
Great big changes!


09-11-2018, 09:57 AM

Nostrils flaring as her tongue rolled from the confines of her jaws, sandy colored pelt proceeded the canine, moss colored eyes watching around every corner. She was intrigued by the massive rock formations that surrounded her as she carried along, there wasn't a soul here to be found, and for a moment she was appreciative of that fact. Baelfire had come to the area searching for a certain herb; Sage. Her paw pads grew in pain as she continued along the sandy gorge, the ground hot beneath her feet. It wasn't going to be long until she reached her destination; The Redwater Rocks.

Stepping into a light trot, Baelfire bounded forwards her nails digging into the dirt with each and every step, blunt claws barely making an impact on the soil beneath her. She froze momentarily, her nostrils flaring repeatedly as she inhaled anthers scent, although she couldn't determine where it was coming from. Bael knew she would echo within the confines of the rock walls, thus, she simply spoke aloud projecting her voice forwards. "Show yourself, please! I mean you no harm." Her eyes watched the canyon before her anticipating someone to step out as they had been addressed, hopefully they didn't try to start a fight with her, she would only use violence if she had to.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



4 Years

Promptober 2019
09-11-2018, 11:05 AM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2018, 04:57 PM by Yurei.)

A friend? No, I dont know the meaning of that word.

Muscular legs carried the big size of Yurei. A young wolf with a fur of porcelain, that as of now was just padding throw the place looking for something to eat. Being a loner was making the life for her harsh and with many challenges to take over. Green eyes were kept in the ground as her lowered nose was working to find any promising odor for a potential meal. She wasn't a picky eater, anything was fine. Death or fresh meat was enough. Being a rogue anything to keep her fed or full appetite would be enough for her to be happy.

As her paws hurt for the hot sand she quickly walked to the first shield she found. Within the canyon, a voice froze her heart. Stops as the fear raised inside her. As her nostrils caught a wolf scent she didn't want to move any longer. "Hello? Who´s there?" Asked with a shivering voice. "Please don't hurt me."

She walks. | "She talks." | She thinks. | Your words

[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.


09-11-2018, 11:40 AM

The voice that echoed before her was a female, so, that meant she may possibly find a new friend. Baelfire's ears fell forwards as she stepped into a slowed walk, rounding the stone corner led her to find the voice's owner. A female void of color, but with eyes similar to her own. She didn't smell of a pack, so there wasn't concern for agression. Although this was also gathered from her response to Bael's beckoning, she wouldn't hurt someone unless there was no other option.

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm Baelfire." Her head dropped in a bit of a bow for greeting purposes, she couldn't seem to understand why this canine was so afraid of anyone who came her direction, at least that's what it seemed like. Her eyes now rested on the female as she approached her with little hesitation, her nose worked slightly as she gathered her scent once more. Dropping to the sand below, 'B now found herself sitting before the canine. "So, what brings you all the way out here?"

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



4 Years

Promptober 2019
09-15-2018, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2018, 04:49 PM by Yurei.)

A friend? No, I dont know the meaning of that word.

With her heart about to explode, a wolf came to her. It was pretty similar to herself. With fur as snow and emerald eyes like her´s, it was pretty curious to see someone so alike. But however, she felt too scared to say a word but she was still trying to look normal and not the coward she was behaving as. "Yurei...Yurei is my name..."  Introduced herself with a shivering voice. Her tail was placed between her legs and flattened ears against the back of her skull.

"Sorry for acting like just that... I am not good at socializing..."  She explained herself as looks around. So, what brings you all the way out here? She didn't know how to answer that as the sudden encounter made her forget her reasons for being here. "Well...I...I was exploring...I guess..."  Said as tried her best to keep control of her nerves. "And you?... Do you live here?..." Asked a bit calmed.  "Another reason is that I was looking for a place to stay for the night...And maybe in the morning start looking for a forever home..."  Another reason flew from her lips to Bael. "Do you have a place?... " Asked.

She walks. | "She talks." | She thinks. | Your words

[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.


09-16-2018, 06:17 PM

Anxiety seemed to radiate off of the wolf whom now introduced herself as Yurei, it was quite ironic how much the duo seemed to match in appearance, at most Baelfire had a few pounds on the female. Noting how her ears now plastered against her head, B simply tilted hers at an angle. Did she seem scary? She wasn't meaning to be. "Yurei, what a lovely name." When she spoke of her lack of desire to socialize with others, Baelfire couldn't say that she didn't understand where she was coming from. She herself preferred to practice healing alone, interacting with others only to provide assistance when needed, otherwise she was a loner. "You don't have to apologize to me for being antisocial, haha, I normally am myself. Although I'm in a pretty fair mood today."

"And you, do you live here?" Baelfire's ears rotated forwards when she asked her of her home, she couldn't say she would mind having some company. But sadly, her home was quite a ways from here. If she would be up to the journey, she could certainly come stay with her. Perhaps for even more than a night. "I stay outside of the pack known as Lirim, they're very accepting though. If you'd be up for the journey, you could certainly stay with me. I won't turn away anyone." Briefly she found herself hoping that she would accept her offer of residency, she would fit well into Lirim as well. They could potentially make quite the pair.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'



4 Years

Promptober 2019
09-17-2018, 05:16 PM

A friend? No, I dont know the meaning of that word.

Yurei started to feel a bit more comfortable around Bael, she didn't seem dangerous or mean so, for now, she will trust in her. She just hoped she wasn't making a big mistake. She did not want to find herself in a painful situation again. It gave her a weird sensation as Bel said: Yurei, what a lovely name. For her and many people she had met, it didn't have anything important. It meant Ghost, just like her common nickname. "Well, I am also known  as Ghost, due to my appearance and solitary behavior." She said looking into the female´s eyes. It surprised her when Baelfire said she was antisocial too, well she felt a bit happy about not being the only one. But being a solitary soul didn't bother her being alone was she knew. Being by herself was something she knew very well as since a young age she had to do so.

"A pack?...Oh..." She heard they were welcoming, but at this point, she didn't know if she should trust them. Last time she went to an "Accepting" pack she ended up kicked for no reason. And would it be worthy enough to find the risk of suffering it again? Would this have a good ending? Or like before it would be a whole mess? She knew there was only one way to know. Going there. "Oh, well I haven't been in a pack in my life...Lats time I tried I wasn't accepted..." She admitted as lowers her ears a bit. "But I might follow you...Just dont leave me behind..." Said looking away.

Turns back at her. "And how far is it? I am new to these lands so I don't have any idea of where we are..." Said a lot more relaxed. Her ears went back to a normal position.

She walks. | "She talks." | She thinks. | Your words

[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.