
hear you making all that noise



05-25-2018, 07:36 AM

How long had he been traveling for, again? He couldn't remember; he knew that he had been traveling for a while, but an exact estimate escaped him. Really, all he knew was that he was tired. And hungry. And thirsty. Not to mention, it looked like he was going around in circles, or close to it. All the trees looked the same to him, so he wasn't sure that he was even going the right way. If there even was a right way to go; he didn't even know where he was. He tried to be cheerful, sure, and he was sure that he'd find where he was going soon enough. For now, though, the bad feelings were kind of dragging him down. Not that he'd openly complain, though. He didn't want to do that.

The sound of gurgling water made his ears perk up, and his bad mood was quickly forgotten as he raced towards the sound, stumbling over his own paws and a few sticks littering the ground along the way. Finally, he came to a stumbling halt near a small stream, bubbling and gurgling. Just the sight of it was enough to make his thirst all that more obvious. Taking the few final step, he leaned down, lapping up the cool, refreshing water. When he had his fill, he pulled away, taking a seat near the water. He'd take a short break here and then continue on his way.



8 Years
Athena I
05-27-2018, 07:34 PM

Roza walked through the mangroves with a rabbit that she had freshly hunted hanging from her jaws. Ever since she ran into Jackson here she had been attempting to spend more time here to get herself more used to being here again. She hadn't quite convinced herself to visit where her and Ganta's pack had once stood, but her old childhood home was easier to swallow. She had a hope that if she hung around here long enough she might find some more of her family. If nothing else she wanted to stick close to her father so this at least accomplished that goal.

As she was passing by one of the many streams that wove through the mangroves, she happened to spot the tiny spotted feline that was sitting at the edge of the water. If she remembered correctly young felines were called cubs, even though her mind immediately wanted to fill in that blank with pup. She hadn't been around many cats at in her life time so most of what she knew about them was just from stories and knowledge that had been passed down in conversation. She stopped and looked around for a moment. Surely his mother or father must be near by? He was far too small to be on his own like this. He was smaller than Ulric and Philomena had been when they left the den for the first time, but in all fairness they had been large for their age.

She was curious, but she didn't want to scare the cub either. She padded closer, her paws crunching though the thin layer of snow that had started to accumulate on the ground. Stopping a few feet away, she sat the rabbit down at her paws as she looked at the young cheetah curiously. "Hello there," she said kindly, giving him a small smile. "Are you okay? Are your parents near by?"

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