
Sirens song



2 Years
07-30-2018, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2018, 09:56 PM by Verena.)


From stone to rock she leaps above the passive flow teaming with movement.  Eyes focused on  the slightest twinge of strange creatures potentially bragging as nourishment.  Still uneasy her legs trick her mind to confidently perch themselves like a crane waiting for the opportunity to stab at the slightest move. With minimal movement the chance arises. Finally, nurishment much needed.  Her taste is of anything known before.  Putting aside her cracks and cuts burning of a fire once ran from, only the taste presides.  Quickly back to the task at hand to heal she must pursue more.  Excitement is unmeasurable, overflowing waves shoving her to go for the oppertunities many pass.

Her claws tighten against the dimpled stone and the lunge begins and in an instant regret consumes her everything.  Scratches, clawing slinched claws make no difference in the coming event.  Moss laquered stone has no remorse for the weakened.  With a desperate but failing grip the river consumes a beaten and bruised contestant. The most she could force out is a gargled yelp to grasp anyone undivided attention.                 .  

Image by Vhitany


07-31-2018, 04:10 PM
OOC: Gonna do the Nav skill thing here <3

He bathed in the springtime sun atop the perfect perch. He had searched the miles of scattered rock and rivers for the tallest rock he could find. The best sun would be there and he could brighten the colors of his pelt, currently, his plumage was darker, the colors were more full and held more heat. He hated how the winter darkened him - and staying in the caves of the north hadn't helped him any. The yellows of his coat weren't so bad, but the deep purple of his skin and the darker blues, purples and black of his fur were killing him. It had taken him ages, but those pale eyes finally found the perfect rock, and the one he had been searching for the whole time. With a satisfied rumble, the celestial beast scaled to the top, clawing his way over the face of the rock until he stood above everything else.

He could see for miles! White eyes widened as he took in the foggy morning light, though a bit of sun filtered through enough to light up the pale stone faces of the rock garden. Rocks of every size littered the area, and between them ran either bright green grasses that were mostly moss and clovers or small to medium-sized streams that were perfect for fishing and drinking. The rocks and moss filtered the water here and made it cool and crisp to the taste, so refreshing one could forget to breathe! The fish were sweet and plentiful, especially during the spring. Gehenna lay atop the self-made throne, feeling as though he owned everything his eyes landed on. With a broad yawn that showed off his very extensive weaponry, the galaxial male stretched and looked over the lands as he pondered over the chances to do something with himself that would leave a lasting impression on the world.

What exactly was there to be done? How far could he go as the direct descendant of the heavens? The sky was literally the limit to him and he smirked to himself just before his white gaze happened to strike metaphorical gold. The wolf was feminine featured, beautifully colored with ivory, silvers, and a deep pewter along her back. The perfect storm, and as she looked around, her face painted with concentration as she fished the banks, Gehenna quirked a dark black and deep blue brow. Bright red flashed as she lunged, and what followed next had Gehenna up on his dark paws, the black pitchfork that ran along his spine was raised and he felt a true alarm as her yelp rang along the rocks to reach his ears.

Instinct demanded he answer her call for aid, and he turned on dark black and starry heels then leaped from the rock and ran as fast as he could toward the woman. he reached the bank of the small river, tossing his purple, blue, yellow and black frame into the water and reaching to grasp her scruff between his fore-teeth and bottom teeth, careful with his sabered canines as he attempted to hold onto her sodden form. His corded muscles bulged with the effort to swim for shore as soon as he caught her, dragging her with him as he went with the current until he could reach the bank. At this point, he hauls them up and scrambles while dragging her up the side of the river and onto dry, solid ground. Afterword, with panting breaths, he would make sure she was alright. He wasn't sure what demanded he save her from drowning rather than watch as he would have any other time. Maybe it was her ethereal beauty or the fact that even as she fell she was graceful, but something made him want to help. He would watch her, fighting the war within himself as to why he would risk so much for someone he never met.
"Talk." "You." Think.



2 Years
08-01-2018, 09:06 AM


The chill of the water raked over her flesh, althought winter had shifted to spring, the river had still been transitioning which left its icy mark. Slender stilts thrashed beneath the surface, dulled daggers attempted to grasp what they could, but the rocks had been to far below, just out of her frenzied radius. The currents grabbed her from all different directions, pulling her this way and that, unable to work as a unit and tossing her like a rag doll, despite how hard her exhausted body fought. Narrow snout, barely breaking the surface, and her heart frantically beat against her barreled chest. This couldn't be the end, she had just set paw upon these lands.. How could it end so abruptly?

Little did she know, a bystander had witnessed this failed event. Truly thinking she was alone, she continued to gulp for what ever air was possible. Droplets of water finding their way within her nostrils. Whatever strength she had left diminishing quicker then what she had expected. Her legs burned, and her body ached. Ready to give up the fight and let the rapids do as they wished to her delicate body, to allow the jagged boulders below to tear her limb to limb. That was until, between her fade outs, she felt the grasp of another upon her scruff, Tight grip steading her soddened frame, and a glimpse of hope flashed in her foggy mind. Never had she been placed as the damsel in distress, so shame was soon to follow as he managed to drag her onto shore. Coughing and gasping for air she emptied what she could of whatever water that managed to be inhaled.

Slowly she rose to her paws. Thunderstorm hued strands clung to her slender physique becoming a sleek coat that meshed in with her flesh. All for legs, splayed apart, and her head was down, snout pointed to the ground as she continued to cough and regain stability, all four limbs shook and charcoal dipped ears laid flat against her crown. It took only a moment, before molton lava orbs locked upon her 'Knight in shining armor'. At first, she was taken a back by his beauty. The way his muscled buldged beneath celestial colors that clung tightly to his masculine form. Merely standing over me by a inch, yet far bulkier. His coloration something she had only witnessed upon the heavens... But the admiration only lasted briefly before she straightered her composure and eyes narrowed.

Ich brauche nicht Sie, um mich zu retten!(I did not need you to save me!)

Her dialect was harsh as German words spewed from her lips between catching her breath. Humiliation consumed her. Her sense of pride being knocked down with a sledge hammer. Despite the fact she knew if he had not been there, she would have met her fate within the waters. But that did not mean she would openly admit to that. Red eyes, locked upon his of milk.

Vy you out here watching anyvays? Pretty thing like you, should have whores to tend to.

Venom dripped from each word. Eyes remained narrowed slits, but slowly her ears had inched upwards.

Image by Vhitany