
Risen OOC Info



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
09-09-2018, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2018, 11:40 PM by Malleus.)
With Ardent becoming more skill oriented, The Risen Empire is going to be switching to a skill based merit system (not unlike the Imp system, if you guys remember that). This is a test so after an as yet determined amount of time I'll be polling Risen players to get their opinions/suggestions on it. This is a buggy work in progress so if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me or catch me on discord or skype.

Tier 3 members must reach novice in both skills by 12/1/18 to maintain their rank. Failure to do so will result in demotion.

Tier 4 members must reach novice in one rank related skill by 11/8/18 to maintain their rank. Failure to do so will result in demotion.

Tier 5 members must reach novice in one skill by 11/8/18. Failure to do so will result in expulsion.

The above requirements are an attempt to grandfather current members into the new system and get them working in the right direction. If your character meets the above requirements then they need to begin working towards the “real” ones below. Members joining after today will be required to meet the “real” skill requirements listed below in order to advance.

New members have 2 months after joining to up one skill by 10 points or they risk expulsion or enslavement. Slaves have no such skill requirements.

Members who meet the rank requirements for their current rank today (9/9/18) may pick a new rank in tiers 3 and 4 provided they have met the requirements for the new rank they're requesting. For example, if a tier 4 soldier has 40 skill points s/he may request the rank of Lieutenant (tier 3). Members joining from Aurum today may request any tier 3 or 4 rank provided they meet the skill requirements for that rank.

Tier 2 – 60+ skill point total (rank must be approved by Malleus)
Tier 3 – intermediate in one rank related skill
Tier 4 – 30+ skill point total
Tier 5 – New members have 2 months after joining to up one skill by 10 points or they risk expulsion or enslavement. Slaves have no such skill requirements. Upon turning 1yr old, yearlings who don't qualify for a tier 4+ rank will have 2 months to qualify or they'll risk expulsion.

CURRENT STANDINGS (updated 9/9/18):
Tier 3
Fighter: 0 – Intellectual: 0

Tier 4
Fighter: 15 – Hunter: 0
Intellectual: 0 – Navigator: 0
Healer: 0 – Fighter: 0

Tier 5
Healer: 15 – Intellectual: 55
Fighter: 0 – Navigator: 0
Fighter: 0 – Intellectual: 0
Fighter: 0 – Intellectual: 0
Rain (added 11/23)
Healer: 5 - Intellectual: 10


What do you mean by “skill point total”? I mean any combination of skill points that gets you to the minimum requirement for your character's tier. So, for a tier 2 wolf you only need 60 points to qualify. That can 10 points in one skill and 50 in another, 30 and 30, 20 and 40, etc.

"Rank related skill?" Fighting for soldiers, hunting for hunters, intellect for oracles, etc.

Why are current Tier 5 members required to earn more skill points than new members? Because I want everyone who is currently listed as a commoner to advance to a Tier 4 rank. Ideally, the 5th tier should be reserved for new members, pups and those who have been punished with a demotion. Think of the 5th tier as vanilla ice cream: it's still ice cream, which is nice, but it's also just vanilla, which is boring AF. Don't be vanilla.

I don't use skills on this site, but I want my character in Risen. What should I do? Notify me, Laz, and we'll use that character's activity to find a place for them in the pack. Keep in mind that ranks related to fighting will be off limits as a character without skill points will forever be at a disadvantage in a fight.

The deadline is here but my skill points haven't been added to my profile yet. Will my character get demoted?  Don't worry, I'll be checking the skill board to make sure there aren't any pending skill points. Should there be any pending requests (that could change a character's outcome), I'll make a note of it and check back another day to make sure they were accepted.
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.