
One step forward



8 Years
Athena I
08-17-2018, 09:53 PM

Spring was almost at its end and with it was nearly the end of her birth season. In some ways it felt like time was slipping away from her. It was almost as if the longer she waited here the more time seemed to speed along in the blink of an eye. However, it also felt like a blessing. The more time she put between her present and her past the less that hurt seemed to sting. Those old wounds were healed now and no longer stung like they once had. They were scarred and ugly, but she felt more whole now than she had in a long time.

The range was now familiar territory to her and she had begun to call it home. She tried not to do that since she still hoped to one day find a pack she could trust to join and rebuild her life in, but the longer she stayed here the more attached she became. She didn't know what held her back from trying to revive the ashes of the packs that she had once loved so dearly, but it somehow didn't feel right to do it. At least not yet.

She walked along the fence line that cut through the old farm land, noticing how this path that she often walked had begun to form a bit trail where her paws had worn down the grass. She was sure her children, or at least Ulric, often came through here as well so it couldn't be just from her, but it did tell her just how much she repeated the same path. It was like a habit from her days of doing patrols. In a spur of the moment decision to switch up her path, she ducked under the fence and made her way off further across the range to the portions of the large, open area that she didn't usually venture to. It wasn't like she was really going anywhere different, but it still felt like a way to jump start her day and perhaps she could find some other way to shake it up a bit more.

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