
Wrong Way



3 Years
Extra large
04-18-2018, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2018, 03:25 PM by Miach.)

Miach's recent encounter with his brother had an unexpected outcome. However, he was glad to have gotten it done with, as he felt this would better their relationship in the long run. He still had to speak with an alpha of Lirim to discuss leaving the pack, as well as his mother. As much as he appreciated her raising him and Lirim's help, it was simply time to move on with his life. If his father decided he wanted nothing to do with the man, then he would simply train and better himself until his father felt he was worth spending some time with. All this had been eating away at him for the past few days, he just wanted to get away. Titan ended up wandering north, where the weather was significantly colder. With the sudden temperature drop, the man now wished he had a thicker coat. The bitter wind threatened to have the man frozen by nightfall. Miach was sure he'd find some sort of shelter soon, or his body would simply adapt to the harsh climate the north provided him with. Traveling through this area made him realize how truly desolate this land appeared. There were, of course, the prey that was used to the climate here, but as far as wolves went, he had yet to spot any.

Brute decided to come to a stop in Frost Island. The area called to him, it was quite beautiful. The sight of snow covering the trees and other foliage, and inches of it blanketing the earth left Miach in awe. It might have been a desolate land, but it seemed to hold many beautiful wonders. You really only had to look past the harsh weather to see it. Titan stopped for a moment to take it all in. Lids shut over those bright ruby eyes and he held his snout high in the air. The bitter air stung as he inhaled, but as he sat there enjoying the moment his body adjusted. Snow fell to the earth, little flakes beginning to land on his coat and he smiled. He'd spent so much time training, he hadn't had a day to enjoy himself. Hell, no one was around, would it really be an issue to let go this once? Taking a moment to think it over, he decided it would definitely be worth it. The sudden boost of energy made him feel like a kid again.

Back toes dug into the soft snow as his talons desperately searched for a way to get some grip. Miach lifted himself in the air for a moment, desperately trying to catch some of the falling snowflakes. Massive jaws snapping wildly in the air before he could no longer hold himself up. Eyes wide with excitement as he pranced around in the snow still trying to eat the flakes before they reached the blanketed earth. Taking a break every now and then to shake his fur off. As much as he loved playing in it, the snowflakes melting in his coat made him mildly uncomfortable. This alone time he was graced with was absolute bliss. He hadn't felt this free in a long time, even though he'd been roaming for such a long time. All work and no play made Miach a very dull boy. Eyes closed again and he pointed his muzzle to the sky, chuckling. Man was enjoying this feeling, no responsibilities for once really helped relieve a lot of stress. As serious as he was, everyone needed to relax here and there. Otherwise, the world would be full of pricks.

Titan was content, spending his time like this. He was seriously considering doing this more often. Perhaps this could be his private spot, somewhere to escape all of his troubles. Big wolf dove muzzle first into the cold mush that covered the ground, rolling around in it. He was attempting a wolf angel. However, when he got up it kind of looked like a big random blob in the snow. Eh, no matter. A smirk played at his maw as he turned a few times in place before settling in the snow, Leaving those large limbs out in the open as he leaned onto his side. Head collapsed in the snow and the brute just sighed. He wasn't looking to sleep, only relax a bit before moving on to get things done. He didn't want to think about what lay ahead of him just yet. The young man wanted to savor this time he had, live in the moment.

Walk, "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-22-2018, 04:31 PM

Even though the earth had seemed to thaw somewhat, with the steady changing of seasons, the farthest reaches of the north never seemed to fully escape the tight clutches of winter. While the amount of snow that usually covered the land was less than usual, though as the weeks wore on, the sight of winter was just around the corner. Though she and her sister had yet to fully decide what they'd do, other than some vague plans of scoping out the packs and wolves that resided in the north a bit more carefully, Ásvor was restless at the thought of spending another winter without knowing what her purpose now was.

This uncertainty fouled her mood more than she dared let on. Instead of dwelling on it for much longer, Ásvor decided to distract herself by venturing to the frost-capped island to the western edge of the northern coast. Of course, no true adventure was complete without partaking in some psychoactive herbs.. and she'd been lucky enough to find a wilted bundle of jimson weed on her travels. Carrying the plant with her only made her decide she really ought to find something suitable to carry her stores in, especially if she wasn't going to settle down in one place, but that wasn't an option right now. Sometimes she'd dig herself a hiding spot to stash them for later retrieval, but with the ground so frozen here she had little luck with that plan. Eventually, she decided to abandon the full plant she'd found and chew a few of the flowers, grimacing at the bitter taste. Better than wasting them entirely, right? Either way, perhaps they might help help either enlighten or distract her. Either seemed an equally good solution currently..

Perhaps because of the plant's slightly wilted state, the effects took longer than she expected to kick in. Ásvor couldn't help but wonder, after awhile, if she'd feel anything at all. Some time after she consumed the plant, the effects started to creep over her.. slowly, and quietly, spreading a slow warmth from her core outward. It was hard not to feel nourished by it, like one might feel satiated by a good meal, though with these pleasant effects came another sensation slowly as she wandered. One of paranoia and distrust, though she maintained her composure as she wandered, acutely aware of the feeling of snow crunching beneath her paws. The sound seemed amplified, booming in her ears.

Only when she caught the scent of a stranger would she tense, redirecting her path. Despite feeling that creeping sense of uncertainty, she had to know who else was here - and more important, why. This wasn't exactly a place that many navigated to, after all. Once she caught sight of the stranger - a male larger than her, with gray and russet markings - she felt her heart begin to race rapidly. Somehow, he seemed to mutate before her very eyes even lying down in the snow; she watched, lips twitching in a silent snarl, as she watched his coat ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. All she could think was that there were snakes beneath his thick pelt, twisting and curling around his bones, and the sight made her stomach turn. "The fuck is wrong with you?" Ásvor snarled as she moved a few slow steps closer, barely aware that the world twisting before her was a result of her own mind and not reality. Instead of simple disgust and uncertainty, now she felt a need to punish this creature rising in her throat like bile.



3 Years
Extra large
04-23-2018, 05:56 PM

Miach was caught off guard by the unfamiliar voice, surprised that he hadn't gotten a whiff of her first. Embarrassment washed over the brute as he turned to face the woman. She wasn't anyone he knew, but still, he was caught enjoying himself. Titan would simply have to bounce back and show her that he was definitely more professional than he appeared to be at the moment. Lean frame moved to align his spine with his skull, gripping the freezing snow beneath him. Head held high, he would be sure to present himself as the more dominant one here. A grin spread across his maw as he looked the woman over, red gaze never pausing to make any eye contact. The way she held herself, he could tell something wasn't quite right, but he wouldn't assume she was looking for a fight just yet.

The woman before him wasn't that large, but she definitely wasn't small either. She appeared to be well fed, likely a pack wolf. If she wasn't a part of any pack then she definitely couldn't have been alone. There was more than just her own scent lingering, a hint of something else. Brute wouldn't question her on it though, instead, he would attempt to approach the situation in a friendly manner, and with caution. He approached, but left some distance between them, about six feet to be exact. He wasn't looking to provoke any violence, but he felt it necessary to close the space between them in order to properly introduce himself and show that he was no threat to her. "I was just taking some time to myself. I'm Miach, and you would be?" His grin had died down a bit, leaving a nice smile. The man figured a grin might be a bit creepy, he wasn't trying to make her any more on edge than she already was.

He'd give her time to reply, while still maintaining that defensive stance. He couldn't take any major chances with so much to do in the coming days. Titan had to be constantly aware and ready for anything. Miach wanted to keep in good shape, he still had some time to prove himself worthy. At least, the young man felt he did. So his paws still spread and talons clinging to the ground, maintaining whatever grip he could get with all the snow. Tail flagged, and his head now lowered, using that massive cranium to defend any vital areas should this female decide to strike. His coat was slowly being covered by the little flakes falling all around him, but there was no time to shake it off. He'd simply have to sacrifice his warmth and comfort to keep his eyes on the woman. However, if she was going to make her move wouldn't she have done it by now? Perhaps she was a little out of it, he understood being somewhat defensive but he couldn't understand why she hadn't let her guard down yet. At this point, anyone else might have at least loosened up a bit with a name to associate with a face.

Walk, "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-07-2018, 08:53 PM

Ásvor wasn't really aware of anything in the moment save for the disturbing way his coat was rippling before her very eyes. She certainly hadn't seen the male simply enjoying himself here on this private island, nor did she think anything of his presence here. Her gaze was zeroed in on his coat of assorted greys and russets and whites, hardly noticing much at all about his expression. She hardly even looked him in the eye, she was so caught up in the inner workings of her own mind rather than what was actually manifesting itself in reality.

The slight snarl that tugged at her lips grew more visible by the second, a low growl rumbling deep within her chest. His approach only worsened her frantic state - now rather than simply disturbed by his presence, she felt threatened by it.. especially as he moved closer and as the writhing beneath his skin grew more evident. Just taking some time to himself, eh? Sure looked like it. Not. She wasn't totally sure what sort of creature this was, but surely this was some test sent from the gods, a way to prove her faith once and for all..

"Miach, hm?" She spat back at him, another threatening snarl ripping from her lips. "I do believe you've made a mistake today..." It was obvious enough that something wasn't quite right with her - her eyes could barely focus on him at all, and the way she trembled was unusual. However, she didn't give him much time to react; what she saw she was certain of. So certain, in fact, that she was willing to risk her own safety to defend herself from the invisible threat.

She mirrored his stance for just a moment, head ducking low to the ground and her limbs instinctively bending at the joints. Asvor only remained in that defensive posture for but a brief pawful of seconds before leaning forward to strike. Her jaws parted wide as she pushed off with her back legs, aiming to strike him right in the face - hoping to grab him by the muzzle, or the cheek, wherever her bite fell. She simply wanted blood - she didn't care where it came from.



3 Years
Extra large
05-07-2018, 10:35 PM

Miach had no time to understand what the woman was talking about before she was lunging at him. He hadn't even gotten an introduction from her, how rude. However, he did have the opportunity to observe her odd behavior before he had to move to defend himself. Her trembling and dancing gaze alone was enough to tell him something was wrong with the woman. However, was a fight going to have her back to her normal self, whatever that may be? As she lunged, Miach moved as quick as he could to the side, but he wasn't fast enough. His extra height and weight made him a little less stealthy than his opponent. He managed to avoid a set of jaws latching onto his face and instead felt the pain begin radiating from his right shoulder. The brute groaned in pain but knew there was no use in trying to talk to her at this point. What she needed was some tough love, and Miach was perfectly fine having to show her some.

He managed to straighten himself back out, moving his hind end to align with his skull and peered over the woman. He was trying to think of any kind of counter-attack, and the only idea that came to mind was taking the woman by surprise and trying to push her off. Regardless of the damage it would cause to him, he was looking to have this woman contained and soon. Miach could care less about himself at this point, he just wanted to snap this female out of her trance or whatever it was that had her so thrown off. The man forced that thick maw up against the right side of her head, thankful that her attention was on drawing blood. He'd aim for a long bite just below her ear, hoping to pinch a nerve and maybe loosen her grip. His massive paws would then come to rest on her shoulders before he moved to shove her forward. Hind toes splayed and paws spread wide to help him keep a grip on the earth as he used all of his weight in this shove.

No mind was paid to the pain that would come with pushing the girl to the ground, As long as he could get her off of him and pin her down. He figured with a tight hold on his shoulder or not, she was coming off of him with or without some of his flesh and fur. Once she was off of him, Miach would then aim to pin the girl down looking to throw his own weight into a tackle. Massive paws would be positioned atop her neck, hoping to keep her from snapping back at him. He knew this probably wouldn't hold for long, but enough for him to come up with any kind of game plan. Perhaps he might end up having to use force and truly hurt the woman. However, he wasn't too open to being so violent without probable reason. In fact, he wasn't angry while fighting the she-wolf, merely frustrated and genuinely concerned for her well-being. Miach was not familiar with recreational drugs and their possible negative side effects. Honestly, the man just thought this female was crazy and having a mental break. At least that was easier for him to understand rather than thinking that she might just be tripping balls thanks to some herb.

Rolls (Points will be calculated at the end once all the evade/attack rolls have been given out)
Evade: (-2 for moderators, considering his large size)
No evade roll, but considering Asvor's bite to be moderate-severe depending on if her hold loosens. (-2/-3 points)
Attack: (+2 for moderators, Miach is both 4+ inches taller and 30 pounds heavier)
Short Bite (Moderate Damage Attempt) -
1d12+2 - Got 11, For a total of: 11 + 2 = 13
Shove (Minor Damage Attempt) -
1d12+2 - Got 8, For a total of: 8 + 2 = 10
Pin (No Damage Attempt, just the hold)
1d12+2 - Got 7, For a total of: 7 + 2 = 9

Miach VS. Asvor, Spar
Round 1/2
Height: 40 inches
Build: Medium

Walk, "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
06-25-2018, 07:31 PM

Ásvor had never been known for being totally logical, but on the other hand she wasn't known for flying off the handle either - her reactions were purely a response of the drug she'd ingested. Perhaps she'd inadvertently taken more than she meant to, but all she knew now was a raw gnawing of anger that chewed at her core and threatened to erupt unless she acted on it. The man she lunged at was an enemy, she was sure of it, sent from the gods to test her faith and try to trick her.

Though her reactions were sharp, Miach reacted as best as he could, deflecting the bite to his face to his shoulder instead. Her jaws found hold there, all the muscles in her back neck going into forcing pressure into the bite. For a moment, she tasted blood, though instead of relief washing through her at the sensation of the warm irony substance trickling down her tongue it only made her want to inflict even more pain upon this stranger. After a moment far too short, she felt as Miach pushed his head against the side of her own, his jaws seeking hold below her ear. The pressure was sudden, and surprising, and she winced between snarling and loosened her hold enough to let him push her out and away from him slightly. Enough so that she couldn't snap back at him, though that didn't stop her from trying, jaws unhinging and snapping shut again a moment later, spit and blood flying from her mouth without a care.

It was harder to focus on how to achieve her goal of making him bleed as she felt his paw pressing down on her shoulder, trying to pin her to the ground. Briefly the weight of his body coming down on her neck caused her to pause, though her adrenaline kicked into overdrive. Her posture slackened quickly, attempting to slip out from under his grasp. It seemed an opportune time to come at him from below, hoping her sharp angle gave her an opportunity to seek hold on his face again, upper jaw angling to meet just above the corner of his mouth while her lower jaw would meet the base of his muzzle.