
I'm So Hi-Lo



2 Years
Athena I
04-29-2018, 03:15 PM

The chilly wind coming off of the ocean rippled through her multi-colored fur while she stood just out of reach of the waves that lapped up at the oddly colored shore. She felt like if there was a beach meant for her it would be this one. It was the only beach she had ever seen that was any color other than the generic light tan that sand usually was. She looked down at her white-dipped paws as her toes flexed and sunk further into the pitch black sand. Now that the sun was beginning to set she could see the reflections of the oranges and pinks reflecting off the tiny pieces of obsidian, making it sparkle lightly in the spaces where her shadow wasn't blocking the light.

Of all the places she had visited since leaving Celestial this was one of her favorites so far. She took a few steps further inland just so the water wouldn't be able to reach her if the tide began to come in. Adore settled down onto her stomach after she had turned to face the ocean once again, smiling a little as she laid here watching the sun slowly sink back down toward the horizon. Of course she'd have to find somewhere to spend the night soon, but for now this was entertaining enough to keep her attention for a while.

"Talk" "You"



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
05-22-2018, 09:00 PM

He was now a young man and had full ability to go out into the world alone. He wasn't sure he wanted to part from his family all together, but this exploring on his own was exciting. He was finding and learning so much more then he would hanging around the den. He had to admit though all the wandering alone did get a bit boring. He wasn't sure if it was him or just the areas he was exploring, but so far he hadn't met any other wolves other then his own extended family. He hadn't given up though, he knew there had to be other wolves out there to meet and he hoped he would meet them.

His cyanide blue eyes looked at the sand under his front paws. It was strange sand, unlike he had ever seen before. He was almost worried that the sand may be toxic because of it's color. Lowering his front half down he lightly sniffed at it, it didn't have an abnormal smell to it. It wasn't burning his front paws so this sand had to be okay then. He still didn't understand why in the world it was black in color, but as long as it wasn't going to kill him he could continue on. Raising back to stand again he strode forward, his light colored pelt sticking out like a sore thumb in the sea of black. He headed towards the water wanting to get a bit closer to it.

He stopped right where the water stopped before being sucked back to the ocean. Grinning he looked down and around. The water always tended to wash things ashore so he wanted to see if there was anything interesting washed ashore tonight. There was still some light left and he was no where near tired. Turning left he headed along the shore looking for anything being washed in, curious to see what he would find.

"Allegro Talk", & 'Allegro Think'



2 Years
Athena I
05-23-2018, 12:25 PM

The longer she laid here the more she thought she could just fall asleep right here on the beach. The only thing that kept her from doing that was the thought of waking up to a seagull pecking at her or some other sea creature thinking that she was fair game. This definitely wasn't ideal for a sleeping spot, but it was still really relaxing. As much as she was enjoying this alone time and the peace and quiet, she did feel pretty lonely. Traveling with Chasm had been great so far. She had the company she wanted without the heavy expectations that she had put on herself when she was living in the pack.

She finally turned her gaze away from the ocean as she convinced herself to get up and go find some kind of shelter for the night since she was fairly certain she wouldn't make it back to where she had left Chasm before it got too dark. Of course she'd go meet back up with him in the morning, but there was no harm in spending a night on her own. Adore glanced to her right and she suddenly noticed the man that was walking in her direction. He was still a fair distance away and she couldn't tell if he was walking toward her exactly or just walking down the shore. He stood out in stark contrast against the black sand of the beach with his white fur accented with golden-blonde markings. She didn't exactly blend in herself, but he was so drastically different from his current surroundings that it was hard to miss him.

A quick glance to her left told her that there was some caves a little further down the shore that she could easily escape to if she didn't want to do the whole meeting someone new thing. But... She wasn't even close to really tired yet and she hadn't met anyone outside of Celestial since she left. Opportunity fell in front of her so she figured she might as well take it. In an attempt to not look like a creep that had been checking him out, she turned her magenta gaze back toward the water and tried to look casual as she lounged on the sand. There was still a bit of daylight left, but it would be passing quickly she imagined.

"Talk" "You"