

He bounded after her, giving chase, enjoying the game until the fire began to become unbearable. As she slipped away into a more secluded place he would follow. He couldn't stay away. His heart racing with the beat of hers, as one being.


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