
New Chapter



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-27-2018, 12:47 PM

Fallowing Shaye's companion had made travels vary easy. The creature seemed to know exactly where to go and where to stay away from. The creature was also always making sure he was keeping up. The travel had been nice and though it was summer things were somewhat mild today compared to other days. It helped to calm his anxious being. This would be a whole new experience and part of the young male was worried that it wouldn't work out, that he himself wouldn't be good enough for the pack. Being young and lacking some experience he should have had by now he feared it would cripple his chances with being a part of Abaven. Shaye's words still echoed within his mind, he was someone they were looking for. It made him feel special and drove him to continue with his decision of joining.

The sounds from the rapids raged in the distance and the bird landed on a branch. Allegro stopped and looked up to the creature giving it a thankful smile before it flew back towards the battlefield. His attention turned back to the territory in front of him, the claim marker on the borders were strong. He didn't know how long Shaye may be gone and he didn't feel it was proper to cross the borders without her, so he explored around the area close to the boarders (on the loner side). Getting familiar with what was around this territory so he properly knew the borders. He also occupied his time by looking for game trails and looking for movements going into the territory.

He wasn't sure how long all that had taken, but he moved back to the spot where he parted with the bird to patiently wait for Shaye.

"Allegro Talk", & 'Allegro Think"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-27-2018, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2018, 01:27 AM by Shaye I.)

Feather had returned to her side, not long after Allegro had departed, and she knew the man had made it safely to his new pack borders.
She spent the rest of the day in the battlefield, before hurrying back to Abaven to keep the appointments she had made.

Feather had lead her new recruit to the Rapids, and it was easy to catch his scent, and eventually, a glance at the white wolf. She strolled up to him, her bird companion giving a little, twittered greeting before fluttering off to the nearby trees. Her companion didnt often greet wolves, Allegro must not have tried even so much as a bite.

The new alpha grinned, before giving her tail a light wag and stepping over the invisible marker. "Welcome to Abaven, Allegro." She formally welcomed him into the pack borders. "Walk with me" she asked him, in what felt like the growings of a tradition. She began a path besides the Rapids, the sound of rushing water filling the momentary silence. "Abaven has a lot of gaps to full, so talk to me through the rank and position you want here. Whatever path you chose, I can promise you there will be a lot of opportunity to grow and rise through the ranks." She would begin the conversation about his future with an inviting smile.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
12-03-2018, 09:51 PM

Shortly after he had moved back, from his exploring the border, did a little tweet of a greeting come from the little companion of Shaye's as she strolled up beside him. Allegro grinned at her, his tail gently wagging as she moved passed him and stepped over the invisible border. She formally welcomed him and invited him to join her. He obliged and moved passed the border to walk beside her.

His ears were in tune to her as she began to speak wanting to know what path he would seek within the pack. Explaining that there would be plenty of room to rise within the pack. It wasn't hard for him to know what he wanted to do, the skill that gave him the most satisfaction and what he felt he could do best within the pack.

"I feel I would do best as a hunter I feel my skills are improving day to day and I love the challenge when it comes to tracking prey. I feel it would be the easiest for me to grow in and I want to be able to provide for the pack members." he replied his blue eyes looking to her face a brief moment.

Though most of his learning had come from trial and error so far he was excited to learn more with hunting and tracking.

"Allegro Talk", & 'Allegro Think"