
If I can live through this



3 Years
Athena I
04-29-2018, 08:03 PM

It was a rare moment for her to be away from her parents, but she was determined to go collect some herbs. After all, they had Viho who she was confident would keep a watchful eye on them. It was a relief in a way to be on her own for a moment. She loved her family dearly, but sometimes... She wondered what it would be like to be able to freely roam and do her own thing. As soon as the thought crossed her mind her ears flicked back with guilt and she frowned down at the small pile of herbs she had gathered so far between her forepaws.

She suddenly felt like she was wishing away her parents when she knew all too well that they were getting older and... She gave her head a quick shake and picked up her herbs so she could force herself to move on. There would be plenty of days for her to be on her own soon enough... She moved through the thick vegetation with her own hopping gait, moving a bit more carefully than she normally would so that she wouldn't fall with a mouthful of herbs. It wasn't exactly the smoothest terrain she had ever seen. It made her wonder if there was a better way to carry herbs. After all, if she fell and accidentally bit through a whole bundle of herbs and swallowed some... That wouldn't be good at all.

She paused again, setting the herbs on the ground so she could collect a small bundle of horsetail that she happened to pass. When she added it to the pile on the ground she frowned for a moment. This place was an amazing source of herbs, but how in the world was she going to carry all of these back? And what if they needed to move again? She couldn't travel with this many...




4 Years
04-30-2018, 07:43 AM

It was daylight once again and Chasm hadn't been able to fall asleep yet. Since his companion was nocturnal, most of their traveling and exploring had been done at night, during the day they rested up to continue on, but he was restless. Deciding to leave Bones within the den Chasm looked for something to occupy his time, quietly moving among the foliage this territory had and looking for something to interest him. As he moved along in quiet he felt himself yearning for company. Ever since his father and full blooded brother left he had been struggling to deal with being alone. It was a painful reminder how time and time again others turned their backs and up and disappeared from his life. First was his father and brother, second was his mother, then all his younger siblings. So far he had found Adore and he had no plans to try and convince her to go back.

A quiet sigh passed the rainbow backed male's lips. Maybe he should just head back and chill within the temporary den until nightfall, at least he would have Bones at his side. Though what fun was that when you couldn't fall asleep. He would be sitting there listening to the soft snores of his companion, staring at the dark walls, and would still feel vary lonely. So what should he do? Shaking his head he pushed on until the wind brought a somewhat familiar scent to his path. Stopping he lifted his head and took in the scent again, second guessing himself. It was extremely faint, but the pack still lingered within her scent. He also recognized her scent from around the pack before. Curiosity began to take over his thoughts and without further hesitation he moved forward fallowing the scent with ease.

Soon her form came into view, one he had seen from afar before and he stopped a moment, hesitating. What if she wanted nothing to do with him? What if she simply wanted to be alone? Would it hurt to try?

"Hello," he called out quietly moving away from the brush so she could see him.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015



3 Years
Athena I
05-13-2018, 02:35 PM

Etain began to gently sift through the herbs that she had collected so far with one of her forepaws. She settled down onto her haunches so she wouldn't risk losing her balance as she did so while she began to sort through the herbs that were resting at her feet. It broke her heart to leave some behind, but there was no way she'd be able to carry them all back with her. Even if she did get them all there, if they moved locations again she couldn't carry them all and guide her parents at the same time. It made her wish that she had some other way to carry them. Maybe she could wrap them in a big leaf or something like that so they wouldn't fall apart in her mouth...

In the middle of her musing she heard a voice behind her. She jumped a little, mostly from surprise, and hopped up, looking back over her shoulder to see who it was. At first she didn't recognize him, but she turned to face him and his scent was familiar enough to make her at least remember that she had seen him around Celestial before during meetings and things of that nature. "Oh, hello!" It was a welcome distraction from her own thoughts even if they hadn't really spoken before. At least it was a friendly face since she hadn't seen anyone besides her family since they left the pack. "You're um... Sorry... Chasm? Right?"




4 Years
05-13-2018, 03:24 PM
It took a moment, a slight jump, before she looked back at him and at first he wasn’t to sure about calling out to her. He was conflicted at how he should talk and act around others and especially around females. When she looked away he nervously resituated himself so he could try to hide his emotions from her. She then turned around and to his surprise she recognized him. Although if he thought about it, it would be hard to forget a pelt such as his own. She said his name and he nodded relieved that she had remembered him from the pack.

“Yes Chasm. Your Etain if I’m not mistaken?” He knew that’s who she was, cause it was hard for him to forget faces, but they had never really spoken.

He felt that it should be the right way to approach things, now if they had talked before he probibly would’ve said things a bit differently. His eyes then fell to the bundle of herbs close to her then back up to her.

“Do you need any help with all those,” he asked.

She looked like she had quite a bit and he didn’t mind at all carrying some for her or even helping her find more if she needed. Plus having something to do would help him ease his anxieties and his nervousness



3 Years
Athena I
05-13-2018, 11:52 PM

She was honestly a bit surprised that he knew her name, but she nodded with a pleased smile to confirm that he had said her name correctly. Part of her always felt like she hadn't made a large impact on anything in the pack. She felt small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things - especially since she really hadn't been all that involved to begin with. Instead of assuming that he knew of her in the same way that she had remembered him, she thought to herself that he must have remembered her because there was no one else that looked like her. It was hard to mistake her for anyone else with her peach-hued pelt and three-legged stance.

Her blue gaze followed his down to the pile of herbs that were now sitting at her side before they came back up to rest on his once more. She was equally surprised and touched by his offer of help and had to remind herself that it wasn't really that grand of a gesture. It was really only surprising because she didn't know him at all. "Oh, um... No, that's okay. I appreciate it, but I'm not going to be able to take them all with me so there's not really a reason to move them all." She was saddened by the idea even as she said it, but it was the logical solution. "I don't know why I collected so many when I can't travel with them, but... I couldn't help myself." She giggled softly at the silliness of her own actions.

She began to realize that Celestial's scent was weak at best on his fur as much as it was beginning to grow weaker on herself. Her gaze was curious as she looked at him with her head tipped slightly to the side. "Did you leave Celestial as well? Or have you just not been back in a while?"




4 Years
05-15-2018, 08:18 PM

She was right at assuming her pelt was the way he remembered her. He had never been that good at social interactions. He had seen her around Celestial and though he always wanted to say something, to make a friend he always kinda just convinced himself not to and continued on. It was strange seeing her so far from the pack. In fact before he left it had been a while since he seen her which made him curious what she was doing around here. She was direct family to Regulus so he never would have thought her and her parents left the pack. He figured they had taken a trip somewhere and would be back.

His eyes looked up again just as she did and he found himself looking directly into those blue eyes of hers. He quickly felt uncomfortable, thinking she would view him as a creep or something so he dropped his gaze to the herbs again. She then politely declined his offer which made him mentally scold himself. 'You should have known she didn't want your help.' Though as she went on to explain it made him feel better. She wouldn't be able to take them all, but couldn't help but pick them. It was better then what he assumed the reason to be. His gaze lifted again at her soft giggle a small smile forming on his own lips.

She then went on to ask if he had left as well. As well? Those words caught him off guard a bit. Did this mean she had officially left as well?

"I have.... My younger siblings disappeared and I wanted to track them down and be sure they were alright, I didn't know how long it would take so I requested to leave." he replied. "And you? You left as well?"

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015



3 Years
Athena I
05-17-2018, 05:28 PM

Him mentioning his younger siblings made her remember the younger rainbow pups that she had remembered seeing at the last big pack meeting they had. Of course they would be much bigger now than her memory allowed for her to remember, but there had been quite a few of them if she remembered correctly. It was strange how she could live near all of them for so long but some how still go without really knowing any of them. The worries over her parents and siblings stretched as far back as she could really remember and that had dominated most of her attention.

When the question turned back toward her she nodded with a bit of hesitation. "Yes, my parents and I left... We didn't request to leave, but I'm not sure if we'll go back or not. We originally left so that we could find my brothers while my parents were... were still able to," she said, stumbling over her own words a bit as she tried to find the easiest, least painful way to express what she meant. Her gaze shifted away from his for a moment. Even as she spoke she felt like she was saying too much, but it was the first time she had really given herself the opportunity to say it out loud. Hearing the words in her own ears made everything feel more real in a way that she wasn't certain she liked. "Neither one of them are in really great health so I think it was more important to them to find my brothers than it was to spend their days in Celestial. I just... don't know if I want to go back without them yet."

The thought of being without them was something that was hard for her to swallow, but it was something that would find her far sooner than she would want. She shrugged a little, her gaze settling on his forepaws since she wasn't completely certain she could meet his gaze again just yet. She felt so vulnerable all of the sudden. It wasn't like she was usually this candid and open with anyone. Something about the fact that he was mostly a stranger made it seem like it was easier to tell him things that she hadn't told anyone else before. "I guess I'll wait and see what my brothers decide to do. I mean, I can't really live on my own all that well, so I guess they'll decide." Etain finally glanced back up to his eyes again with a slight smile. As optimistic as she tried to be around her abilities and her independence, that could only take her so far. She wasn't unrealistic when it came to these things.




4 Years
06-03-2018, 08:18 PM

It seemed they shared something in common when it came to their family. Her answer to his question made his heart go out to her so to speak because he knew all to well the feeling of having missing family members. Though she stumbled a bit over her words and he tried to remember who exactly her parents were in the pack. He believed that they both had been older, which maybe she meant it was getting harder for them to travel now? He wasn't too sure, but he didn't feel right pushing her for answers either. When she looked away his gaze softened as they tried to take in her body language and figure out the meaning of her words. She then went on to explain she again he felt he could sympathize with her pain. He hadn't been in the same situation, but it was extremely hard on him when his mother left. Vary difficult to even function in day to day activities afterwards.

"Well.... You don't have to go back..... I mean maybe it would be better to travel for a while or even find somewhere new? It's something I've been toying around with after I find my siblings," he said.

He didn't know if his words would help at all, but maybe she hadn't thought of simply not going back. If it would hurt her emotionally then why go back? He didn't see anything wrong with simply living a different life, traveling, or even finding another pack to join. She went on and he suddenly felt rather stupid for his suggestion, looking down at the ground just as she looked up. He was embarrassed that he had forgotten about her leg.He looked back up at her slightly catching her light smile and found it hard to look down at the ground again (He didn't want to be rude).

"I uh..... Didn't think before I gave out ideas I'm sorry," he said his voice low and his ears gently flattening against his skull. "Have you thought about what to do If your brothers simply didn't want to go back or stick around? I...... Havn't thought that far myself."

"Words" & 'Thoughts'