
Fallen Star



2 Years
09-21-2018, 06:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2018, 12:21 PM by Cheveyo.)
The ebony man moved quietly along the waters edge. His toxic orbs scanning this new territory. New scents, new sounds and new terrain. This wasnt home, no. He never could return home again. Never see his father's warm smile and reassuring presence. His aunts comforting voice. Everything he knew was gone. Now he wandered aimlessly. His heart ached for companionship but who could he trust out here. The farthest he had ever been from home was on hunting trips and border patrols. But even then he was never alone.

A quite sigh exited his lungs as he came to a stop. His head swung  to look at the inviting water beside him. His tongue lolled to the side as he panted softly. It was warm out, it was mid afternoon and the sun was high. His dark coat did him no favors in the bright sun.

Desire got the better of him and he headed towards the lake. He stopped as the tips of his paws reached the cool liquid. His head lowered as he slipped his salmon tongue between his inky lips and lapped at the refreshing water. His dry throat welcomed the quenching water eagerly. Before he would think his limbs moved forward, carrying his frame into the water. His lids slid shut as he savored the cooling water as it consumed his warm body. He stopped just before the water reached his ivory spotted back. His tail swayed at the surface causing small waves to form. The only thing that could make this moment better was if there was someone to keep him company.



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-25-2018, 07:59 PM
The brutal heat and humidity of the summer, though not necessarily something his family was built for, was a fact that Kai was growing used to over his years here. Especially as of late, he'd been lingering in the easternmost territories of Boreas, less inclined to travel to the harsh north than he had once been. Perhaps in the winter he might make his return, but he was thoroughly enjoying the change of pace. Not that some chill in the air would be unappreciated. Kai panted softly as he made his way toward the closest body of water he knew of, which was the small lake near the eastern coast. Thanks to the sun's intense rays splaying down on his coat, he was beginning to feel quite thirsty and in need of some rest in the shadow. Or - better yet - maybe even take a quick dip in the lake to cool off.

Invigorated by the thought of a cold drink, Kai pressed on, his pace only slowing as he neared the lake. Someone else was already here, sliding into the lake as he approached, and he regarded the stranger with a watchful eye as he drew closer. Though Kai had no issues approaching strangers (and generally appeared quite friendly on the outside), his trust was something not quickly gained. Silver eyes laid on the male as Kai kept a distance from him, approaching the lake lazily. The stranger was easily a head smaller than him, though his dark coat with speckles of white across his back - like stars in a dark night's sky - caught his attention. "Afternoon!" Kai offered loudly, his voice friendly and a bit whimsical despite its deep tone. Slowly he made his way toward the edge of the water, maintaining that careful distance as he leaned down to take a quick drink. "Come here often?" That nonchalant, slightly playful way he spoke was characteristic of him, and his eyes gleamed with mischief as he eyed Cheveyo curiously.



2 Years
09-25-2018, 09:39 PM
Cheveyo inhaled deeply, savoring the feeling of the cool water seeping into his fur. He allowed his mind to go blank for a moment. Letting all of the worries and stress leech into the lake water. Oh, the young man needed this more than he had originally thought.

He began to exhale when a noise caught his attention. His ear swiveled towards the sound automatically and his eyelids shot open, revealing his toxic jewels. He watched the male approach and then stop at a distance. Cheveyo repositioned himself to face the stranger directly but he remained calm.

His heart beat quickened as he eyed the newcomer with curiosity. This was the first wolf he had met outside of his family pack. He did not look anything like anyone he had ever met. He had seen others with greyscale pelts but the red upon his face and back paws was intriguing and new. When the male spoke Chevy's features broke into a genuine smile. He seemed friendly enough, right? Before he could answer the larger wolf came closer and spoke once more. His playful words causing the ebony male to chuckle softly. He shook his head slightly before speaking, "Matter of fact I am new around here. You are the first wolf I have seen since leaving home. I am Cheveyo Praeses. You may join me is you wish. It is much more comfortable in the water than it is baking in that sun." he teased gently. His tail swayed ever so slightly as if beckoning the male to join him.

His mind and body felt a rush of excitement and newfound energy. He had craved interaction so badly for so long that he had pushed it down as deep as he could to focus on surviving. But now that he had someone before him that eagerness was trying to bubble to the surface. But he knew he needed to be careful, not all wolves were friendly. He did not know this male, yet. He seemed friendly enough, even a little mischievous just like himself. But he held up his guard a little, self preservation was more important than trusting any wolf that came by because he craved companionship almost as much as he craved food or water.



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-01-2018, 04:35 PM
Kai had resigned himself to the fact that someday he very likely would get himself in trouble, particularly with how easily he disregarded danger for the sheer thrill of whatever experience might lie ahead of him. Though cautious to some extent, he was rarely reserved at all, and he was almost surprised that he hadn't gotten himself into more trouble by now. Perhaps he had too much faith in his own strength and wit, but it'd gotten him through thus far.

The stranger seemed surprised to meet him, spinning around with a flourish in the water and resting his vibrant green gaze on him.  "Cheveyo Praeses! Welcome," Kai boomed, testing the name on his tongue. Most of the names of the wolves he had met were softer and somehow different than his own family's more harsh tongue, though he was growing accustomed to it. Though.. it sounded like this male was not from here either. "I'm Kai Jarvela." Sometimes, he opted not to give his surname at all, but he'd had a longing for family lately and he knew there was always an astronomically small chance that someone he met had possibly met one of his kin. He could only hope, at least.  "It's a pleasure," he dipped his head low toward the water, carelessly lapping the rest of the moisture from his lips as he straightened.

The invitation wasn't something he needed to consider for very long. The thought of a swim had been on his mind anyway, and now that he was being invited to join someone his mind was all but made up. Without hesitating he moved forward, his front paws slipping easily into the falls and the rest of his body following with ease.  "Much nicer than baking in the sun, you're right," he sighed contentedly, inhaling sharply only to dip his head below the water and resurface not long after, shaking some of the moisture away from his face.



2 Years
10-02-2018, 01:55 PM
He looked upon the newcomer with no ill intent. His own jewels held a gleam of excitement behind them. But he controlled himself well. It was something his father had taught him at a young age. So he swallowed down the enthusiastic yell and tightened his muscles so he didnt jump up in down like a ludacris pup who's mother had arrived with a present for him. No, he stood calm and collected like his father had thought him.

The other male said his name back to him in a booming voice and it caused his smile to broaden as he nodded his head in excitement. His first introduction seemed to be going well. Maybe he wasnt going to be doomed for a solitary life afterall. He could interact with others.

The greyscale male introduced himself and Chevy nodded once more. He watched Kai enter the water and shake off some of the droplets. The landed upon Chevy like rain and alls he could do was whole heartedly laugh."Kai Jarvela. It's a pleasure to meet you. So what is there to do around these parts?" he questioned with a bit of mischief within his smooth voice. He lowered his frame deeper into the water, allowing the cold liquid to cover his back and almost fully submerge him.



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-07-2018, 12:03 PM
Ah, the company of others was something that always pleased him. The wolves he'd had the pleasure of meeting so far in life had all been quite entertaining, each one unique and memorable in their own ways - and that alone was enough to drive Kai to continue his sometimes overly social ways. Though fiercely independent, the thrill of meeting new individuals was highly sought after for him and being alone all the time simply couldn't compare. He was pleased to see that this stranger seemed equally content to be meeting someone new. Even if he might seem a bit wary, even more-so he seemed happy, and Kai felt a certain camaraderie with this stranger... however unfamiliar he might be to him.

Bobbing gently above the surface of the water, Kai dipped his head in a slight nod at Cheveyo's words.  "Anything fun?" He repeated, not mocking but simply musing aloud. He hummed softly, paddling in a slow semi-circle where he was floating in the water.  "I suppose it depends what sort of things you consider fun, Cheveyo." Some wolves were more inclined to find joy in settling down with others, in starting families and earning a place within a pack - all those things, at least to Kai, sounded pretty damn boring. No, he was an adventurer at heart and far more inclined to find joy in exploring the world and forging his own path. Was Chevy the same, he wondered?  "To the east of here are some pretty terrifying cliffs, if you're a thrill-seeker." Kai had never jumped from those cliffs, he was sure that would be a death sentence, but perhaps trying to scale them might be a nice challenge.  "And to the west-" The silver-furred male tipped his head upward and swiveled around to face the west, squinting against the sun in his eyes.  "There's a pretty spectacular volcano to behold, though those lands are claimed by a pack. I'd warn you not to trespass, but perhaps causing trouble is your thing?" That playful grin returned, turning to face Cheveyo again with a curious look.



2 Years
10-07-2018, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2018, 07:31 PM by Cheveyo.)
Kai seemed to think over Chevy's question but only for a moment. He spoke about terrifying cliffs. Cheveyo's ears perked forward listening intently. Cliffs huh? He thought momentarily. But his thoughts were broken by Kai's next suggestion. A volcano on pack lands. He had never seen a volcano. But on pack lands? He could hear his father harshly scolding him for even thinking about that being a possibility. But Ludis was no longer, he couldn't tell him what to do anymore.

Chevy shook his head slowly, "As much as I want to see a volcano, I dont think going on pack lands is a good idea. I want to live to explore another day." He chuckled softly. His father's influence was too great for the young wolf to disobey his teachings. He wanted to join a pack someday but right now he was content with Kai. Though a stranger still, he was the closest thing he had to a friend now. His guard was slowly falling as he watched the cobalt male swim in circles near him. He could feel his muscles relaxing by the moment. He could be making a terrible mistake, it was true. In truth he barely knew his companion. But in this moment he did not care. He had someone to talk to, to explore with and to relax with. It may be silly to some but Chevy needed this. It was the biggest fault his family had kept through the generations. The need for companionship.

Toxic orbs looked to the east with curiosity. "How terrifying are those cliffs?" His words held a mock skepticism. He had seen some pretty freaky cliffs in his life but never any around here. Maybe they were different, maybe they were the same. But either way he could finally do something!



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-18-2018, 07:46 AM
Kai's grin widened playfully as he saw interest creeping over Cheveyo's features, as clear as day. The thought of giving a newcomer some direction in these lands was wildly appealing - he'd never thought that being a guide of sorts might be enjoyable, but he was beginning to reconsider the idea. He wondered briefly if this new acquaintance would be down for a bit of danger, though his next comment told him a bit about Chevy's limits. He wasn't interested in toying with such danger, and Kai couldn't blame him. He wasn't willing to rush headfirst into it, either, but.. he could be swayed to do something so foolish with a companion, or even on a whim. Foresight wasn't his strongest characteristic, and consequences weren't something he thought much about at all. Perhaps it'd get him in trouble some day, but he would worry about that when the time came, he supposed.

"Fair enough," he responded, chuckling softly as he whirled around in the water one more time.   "Though the volcano is quite spectacular. You can get a good look at it outside of their borders, don't worry!" Of course it wouldn't be quite as nice as trying to trek up its peak, but beggars couldn't be choosers, right? It was still a splendid view, of Cheveyo chose to see it regardless. The conversation shifted though, to the cliffs he'd spoken of.   "Pretty terrifying. In a good way," Kai added as a quick afterthought, grinning still.   "It almost looks as though something has taken a bite bite out of the land. The drop is quite sudden. Hardly looks like you could climb back up at all." If not, all it would take would be a good long swim to make their way back safely back to shore. The only question was... would Chevy be willing to take a little trip with him?

"I haven't tried jumping to the water before, nor climbing back up them, but I'd be willing to give it a go." He offered quite nonchalantly. No big deal if he had no interest, but if he displayed any Kai would be quick to abandon this peaceful lake and find something more exciting to occupy their day with.