
we look like lightning



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
04-17-2018, 08:01 AM
Kai needed - no, craved - more excitement in his life. Somehow things had gotten quite monotonous recently and the oddly boring state of his life made him feel deeply restless. It'd been a long while since he'd seen any of his family, and to go so long without at least conversing with wolves who held similar views to him.. well, it was oddly unsettling to the normally carefree Jarvela. He knew as well as anyone, though, if he wanted things to change that he would need to be the catalyst of that change. Ultimately, he was the decider of his fate and if he was feeling bored it was mostly his fault; he was not a victim of circumstances, no, he was the decider. So, damnit, he'd create some excitement rather than wait for it to come to him, no matter the cost!

Currently, that excitement was in the form of a hunt He'd caught a whiff of a mountain goat some time ago, and had followed it toward the perilous mountain pass known as Fenrir's Maw. He hadn't fully realized how hungry he was into the beast's scent wove its way into his consciousness, and now nothing sounded better than trailing after this form of prey. The initial part of the trek was easy, and his pace quick as he navigated uneven terrain with practiced skill. Kai had always been drawn to the mountains in one form or another, and he enjoyed trying to traverse the difficult landscape quite a bit.

This time, though, he was even more of a hurry. By the time he reached the more treacherous section of the mountain pass his chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath from the hurried journey. The scent of the mountain goat was growing much more powerful now, and Kai swore he'd heard hooves scampering over debris somewhere up ahead. Focused on the task at hand, he continued on, paws nearly slipping on loose rock more than once as he navigated the pass in hot pursuit of his prey.



6 Years
Extra large

04-17-2018, 09:02 AM

Mountains were in his blood, his father having grown up in a pack that resided within the peaks of the mountains surrounding the volcano of his birthland. His father's fur had been thick and mountainous, but Elias was a child of the jungle... as was his mother, and their fur had grown in short as means to make them more suited to their chosen climate. Still, Elias knew what dwelled in the mountains- things that preyed upon the goats that lived there, upon the birds that nested there. Wolves, cats, bears and nearly any capable hunter eventually found themselves risking the treacherous passageways of the mountains as they chased over the promise of a meal.

If he was to follow the calling of his own father and settle near Mount Volkan, he had to know the territories that surrounded it: above, and below. He'd followed the river outside of the singing caverns until it ended at the south during the turn of the season, and as autumn drew on he now found himself exploring the capped peaks of the mountains that made up Fenrir's Maw. He expected to run into other wolves here, maybe even families that had made up their dens in the thin air. So far, he'd not come across any evidence of wolves... only a lynx and now.. a goat.

A goat was a suitable replacement for any evidence of lurking wolves, and his end goal from this trip to the Maw was quickly rewritten in his brain as he carried on after it. Though he held lean muscle-tone on his figure, he was a tall wolf with undeniable weight to him. The climb and the change in air pressure the higher he achieved were hard on his body, and it after long enough- his limbs began to protest as he forced them to continue to pull him higher. His large lungs seemed to need more room within the confines of his bones as they pressed against the bars of their cage with every gasping breath. He tried to remain quiet and started to move slower, though the sight of the very same animals he had been tracking laying ahead of him revitalized him with newfound energy.

He stopped listening to the ache in his muscles as his adrenaline soared, and his panting was forfeited with a mighty need to remain quiet as his jowls snapped shut. His nostrils flared out due to his heavy breathing, but he quickly moved across the rocky slopes of the mountain as he chased after what he saw to be three different goats. He hoped to trap at least one of them in a dangerous position, preferably without falling himself. As rocks gave way beneath his weight and clicked against others on their descent, he remembered to keep moving- which wasn't hard, as the goats certainly were not planning on stopping any time soon.

The smell of rain was thick in the air, but so far the clouds were holding on to their tears- but their presence blocked the light of the sun above and shrouded the mountains in gloom, not that the gray wolf seemed to mind. Elias was placed on the northernmost side of the mountain, and little did he know that another Jarvela was lurking just around the curve of it, on the other side of the goats that he was unknowingly directing toward.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
04-20-2018, 08:40 PM
These lands, the treacherous mountain peaks and the harsh icy north, were where Kai felt most free. His coat was too thick to feel comfortable in the hot lands of the southern part of the continent, and he wasn't sure he'd find much in Auster for his liking, either. Here, he felt thrilled simply to be alive, and currently he felt his blood soar with unparalleled adrenaline. There was nothing quite like being inches from falling to his demise; of course, he was used to these dangerous lands and any chance of a devastating injury was quite slim.. but still there, nonetheless. Somehow, the journey simply made him feel more alive than he had in a long while. The way his chest ached as the altitude changed, and the growing burn of fatigue in his limbs didn't deter him, but only made him feel more ambitious and driven to carry on with his hunt - which he was deeply determined to make sure was a successful one.

He didn't bother to hide the sound of his pawsteps as he clambered over the uneven terrain, figuring that - save for the mountain goats, of course - that he was most likely the only one navigating Fenrir's Maw. He charged forward with little abandon, his only goal in mind to press on with his hunt. He was hardly aware of the heavy rain clouds that hung overhead, and he wouldn't let the gloomy weather hinder his otherwise fine hunt. The scent of his chosen prey was growing stronger as he pushed on, hot on the trail of the goats now. The male's attention was zeroed in on the prey - so much so that he hardly caught the scent of a stranger as he pushed on, still running hard.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed before he caught side of one of the goats - or could he see a small group of them in the distance? The animal, now fully aware of being pursued, was running hard and scrambling to keep from falling as he ran hurriedly through the mountain pass. Finally the scent of a stranger touched his nose, though he decided he had no time to figure out who it might be - or even where they were. Instead, he briefly tipped his head back to let loose an invitation for anyone to join him on his hunt, if they were so inclined. Might as well team up, right? Might give them a better chance to take down one or two of these goats if they worked together on the task.



6 Years
Extra large

04-27-2018, 10:17 AM

The howl in the air unexpectedly rang over the sound of his claws scraping against rocks and hooves scampering to get away from him. His ear perked to stand at its attention as he listened to the open invitation of a hunt. His red eyes focused on the goat in front of him as he neared her, a six foot incline all that was left between them as he worked to come up onto her as fast as the crack of lightning that ripped through the gray sky above them.

She took a leap that made her tumble a bit, but she quickly regained her footing and now had a position of at least ten feet below him now on the slope of the mountain. He groaned, he hated goats for this reason. They had hooves and they weren't afraid of the rocky terrain cutting into the pads of their paws, well- he would have to be fearless of that, as well. Without being willing to give up on the goat, he followed her- his weight coming down the same path as hers as his toes worked to splay themselves and resist against the same curves that caused her to tumble. He wouldn't lose his balance, but he could feel the sharpest points of the rocks beneath his weight piercing the flesh of his protective pads and leaving a light trail of blood behind him.

He barely felt them, between the cold autumn air numbing them and the level of his adrenaline as he continued. He growled out at the goat and focused on the direction that the howl came from. Suddenly, the beast lifted his own skull and released a howl in return so they would know where he was positioned, on the north side of the mountain and coming in close incredibly fast. The goat would make itself visible to Kai first, but Elias was right on her heels.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-30-2018, 07:29 PM
The sharp crack of lightning overhead only served to further excite Kai. Now, he was not only hurrying after his prey, but also trying to beat the impending storm. It made his spirits soar like wildfire, sending white-hot excitement racing through his blood. Somewhere up ahead he heard the tumbling of rocks, sent flying over the cliffside, as the stranger he had somehow invited to hunt with him moved a far distance off from him. He, too, was oblivious to the jagged edges of the stones below him cutting into the pads of his paws, numbed from the cold as well as pure adrenaline.

He was grateful to hear the stranger's call from across the mountainside. Kai would press onward, running even harder now - if such a thing was possible - to close the distance between him and the mountain goat. With the two of them coming from opposite sides of the prey, their success was all but guaranteed, and Kai was certain between the two of them they could manage the kill.

It wasn't long before he got a better look at the goat up ahead, who seemed to be catching on to her predicament. Going either way meant certain death, and tumbling down the mountainside was just as unfavorable. Likewise, heading up the steep cliffside would slow her down just enough that they'd both catch up to her. In her initial panic, Kai was able to gain ground on her, a growl building in his chest as she spun to head in Kai's direction, though quickly decided against that route. Instead, she settled on trying to clamber up the steep cliff, her pace slowly drastically and letting Kai close the distance between them quite quickly as he briefly turned to seek out Elias in the distance.



6 Years
Extra large

07-01-2018, 07:14 AM

Just in case the goat had decided to climb the mountain as Elias suspected in an attempt to get higher and further away from the hungry wolves, Elias positioned himself in a way that readied his muscles to begin an ascension as he waited and watched her. He was very intently staring at her, trying his best to read his prey's thought process while she made her decision on an escape route. She chose to climb, and Elias sprang into action.. flinging rocks out from underneath him as his talons scraped against stone and soil on the mountainside.

He climbed, each powerful limb putting in work to carry his lean body up in a fast motion. He was higher an altitude than Kai, though Kai being right behind her ensured she would not be turning away. In a matter of minutes, Elias had already climbed higher than the tiring goat, and lunged himself forward with each step so that he could gain ground and cut off her ascension up the mountain.

Finally, he was a living blockade preventing her from going any higher and she was forced to stop. With the two of them closing in on her, she had nowhere to go. Elias seized this moment of panic, coming down on her with another crack of lightning. He struck her forcibly, teeth latching onto her skull as he administered a quick snap to her neck to end their little game. He dropped her body almost as quickly as he had latched onto it, leaving her presented there in front of the stranger that had helped him secure the kill.

"Take what you desire, it is her hide that I am seeking." He was panting out his words, though when he looked up to the man finally.. he couldn't help but see something familiar in those bones. He was reminded of a man he had once known, and for a brief second he swore he could smell the presence of Aki.. but the rain quickly befell upon them and stopped whatever chance he had of truly studying that scent. He tilted his head, keeping the rain out of his eyes and ears as he yelled out over the rain.

"I am Elias Praetor, of Ruina. I appreciate your help here today, you remind me of a man I once met. Forgive me if I am wrong, but does the name Aki mean anything to you?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-23-2018, 06:57 AM
It was strange, to say the least, to be engaged in a hunt with someone he had yet to properly face, but Kai was never one to say no to new experiences. Hunting was something he was almost always willing to participate in with another. He finally saw the stranger as his own pace slowed, as their prey decided to make an escape up the mountainside - but Elias didn't appreciate her attempt to flee, and went bounding up the cliff side to cut off her escape plan. His ascent sent rocks spraying down the cliff, and Kai braced himself for any impact, though was relieved when none came.

Determined now, he carefully moved behind her, the two of them giving her little room to escape. Kai had little time to scope out Elias, his attention zeroing in carefully on their target, that low rumble booming from deep within his chest yet again. As soon as she slowed, Elias lunged toward her and Kai followed suit, his body moving from instinct as much as planned action. The kill was not a terribly difficult one to secure - catching up with the goat and cutting off any possible escape routes had been the tricky part of the hunt - but he stood ready to strike if somehow she managed to live through the powerful blow issued by the stranger.

Of course, she did not, and just moments later their kill had collapsed lifelessly. The scent of blood grew strong, earning a pleased growl from Kai's stomach. He'd pause, waiting for Elias to take his fill if he so chose, since he had taken her down after all - but he declared quickly that he only wanted her hide. Hm. Interesting. He couldn't help but appreciate the use of it, though.. most wolves rarely used all of a kill, himself included, and he appreciated when use was made of all parts of a creature. He'd heard tales of his family's reverence of reindeer and how nothing would go to waste - even their antlers would be salvaged and used, though he wasn't quite sure how.  "The hide is all yours," Kai agreed eagerly, flashing the stanger a grin.

His mood was light, despite the way the rain had started to pelt the mountainside. He leaned to tear into the goat's pelt, working around the wound Elias had created lest he ruin the pelt that he clearly wanted for some purpose. He gulped down a hearty bite, licking blood from his lips as he narrowed his eyes against the rain and peered across the kill at Elias.  "Your help is appreciated just the same, Elias Praetor of Ruina." His posture told of power - perhaps he led this pack, or had earned a high rank within it? Kai wasn't sure, but he had an inkling that this Elias was no lowly pack member.

Either way, his thoughts were pulled off course at mention of his father. His grin grew, pride shining in his silver eyes. He resembled his father, he knew that definitively - the Jarvela, apparently, all bore a rather strong likeness to one another. "Aki is my father. Have you met him before?" Admittedly, the thought that he might have returned to these lands sent a flutter of excitement through Kai's chest, though he knew better than to be too optimistic about such a possibility.



6 Years
Extra large

08-08-2018, 03:43 PM

Ruby gaze lingered a little too awkwardly on Kai as he carefully worked around the wound that Elias had created. Elias didn't realize he'd be nervous about the stranger ruining the hide until Kai was already getting to work on it, though his tension faded the more he watched the younger male take caution before he fed. Elias realized he was staring and did his best to look away, trying to relax and not come off as a creep. Maybe? For once?

With his eyes still wide and wild from the adrenaline soaring through him after such a hunt, he stared off over the mountainside. He couldn't see that far due to the rain now, though he watched the trees just in case anything had heard them take down the goat during their hunt and was lurking. Once Kai was done eating and thanked him, Elias turned to him once again with his neck craned and head still slightly tilted downward to keep the rain from rolling directly into his eyes. He would squint, protecting them as he watched Kai.

The pride that seemed to bring the man to life was something almost contagious. Elias felt excited for him by how he seemed to inflate with honor and recognition by the mentioning of his father. Elias smiled and gave him a quick lone nod.

"Once upon a time, I doubt he remembers me. We actually met just like this, on a hunt. Must be something in our blood to run into another in the same way." He smirked, almost winking as he turned his head away to inspect the goat while he continued to talk.

"How is he doing? It has been so long since I have seen him, I hope he is well. He must be proud of you, you seem to have inherited his hunting talent." He stopped himself from saying any more, Elias always had a way of coming off like he was trying to build up people. He hated it, honestly. He wasn't trying to flatter Kai, though he himself was a family-oriented man and he couldn't help but share his admiration.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-18-2018, 12:10 PM
If Kai noticed Elias staring for too long, he made no sign of it. His attention was finely tuned on keeping the goat's pelt intact for Elias as he ate, since he had request it. Kai wasn't exactly selfless, but he really wasn't the greedy sort either, and the man had offered him as much as he wanted to eat in a kill they had both taken down together. He felt no need to make the task of harvesting the pelt a more difficult one than it had to be. Instead, he simply wanted to eat and then to make his way back down the mountainside and perhaps find a place to hide out from the rain - the darkening skies only suggested that the storm might intensify, and the peak of a mountain wasn't where he intended to be in the event of that happening.

Elias verified he'd met Aki, and though he was already beaming his expression seemed to widen further, eyes already alight with obvious joy. "Doesn't surprise me at all," Kai chuckled at the fact that he'd met Aki on a hunt, too. "Hunting runs in our blood. Reindeer, mostly, but harder to find those on this continent." He'd never hunted one himself, though fully intended to follow the herd at least once before he died and take down one the beasts that his kin thought so highly of - though he had lived a vastly different life than his father thus far, he knew it was a rite of passage and one he fully intended to make when he was ready.

"I doubt he'd forget you," Kai said, shaking his head with a low chuckle. Elias was not a man easily forgotten, Kai decided as he briefly glanced up at him. Men of larger builds, ones that struck him as powerful - both physically and otherwise - always caught his attention, and he knew his father shared similar... interests, so to speak, not that they'd ever really discussed such things. "I haven't seen him in quite some time, though, I'll admit. Last I heard he intended on reuniting with our family group, quite a ways from here." The slight regret at that fact was audible in his voice, though he tried to stifle it. Though the days of needing his father were far behind him, he still found himself missing his father's company, especially as of late. "I'm sure you have somewhere to be, but.. mind if I ask what you plan to do with this hide?" He was merely nosy - and a bit curious - and was content to listen as he got a few more hearty bites in before making his departure.