
Sugar plums and faerie dust



2 Years
07-31-2018, 11:10 AM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2018, 11:11 AM by Verena.)


The flickering of the fireflies had lulled her into a much needed sleep. Her body sprawled amongst the fresh green blades, and various cat tails. Dreams consumed her, so real and life like. Images of her brothers, flashed behind her lids, paws flinching as though she were running. Strange grunts, and mummbles rolled from her lips, but what was being said unable to be understood.

Lips peeled back, a snarl making its way up her narrow throat. And then it happened, S P L A S H . Droplets of cool water went this way and that. Some managing to connect with her delicate flesh, and her lids shot open, body moved with such stealthy grace as she jumped to her paws. Hackles raised, a guttural growl shook her body with force. Jaws ready, and body prepared to lunge for the fool that tried to sneak up on her during her sleep. But to her surprise.. she saw nothing.

Crimson orbs flicked to the water, and there near the edge were what was left of the ripples from the fish. Head would slowly shake from side to side.. A fish, of all things. the thought rumbled through her cranium, and she inched closer to the water. Seeking out her next visctim. Waiting for one to trek to close.

Image by Vhitany



07-31-2018, 02:11 PM

This place was magical; there may have been better words for it, but they escaped Pidge's mind as he wandered. The flickering of the insects had caught his attention for now, and he had found a place where the stones were smoothed over by the water. Weariness pulled at him, and he wanted to sleep, but at the same time he didn't want to have this memory forgotten any time soon. This place was one he wanted to remember, even if it meant taking everything in while every instinct urged him to sleep before he got too tired. After a few more moments, he was satisfied, turning his head away and standing up onto the smooth stones, preparing to make his way to the other side where he would be covered safely while he slept.

A splash broke the near silence, and, in the moments that followed, Pidge could hear the small droplets of water as they hit the lake. It was silent, for just a few moments, but the sudden noise had already caught him off guard, his head raising to stare at the lake. Then there was movement, on the other side of the lake, a sudden movement that came with a guttural growl. The peace he had felt when he had been sitting was gone, now replaced with a sudden fear. The growling came from the place he had slipped by to get to where he was. If he wanted to leave now, and have an idea of where he was heading, he'd have to slip by that way again. It didn't sound like a good idea, even to someone as young as he was, but surely they would let him go by if he didn't show any signs of violence, right?

His body slipped low to the ground, paws moving with hesitance as to not make any sound as he eased closer. Maybe this would be the best thing to do, right? A few more hesitant steps, and he was a small distance away from the creature that had released the growl. Swallowing, he gave the canine a glance before he kept moving, hoping that he could get away without them noticing. He didn't want to be the victim of a growl like that; or worse.



2 Years
07-31-2018, 03:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2018, 03:12 PM by Verena.)


Solitude only lasted briefly, just her luck. As she was staring as the shallows, scanning for aquatic life, sand paper nostrils greedily inhaled. And that is when she could taste it.. she had company. Charcoal dipped ears flattered against her sleek crown. Again she inhaled deepily, picking away the various scents of old and new, the smell of fear entwined in the felines sweet, tempting aroma like a fine elixer. Words thickly coated in German accent rolled from her tongue. Each sylabble dripped with a venomous hiss.

Come out, come out vere ever you are.

Moonbeams gleamed off saliva coated canines. Head would rise, delicately so those brurning red eyes could scan the brush for any signs of movement or life. The spring breeze making it difficult to determine where to begin her hunt, but adrenaline coursed through her veins.  

It is rude to keep me vaiting, mein liebes(My dear).Ich beiße hart nicht (I do not bite, hard)  

A devious grin forced her lips to curl upwards.

Image by Vhitany



08-01-2018, 01:45 PM

His luck lasted a few minutes more, at the most. Each slender limb brought him closer and closer to safety, although he kept an eye on the creature from where he could see it. During one of these pauses, he could also see the moment the larger creature caught his scent. The movement of the creature's ears against its head. The movement, although slight, sent a pang of alarm through him and one limb eased forwards again, this time faster and with more urgency. Maybe, if he kept going, and kept being careful, he could get away easily. Safety was just a small distance away. If he could make it to the end of the brush, hopefully he could get away before the creature noticed him. Pidge just had to keep moving. He had to.

The hissed words made him freeze, heart racing as his eyes widened. The voice was feminine, sure, but it held a tone that reminded him of anything but his mother. This voice had some sort of accent, and, worst of all, it sounded dangerous. He was surprised this creature couldn't hear the beating of his heart. Maybe it could; maybe it was waiting for the right moment to pinpoint just where he was and pounce. While he tried to be optimistic, the fear coursing through his veins was making it hard. Another glance at the creature proved that it had moved, attention turned to where he was at. For a moment or two, his blood froze, heart racing into the uneven rhythm it had gathered once before. One paw moved forwards again, this time less careful, brushing against a plant just slightly. Quickly, he moved back, hoping that the creature wouldn't notice. If it did, he'd barely have time to move before it-she, he corrected himself, found him.

New words came from behind him, and, as quickly as the new wave of fear set in, instinct kicked in and replaced any logical thinking Pidge may have had. Long legs pushed him up, brushing against the grass and weeds he had made his hiding place in, and then he moved forwards, pushing himself away without any real thought as to where he was going. A few vague thoughts went through his mind, but all he knew was that he had to get away. Becoming this creature's prey was the last thing he wanted to do.



2 Years
08-01-2018, 04:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2018, 04:47 PM by Verena.)


Crimson eyes strained to see any sign of motion, each steady breath heavier with the stench of fear as time passed. What boggled her mind though.. was why would a feline be afraid of wolf? They were a superior species. Massive, and poweful with dagger like claws when extracted could slice through flesh like a knife to butter.. And by the scent of it.. the feline wouldn't appear to be wounded. And for a breif moment, she could have almost swore she heard the frantic pitter patter of its heart. Or maybe it was hers, coursing with pure adrenline. A rush that begged her to sprint forward. To show this creature just what he or she was dealing with.

The words she spoke, appeared to fall upon deaf ears- judging by the silence she received in return. Which would only fuel her anger. Defiance, something that could end someone up in a rather tragic situation depending on who they dealt with.. A she was overly exhausted and in no mood to play a game of cat and mouse.

And then it happened. Lengthy blades shifted in an unnatural manner compared to the rest. Lips peeled back, and a snarl vibrated up her larynx, causing her barreled chest to rattle in annoyance.   And then, like a rabbit struck  with fear the young pup emerged. A child. Ravenous snarl errupted as back paws dug into the soft earth, pivoting her body forward, front legs outstretched so that she could early connect with his chest and pumble him backwards. Oh how soft he felt beneath her torn bads. And how.. delicious he smelled. She would use all her weight and press it forward to keep him from being able to wiggle away. Face lowered, and Jaws dripped with saliva, allowing the moisten substance to drip on the adorable little vermins face. Taking note of the fear that shone in his icy blue gaze. Taking note of the one strange golden blotch, but quickly disregarding it. Now allowing the tip of her snout to touch his tiny nose. Another snarl rumbled, eyes narrowing , the warmth of her breath carressing his little fluffy cheek.

Tell me dear junge (boy).. Has your mother not taught you, its... how do you say.... Vrude to not comply vith orders?

A wicked snear ran along her delicate feminine features. Venomous words continued to roll from her tongue, taunting the young boy with no remorse.

Do you know vat I do to... keeds like you?

OOC-Powerplay approved by Pidge. ^.^

Image by Vhitany



08-01-2018, 07:36 PM

The rustle of the blades was what Pidge was focused on, panic clouding his mind and his breath coming in sharp gasps as he pushed himself to the edge of the reeds. Stumbling forwards, he prepared himself to run, his mind not realizing the danger he was in until it was too late. A snarl jolted him, and he glanced up, just fast enough to see the larger creature lunging at him. His legs pushed him backwards in a weak attempt to escape, but he wasn't fast enough.

Legs connected with his chest and pushed him backwards, against the ground, causing a wince until realization set in. The larger creature had caught him anyways, and he could feel the weight pressed down to keep him from escaping. It didn't stop him from trying, though, his chest heaving from the failed escape attempt, trying to twist away from the creature. After a moment or two, he went limp, the fight escaping him as he stared up into the crimson eyes of the odd creature towering over him. The creature lowered her head, and Pidge caught sight of the saliva dripping from her fangs. Another wave of panic went over him as the creature's saliva dripped down onto his face. Any other time, an instinct for cleanliness would make him feel uncomfortable, but fear overruled it.

The creature moved her face closer, the tip of her snout touching his nose, and he felt his paws jolt weakly at the new movement. A snarl rumbled in the creature's chest, breath like a breeze against the fur on his cheek, and Pidge found a quiet, fearful whimper escaping him as the creature spoke in the same tone it had earlier. Fear kept him from truly answering, his jaws opening but any words that may have made their way were stuck in his throat. It was the second question that urged a response out of him.

"Please don't hurt me."

His voice was high pitched with fear, shaking with the panic that he felt so strongly. He couldn't look away from the creature, his own light blue eyes staring up as he hoped that this canine would take pity on him and let him go.



2 Years
08-02-2018, 09:39 AM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2018, 09:39 AM by Verena.)


She got off on the fear in his eyes. The smell that seeped from his pores was more of an addiction of hers, and he was satisfying her needs. The more  he struggled the more weight she bore down onto him. And when his body finally went limp, she craved more. Like an addict instantly cut off from its supplier.

A whimper, tiny and pathetic left the kids lips, and his mouth would open as if he were going to respond to my first question.. yet no words spewed from his tiny little maw. Eyes would anger, anger and agitation switftly rolling in.

Vats the matter keed? Cat got your tongue?

A chuckle danced from her lips, not a friendly sound at all. Hackles remained risen to trail down the length of her spine. Did he taste as sweet as he smelled? Would anyone come to his aid if she begun to rip the flesh from his puny little body? Would they even hear his screams? If mama and papa were around, surely they would have come to his rescue by now. Was he diseased and rejected? And then.. the thought hit her. He was a cat.. a Cheetah to be exact. They were lethal creatures, and ran with an unimaginable amount of speed. Perhaps.... this encounter could benefit her, the possibilities endless. His stuttering words, brought her back to reality. And a single brow would inch upwards, fighting the urge to mock his sad request. With one final shove, she pressed him harder into the ground, before releasing her grip and taking a step back.

You are cat. You should not be scared of volf. Pathetic it is that you smell so much of fear. Get up. Vat ees your name.

It wasn't a request, it was a demand. Her eyes narrowed and watching his light colored body closely. If he were to run, it would be a mistake on his behalf, she was ready to lurch after him. Although next time she may not be as friendly. His sent was embedded in her mind, and even if he had managed to escape.. she would track him down.  

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Image by Vhitany