
A Miracle!



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2018, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2018, 03:17 PM by Tealah.)
Hello, my name is Gwenevere and I was impregnated by my dead husband.

Whaaaaaaaat? You may be asking.

Well, I don't blame you for asking because I'm quite confused about it myself. Here I was, just minding my own business, chasing a hare, and whoa! The ground falls out from under me. I hit my head and that's when things get really confusing. While I was wandering, dizzy and confused, I came upon a male. He was golden, and slim, and beautiful - he was my Lanse, I'm sure of it. Well, I was sure of it at the time, but now that my head is clear again I have my doubts... after all, Lanse died in my arms years and years ago. How much was real and how much was in my head, I don't know. I only remember bits and pieces now, like flashes of what happened after.

And now I'm pregnant, so I'm sure we can all guess what happened. If not... well... ask your parents.


Hey guys. Tealah here. Well, you know the story now. Gwen, while hunting, hit her head and while severely concussed came across a male who... well, he looks REMARKABLY like her late husband Lanse. Was it Lanse, miraculously returned from the dead to save her from hypothermia and to have one last fling with her? Or was it a male who happened to look similar enough that her confused and pained head made her THINK it was, and he just took advantage? Well, I guess we'll never know.

There will be five pups possible for this litter. One will be taken by me. One will be taken by Nyx if she wants it. That leaves three pups available for sure, four if Nyx decides she doesn’t want a pup.

So now all these lovely little pumpkins need players. Please don’t be intimidated by the long adoption post - most of it is information for your benefit, not rules! I want to give people the opportunity to play these pups, rather than hoarding them like I usually do. :p These pups will be blood Adravendis as descended from Cairo, rather than any of the unrelated branches that have adopted the name. This is exciting, as the bloodline is fairly rare on the site right now, with very few of them remaining active outside of Gwen’s brother Leo’s descendents.

My one major rule for adopting them are fairly similar to my last adoption in that I will be requiring players to be active. Pups who aren't posted with at least once a week on a regular basis (extenuating circumstances will be taken under consideration but they should reach at least twenty posts by the time they are yearlings, especially since that is Celestial's current rule concerning pups) or are set inactive will be reclaimed. Please note that I will not take any circumstances into account if they are actually set inactive rather than simply not being posted with - I will be immediately and without forewarning (because folks, THIS is your forewarning) taking them back.

They’ll be born and raised in Celestial and will be expected to remain members of the pack until they are yearlings. If they run away, get kidnapped, etc, Gwen WILL go after them and there will be IC consequences for any character who may have been involved in said kidnapping or other hurts they may have sustained while kidnapped or being runaways. PLEASE TAKE NOTE that even after they are adults Gwenevere will still be a very loving and protective mama who will check in with her children regularly, and anyone who dares hurt any of her precious pumpkins will see just how fierce and vengeful she can be, so keep that in mind when considering future plotting.

Ok so now that the unpleasant RULES part is over, my other requirements are more flexible.

Although Gwen is generally good and they’ll be raised in a good pack, it’s not expected that the pups will turn out that way. Adravendis haven’t always been goody-goody, you know, and a tendency to skirt the border of “acceptable” behavior is only natural. Artur, my pup, isn’t going to be so nice himself. That said it’s really unlikely that they’d be outright evil, at least as pups. They’d certainly have grown up knowing that certain things are wrong, like rape and murder, and that they shouldn’t do things like drugs. Personality disorders (schizophrenia and BPD, etc) can be assumed NOT to run in her side branch of the family regardless of what can be found elsewhere in the Adravendi family tree.

They’ll grow up to be taught things (both actively IC and assumed OOCly, just please ask me before assuming specific things OOCly) like the birds and the bees, how to defend themselves, and their family history as Gwen knows it, which means pretty much pre-Fiori.Gwen grew up knowing that the Adravendis were a powerful bloodline, proud, and born to rule. Things changed when she was a child, and suddenly it was the Armada family who ruled Boreas, and Gwen has never quite gotten over her family’s fall from leadership. That, and the fact that she finds her other family members’ tendency to adopt any sad-eyed thing that comes along to be silly and vaguely annoying and probably what caused her family’s fall to begin with, is likely to reflect in what she teaches her pups, though whether or not that affects each pups’ thinking is up to you.

You can assume OOCly that Gwen and the pups will have a den system set up in the moor near the standing stones and that the pups and Gwen will be all living their until they are yearlings and will be given permission to go off on their own to either build their own den or leave the pack altogether, so daily contact with their mother and siblings can be assumed though you should get together with each player to decide what can be assumed of each pups’ relationship to each other outside of what’s been played out IC to avoid unwanted PP and hurt feelings OOCly. This allows you to post with pack members outside of the family fairly often without feeling like you don’t know what’s going on between the family.

Gwen will have some rules for them that you as a player should be aware of outside of the pack rules that you can assume she taught them as well. IC, the pups will be expected to be polite and respectful to adults, whether they’re part of the pack or not - and she will expect pleases and thank yous and ma’ams and sirs to come out of those little pup mouths when they speak to pack members! - to show up to any lessons they’re called to and to participate politely regardless of it they like the subject, and to follow all pack rules. She’ll expect them to stay within sight of the den unless they have permission (can be OOCly assumed to have gotten it) to wander within the moor until they’re three months old unless they’ve got adult (PACK adult mind you) supervision (for example, pack meetings or being left with a babysitter) and then they may go anywhere in the pack with direct permission (you can assume that Gwen gave them permission OOCly, you don’t need to ask me every time) until they’re six months old at which time they no longer need permission to go anywhere in the pack lands. They’ll need actual IC supervision to go outside of pack lands until they’re six months old, then they’ll need permission to leave pack lands alone until they’re yearlings. Breaking any of those rules will get them in trouble with Gwen, though OOCly I understand that pups can be naughty sometimes and will CHOOSe to break the rules. :p Just please expect that there will be consequences IC if they don’t follow the rules!

So to recap, until the pups are three IC months old they can be anywhere on the moor but need supervision to go over to the plains, and cannot go anywhere outside of the pack lands at all. Between three and six months they can go anywhere in the pack lands alone if they have permission from Gwen but must be supervised outside of pack lands. Between six months and one year they may go outside the pack lands with permission but must stay in the lands directly touching pack lands unless supervised. At one year old they’re adults so they’re allowed to leave pack lands (and indeed, quit the pack itself) without permission from Gwen.

Phew, that’s a lot to remember. Don’t worry, though, I’m not giving these guidelines to restrict you creatively, I’m providing them so that you know what to expect your character to already know! I’m of course always available on skype and discord for any questions you might have as well.

<b>Name:</b> --- --- Adravendi (they’ll have a vaguely Arthurian / old English theme and will all have middle names in addition to the name they go by)
<b>Gender</b>: (will be picky about any possible transgender or genderqueer, etc, and very picky about intersex)
<b>Design:</b> (be aware that if you choose to use your own design you are agreeing that it and any design-based purchases made will remain with the character if it is reclaimed)
<b>Intended Height/Build:</b>
<b>Physical description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General Plans:</b> (This can include what you want their skills to be, if you want them to eventually make a pack or band, find love, etc etc and so on)

Available designs from Bri:








taken by Nyx









1 Year
06-12-2018, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2018, 04:43 PM by Kataraménos.)
Adley Clemintine Adravendi
[Image: pup8_by_thesiegeworks-dce8eiv.png] That one!
Intended Height/Build:
Height; 36" Build; light
Physical Description:
[Image: pup8_by_thesiegeworks-dce8eiv.png]

A lithe and sturdy build, mostly height she is very light. Though she has quite a lot of muscle's she doesn't process protein into fat, more likely into energy. The small amount of fat she does have shelters her body so no bones, show nor her vital organs that resign in her underbelly are put out there. Her ears are nice and round but are also quite long. Her body, all in all, is made of long legs. She stands a quite nice height of 36". She ways about 75 pounds in winter, and about 80 in summer. She stands on long thin legs as if her body sits on bamboo. Her snout is narrow and pretty long, with a slightly curved nose.

Fur and colors:
Her hair is long and downy her design, is anything but simple. As we look at her, she gleams with fascinating colors! Her eyes are two different colors, her right a magnificent lime green. When her left eye is a dual sky blue. Around her eye is a binding of Brown's and Blond's, cutting off at her chin. A little splot of faded brindling is, on her chest. Some residing on her front paws, and a stripe on her left front leg, though it doesn't show on the front of her leg. Staying to the back of her leg. It's also on her back and down her tail, and on her back right knee.

A sweet girl, always thinking on the bright side. She tends to try and think there is nothing evil in the world and is quite a kind spirit. She's gentle and isn't much of a fighter. Though its most likely cause she hates to see things in pain, or cause pain. Shes a spite fire nothing less, she loves to have fun but is proper and polite first and foremost. She lesson's to her mother, and would never disobey something she says. She would never fight another wolf unless they attack her first. If she does so happen to get mad, she'll excuse herself or go tell her mama. She as other people call her a tattle tail, though she doesn't understand. She just trusts her mother so much, she goes and tells her everything. She longs to find true love and will do anything to have her dream come true.
General Plans:
Skills; Healer & intellect Plans; She's gonna be a mama's girl, and will always try and be her favorite. She'll be a goody two shoes and will be clueless about evil... Till something bad happens to her, which may make her try and find a way to stop what happened to her to other wolves.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
06-13-2018, 06:43 AM

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



10 Years
Extra large
06-30-2018, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2018, 10:32 PM by Lirika.)
Isolde Gawaine Adravendi



Intended Height/Build:
38-39" - Light

Physical description:
youth// thin and awkward, with little to allude to physical prowess or beauty as she ages. Small, for the most part. Looking at her, one might not expect a promising future as a warrior. Her head, neck, and tail are dipped in a rich mocha. As she ages, the vagueness of the darker hues along her spine will begin to sharpen into a dappling of white on brown. On her hind paws, she bears obvious socks. The ones on her forepaws will not become obvious until she reaches around six months of age.
build// svelte and elegant. The regal postures of kings and queens culminate within her. Though she is frail in appearance, she lacks any sharp angles. There is a softness to her form, molded and curved to please the eye. To look upon her is to witness cherubic splendour. Bird bones and fine china. Small hips and shoulders, lacking the distinct curvaceousness of femininity. Thus, one may even call her plain. She stands fairly tall upon her long legs, though her paws lack the breadth to support her well on uneven terrain.
coat// In typical Adravendi fashion, she is an amalgam of dipped and splattered hues. This incarnation of the bloodline is clad in shades of cocoa and mocha, a delicacy of rich hues. Her cranium and upper neck are swathed evenly in deep chocolate, along with the lower half of her tail. Her muzzle and cheeks are ever so slightly lighter than the rest of her features- perhaps a trick of the light? Along her spine, her fur darkens in an uneven saddle, dappled with alabaster. Uneven socks of brown cover each of her paws.
eyes// pale blue, nearing a silvery white. Eerie to look into their depths, often discouraging others to hold her gaze.
scent// stone, moss, and wildflowers.
voice// rich alto, full of humour and warmth.

Chaotic Good
disdainful// Lesser creatures are few and far between, but like her mother- they tend to be pretenders to the Adravendi name. Worms that wriggle into their family uninvited, and like leeches, feed from their glory. She looks down her nose at them, treating them with only the barest kindness. A false kind of love drips from her jaws when she speaks to them, like venom dripping from an adder's teeth. As she grows older, she will do her best to avoid them. Better to spare them, rather than do something she may regret.
chivalrous// Isolde is nothing if not polite. She treats others with respect, and gives them the honour they deserve. She upholds a strong code of ethics and morality. If something is wrong, she will work to right it. Those in need will receive her help regardless of their creed, alignment, or appearance. She will use everything at her disposal to aid others, be it her strength, intellect, standing, or skills. Up to a point, of course.
Family oriented// blood is the bond that holds together dynasties. She is not unfamiliar with the concept, and holds certain family members in high regard. Isolde is at the beck and call of these family members, rain or shine. As she grows, she will bond heavily with her siblings. Whether they return that is up to them, but she will feel devotion regardless.
spitfire// attitude seeps from her pores. Her tongue will be a weapon, cracking like a whip over the spines of the less fortunate. Sarcasm and jeering will flow easy from her lips. Though, she does not intend to be cruel. Rather, she is testing others. Pushing them as far as she can, simply to see what happens. Whether this bodes well for her or not remains to be seen.
Far sighted// the present is but an opportunity to secure the future. She spends an inordinate amount of time considering the future, and her role within it. How her decisions might affect it, and how they might affect others. She wants only good things from the future, and wants to see herself succeed. Whatever she feels must be done to achieve that, she will do her best to accomplish.

General Plans:
plz let her be molded IC because... I got nothin'.
She'll definitely idolize her mother in her youth, though whether that extends into adulthood is up to IC stuff.
Kinda like the idea of her raising a pack of her own or something, though. Perhaps raising one with her family, whether she holds a high rank or not.
Skills// Healing and Fighting (maybe intellect and fighting? idk but I think she'll need to learn to fight to back up all her shit talking that I can see happening in the future)

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-04-2018, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2018, 10:47 AM by Dragon.)

Name: Lancelot Alexandre Adravendi
Gender: Male
Design: #10
Intended Height/Build: 36"
Physical description: Lancelot takes well after the Adravendi line, sporting the trademark coat that most true-blooded Adravendi's wear. A beautiful golden base color makes up the man's coat, broken only by the softer creams that blend into it. His coat is soft and silky, well-kept and always looking its best. Cream colored patches break through the soft gold of his coat, though it's more pronounced on his face, hips, and paws. He stands on the larger scale of things, growing even taller than his mother. While he may not be the tallest wolf out there, his appearance tends to make him stick out. Each hair seemingly shines beneath the sun, making him appear as if he were almost created from its very rays. Cyan blue eyes are set in a handsome face, and it's nearly easy to see all that he is feeling in his bright blue orbs.

Lancelot's legs are long and lean, giving the male an almost elf-like tallness if one were to describe him. His features are angular, a long sharp muzzle and angled eyes set into a well-chiseled visage. Long pointed ears are set neatly atop his head, overall the male has a well-defined look about him. He has a regal look to him in almost everything he does. He carries himself tall and proud, walking with the grace of a king in the making.

His body is lean, well defined muscles mostly hidden beneath silken fur. His body is mostly narrow, giving him a somewhat feminine appearance. This can be easily seen from chest to hips. Although he appears feminine and dainty, the muscles beneath his fur are well defined and capable of taking hits. He is quick on his feet despite his size. Speed, stamina, and endurance his greatest assets.

Personality: *Will of course develop more through ic interactions, etc*
As a child, Lancelot is incredibly well-mannered, or he tries to be, anyway. He's polite and respectful, a certain air of dignity instilled in him. He's also a curious pup, always seeking knowledge about the world around him and the creatures that live within it. He's kind, caring, and devoted to those he shares blood with. While he can be loyal to pack and friends alike, he gives the utmost loyalty to those who share the same blood as him and quite dislikes it when others who aren't direct descendants of his line claim to be his family. While he has nothing against them, he just doesn't really think that they are equal when it comes to that particular subject. Family to him, you see, are those related. He knows anyone can call each other family whether by blood or not, but family is important to him, and he often finds it offensive when others claim to be what they are not.

Lancelot tries to adhere to his many positive qualities, but like many others, he sometimes bends to the negative. As mentioned before, his dislike for those who claim to be his family (those who aren't true blood Adravendi's) is somewhat strong. His bloodline is important to him, and he will often find himself looking down on those particular creatures who claim to be what they are not. It doesn't mean he is disrespectful towards them, no. It simply means he just doesn't quite see them as equals, and may likely never see them as family no matter what. He can be quite judgmental as well, though he tries hard not to be, he simply can't help it. Despite that, however, he often tries to keep his misgivings to himself unless he feels pushed to say something. He can be blunt when he needs to be, but that is a rare part of him that very few, if any, will likely ever see. He remains polite and is quite obedient to his superiors regardless of how he feels about them. Lancelot follows orders without question, unless it goes against his moral code.

Wishing to live up to the standards of his bloodline, Lancelot works very hard to achieve his desires. He doesn't like to back down from those he feels are in the wrong, but he also won't pick a fight if he knows he won't win. He's chivalrous, and an all-around gentleman to everyone he meets granted that they, in turn, are polite and nice. He's seldom rude unless he's pushed to that, but he does his best to keep that at bay. Despite his kind and polite attitude, it's best to keep from pissing him off. He's definitely not the type of guy you want on your bad side.

General Plans: Skills would probably be fighting & Intellect. I do eventually would like to try making a pack with him to bring back the good ol' days of Adravendi rule (Seracia 2.0?? :D) hopefully he finds a suitable mate in life and attempt to revive the old bloodlines ;w;

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-06-2018, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2018, 06:28 PM by Malleus.)
Name: Oswin Thorley Adravendi
Gender: Male
Design: LINK
Intended Height/Build: 36in/light
Physical description: Oswin has a base coat of mahogany. His brow spots, lower face and the markings on his chest, belly, legs and tail are light brown. His neck, the middle of his chest and belly, and the tip of his tail are white as is a thin stripe on the top if his nose. His eyes are aquamarine.

Build - Svelte would be a good word to describe Oswin. He's fine-boned but not so fair as to appear fragile. Rather, his fine features, slim build and proud carriage hint at regality.

Puppy Build - While he may grow up to be a looker, as a pup Oswin is anything but elegant. He's rotund with a belly so round he wobbles when he walks. His cheeks are cherubic, his ears too big and his legs far too short.

Personality: Oswin is a lover, not a fighter. He's by no means a marshmallow, but in his opinion, everyone has a role to play and his most definitely is not the gore splattered warrior. Violence is simply too messy. There are cleaner, less painful ways to get what you want in life. To this end, Oswin can be charming and is gifted with a silver-tongue. He's perceptive and has an innate sense of what others wants which enables him, in turn, to get what he wants.

It would be fair to call him sensitive. Not necessarily in the 'wounded with words' sense, but in the intuitive, 'eyes wide open' sense. He feels strongly. With age this feeling will probably develop into understanding. Putting himself in someone else's shoes is something that will come naturally to him. For those he loves this skill is used tenderly; everyone else, though, is subject to his whims.

Oswin is not without his vices. He craves attention and affection, and will go to extremes to get both. A little isn't enough; his appetite knows no bounds. He is a show off, a braggart and a casanova. Perhaps he's a little gluttonous, but really, why settle for a little when you can have a lot?

General Plans: His skills will be intellect (definitely) and navigation (weak maybe). I'm not sure where his puppyhood will take him, but his adult alignment will most likely be true neutral or neutral good. Baring tremulous relationships with family members, he'll make a point to stay in touch with them.
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
07-11-2018, 09:59 AM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2018, 10:06 AM by Tealah.)
Pups will be chosen the 15th, which is the day I get back, so hurry and get those apps in! I'm really excited to play these pups, they are going to be so much fun.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
07-15-2018, 11:40 AM
Three free pups! Remember, pups will be picked at the end of the day today so hurry up and get your apps in!



7 Years
Extra large
07-17-2018, 02:10 PM
Name: Lynette Morgan Adravendi
Gender: Female
[Image: pup1_by_thesiegeworks-dce8f7q.png]
Intended Height/Build: 32 and Medium
Physical description: Lynette physically takes after her mother; she average in both height and build though she is less lean than her mother, her shoulders are broader and she has a more masculine look. Her form shows a sort of power while still avoiding looking bulky.

The pelt draped over that frame is short and coarse, this is not a wolf built for the cold. The base of her coloration is a pure white however she is hardly plain. A deep chocolate brown is the next most prominent color on her as it speckles all along her back running from the tip of her left ear all the way down her spine and a bit onto her tail, her left fore paw also has these same flecks of color running up to just a bit below her elbow. This color also marks a blaze down her chest, it marks her left fore paw, fading up to below her elbow. The brown coloration also marks her face in a near full mask, it also colors her right ear. A lighter slightly more grey shade of that brown also marks the tip of her tail and her left fore paw just below her hock. A darker, deeper brown blazes up her face from her nose to her eyes as a secondary mask on her face. A light cream color runs below her eyes, a darker white color also marks her face as a short blaze above her nose.

Set within the dark mask of her face are a pair of unmatched orbs, the right being a brilliant red the left is a clear light blue.


Lynette is not a woman to be trifled with, she brooks no bullshit, and has little time for fools. Plain stupidity will get you contempt and willful naivety will earn you even less good will; the girl will understand that not everything can be known by everyone but an unwillingness to learn is one of the biggest crimes in her eyes. Failure to understand consequences will not earn any pity.

This may make Lynette appear cold and callous and to an extent this is a perception of herself she willingly nurtures; she much prefers that over being seen as overly sentimental. Still there is humanity in her, even outwardly she sports a sense of humor even if it is dry and sarcastic. She takes well to good-natured competition and has a soft spot for pups even if she will do her best to deny it.

For the Adravendi woman respect is something she craves, she has a certain amount of pride. Her mother's tails of the glory days of her family are held close to her heart, still she does not believe herself innately better than anyone else and will always approach any interaction with the initial respect she desires; however her attitude may change if faced with someone she doesn't deem worthy of her respect. Still she will endeavor to never be needlessly rude or combative.

Due to her upbringing her immediate family will always carry a level of importance that few others will get. Her siblings and mother will likely be the first to be privy to her softer moments, and she will be more willing to drop her harsher pretenses around them, though she still won't let them get away with anything.

Under it all Lynette isn't as unfeeling as she presents and if someone can worm their way into her heart they could deeply hurt her if they chose, so she chooses to be distant to protect herself, and keeps many of her deeper emotions private, choosing only to indulge them when by herself or with those she trusts with her life.

General Plans: Skills will be Intellect for sure and either Fighting or Hunting (leaning more towards fighting though), ideally Lynette would like to advance herself wherever she finds herself be that in Celestial or in any packs her family heads. (If any of her siblings have designs of alpha hood she'd be very much on board for helping them achieve that) but she does not see herself as alpha material herself. I'd love for her to maybe one day have a family of her own though that'd take some work, maybe meet someone who can help to lower some of her walls; though she's very unlikely to ever be friendly.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
07-17-2018, 02:41 PM
Last call! I have a fairly good idea of who I'm going to go with but I'm giving everyone one last opportunity to get apps in or edited or whatever else. Absolute deadline is 9 PM EST.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
07-17-2018, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2018, 06:15 PM by Aurielle.)
Alright, I couldn't resist the temptation. Gods help me, but here's an app. Undecided on the middle name...

Name: Cairo "Cai" Lanz Adravendi
Gender: Male
Design: 3
Intended Height/Build: 36" (Would love to top him out at 42", but I'm not certain I have the gems on hand for it xD) Heavy
Physical description: A throwback to his maternal great grandsire, Cairo the first, this Cairo's base coat is a rich milk chocolate tone, and splotched over with wild spots of dark chocolate, with a massive splotch covering halve of his bushy tail, and thick cow spots covering his back and right shoulder - crossing to almost the left underside of his neck - in continental patterns. Brilliant white splashes up to midway up his left foreleg, and dashes under each brilliant, highly saturated sapphire eyes; the under eye marks likely passed from his mysterious sire. His right foreleg carries a dipping of slate black, matching the white sock in height. These two socks overlay a further application of the dark chocolate splotches, and finally, the spots liberally spot his hind legs.

Both ears are dipped to the bases in the same slate black coloring. Upon his face, amid heavy dark chocolate splotching, a mask of black paints his face, starting from his nose to arch over his eyes, with the center extending toward his forehead in a peak.

The splotching is, in fact, a genetic mark of his mother's father, Maverick Matthias. Like most of his siblings, his mother, and many of his kin from the pairing of Maverick and Epiphron, he both bears and will be likely to pass down this dominance of spots, though on him, they are much akin to the chimeric traits seen in some horses. (Those are so cooooool! Sorry, horse nerdiness had to rear its head)

In build, though he will likely never meet with the same massive height of the Adravendi Patriarch, who reached 42" or 43" at the shoulder, Cairo the second will still bear the same formidable, powerful presence and grace in build. Broad shouldered and robust of breast, his legs are long and paws large by the time he reaches adulthood.

He is the epitome of a warrior, and yet there is a gentle expressiveness to his features and movements that evokes a feeling that he is capable and readily giving of great tenderness. Every step as an adult will be made in a kingly stateliness, and he holds himself proudly, knowing the legacy he bears in name and blood, and those eyes.

His coat, while short, is lush and full, a boon in winter months with how thick his undercoat grows in those times, yet gratifyingly lightweight in the hotter months, whether through genes or adaptation, it's uncertain.

Personality: A warrior and natural leader, Cairo the second was given great pawprints to fill when his mother bequeathed him the name of the family's known founder, Cairo. So many stories of the proud chocolate patriarch, kept alive by the Adravendis who never bore his blood yet bore a love for the male, passed down from one healer. Most assuredly a daunting legacy to uphold.

Young Cairo aspires to be like the Cairo of the past. To be hard working, loyal, true, and steadfast. A true friend, he will always be there to protect his friends and family.

He loves fiercely, and fiercely loves those he cares for, readily throwing himself in harms way to defend them. With a strong sense of right and wrong, he will unfailingly stop to help the needy, and sincerely prefers to work for what he earns. Having royal blood means nothing if you aren't willing to do the work that makes you a likeable creature.

He is an apt learner, and an avid listener, both in lessons and stories, and he strives to best not others, but himself. He will always try to do better than his previous attempts, even if those were exemplary in the first place. He aspires to rise in the pack to a high rank, and feels that high position would help him to contribute best to the wealth and good of the pack.

He desires to be a masterful fighter, like his mother, and like her mother's father, his namesake, and like Guinevere the first, who herself walked in a high rank within Starlite before she rose to become Cairo's Queen. (Sidenote.. I think she was a beta for a time, but it was so long ago I'm not entiiiirely sure. It may have actually been lead warrior.)

Not one to shirk courage, he isn't afraid to admit to being afraid. That's the truest mark of courage, right? Being scared but forging on anyway? He has fears like any other, but he will do his best to face them boldly... even... even spiders... Ugh.

Cairo will listen dutifully to his mother's views regarding adoptions, but he won't necessarily agree with them as he grows older and learns more from those of the family who bear the Adravendi name with Cairo the first's blessing. He will, however, adhere to a certain standard of worthiness to be adopted.

As he understands it, the worth Erani bore to receive the name, though she never wed to his predecessor, was that of her constant show of unfailing loyalty and love, even when it meant punishment for being honest with the king when his queen was dying.

Loyalty and respect hold high sway with Cai. He's highly unimpressed with false flattery, ass kissers, and liars, and even less impressed by idle joes and janes who can't seem to lift a paw to contribute to the good of the pack.

He enjoys children, and looks forward to seeing his own little ones scampering around one day, though he may very well be the pickiest fellow when it comes to choosing a mate. He's not willing to settle with a lady just for her looks. He values innovative intelligence, fidelity, courage, and a hardworking, gentle nature. A good mother who loves kids is a must.

General Plans: Skills will likely be fighting and intellect, maybe hunting. He'll aspire to work hard and rise through the ranks, though may never decide he wants to make the ultimate leap for king-hood. He values family greatly and will intend to continue his namesake's legacy on down the line, both in blood and spirit.
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
07-17-2018, 07:22 PM
Aaaaaand apps are closed!



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
07-17-2018, 09:17 PM
Thanks for your interest, guys! You didn't make it easy for me to pick, especially since I decided to take a second pup myself, but the litter will be:
Me, with Artur and Viviane
Nyx, with Caelia
Lazuli, with Oswin
Bri, with Cairo II

And in the event that someone doesn't get their app up by two days before their playable date, we have the runner-up ready to take their place

Lolaf, with Lynette