


07-08-2013, 09:26 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Immaculately poised was the serpentine babe, gliding across the eastern region of the island with a sense of adventurous curiosity atypical for her maleficent nature, nothing aside from sheer wonderment fueling her upon her journey to the many different areas Alacritis had to offer. She had resided here for over a year now and still she had only ventured to a few specific areas, complacently allowing the remainder of the land to retain its mystery while scheming occupied her time and motivation. But now that everything seemed to be falling into place in her favor, there were less plots to formulate and perfect and more free time offered where she was granted the opportunity to do whatever it was she desired. Although the title of ?mother? had recently been bestowed upon her with the birth of her hellspawn, still she managed to find time left in the day.

Curiosity manifested upon her ethereal countenance in the form of a quirked brow as she happened upon the entrance to a cavern, neck craning as she attempted to peer inside the darkened enclave in search of any creatures currently residing within it. Even with her keen sense of vision, she was blinded to the interior of the cave, giving a slight shrug to her shoulders as she decided to brave it and enter the mouth. Cautiously she padded forth, consumed in darkness, a single word falling from her unhinged jaws to announce her presence to any within: Hello?



07-08-2013, 09:46 PM

The young pup had taken to wandering a little bit more now that he had met Syrinx in the Northern lands that had once been his home. Since then, Galileo had begun to discover the wonders that Alacritia held. His new home had entertained him for a little while before Galileo's gaze had begun to wander a little further. He still wasn't up to heading as far as he had wandered that once, but Galileo was a pup, and though he was growing older, he was still young, still young enough that he wanted to explore and learn. The nervousness was beginning to fade as the young male clung to his dreams of revenge.

He had an ideal, a goal, and that let him focus. And on top of that, his father, in all of his strength, had given Galileo something to emulate fiercely as he began to understand that being as skittish as he was weird. He would be like his father, but stronger. The thought brought a fierce satisfaction to the young male.

Bounding along, Galileo made his way towards the curious caverns that he had discovered recently. The winding paths that sprawled beneath the mountainous lands had offered him a lot of entertainment in the past few days. He loved wandering, taking new turns every turn he visited and discovering new caves and new paths. He wasn't sure what interested him so, but they were entertaining, that much was true.

The youngster had not wandered for long when there came a voice from back at the entrance. Pausing, Galileo turned towards the voice, ears twitching. A female, but not a familiar one. "Hello!" The male yipped back, taking a deep breath. He couldn't be scared anymore. He had to be strong so that he could take revenge for his pack. He needed to be strong. No more fear.

Repeating that mantra in his head, Galileo turned and padded back towards the entrance and found his gaze settling on a white female. He stood quietly, head tilted to the side and ears pricked in her direction, waiting to see what she would do, and fighting to keep his heart beating at a normal pace in his chest. No more fear, the pup reminded himself sharply.

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-08-2013, 10:16 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Triangular ears pricked forward as she attempted to capture any responses from the interior of the cavern, wildly careening with the rhythmic drip! that emanated from within the enclave, but no distinct voices stuck out against it. Even still, she remained rooted to the entrance, starting to pivot away from the mouth of the cave to make her leave in search of something of interest, but the domineering yip that reverberated within the cavern walls caused her to halt mid-step. She knit her brows neatly together as she placed her elevated forepaw firmly to the earth, curiosity striking her as she realized whoever the voice belonged to was hardly of a proper age to travel so alone. Her pupils trained themselves to the center of the cavern as she waited for the whelp to present himself, allowing her defenses to slacken with the knowledge that she could easily overpower a mere puppy.

A coy grin manifested upon her countenance as the whelp?s form was revealed in the ample light provided by the exterior of the cavern, gaze travelling to plains of his minuscule figure as she observed him. There was an odd familiarity about this whelp that perplexed the ardent viper, but she could not place a paw on what it was about the tiny male that seemed so familiar. She shrugged it off, maneuvering closer to where he had placed himself slowly so as not to alarm the delicate creature. She just wanted to have some fun with him, after all; she could deal without his missing mother for a time. What?s a man like you doing out here, so alone? she inquired, her tones teasing although she intended for the child to take her words seriously, hoping his naivety would prevail. Once she was in a close enough proximity to the tyke, she rolled back onto her haunches, staring down the bridge of her injured muzzle at his skull while she awaited his hopefully amusing response.



07-09-2013, 09:49 AM

Galileo pricked his ears in the white female's direction as she moved slowly closer. In any other circumstance, he probably would have panicked, but it wasn't like there was anywhere to run, and besides, he was trying to be brave. Galileo could do it. He was brave, like his daddy! Who had fought for his pack. Galileo wanted to be strong like that one day. Maybe his father would teach him. But Galileo would have to learn from others too, so that he wouldn't fail in the areas that his father had as well. He would have to be stronger than the female who had stolen his father's throne from him.

It was only when the female spoke that Galileo twitched his ears, returning to the present with a start. "I'm exploring." The male spoke, watching solemnly as the white female settled back on her haunches, her silver gaze never leaving his oddly colored form. "My family just found a new home nearby." Galileo added a moment later, elaborating just slightly. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to tell this female much. He didn't know her, and she was rather intimidating, with those wounds on her frame. But the wounds just meant that she had been hurt. It meant that whatever wolf she had fought had been stronger than she.

As he had proved in his runin with Syrinx, Galileo was far from tactful. Unlike his cousin Tiberious, Galileo was not always in tune with how those around him felt. And so Galileo didn't feel remotely guilty for looking right up at the silvery creature and blurting out, "What happened to you?" The pup queried brightly, curiously, as he examined her.

table by lu for use on alacritis