
This was and still is my home[joining]


07-04-2013, 03:07 PM

Dragneel had returned, after visiting his brother, and he still wasn't able to find an answer for himself, or maybe he was. The pain in his head, and the bite marks that had scabbed over on his leg were proof of a strange connection between him and his daughter. He had a slight limp with what force Natsu had used against him, but he hadn't minded. Not after the words he had spoken. Dragneel didn't understand the world, but maybe it'd be better if he changed, and then everyone would feel better. Everyone would feel happy, Dragneel lived to please, so perhaps if he looked pleased himself, and felt these awful feelings everything would be okay?
He arrived at the borders, blinking his red eyes as he looked up, his scarred muzzle facing into the territory. By the scent of it, new wolves had moved in, but this was still his home wasn't it. He lifted his head in a howl and then sat his head at his shoulders. He was a mere 24 inches but he still remembered what Natsu had said to him. Never let anyone control you unless you can fend them off. What did that mean anyway? Was his brother making fun of him.


Gargoyle I


07-04-2013, 04:12 PM

Masqurading as a man with a reason

My charade is the Event of the season

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


The loyal Glacia's had only just set foot in their new home. Honestly, Gargoyle had come looking for help from Desdemonda, the white she-wolf with whom he'd found an odd comradery. Imagine his surprise when the place was empty. Surprise and good luck. His family needed a place to stay, and this was it. The male had settled in to setting up a home, but he was drawn away from his duties by a sound on the wind. A howl, and not form any voice he knew. It couldn't be some rogue seeking to join already? perhaps it was one of the Native Tortugans seeking answers or a way back in. Most likely. There was a time when Glaciems and Tortugans were ready to go to war with eachother, but now Gargoyle found himself trotting calmly down the slopes to say hello.

The stranger on the border was a dark brown pelted male with a scared nose and a white patch over one eye. He smelled of the Tortugan lands, surely then he was a native. Gargoyle didn't like the idea that he was stepping on another wolf's toes. He wanted to find Desdemonda. Perhaps this wolf knew.... or perhaps he was in the dark too.

Either way, the Chief with the dead pan face and the yellow eyes, halted at a comfortable speaking distance and sat his haunches down in the earth. His neck, throat and leg still bore the glaring pink signs of healing flesh, but his strength had returned and he only needed the slightest sign of danger to go into defensive fighting for his family.

"Good day, stranger," he drawled. "From the scent you carry, my guess is you have as many questions as I do. But why don't you go first?"


Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you Cry No More


07-04-2013, 04:28 PM

Dragneel looked up at the male, so he was the new leader? Judging from his scent and his wounds, he had lost his last pack and came here. Was that what it was like to protect something you cared about, just like his brother had? He lowered his head thinking about it, the pain in his right leg and his head must have been nothing compared to what this man had been feeling. It wasn't as if Dragneel wanted to know what happened to the alpha's he just wanted to get back into Tortuga, no matter who owned it right now, he felt that his own life was changing just as it was. "Um, you're the new alpha then?" Dragneel asked with a flick of his tail. He remembered facing Desdemonda like this, scared that he would be rejected, this time he felt like he wouldn't be doing anything right. "I didn't amount much of anything in Tortuga when Desdemonda was around, I hadn't been a member that long. While I'd like to know what happened to her, I spoke with my brother and I just, want to come back." Dragneel flicked his black tipped tail wondering what would happen to him next.
"My name is Dragneel sir, and I wish to rejoin tortuga under your rule.....if that's not too much to ask." He spread his front paws apart, his right leg feeling stinging pain from having so much pressure on it at one time. It was nothing though, even though it hurt, this man was hurt more. Dragneel wanted to find someone to serve soon, because that would only confirm his feelings wouldn't it?


Gargoyle I


07-06-2013, 05:48 AM

"My name is Gargoyle," he said by way of assertion to the male's first question. "Formerly of Glaciem. But, well, Tortuga isn't the only pack that's seen changes this spring." The male's drawl was devoid of any emotion, but that didn't mean he was. He was curious about this male, and listened patiently to his words. His level of success, or lack there of under the prior rule of the pack, held little weight in Gargoyle's decision making, but if he was to take the male in, he did want him to be useful.

"Glaciem's policy is to give shelter to any honest wolf who needs it. But if you truly wish to join as member of the pack, then, tell me, what skills do you pocess? What is it you bring to the pack?" He wasn't hearing a no. Not by a long shot - the acceptance of an old Tortugan would help to ease the transition of the pack, and no doubt he would know much of the territory that was still unexplored by the Glacias. Yet, Gargoyle moved with caution, as it was wise for a Chief to do in just about all situations.


07-06-2013, 01:34 PM

Dragneel looked at Gargoyle, the man was nothing like the girl who had accepted him into tortuga before. He felt more obliged to bow and serve him than the others. Than again that was his old habits kicking in again. What could he offer? "My mother is of kingdom heritage, I have pack training to an extend and my small size makes for easy to get into small spaces. My limbs are a bit stronger than most as well, since of how many times they've been broken." Dragneel said, wondering if that was enough. He didn't know if it was, sure he was a perfect warrior who listened to orders no matter what they were, but what was that worth. He had been enraged enough to take on a bear resulting in missing back claws and a scar across his snout.
"My brother who resides in Valhalla has also taught me some things." Dragneel looked at his leg that was currently injured. 'Teaching' it had been more of a scolding than anything, but he didn't mind. "I bring loyalty, to the best of my ability my body is for the pack to use.....wait." He found it hard to find the words as he shook his head. "I mean I'll be loyal." Old slave habits were hard to get out of, even though he enjoyed being told what to do. Having his own choice was to the horrors of the back of his mind.


Gargoyle I


07-07-2013, 08:26 PM

Gargoyle listened carefully. A few interesting things were said. For one thing, the Chief never heard of bones becoming strong by breakings, though a threshold for pain tolerance could certainly be improved. And for another thing: ?A Tortugan with ties to Valhalla?? he questioned curiously. Interesting. He?d have to ask more about that later. Gargoyle?s relationship to the pack was rocky at best. It was home to his brother, Collision, whom he loved despite the fact that he could be a twerp. But it was also home to the wolf known as Cairo, who was still alive only due to Gargoyle?s self-control. Of course neither of those males ruled anymore. Another of Cairo?s descendants did. A girl named? Chrys-something. Perhaps Gargoyle would send his diplomatic sister to reestablish good relations there and learn what was happening. He?d been out of the world for too long thanks to his wounds. But now that he was back in, it was time to build up his pack. And in that order of business, this particular male seemed like he could be of use.

His manner of speech was reticent of Mahniya?s one of Gargoyle?s packmates. Or rather she?d been a packmate before. Mahniya and her new mate, Gargoyle?s brother, Rogue had more or less gone MIA since the announcement of their love. Gargoyle had been beyond pleased, but somehow the announcement had gone off on the wrong foot, partly due to the Chief?s sense of humor where his brother was concerned, partly due to the female?s over sensitively. Gargoyle had had plenty of experience with exslaves. Some integrated better than others. Respect was always neccisary in any pack, but self-respect was necessary in Glaciem ?er-Tortuga now.

That was still going to take some getting used to.

?You sound qualified and willing,? the chief rumbled. ?And I would be happy to have another good wolf training and working as a Brave in the pack. There is only one thing remaining; to inform you that this Tortuga, will not be like the old one. In more ways than one, but mainly in terms of pack interaction. We aren?t a random collection of independent warriors. We?re a family. Many of us are related and there are three litters of growing pups to protect. We look out for each-other; back in Glaciem we all even slept in the same cave.? Her flicked an ear, dismissing the bittersweet regret that came with the memory. - He didn?t have the freedom to pine away for the past. He had wolves to take care of, he had to keep moving forward. - ?If you join our pack, you join our family, and you?d better be worthy of that.?


07-08-2013, 01:31 AM

Worthy? What was he worthy of, he wasn't just an ex slave he wasn't forced into it like most wolves would be. He had enjoyed it because he was so terrifying of killing himself in the process of his long fused rage. Dragneel's brother had managed to convince him that everything would turn out for the better though and the small boy was determined to learn what he could even if it turned out to be a disaster. Gargoyle definitely sized him up, that was for certain. Yes, a Tortugan with a brother in Valhalla. "Yes, Gargoyle. My first intentions were to find someone to follow here, but my brother convinced me otherwise. One of our ancestors was part of Valhalla which is why my brother is there. The change of Tortuga might just be good for me. I don't know if I'm worthy of a family or not, but I'm certain I'll do anything for them." His black tipped tail flicked back and forth, he couldn't believe he was actually speaking his mind for once. A family, that sounded nice, he hadn't payed attention to his last one since so many things had been forced upon him. The young prince wanted nothing of his heritage in reality.
"I'll do my best." He dipped his head. Dragneel's unsettling red eyes looked up at Gargoyle. He was definitely a man he could follow. He still horribly loved to get attached to wolves and make them happy. Perhaps it was obsessive in the nature of observing. Or he had some sort of disorder. Maybe, but he didn't know himself.


Gargoyle I


07-08-2013, 07:17 AM

It was intriguing, there was definitely a story behind this wolf showing up at the borders, but as Gargoyle never spoke of his own past, he wasn't the sort to pry too far into others. He wanted to make sure he wasn't letting in a danger, but he didn't need to have a flashback session with every one of his braves. Given time, they'd each proved their worth through their actions and constancy. Out of the whole Glaciem pack, when it was taken over, only two wolves hadn't walked out to go rejoin the their Chief. One a yearling pup, who'd been taken in, and the other the newest member. The second wolf, Eren; Gargoyle had saved her life, killing a rogue that was maiming her, but apparently these things mean less to some wolves than others. The Timber cross harbored them no ill will, but it made him take a close look at who he allowed in. This male, certainly respectful and willing, made the cut and Gargoyle was curious to see what sort of packmate he'd develop into. "That's all that anyone can ask," came the Chief's reply. He flicked an ear inland towards the mountain and started to take a pivoting step to the right. "Come on, I'll introduce you to some of the group."


(ooc: I think that makes it offical ;) I'll post for Dragneel's bio thing to be changed)