
Steal, Swindle, Mislead



1 Year
06-05-2018, 07:35 AM
Mali sat watching the water flow down the falls. Her ears swiveled slightly on her head as she let out a sigh. It was not the best of situations for her at the moment. She was, well, Bored. It has been a while since she did anything mischievous. To be frank it was eating her up, She was going a bit crazy. Coming to her paws Mali started to march closer to the top of the waterfall. In hopes that she would find something to cure her boredom. At this moment she would love to just torment a small mouse or fish or something.

A sigh was heard escape her maw, Her tail swayed slightly. The top of the waterfall was still a good couple of feet from her. She was not going to go any faster then she was already, That would be a waste of energy. After all at this pace it would take about a hour maybe 30 minutes to get to the top of the water fall. The air in this place was chilled, Not cold, just Chilled. Mali did quite enjoy that cool air, It was almost like a cleansing wave. Oh how much she thrived to cure this pain that dwells inside her. Being someone who loves to be mischievous, To steal, and mislead. This down time was simply horrendous.
[Image: free_chatlands_chibi_pose__fennec_fox_by...ccpz7s.png]



1 Year
06-05-2018, 02:06 PM

Action's speak louder than"My voice"
But thought's yell over word's
Pumpkin was walking along her head hung low, the bitter cold had awoke her. She had just got a made up den, nice and tidy. And after maybe five minutes of sleep, she woke up with snow and ice covering her den. And her basket was soaked, the herbs and her basket were left there to dry. After walking for at least half a hour she was bored, very bored. Her ears held to her crown, luckly she was healthy agian. And muscles were starting to bulge agianst her fur, it was pretty thick now. Aud swirved and flicked, sounds of splashing came from the waterfall. A nice sound, mostly calming.

She began to approach the water, her eyes narrowed as she watched a bird. She flicked her aud, her ears pushed back to her skull, as her maw opened and she yawned. She heard a slight rumble, and she knew she was hungry. She looked around, suddenly something moved. Her lips quivered and lifted up, into a snarl. She lunged from her spot, suddenly her paws lifted up from the ground and she began to race after the small snow hare.

Gaining speed was no trouble for the yearling, she was fast. She was also highly hangry, she took a sharp turn. "Get your fucking ass, back here so I can tear out your throat!" she growled, she lunged again. She stretched out her lethal form and pushed down her paws. A startled wheeze came from the hare, as it no longer could run. Pumpkins, paw had hit it straight on its spine.

"Dumb rabbit..." she sneered, she lowered her neck and with a loud crunch she killed the snow hare. She lifted it up in her jaws and began to go up the waterfall. Luckily she knew a shortcut.

-Fifteen minutes later-

She was on top of the cliff and nearing the peak of the waterfall. Her nostrils flared, as another scent intertwined with the air. A female, well she was at least ready to meet someone. But she was breaking out of her shell, should she like this woman would be the smallest thing to worry about.



1 Year
06-06-2018, 05:32 PM
The every day grind with nothing interesting was the death of Mali. She should be getting close now to the top of the waterfall. What she was doing up here, Well even Mali has no clue. Her paws carried her across the grass, the rocks, sticks, etc. Light enough where if she did break a twig it would be just for a brief second. Coming up to the top, she saw the water falls beginning.

With that she also spotted another wolf leaping after some small creature. Mali looked closer and noticed that it was a small hare. Well this wolf must be quite hungry, After all she is chasing a hare while growling. Mali noticed that growl the other wolf did a few moments ago, to her surprise, the one that was chasing the hare was a she wolf. Quite smaller the some she noticed before.

Thoughts raced through her head as she took a seat and watched the chase. 'This has many potential for all kinds of shenanigans.' Her mind focused on the several ways she would interrupt this hunt. How how fun would that be. The thought of that just made Mali Giddy with excitement. Her tail flicked slightly, eyes still following the chase one ear focused on the chase the other the surrounding area. She was not sure what she would have to do to apply such plans.
[Image: free_chatlands_chibi_pose__fennec_fox_by...ccpz7s.png]