


07-09-2013, 12:02 AM


After seeing all that the North had to offer, Tyberius headed East. He wasn't intending on staying, no, he was going back to Medusa. The serpent queen. She looked as if she were willing to give anyone a chance and he was happy for that. He felt like it gave him the opportunity to pull the wool over her eyes as he did what he loved the most: created chaos. It was too early in the game for him to be doing stunts like that. Tyberius had to gain her trust first. He was still on the fence about what he was thinking of doing. Maybe it wouldn't be worth it to bother the alpha. Maybe he would just stick to pestering his packmates. It would be better than risking everything. Tyberius hadn't completely ruled out the fact that he might end up liking Medusa enough to not lie to her. Fat chance, he thought, although he couldn't know for sure.

His dark nails clicked against the stone, his pads slightly warmed from the sun's heat. It had gone down hours ago but a faint warmth was still left on the rocks, a pleasurable feeling. He came to a stop after a few more steps, looking out over the steppe. The full moon's light gave him more than enough light to see and, so far as he could tell, he was the only wolf there. Sure, there were rabbits and the like, but his hunger had been satisfied earlier in the day. Hunting was hard enough when he was hungry, let alone when he was full, so he tried not to hunt when it wasn't absolutely necessary. That was probably the reason why he was underweight, coupled with the extra strain on his body from his lost leg.

What did it matter? Tyberius was almost sure that he was crazy. He wasn't interested in other wolves, the only thing that mattered was himself. Tiresias was long gone and someone he hardly thought about anymore. He leaned forward, attempting to shift his weight to his front legs rather than his back. It was a quiet night thus far, and an enjoyable one.

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 361 NOTES: none.


07-09-2013, 12:42 AM

Despite having made friends with Killian and wanting to spend time with him, the cream peachy tinted she-wolf couldn't deny her need to wander. Of course, she wasn't about to leave Alacritis or Killian, but she just wanted to stretch her paws and get familiar with the land she was apparently going to be calling a permanent home now. She couldn't deny the want to help others and so Alessa had set out the day, wandering about, looking to see if she could run into anyone that she could possibly help. But as she padded through a new territory, she couldn't help but think back to her rough housing with Killian. She hadn't responded to his advances because she had no idea how to defend herself. Or at least, she didn't think she did. She had never had any formal training in combat, but she had always wanted to learn. She'd learned a few things here and there, but not enough to say that she could fight. In her opinion anyway.

Ivory paws touched down on stone, mismatched glancing down as she realized she'd stumbled across some kind of crumbling structure. It was interesting to look at, though what it used to be she could never guess. Nimble limbs carried the young girl around it, suddenly finding herself in the presence of another wolf. Oh I'm sorry, didn't realize anyone else was here. Frame was backed up a couple of steps, widening the gap between them, her lingering thoughts about combat spiking her curiosity in the individual she'd nearly run into. Did he know how to fight?

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07-09-2013, 01:05 AM


A female's voice startled him out of his reverie and he turned around slowly, his lip curling to reveal his teeth. Who was she to interrupt him? No matter, he would take it in stride. Perhaps she could be a good source of entertainment, if he didn't scare her away first. He calmed himself down, hiding his pearly white teeth once more as he glanced her over. She was almost the same size as him, although she had more muscle mass, for sure. Someone had been eating well recently and it wasn't him. Her light fur made her stand out like a sore thumb against the night, fur that would only do her well during the winter months. From the words that came out of her mouth, she wasn't a threat. Not that it mattered to him. He'd bother her all the same.

He opened his mouth to speak but she'd already taken a few steps backward, away from him. "Where do you think you're going, darling? Disgusted by the sight of me?" He laughed in an unamused way, more of a scoffing sound than anything. "Can't imagine what it would be like to be missing a part of you? To have it torn from you in the most painful way?" This was an insight into his soul that no one else had yet seen. Tyberius could have been cracking in this very moment and no one would have known except for the white female before him. But he wasn't. This sort of banter took place in his head at times. It was very rare that it would ever see the light of day.

"I know," he continued. "It's okay. I've lived with this for most of my life, I understand everything." He had changed abruptly, still on track but no longer accusing her. It was just another mask to hide behind, another lie to thread for her. He limped toward her, only two steps, before stopping. Putting on his best imitation of his brother, Tiresias, he spoke once more. "Sorry. I'm Tyberius. I didn't mean to frighten or offend." Brother, you have served me well for one thing, he thought wickedly. His tail twitched.

"What are you doing out here alone?"

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 372 NOTES: oh jeez, he's a mess.


07-09-2013, 02:44 AM

He wasn't an ugly wolf by any standards. Certainly was handsome in his own right, but he was no Killian. Not that she really liked liked Killian, but she did feel a rather strong attachment to the boy who shared a similar past to hers. Her first friend, a friend who was slowly worming himself a place inside of her usually empty heart. And then the man before her started talking, mumbling something about things she had no idea what he was talking about. Where do you think you're going, darling? Disgusted by the sight of me? Can't imagine what it would be like to be missing a part of you? To have it torn from you in the most painful way? She hadn't barely said a few words and already he was blaming her for supposedly something she had insinuated? Alessa stared quietly at the man, allowing her mismatched gaze to roam over his frame, noticing that one of his hind legs was missing. Oh, so that's what he was talking about. Surely that had to be pretty hard, walking around with only three legs. She felt kind of bad for him, wishing there was some way she could help him, but knowing that she couldn't. It wasn't like she go get a leg for him and put it back on. It was impossible. Poor guy.

And then he continued on, talking about how he understood everything only to go on and excuse himself for his ranting, introducing himself as Tyberious, asking her what she was doing out here all alone. It's quite alright Tyberious, didn't bother me none. My name's Alessa and I'm just wandering around, looking to see if anyone needs help. So far haven't run into anyone that has. What about yourself? Voice was soft, very gentle in tones as she spoke, ivory tail flicking idly between her hocks, peachy ears perked forward with attention, wandering what kind of explanation he would provide for his presence in this particular place.

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07-09-2013, 02:47 PM


Her tone was soft as she explained why she was out so late alone. Not a very good reason, he thought but decided not to say anything. Her wishes, however stupid he thought them to be, were still her wishes. Nothing he could do about that. Alessa had swallowed up his lies, though, and he liked that. In all honesty, if he was still normal, if he'd still been the same wolf he'd been with his brother, he might have found her attractive. But he was no longer normal.

"I've grown tired of the West, so I've come exploring." No need to lead her on to where he was actually stationed, in case she could somehow use it against him. "It's boring out here," he stated bluntly. Nothing would change. He wasn't the one to physically cause things to happen, he just poked and prodded until they took off without him.

As Tyberius spoke, he was internally wondering if he could best her. Alessa did have all of her pieces still but she would probably take it easy on him, if he was assuming correctly. She was possibly the prime candidate for a spar; if he could practice against her, he could move on to more formidable foes. Medusa would eventually realize that he was worth very little to Amenti and he was bound and determined that he would never let her get to that realization.

Using his newly-found manners, ripped right from his brother, he asked, "Would you care for a spar? It might take the boredom away for both of us." If she accepted, Tyberius would think her insane. He had already shown that he was mentally unstable, flipping between pretend personalities like cards. It was late, and there were very few other wolves in the vicinity that would be awake. If he were a liar... a violent liar and decided to tear her throat out instead, who would know? She'd lay here until morning.

Tyberius wouldn't do anything of the sort, however. That would blow his cover and that couldn't happen just yet. He stood before her, awaiting her answer.

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 353 NOTES: he's convinced that he's gonna win. little does he know. xD


07-09-2013, 09:33 PM

I've grown tired of the West, so I've come exploring. It's boring out here. She nodded in agreement with his statement. It was very much boring. When she wasn't with Killian of course. When she was, it was a whole other story. She was never bored in his presence. Despite his past, he was a good guy, very sweet and pretty funny, playful to boot. She was glad she'd come across him. She would never openly admit it to herself, but she'd always secretly wanted a friend and Killian had finally made her wish come true.

And then he was talking again, asking if she would like to spar. He was either psyche or he'd been thinking the same thing as her. That's actually a perfect idea. I've been wanting to practice fighting. She didn't mind that he'd been a little weird at the beginning of their meeting; she'd met stranger wolves during her travels. Right now, as long as he was willing to spar with her, she was totally game. If only Killian was here to give her some pointers.

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07-12-2013, 09:34 PM


In his head, he saw himself lunging forward, pushing her back with his chest. Tyberius had no doubt in his mind that he would win - he was a male after all, and had the "of course I'm going to win" attitude of a pup. Sure, he was down a limb and underweight by fifteen pounds, but what did that matter? Certainly he still had enough muscle to best a female. In reality, he would leave this place a loser. It was the inevitable.

"As always, ladies first," he said, his green gaze on her as he began to move, circling her. "The only thing left to ask is how easy I should go on you." Tyberius smirked at her, overconfident. There was no thought in his mind that he could lose to her. "And how much blood we intend to spill here, if any." His tail was held high to keep his balance, yet not too high for her to grab easily.

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 163 NOTES: sorry, crappy post is crappy.


07-14-2013, 06:45 PM

Although he seemed pretty willing to spar with her, the cream, peachy she-wolf was rather hesitant about sparing about Tyberius. Not because she wasn't confident in her own ability; she figured she would be able to decently hold her own if it came down to a real fight despite not having any experience. It was just that...he was a three legged wolf. A part of her did feel rather sorry for him, she couldn't imagine living only on three legs when she'd been living with all fours of hers. But at the same time she highly respected the man, for being able to live the way that she did. All in all, she would try and go easy on the man, though not enough that he would be able to say that she was pitying him because he seemed like the kind of man that didn't appreciate or want the world's pity.

He began to circle her and she allowed him, mismatched gems flickering to his frame, observing him as he moved, audits twitching to attention as he allowed her the first move, musing out loud how much blood they should spill. That's very nice of you, but since it was your idea, I think it'd be a better idea that you go first. And not too much yes? It is a spar after all. Stilts rotated the dame so that she was facing the man, muscles beginning to tense beneath her coat as she waited to see what his reaction would be and if he would take the first move she'd offered back to him.

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07-14-2013, 10:15 PM


"As you wish," he replied, giving her a moment to brace herself. He then lunged forward awkwardly, most of his weight on his front legs as he aimed for her right front leg. Tyberius' goal was to injure her front leg a little with his teeth, unconsciously trying to make a level playing field.

His ears flattened to his skull to avoid her tearing them to ribbons and he tucked his head down some so that she wouldn't have a clear shot at his throat. His eyes were half-closed so as to keep good visibility but stop any real damage to them. Accidents could happen even in sparring and he was already down a limb - losing an eye wouldn't do him any good.


attacks: snapping at her right front leg, hoping to maim her

defenses: ears flattening to skull, head tucked to protect neck, eyes slitted

injuries: none.

TAG: alessa! WORDS: not enough. NOTES: i'm working on getting my muse back./edited to fix rounds and attack, defense, injuries


07-14-2013, 11:16 PM

He agreed easily enough, voicing his agreement, allowing her several moments of preparation, although they were unnecessary since she was already pretty prepared. And then he was lunging forward, the attack rather awkward given his missing hind limb. The man tucked himself low, aiming for her front right leg (not sure which one since you didn't specify). All of this was analyzed within a few seconds before Alessa came up with her own defensive strategy. She could probably just jump out of the way but that was too easy. She needed real experience, close quarter combat and jumping out of the way would not help that. So instead the young girl lowered herself to a crouch, muscles tensing beneath her coat, haunches taut, ivory dipped plume flagged out and limbs set for balance, talons kneading into the soil for better traction as she tucked her chin against her chest, audits flattening against her skull as her eyes narrowed to slits. She waited a moment before launching herself forward, right shoulder jutted out from her body, aimed towards his chest, looking to use his offset of balance against him and hopefully knock him down, consequently disarming his lunge towards her leg.


Attack: Lunged forward, looking to ram her shoulder into his chest and knock him down

Defense: crouch, muscles tensing beneath her coat, haunches taut, ivory dipped plume flagged out and limbs set for balance, talons kneading into the soil for better traction as she tucked her chin against her chest, audits flattening against her skull as her eyes narrowed to slits.

Injuries: None

OOC: I was kind confused about him going after her leg? Was he going to bite it? And no worries, my muse isn't to great either


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07-18-2013, 11:26 PM


He had not banked on Alessa lunging back at him, with much more force than he was capable of using. Her shoulder collided with his chest, possibly harder than she'd intended, and it knocked him to the side. His right front leg saved him from collapsing completely; however, the momentum was too much and he took two hops to his right to correct his balance. Tyberius was happy that she hadn't hit him from the left side, else he'd be down on the ground with his soft belly showing. His new strategy was to keep her on his right side, since she'd by now see that his left side was his weakness. It would be difficult but he would try.

Tyberius wasn't far from her now, close enough to aim for the scruff on the side of her neck. She wouldn't be as willing to continue sparring if he'd gone for the throat, he was sure of that. His ears were still flat against his skull, his eyes still slitted. His tail was held high enough for balance but not too high. As quickly as he could manage, he bared his teeth and went for that bit of fur between her neck and shoulder on her left side. His front paws were thrust forward, hoping to find their way to her left side to support himself.


attacks: aiming to bite the scruff on her left side between her neck and shoulderblade, hoping to land his paws on her side for support

defenses: ears still flat against skull, eyes slitted against major damage, tail held high enough for balance but low enough to evade her teeth

injuries: bruising to his chest

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 226 NOTES: edited for rounds.


07-19-2013, 01:37 PM

Her intended shoulder ram hit home, although it didn't provide the expected result. Instead of knocking him completely off his paws and onto the ground, it simply threw him off balance, causing him to have to hop to the right two paces in order to recover his balance. In the mean time, Alessa centered herself again, all four limbs splayed out evenly beneath her, audits flattened against her skull, mismatched gems narrowed to slits, plume streamline with her spine as she waited to see what his next move would be.

She didn't have to wait long. Tyberius was launching himself towards her again, this time aiming higher, towards her left side, specifically the area around her scruff and shoulder-blade. But again, Alessa was ready for him. Turning to face him head on, she essentially threw off his entire attack, essentially initiating her own attack. The creamy peach she-wolf threw herself back onto her hind limbs, haunches tensing to support her weight, talons digging into the soil for better traction, tail held aloft for balance as she raised her forelimbs off the ground, raising them high enough to possibly lock them around his neck, using her upward momentum against him to hopefully throw him back onto his haunches, disabling him once again, meanwhile keeping her chin tucked against her chest, jaws agape and ready to snap at the first piece of flesh she could snag.

Round 2/3

Attack: Reared back onto her haunches, trying to wrap her forelimbs around his neck, using her upward momentum to hopefully throw him back onto his haunches and disable him, meanwhile trying to snap at the closest piece of flesh

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, chin tucked, haunches tense, plume aligned with her spine, audits flattened, talons dug into the soil for traction

Injuries: None

OOC: how many rounds did you want?


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07-21-2013, 10:46 PM


Tyberius felt like, no matter what he did, he'd never catch her off-guard. She, on the other hand, was throwing him curve balls he couldn't catch. His teeth missed her neck, instead snapping shut on thin air. There would be a soreness for a few days, that much was obvious.

Her paws found their way around his own neck, her weight pushing him back onto his haunches. Tyberius was so surprised that he forgot any defenses at all, his rump hitting the ground hard. The only defensive move he made was to move his face away from her sharp teeth but he wasn't quite quick enough. She made contact with the left side of his face and he let out a yelp of pain. His ears flattened against his head as he struck out at her with his left front paw, hoping to simultaneously push her away and tear her flesh. Her teeth were still digging into his face but he was banking that his attempted attack would connect, making her let go. It would bleed, surely, but freedom was more important.

For the first time, he realized that he was losing. She was much stronger than he was and he had no chance against her. A low whine escaped him as he considered giving in. His hind leg was paining him but he didn't say anything. He was sure that it would all be over soon.


attacks: striking out with left front paw, hoping to either push her away or tear her skin with his claws

defenses: leaning back to avoid her teeth (to no avail)

injuries: bruising to his chest, bite wound to side of face, sore teeth

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 237 NOTES: wanna do three rounds? he's tuckered out. lol/edited for rounds


07-22-2013, 12:37 AM

Despite never having been in a spar before, the young woman was actually doing pretty well. Or at least that's what she thought. what would her friend Killian think if he saw sparring? He seemed like someone who maybe knew a little about it. Would he think that she was doing well? Obviously she would need more work, but she hoped she was at least doing a decent job. Her quick thinking saved her, Tyberius' jaws snapping against thin air, probably reverberating rather painfully. That might hurt tomorrow morning. Clearly he had bitten more than he could chew, the creamy peach woman able to gain the upper paw rather easily since he appeared to not really know what he was doing. Her forelimbs landed around his shoulders, the force behind them allowing her plan to follow throw, the man landing rather hard on his haunches as his hind limb folded beneath him. Haunches remained taut, the claws of her hind paws dug snugly into the earth for optimum traction, plume held aloft for added balance, audits flattened against her skull as she kept her slit eyes on him.

Her attack left him rather stunned, although he was still able to react in time, pulling his face away from her snapping jaws, though he didn't escape completely unscathed. Her upper fangs pierced the delicate flesh of his lips, sinking in about an inch or two. A bit of blood filled her jaws, but her hold didn't last long. The brute lashed out with his left forepaw, looking to push her away and inflict damage at the same time. Despite having her eyes slit for protection and pulling her head away from his flailing paw, she was exactly quick enough. His talons raked across the bottom portion of her muzzle, coming from the middle to the tip of her nose. Instantly she released her hold on him, releasing her grip from around his neck, allowing her left forelimb to drop to the ground while she too struck out at him, using her right forepaw as her weapon, aiming to catch him around the cheek or neck.

Round 3/3

Attack: Swung out at him with her right forepaw

Defense: Haunches taut, talons dug into the soil, plume aloft for balance, audits pinned and eyes slit, pulling away from his swiping paw(though too slow)

Injuries: Shallows gauges from the middle of her muzzle down to her nose

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07-22-2013, 12:10 PM


Somehow, in his panic, he'd managed to draw blood across her muzzle. He doubted there would be scarring, they were just scratches, but the lines reminded him of Tiresias. The realization hit him hard but he turned his attention back to the fea. She'd let him go, thankfully enough. The place where her teeth had torn at his face was throbbing and he was ready to call it quits. This spar had not gone as he'd expected it too. Perhaps he'd been too cocksure ahead of time.

The cream-colored female had removed her paws from around his neck, her right forepaw thrust out at him. He turned his face away, not wanting her to land another blow there. Tyberius' remaining hind leg was quivering so that he couldn't move away, but the twisting of his neck had given her claws free reign. They tore down the right side of his chest, leaving red lines in their wake. He squealed, baring his teeth at her. This overload of pain was more than he could stand.

At any rate, she had bested him. He was still that pup, years later, who couldn't defend himself. He was still that pup who couldn't catch his own meal. The news bore on him heavily. "Enough. I forfeit," he said to her, his eyes blazing with anger as his sore teeth clicked together. It wasn't her fault he was defective but he couldn't help but be angry with her. She had highlighted his faults and drug them out on display.

attacks: none.

defenses: turning his face to the left to avoid her claws, bared teeth

injuries: bruising to his chest, bite wound to side of face, sore teeth, scratches down the right side of his chest

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 254 NOTES: done!

The Judge


07-27-2013, 10:03 PM

TYBERIUS vs ALESSA for Practise

Round 1

4/ 10 for clarity- you tell us where he is aiming for, which is great, but I feel more effort could have been put into his take on the situation. Where is he standing in relation to Alessa when he lunges? Eg. Is he facing her head-on, or at a slight left or right angle? Also, quote: ?He then lunged forward awkwardly, most of his weight on his front legs? When a wolf lunges, they will be pushing off their hinds. It is plausible for your character to then land and lean to his front legs, though you do not elaborate on this, hence the loss of points here. Also, you fail to suggest what injuries Tyberius hopes to inflict with his attack, ?to maim? is not really enough to give us a decent idea of his intentions. What was he aiming for? The Suspensory Ligament? To crush bone? Tear an artery?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

4/ 10 for defenses. ears flattening to skull, head tucked to protect neck, eyes slitted ? I would have liked to see more here, though your defences are realistic.

5/ 10 for attack. One attack to the right foreleg via jaws. Goals not mentioned.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one TYBERIUS Total: 33/50


8 / 10 for clarity- Fairly clear, though I feel based on your defences that Tyberius? attack could have landed in some way or another. Alessa lowers herself to a crouch, but she does not actually move out of the way. Yes, she lunges forwards, but she?s lunging towards open jaws- be careful with your realism.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. No power playing.

7 / 10 for defenses. crouch, muscles tensing beneath her coat, haunches taut, ivory dipped plume flagged out and limbs set for balance, talons kneading into the soil for better traction as she tucked her chin against her chest, audits flattening against her skull as her eyes narrowed to slits.

5 / 10 for attack. One attack to Tyberius? chest, aiming to knock him down.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one ADETTE Total: 40/50

Round 2

9/ 10 for clarity- Good job with clarity this time! I deducted one point purely for the attack, where his paws were held out for support. I feel as though this would have interfered with his bite to the neck, as the legs would be holding him slightly away from her should he succeed.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

4/ 10 for defenses. ears still flat against skull, eyes slitted, tail held high. You didn?t mention it in your summary, but I added an extra point for the side-ways hopping to regain his balance.

5 / 10 for attack. One attack to the scruff with his jaws, paws held outwards for support.

8 / 10 for injuries.Bruising to the chest.

Round two TYBERIUS Total: 36/50


6 / 10 for clarity- Your post is clear, but I feel your double full dodge is unrealistic. Once again, Tyberius? attack to the scruff was likely to hit, as there were not any defences mentioned previously that would have countered it. Had you of not full dodged before I would have let it slide, but two full misses in a row when both attacks were plausible is pushing it a bit far. She would have struggled to gain enough momentum to get out of the way so quickly.

10/ 10 for powerplaying. No Powerplay

8 / 10 for defenses. Eyes narrowed, chin tucked, haunches tense, plume aligned with her spine, audits flattened, talons dug into the soil for traction

7/ 10 for attack. Upwards rear on the hinds as she attempts to wrap forelegs around Tyberius? neck, attempting to throw him backwards whilst also snapping at flesh.

10 / 10 for injuries.No injuries, however I feel there should have been!

Round two ALESSA Total: 41/50

Round 3

10/ 10 for clarity- Clear post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

4 / 10 for defenses. Leaning back to avoid her teeth. Again, you failed to list this, but I added extra points for ears against scalp in your post.

3 / 10 for attack. One attack with a single paw, attempting to swipe Alessa or push her away. Wolves do not have much strength in their forelimbs, nor are their nails able to tear skin.

6 / 10 for injuries.Bruising to the chest, bite wound to face.

Round three TYBERIUS Total: 33/50


9 / 10 for clarity- clear

7/ 10 for defenses. Haunches taut, talons dug into the soil, plume aloft for balance, audits pinned and eyes slit, pulling away from his swiping paw

2/ 10 for attack. Swipe to the neck or face with right forepaw. A weak attack unlikely to do damage, wolf nails do not cut skin.

8 / 10 for injuries.Minor scratches down the snout.

Round three ALESSA Total: 34/50

And the winner is...

ALESSA! Tyberius must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


TYBERIUS- No serious injuries, though the wounds to the face may scar or be prone to infection.

ALESSA- No serious injuries.


Good job guys! Owlie, your clarity was poor in your first post, however your other posts you recovered quite well. Remember to keep an eye on this, and to learn to incorporate more defences as I feel that is what let you down. However, I appreciate your realism within your posts, and for staying true to Tyberius? character. Wolfeyez, you did very well, try to limit wolf-speak in your post summaries as judges may misunderstand your defences and attacks. Also, keep your realism in mind- I feel as if your full dodges were unlikely. Congratulations!

- By [Yumpy]


07-31-2013, 09:04 PM

This had been a bad idea. She should've never agreed to have spar with him. This wasn't getting her anywhere. Not only was he a wolf that only had three legs, already making the spar unfair, but he also seemed to believe that everyone else pitied him or thought something bad about him because of his disability. Perhaps reaching out to others to help wasn't such a good idea after all.

All four paws came back down to the earth, the peachy she-wolf back up a few paces, bowing her crown to the man. Forgive me. She spared him one lasting glance before racing off, not daring to look back. Perhaps sparring wasn't such a good idea after all, especially with strangers.


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