
Dawn in the World Unknown



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
06-16-2018, 06:55 PM

She had been sleeping away from the huddled mass of her family. It had been this way since she was able to comfortably control her own body temperature. She had hated being that close to everyone at once, it was to smothering and she felt horribly uncomfortable among her larger siblings. They squished her smaller form. It was much early in the morning and she had surprisingly came awake before the rest of her family. Duel gaze looked over to her family before a large yawn pushed her jaws open and her eyes closed. She was wide awake for some unknown reason and really found it boring sitting here and looking at her family. She needed something to do and one thing had been in her sight since her eyes opened. The entrance of the den had always been vary tempting to the girl, wanting to explore and figure out the world outside of the den. Getting up she moved out of the den and outside standing at the entrance for a couple of minutes. The sun was just starting to rise and even though it was vary dim light it was much brighter then the light in the den. She had to give her eyes time to adjust to the change.

While doing this her senses were hit with everything at once. All the smells, all the sounds, and all the sights (once her eyes adjusted). It was extremely overwhelming at first, but extremely exciting though on the outside the girl was unable to show any emotion, because excitement was something she wasn't used to. She didn't know where in the world to start, but she didn't want to go back. She decided she would have to do things on the fly, because there was no way she could plan anything when she was so clueless to the world around her. Quietly she moved straight forward at an easy pace, doing her best to absorb all that she could along the way. Every plant, every rock, anything she passed she had to give at least a quick sniff off, but she didn't stop. Moving further and further from the area she knew completely out into the world of the unknown. When she felt far enough away she stopped before looking around. Heading for the first thing she had seen, some sort of plant with leaves. Moving around it slowly and eyeing it from every angle, before she sniffed it. Taking in the smell of the plant she would have been so bold as to taste it, but a mouse ran past her making all her attention zip right to the creature.

It quickly went out of sight and she grew bored so she moved on to try and find something more interesting.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"



4 Years
06-26-2018, 01:28 PM

Male of ash and soot coloration had been sitting on the outskirts of the Apollyon's den as per usual. He hadn't chose a den of his own yet, as he awaited the blood oath ceremony. Movement captured his attention as he spotted a small form making it's way from the den and out into the world. Drakan's head cocked slightly as he silently watched the pup make it's way out of view. With a throaty sigh, he pulled himself to a standing position and tagged along behind the child.

It didn't take much effort to catch back up to her and within no time he was within leaping distance. He watched as she investigated vegetation seemingly for the first time, but her attention was caught elsewhere and she moved on. Lengthening his strides, he strolled up alongside the pup to catch her attention. "Little dove. You should be more cautious when straying so far away from the den." Drakan's deep voice boomed as he motioned to hover over the child.

"Speech." Thoughts.

[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-01-2018, 08:51 PM

Her senses were all hyperactive as she tried to take in everything around her. Most puppies would be carelessly zipping around without any tact. She on the other hand was careful, paid attention, and took her time. It was her form of coping with new things. She hadn't noticed the pack member that had been lurking near the den, nor that he trailed behind her, but when he closed the distance her hypersensitive ears were able to pick up the faint thuds of his large paws in the dirt. She at first assumed it to be her father, waking to find her missing and come to collect her. Though when the man strode along side her, her fiery eyes looked to the strange face. Deep voice boomed and large body hovered over her making an irritating shiver run up her spine. She slowed to a stop, calmly staring at him, studying him. He was a large wolf, much like her father, but he had a lot more markings on him compared to her father. She plopped down onto her rump, her nose taking in his scent. Something was similar in his scent that shared her father's. Was he an uncle? Who was this large male. She didn't fear him, but she didn't show a cocky personality that her brothers might have. Instead she considered his words, though she didn't realize these lands carried danger with them.

"Where is danger? You danger?" she asked.

She was still young so her sentences had words missing making her sound somewhat dumb, though she would become far from that. One on one with another wolf wasn't so bad, but she hated to go back to that unbearable pile that was her family in that den.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"



4 Years
07-06-2018, 01:15 AM

A slight smirk cross his features as the small female took pause and looked up to him. An unfamiliar feeling washed over him, a mock fatherhood, resulting in confused thoughts. Never before had he considered settling with another and starting a family, why was this happening now? Drakan shook his head at the pup's questioning of him being the source of danger. "You don't have to worry about me." He spoke in complete honesty.

"You must be careful of many things in this world, child. Some plants and animals carry poison; do not try and eat anything you are unfamiliar with." He let loose a low chuckle, which was very rare of the male to share any feelings other than that of stone cold. Leaning down to the female's eye level he continued on in a hushed tone. Almost a whisper. "Also... While I may not be a danger to you, there are some dark souls who may see you as a target due to your lineage. Worry not, though, as I won't allow that to happen on my watch."

"Speech." Thoughts.

[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-07-2018, 08:56 PM

He didn't at all seem to be a threat to her and his answer seemed honest. Besides even if he did lie and kill her she was sure her father would get quick revenge. He claimed to not worry about him and she looked to his eyes and face trying to read the expressions in them. Studying him as he spoke and as he moved. Taking it all in and letting everything be digested by her small sponge like mind. He continued on giving her a verbal lesson with his warning and her mind greedily sucked it up, repeating it, then locking it away into it's memory bank. Her little tail gave a vary short wag at the knowledge he was sharing with her. Her eyes fallowed him as he lowered to her eye level and spoke in hushed tones. Another warning and another lesson one she would not forget. Her mind would not let her forget these things. Copying him from a few moments ago a slight smirk spread across her own lips as she looked to the male. He would not let harm come to her on his watch, did that mean she could count on him being around when she snuck out of the den at night? Could he be another adult she could count on teaching her things. Her father and mother both seemed vary busy.

"Will you.... Teach me more? I want to learn more," she asked the male.

It was a lot for a normal adult to ask another being to teach them, but she was a young mind thirsting for knowledge on any and everything. Surely some of the pack members would be more then happy to teach her things and this male had already taught her two vary valuable lessons. What other knowledge could he share? And she didn't think he would leave her alone now, so why not make the best of having a watchful eye fallowing her? She wasn't at all intimidated by his scars or his differences. The question was, would he be willing to help her learn things?

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
07-19-2018, 11:38 PM

Once his cautions were spoken, Drakan's postured straightened back into it's typical form- head up, chest out. His warm gaze remained cast upon the small girl. Having caught a glimpse of her mimicked smirk, he could not resist as a matching one crept across his black lips and exposed his massive lower canines.

With her request for him to teach her more, he let out another hearty chuckle followed by a response. "Of course, little dove. When you get a bit older, perhaps I'll be able to train you in the art of battle... Given that your father is accepting of that." Drakan mulled over what he could teach the pup now for a moment.

"While I am unfamiliar with their names, I do know how to identify certain harmful plants. Any plant with shiny leaves, a strong stench, a milky-like sap, or ones with groups of three leaves should be avoided. Mushrooms and berries should typically be avoided, but I'm sure your mother, as a healer, would know which would be edible. I, on the other paw, avoid them all together- Meat is the only thing I want to eat." With his first lesson preached, he looked into Actaea's face and searched for any proof of understanding what he was trying to teach.

"Speech." Thoughts.

[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
08-10-2018, 08:42 PM

His reply made her scrawny little tail wag for a moment, he was willing to teach her and she was willing to absorb the knowledge he would share. The art of battle hadn't been something brought up to her yet and she was curious as to what it meant. They had only had vary basic lessons so far, to fight training hadn't even been brought up to her or her siblings. Even though she didn't know what it was, she was curious about it. What was it and was it crucial to know about for survival. Would it hurt that he gave her some basics now? Would her father really be upset that a member would be willing to teach her? She wondered how close Draken was to her father and if maybe he felt he had to tread carefully. She still hadn't even learned the pack dynamics yet.

Her eyes and mind focused back on him as he began his lesson, mind absorbing what he was saying. Repeating it within her mind what needed to be avoided. He then mentioned her mother might know more and she nodded, she hadn't even considered pestering her mother for some knowledge. Maybe even one of her older siblings? She would have to find them at some point. As he finished her eyes looked around to make sure there wasn't any of these plants he talked about. Seeing none she looked back to him.

"I don't see any of these plants near us," she reported with another wag of her tail.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
08-14-2018, 02:31 PM

The male cast his gaze across the plants just as the pup had, scanning for any potential hazards. Seeing none, he returned his gaze to Actaea and nodded. "Correct. Good job, little dove." Drakan's deep voice commended the child on her excellent observation. It would appear that Elias and Zuriel's children, or this one at the very least, had a natural affinity for knowledge and learning. Having not encountered the other offspring, Drakan could only go off what he was seeing in this one pup. Still, he found his mind entertaining the idea of becoming a father himself. Working with the Apollyon's imps would have to be enough for now- until he found a suitable female to call his wife.

With heavy things weighing down on both his mind and heart, Drakan felt need to go and see Elias to discuss his thoughts on his future. Perhaps a lamb would prove worthy as a wife? "I'll give you one final piece of advice before I leave to converse with your father. Be cautious of wolves outside the pack, and don't ever turn your back to them." He hoped his warning would be heeded.

"If you are in need of assistance, call for me, and I'll be by your side quicker than you can blink." Drakan said the last bit with a joyful chuckle paired with a singular winking of one eye. His large paws carried his bulk past the child as he made way to sniff out Elias. As his pace hastened and more distance was placed between the two, Drakan looked over his shoulder back to Actaea before calling out a farewell.

"Catch you later, little dove!"

"Speech." Thoughts.

[Image: HL1CWJV.png][Image: bqjzbYg.png]
Ilithyia is welcome in all his threads regardless of the tag.