
In the mushroom light



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-16-2018, 11:38 AM

It wasn't too often that he went out on his own to explore or adventure, but something just got into him today and he wanted to stretch his legs. It felt like his small piece of family was in a moment of limbo. The initial pain of losing his father and pack had subsided and now he needed to figure out where to go from here. He didn't go far from the range since he didn't like to leave his mother for long periods of time, but he felt far enough away to convince himself that he had actually gone on a little trip of sorts.

He happened to see a cave of some kind as he was passing by and he paused to look at it curiously. He hoped that his curiosity wouldn't lead him into trouble, but he followed it either way and moved closer to the cave. He was careful as he slipped into the darkness, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness as he carefully walked down the incline further into the underground structure.

For a moment he thought that what had seemed like a cave had actually been a tunnel of some kind as the glow in the distance became more apparent, but the light didn't seem like sunlight. As he got closer he noticed the blueish hue the light held and he felt the change from rock to moss under his paws. His brows lifted with surprise when he got close enough to realize that the light was coming from the mushrooms that lined the walls of the cavern. He paused and looked around in a mix of awe and confusion. The whole way down into the caves he tried to take note of any scents of near by wolves, but it was hard to distinguish them over the scents of the damp moss and cool, stale air of the cave.

"Talk" "You"


05-22-2018, 11:01 AM
Her mama and papa were hunting together, the pups having promised to stay in the cavern where it was safe from other predators. But Aikia had decided she wanted to adventure and so, when Romanov and Leigh weren’t looking, the girl had wandered away from the safe spot that was small enough for just the little ones. She didn’t think she’d run into anyone else, and certainly not anyone dangerous. The girl was naive, thinking that anyone or anything she might meet outside her family would be just like them and wouldn’t want to hurt her… not exactly a good train of thought for a child who was living with loner parents.

...and if an adult wolf couldn’t smell the other wolves in the caves then how could one expect a little puppy to fair any better? The air in the cave was too damp, masking his scent until Aikia could make out his form. Her tail began to wag happily behind her, her bright gaze brightening as she examined him head to toe. He was big, big as her daddy probably! The girl didn’t think, she just padded forward happily, her ears perked as she moved in front of him so he wouldn’t miss her.

“Hiya! You come to look at the mushrooms? They’re pretty, aren’t they?” The tiny girl turned her head in the direction of the mushrooms before padding over to one and gently pressing her paw on a blue hued one. “I like this one!”