
Can you hear me?


09-06-2018, 09:19 PM

Drip, drip, drip. The sound of falling water from stalagmites infiltrated the sandy colored canines' ears as she trekked along in the dark cavern, although it wasn't totally void of light. A faint blue glow illuminated the pale green eyes of the female, her nose working heavily as she scouted her way through the darkened setting. The healer found herself taken aback by the array of mushrooms that now presented themselves before her, each of them adorned with the previously spotted blue glow. Small feet now pressing into the moss that laid below her she nudged one with her snout, she hadn't ever seen such a thing. "How peculiar. I wonder what causes them to glow.." Baelfire couldn't deny that she was totally captivated by the wonder surrounding her, there wasn't anything like this in her frigid homeland. It was nothing but a land of frost, ice, and desolation. While Western Boreas seemed to be a place that was absolutely over flowing with wolves of odd colors, interesting names, and unique destinations.

Although she wasn't fully accepted into the pack, she had been spending quite some time in the Lirim lands, they had begun to grow on her. Being one for immaculate loyalty she knew it would eventually become her home, but if by chance it didn't, she wouldn't try to find another. Baelfire had been through some trying times in her 3 years of life, they had been far too much for her to want to continue to live that life style.

In the midst of her thinking she heard what was perceived as nails against stone; She was no longer alone. Her ears now fell back against her feminine head as she turned around to face the darkened entrance to the mushrooms' cavern, whomever it was had just started heading this direction. She wasn't sure of the hour, nor of her location, thus her defenses raised. Tail curling along her spine, black soon meshed with sand colored fur as her upper lip flipped against her nose. She didn't agree with attacking another, but she would certainly defend herself. Especially with being in the dark, she didn't have much to defend herself with. Being a healer Baelfire hadn't taken much time to practice with her teeth and claws, she'd rather talk herself out of a situation. 'What if I put myself in danger..' Her anxiety peaked just briefly before she decided to drop her tail against her hocks, if she acted defensive another may think she was looking for a fight. In all reality, that was the last thing Baelfire Kolceg wanted to deal with.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'

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2 Years
Dire wolf
09-07-2018, 09:33 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2018, 09:33 AM by Pegasus.)

Navigation: Glowshroom Cavern |Round|1|2|3|4|

In his homeland he had been an expert navigator; studying the stars and landmarks of his mother’s kingdom near daily. He had traveled with his grandfather to the other nations of Theodebes and even in his youth had made an effort to learn the ways of the other lands. Here in Boreas with no delegates to guide him or tour him through the lands he had been left utterly helpless. He supposed that if he encountered trouble he was large enough to fight off whatever came his way, but the fact that he might need to face it alone made him apprehensive.

Despite this, he had left the pack lands he had been occupying that morning, determined to learn more about the savage land his father had come from. There had been the Cave of Miracles in Aytepios; a cave lined with flaky snow white walls interlaced with a sparkling stone that could be carved and marked easily and apparently had been by creatures far older than his own kind. This cave, on the other hand, seemed to have its own magic, as he stepped deeper into the mouth of the cave and found the inky darkness broken by faintly glowing mushrooms. Curiously he reached out a paw to touch one, then drew back as a small cloud of spores puffed from the glowing cap. He grinned at the wonderous sight as the spores shimmered in the air before settling on the mossy floor. There was no doubt that if he should return in a few months he would find a fresh patch of mushrooms where the glittering spores had fallen.

He moved on through the cave, watching the fungi lined walls, far too caught up in the wonder of the sight to sense the girl he was rapidly approaching. If she hadn’t contrasted darkness of the cave, he may have missed her entirely, but her white fur was thankfully illuminated by the glowing mushrooms. He cocked his head at the sight of her. He had never seen another wolf crouched in terror; his father had told him once that it was a primitive stance, one that had become archaic in Theodebes where wolves simply addressed each other verbally. “Uh…Hello.” He greeted softly, his head remaining raised and his posture straight as he addressed the girl. “No need to be afraid, I mean you no harm.” He said calmly, hoping the girl would relax and speak to him.

speaking Thinking  you


09-07-2018, 11:51 AM

Crickets chirped quietly around the pair of wolves, Baelfire refused to speak for a moment as she stood before this male. Although his tone led her to believe he was younger than herself, he certainly dwarfed her in size and stature. Seeing that this unknown canine was at least able to be respectful she felt a bit more at ease, at least his tone was of a quiet and sweet octave; she found no reason to remain defensive.

"My apologies, good fellow. I'm not front these lands, thus I have a tendency to be defensive." Her green eyes now fell onto the tri-colored timber, her tail flicking against her hind legs, brushing her heels ever so often. Never breaking eye contact, Baelfire now backed away from a moment; she was here for one thing. Spores. Rolling her tongue over her charcoal hued lips the off-white lady now turned away towards the male, continuing their conversation as she studied the Mushroom's closely. "Anywho, I'm Baelfire. Baelfire Kolceg, of Lirim. A healer of all trades." Raising a single paw the female lightly flicked a Mushroom with a blunt claw, watching the illuminated spores drift to the cave floor below her she bent down to get a closer look. They had clung tightly to the moss beneath their feet that seemed to cover the entirety of the cave, it was quite odd to the canine that the spores glowed but no matter how many fell to the moss; The moss itself never became illuminated.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'

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2 Years
Dire wolf
09-10-2018, 09:57 AM

His eyes widened at the formality of the girl’s greeting. Since arriving no one else had been so proper and he wondered if perhaps the girl was royalty like himself. “I am Pegasus Beaufort, a prince of Aytepios” He said with a charming smile then dropped into a noble bow, one paw extended in front of him while the other curled against his chest. Her name had been unfamiliar to him so it wouldn’t surprise him if she hadn’t heard of either house Beaufort of Bromos or the nation of Aytepios.

He rose from his bow then sat complacently as he watched her inspect the mushrooms. He cocked his head as a glowing plume of spores caught on a draft then settled on the moss, their luminescence fading as they did. “May I ask what brings you here Baelfire?” He asked, making sure to use the speech members of the Theodebian court addressed one another with. “I myself came here in the hops of learning more about this place. Would you care to join me?” He asked with a slight smile.

speaking Thinking  you


09-11-2018, 09:50 AM

As this large male dropped into a regal bow before her, Baelfire too returned the bow with a small smile upon her features. She had never heard of the kingdom Aytepios, but it seemed to have produced a very respectable individual. Baelfire was far from her royal home, but alas, she had made quite the quaint living around Boreas. Travelling to place to place, healing injuries, and doing a vast amount of good seemed to heal her broken heart more than sitting on a throne could even comprehend. Although she missed her cushioned life at times, she also liked the freedom leaving her homeland had given her. "It is an honor to be in your presence, Prince Pegasus. I too once hailed from a grand kingdom, although I have relinquished my royal duties for the quiet life of a Healer."

Part of her was concerned that he would think differently of her for renouncing her crown, although she had left it with her cousin, whom would certainly do a better job. Baelfire just didn't feel like controlling a large kingdom, the throne burned her very soul. When Pegasus asked her what her purpose was in the cavern, her ears perked slightly, she was here to gather any herbs she could find. Although the idea of exploring the place really caught her attention, she had considered it, but wasn't skilled at navigation. "I came here to gather herbs for my stash, although I would love to explore this place with you. I'm not the best at finding my way around places, heh." Her moss colored eyes fell back onto the towering male, her tail wagging slowly at her hind legs, this would be quite the adventure.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2018, 09:58 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2018, 06:12 PM by Pegasus.)
Navigation: Glowshroom Cavern |Round|1|2|3|4|

“Fear not. I will guide you.” He said and smiled at the woman the way his father had told him to smile at women of the court.  “Perhaps we will find herbs you’ll need along the way.” He said, still using the formal candance afforded to the girl as a member of royal lineage.

He walked ahead, his eyes adjusting to the low light provided by the mushrooms while he minded his footfalls, careful not to step into one of the holes eaten out of the cave floor by the steady drops of water that fell from the ceiling.

“I must admit, I’m relieved to have met another wolf of noble birth. " He said with a soft chuckle, flashing her a princely smile as he turned his head to look at her. “Everyone here is so informal, I was beginning to feel culture shock.” He turned his head back to look forward, eyes roving over the bat lined ceiling and his ear twitching as they picked up their small shrieks.

“Have you been in Boreas long?” He asked this time keeping his eyes forward as he leapt nimbly over a small outcropping of rock that preceded a moss covered slope.

speaking Thinking  you


09-12-2018, 02:47 PM

Now stepping into a slow walk Baelfire trailed behind Pegasus, her tail laying sweetly against her hips in feminine fashion, it was nice to be around someone of the same rearing. Her vibrant green eyes now returned to the male as he spoke "I must admit, I'm relieved to have met another wolf of noble birth." This response caused Baelfire to nod slowly in agreement, she was very happy herself to be around someone of royal lineage as well. "I very much agree with you, the wolves of Boreas can be... Obvious commoners if you would." It wasn't that she felt above others, it was just the clear fact that they weren't raised as the pair had been.

When he asked her how long she had been in the lands Baelfire had to stop and think for a moment, how long had she been here? Her ears fell back against her head momentarily before they returned to their normal standing position, it had been at least a few months. "I''d say its been almost half a year." Her body seemed to be on high alert, it wasn't any fault of Pegasus's, but the cave as a whole made her nervous. What if the earth shook again? Her ears threatened to go back against her head but she refused to let such an action happen, she wasn't submissive or scared of anything. Not her, she knew too much of the world.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-13-2018, 09:47 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2018, 06:13 PM by Pegasus.)
Navigation: Glowshroom Cavern |Round|1|2|3|4|

He gave a warm chuckle at her comment then turned his head to look at her as he descended the slope. “I know exactly what you mean. I’ve never felt so out of place.” He was impressed by how long the woman had been in the strange continent, having only just arrived there himself a few weeks ago. He turned his attention ahead of him and continued to meander through the winding tunnels of the cave, continuing to speak as he did. “It must have been difficult to be around commoners for so long and keep yourself proper. My grandfather always told me that if you’re in a new place for too long you start to blend in with everyone else.” He said with a gentle smile, minding his footing as the slope came to a sudden and sharp end. “Watch your step” He called back to her and pressed on.

The smell of mildew and stagnant water filled the air as the two moved deeper but the prince hardly seemed bothered by it, he had on more than one occasion visited the slums of his grandfather’s kingdom. He could clearly recall the smell of dung and rotting meat that had been so potent it had made him dizzy. He glanced over his shoulder at the girl to see how she was faring then pulled his ears forward at the faint roar of rushing water somewhere ahead of them. Far too excited to contain himself Pegasus trotted forward at a brisk pace, his tail waving behind him like a banner.

 To his astonishment the tunnel they had been walking in fed into a chamber where a rushing waterfall fed into an underground river. On the smooth stone floors surrounding the waterfall, shallow pools of water illuminated by high pillars of glowing mushrooms sparkled in every color from deep purple to rose petal pink. Pegasus stood in place, staring in wonder at the sight and tried to recall if his father had ever mentioned visiting such a magical place before.

speaking Thinking  you


09-18-2018, 01:42 PM

"I know exactly what you mean. I've never felt so out of place." Baelfire's ears fell against her head for just a moment, her eyes glancing around the canine's frame; Pegasus was a lot like herself, and this brought Baelfire a lot of comfort. She enjoyed being around like minded individuals, now seeing that she no longer had his attention the pair of wolves continued their way through the cavern. Sandy fur now meshed with that of the stone walls as she squeezed through the small entrance. "Yes, it's been quite a challenge to keep myself up to the standards I was raised with. Your Grandfather was certainly correct, as I have found myself running muck throughout the lands of Boreas I have also found myself relaxing more around the canines that inhabit this continent." Green eyes watched Pegasus close as he meandered down the sharp incline, he had certainly been navigating places for quite awhile. "Watch your step." Nodding silently to herself Baelfire Kolceg now following suit behind his frame, her ears fell against her head as she felt a droplet of water fall onto her coat.

Her nose now wrinkled as the scent of mildew traveled into her nostrils, snorting roughly Baelfire knew that certain parts of her previous home had been less than sanitary. Suddenly it sounded like there was a rushing river right before her, nails scraped against the rock beneath her in a fit of anxiety. She wasn't sure about how to go through the cavern at this point, she was a decent swimmer but it certainly wasn't her strongest ability. Her ears fell against her head as she spotted Pegasus now stepping into a fast paced walk, what on earth was ahead of them? "What on earth is that noise? It sounds like a River."

Before her very eyes a grand cavern was before them, the long winding river seemed to go on for several feet before the pair, the banks illuminated with the spores from the glowing mushrooms. The water falling to a shallow level right before her feet, beds of moss cushioned her paws as she now walked down towards the banks of the river. She was smart enough to know that it wouldn't be wise to jump into the river, although part of her wanted to just for a moment, only to feel the temperature of the water. A bit of a shiver rolled over her sandy colored coat as her toes touched the chilly water, of course it was cold, they were in a cave. Her green eyes landed on the large waterfall before her, the impact of the water causing a white foam to develop at the base of the roaring waterfall. 'I haven't seen such a thing.. How beautiful.'

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'