
I'm Talkin' To The Moon.


09-03-2018, 09:15 PM
"And my songs got slower, my heart a little lower"

Eyes of moss green peered forwards in the late evening hours, blankets of darkness had crept over the firefly inhabited location; cicada's singing quietly in the treetops above. Light steps brought the bounding female forwards, tan pelage shifting with each step she took. Head held high in a noble manner, Baelfire Kolceg had found herself on the banks of the enchanted body of water; What an interesting location. A flare of charcoal hued nostrils released a breath of warm air, her ears falling against her head as she gazed around the area.

Perhaps she would meet someone of decent company? She had seen many a wolf while traveling between places, but she had never stopped to converse with any; Why? Baelfire presumed that her lack of communication with others was out of a perpetual fear of disappointment. She hated to disappoint others, and hated for those to feel disappointed in herself. What better way to avoid it than solitude?But alas, she had reached her limit on the emotion of lonely.

A part of her wished for companionship, for a true friend. Someone to show her that not everyone had ill intentions, someone who she could depend on. Perhaps tonight would be the night that the canines wish would finally be granted, or perhaps it would lead to her biggest fear, another disappointment.

Sniffing the cool night air again, she caught the scent of another canine. Had the gods heard her? Pushing herself forwards the female now slowly crept closer to the water's edge, elongated fur making contact with the liquid her jaws parted. Tongue rolling out of her mouth the female drank eagerly, her eyes ever watching around her. She didn't had the muse to fight someone, and would simply try to down talk an attacker. Despite smelling someone she didn't know, Baelfire wasn't uneasy. Hopefully, this was a promising sign.


09-03-2018, 11:55 PM

[Image: oDq3SuK.png]

Vela had promised her a beautiful and wonderful world beyond the little island they had known all their lives. They hadn't come far into the main land before firefly lake had caught their attention, and Rae had gotten a chance to see some of this promised wonder.
At first, she had thoughts the stars had fallen closer to earth, that they had danced and glowed above the brilliant blue lake, bathing it in a soft gold light.

She was falling in love with this cosy little lake, with its waters brushed warmth from the summer sun, a heat it kept even in the evenings that rolled comfortably over head in growing shadows and a brightening of the stars.
She had taken to lying in the grassy banks of the lake, one forepaw and her tail dipped into its warmth depths, head arched backwards to watch the fireflies as they crept out to play in the coming dusk, and beyond them, the stars.

She remembered how, on their first day here, her sister had looked up at these very stars and called out to their mother. She was lost to these earthy plains, but the young wolf had no doubt that she was up there. Watching over her daughters as they explored the world she had once known.

The sound of movement through the grass caused her ears to swivel, and the sound of gentle lapping indicated that the someone was closer then she had realised. She lifted her head, Surprised at her lack of awareness, but also unafraid. She had not interacted with many wolves in her life, and was excited to do so. New wolves meant new stories, right? She craved the idea of hearing the tales of strangers. She rolled to her feet, tail swishing free of the water, paws crunching grass, and younge lolling past her lips. Her approach was not a stealthy one. "Oh hello there!" Her tone was as excited as she was, rolling outwards from her like a wave, unstoppable in its buoyant, growing, welcome


Art by Taske


09-04-2018, 09:52 AM
Baelfire couldn't deny that she was over joyed to see another soul, her eyes now rested on the galactic patterned canine before her. What an interesting coloring! Her tail whipped behind her with a quickness, her nose twitching as she inhaled the canines' scent. "Why hello! Who might you be?" Bael now found herself trotting up towards the female, moist blades of grass brushing against black feet as she carried herself forwards. Moss eyes now focusing on the interaction that laid out before her, her ears now fell against her head as she exhaled. "I'm Baelfire Kolceg. It's a pleasure to meet you." Dipping her head respectfully, she closed her eyes as she bowed sweetly. Manners and feminism were of the upmost importance to the young wolf, fluffed coat now framing her face she reclined to the earth before her.


09-05-2018, 11:25 PM

[Image: oDq3SuK.png]

The stranger turned to her as she approached, and with the light of the stars she was able to determine the appearance of the other wolf. She was female, through her scent had already told the younger wolf that. It was her coat that interested the star-woman now. There was a luminescent sheen to it that reminded her of a pearl she had once discovered, lost in the waters surrounding their home-island. She shone cream-white under the faint light, and her brilliant green eyes where looking right at her. A new person! She was still overcome with excitement, and her tail wagged freely behind her. Her ears twitched in curiosity, catching the words of the other.

“I’m Lyrae Elementas” she introduced herself. “My family use to be from these lands, but i’m, new here! We are going to explore all of them and learn the stories of all the wolves! Do you have a story?” she had a tendency to babble when she was really looking forward to something. “Baelfire Kolceg, that’s a really lovely name” the wolf dipped her head, it seemed an odd gesture to Rae, but with a giggle, she copied the motion, almost tripping over her paws as she re-balanced herself.


Art by Taske


09-06-2018, 10:51 AM

Lyrae. Lyrae Elementas. What an odd name, althought it was no different than her own; Baelfire was certainly unique. It didn't surprise the middle aged female when the wolf said she was from the area, of course she was, her coat spoke for itself. Bael was starting to feel rather bland in the lands she had decided to call home, she didn't have any extravagant colors that adorned her body, just simple earthen tones. But perhaps that was what had drawn the two strangers together? One was a wolf of the stars, while another was of the earth. A perfect friendship. "Ah, my story is a long one. I could certainly tell you. I come from a far away land, far from the borders of Ardent. A great kingdom, one of chivalry in truth." Her eyes now searched the canine over, she was utterly intrigued by her

She wanted to know her better, find out what pushed Lyrae out of her den each morning. Who was she related to? Did she have children? Baelfire's ears flicked silently as a chilled breeze rolled around the duo, fireflies illuminating the night around them. Baelfire had never had any siblings, but briefly, she presumed that if she did they'd probably behave just like Ly. A part of her wanted to make sure that she stayed interested in the conversation they were having together, she was growing to enjoy her company.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'


09-07-2018, 12:20 AM

[Image: oDq3SuK.png]

Lyrae shivered in anticipation, knowing the introduction to a story when she heard one. She gave one last little bounce, her energy escaping her, before she settled down. She sat on her paws, tucking her long tail around them, her rump resting on the soft grass. The lake was on her right shoulder, and she could see, beyond Baelfire, the glow of fireflies as they danced joyfully through the air. It was a beautiful scene, the perfect scene for any storyteller to work their magic.

She wondered if the glint of remembrance and sadness in Bael’s eyes was Lyrae’s imagination adding a twist to her words, or if it was there in truth. Either way, Rae had caught a whiff of a story, and she would wrestle it free of this wolf if she could. “I have all the time in the world” she encouraged her new friend “I love stories, and I would love to hear of your far off kingdom and its chivalry.” she fell silent after that, waiting to see if Bael would pick up the threads of her tale.


Art by Taske


09-07-2018, 06:53 PM

Her eyebrows raised in a bit of humor as the female seemed to grow with excitement at the mention of a story, this caused Baelfire to want to share the lifestyle of her home greatly. How she wished she could take the extravagantly colored canine to her home, the lands that had great castles, sprawling staircases that led to beautiful lofts. A place with a noble system, where there was more good than evil; A just king and queen ruled over their expanding kingdom, beneath them, Baelfire. The tawny canine had been the only heir to the kingdom. Her ears now pricked forwards as she said she would love to hear of her home tales, her own fluffed tail whipped against her hocks as she sat down.

I was born to Queen Emiliana and King Kuvas Kolceg II in the Autumn months of Two thousand and fifteen, an only child, set to inherit the kingdom. Our noble home was swathed in colors of Rose red and Iridescent gold, silk of the finest cloth adorning our frames; Our life was one of grand proportions. Sadly, it was not a life I had chosen for myself.. My childhood friend and I went on an expedition to explore the deep tundra, due to my negligence she did not arrive home with me. After this event, I decided to step away from my kingdom, it was not a life I wanted for my child, if I ever have my own. Baelfire's ears fell against her head momentarily, her eyes scanning the canine for any emotions she could receive for her, she wasn't looking for pitty. Her old life was one that many desired, anything she desired was right in her hands so to speak. But, she had a drive to take on a more noble lifestyle. She needed to help others. "I have since then found myself with a band of gypsies in my second year of life, and now here I am, learning to be a healer with the canines of Boreas. Perhaps even starting a family, hopefully that is, I've just started another chapter. I am although, lacking a close friend."

Baelfire's eyebrow perked again, grey ears falling halfway against her head as she awaited to see what the female had to say. She hadn't hardly socialized with anyone in the lands that she was overly fond of, not anyone she even felt remotely attached to. Although Lyrae had proved to be different, there was something about the cosmic wolfs' presence that set off a more relaxed side of the discarded princess. Her intrest in a friendship with the Elementas wolf was something of great importance, she held the attempt at a relationship to the highest property. She had always secretly wanted a sibling, and that was what she had come here searching for again. Part of the female was broken from the loss of her best friend, although Rhys could never be replaced in her heart that didn't mean she wanted to spend years without someone close.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'

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09-09-2018, 03:05 PM

[Image: oDq3SuK.png]

Her knew friend began her story, and Rae was settled in, listening with wide eyes and ears tilted to face her, to catch every word. But already, at the beginning of the story Rae had a question. She knew better than to interrupt. Story time was the only time when she could remain still, stationary, and quiet. She held onto that peace, despite her curiosity to know to know what a queen and king was, what silk and cloth was, what a gypsy was. The whole kingdom she spoke of was so far from her realm of understanding that she couldn’t even imagine it. She tucked away every word into her memory, stashing it with the rest of the stories the young girl had collected.

As Baelfire’s ears tucked against her skull, Rae knew this would not be a happy story. Her friend spoke of loss, and Rae could understand that completely. She had lost too, her mother had returned to the stars, and no longer could she be held against the steady, comforting shape of her form. Still, she had her sister, and Vela was all the family she needed in the world.

Bael had finished her story, and Lyrae perked up, tongue slipping from her maw in her excitement, tail wagging behind her as her stillness returned to life. When she spoke, it was very quickly, mashing everything together. “What’s a King and a Queen , what are silk and cloth. What are gypsies?” as all the questions she had been holding back ran free.


Art by Taske


09-09-2018, 07:07 PM

As the female's new found friend asked her the three questions, her ears now fell against her head in a bit of excitement. She was overjoyed to hear that Lyrae wanted to know all of the ins and outs of her home kingdom, it was a wondrous thing. With it being such an elusive group of canines, not many wolves knew of it's existence; Thus, when others heard about it from Baelfire, they were admit to know certain things.

"Ah, a King and Queen are similar to an Alpha of a pack. Although due to how civilized we are as a whole, a King and Queen lead our people. It isn't voted on, nor fought for, it's a blood given right. If you are kin of the royal family, you have a place within the high ranks of the kingdom. Due to my standing as an only child, if I were to return to the kingdom, I could presume the roll of Queen. Although I wish to do greater things in life. A royal seat is not for me." Part of Baelfire's thought process seemed to stop momentarily, she wasn't sure how to explain what silk was? It was something created by insects that was woven together tightly to create a piece of fabric, how could she explain that to another? "Silk and cloth are materials that are created by the moth & butterfly, it allows us to have scarves, coats, and anything else we would like to put on our bodies. It's very reliable when it comes to trapping body heat in an attempt to stay warm."

Hearing Lyrae's last question brought a ping of sadness to her heart along with immense warmth, it was the band of Gypsies that had guided Baelfire to her current path of life. To the path of healing, away from the kingdom, away from the politics. Now, there was something that she wasn't sure how to describe. In an instant the definition hit her; it was the most lawless, neutral, good family that a wolf could have. 'I just wish I could take her to them..' Realistically, Baelfire knew her Gypsy mother was long gone from the lands of Boreas, she couldn't possibly stay in one place. "Gypsies are wolves that have no rules, simply a moral code of wrong and right. There is no law, no requirements, and they never stay in one place for too long. They are travelers, followers of the wind, chasers of the horizon. Forever going, never staying." Baelfire felt a great amount of sorrow in her heart as she thought of her fallen home, it wasn't exactly gone, but it certainly wasn't as strong as it could have been. Maybe the princess would return home, maybe she would never really look back, only time would tell.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'


09-15-2018, 05:27 PM

[Image: oDq3SuK.png]

Bael didn’t look at all offended at the onslaught of questions, and the younger wolf let her tongue slip free from her maw in a little bit of puppy-laughter. She was excited too, stories and new things where the best part of this new world. Why come here if it wasn’t to learn? Her new friend explained that a king and a queen helf similar roles to an Alpha of a pack. Well she had never been a pack wolf, she understood the basics. Her Mother had come from pack life, run by her family and led by her older brothers.

“So your an heir?” Bael asked, curious. She scrambled to remember the structure of the pack her mother had told her a little bit about before passing on. One of Glacier or Voltage’s kids might have become leader eventually, if the pack had held on. She felt a twinge of something, of wonder at what could have been. She shook it off, it wasn’t the life she knew, and her sister held all the love she needed from the world.

“Putting things on your body? Sounds strange, is your coat not enough to keep you warm?” she leaned forward, sniffing Bael curiously, but she couldn’t detect anything different about the other womans fur.

When Bael described the gypsies, Lyrae grinned, her tail gave a light wag behind her. “That sounds like me and Vela, the only rules we have are our own, and we plan to always travel. But we chase the stars, not the wind.” their travelling had just began, and already it was everything she imagined it could be and more. From the fireflies that looked like stars, to this stranger with a friendly smile who answered any question the young wolf could consider.


Art by Taske


09-16-2018, 08:19 PM

Baelfire soon found herself day dreaming of old days, grand castle walls adorned with red and gold cloth, her old home held a special spot in her heart. Although she was staring directly at Lyrae, her head was somewhere else entirely. Perhaps this was a main fault of the female, she couldn't stay on one track for very long. Lyrae's voice pulled her from her thoughts finally, her green eyes now falling on the female before her. "So, you're an heir?" Her ears fell forwards as her front paws folded nicely over each other, she was an heir, previously. "I was, yes. However, I cannot lead that lifestyle. I was thrown from my throne by an ambush, this ambush was done by my fathers' bastard child.." Her voice trailed off before she felt her ears rise again, she knew there wasn't anything she could do about it now. "But alas, I have now found my new trail on life, a healer. It's a fine living."

As she again head her attention snapped from her head by the female's question of her clothing choices, a small laugh came from the wolfs' parted muzzle. "... is your coat not enough to keep you warm." Her fur was parted slightly by the young girls' nose, although she didn't mind the nudge her tail flicked behind her nonchalantly. "I come from a land very, very far north. It's cold almost constantly."

She hadn't ever seen Lyrae's sister before, but she imagined that she was just like Lyrae herself, or at least somewhat similar. What of Vela wasn't even her sister, although, why else would she refer to her so lovingly? "Ah, yes, the Gypsies were the highlight of my early years. I'm rather fond of Lirim though, it's a good group of individuals. Is Vela your sister?" She didn't want to see prying, but she couldn't help but have a little bit of curiosity. If they were to be good friends, she needed to at least know the basics.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'